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File metadata and controls

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1315 lines (876 loc) · 76.3 KB


MarkupKit is a framework for simplifying development of native iOS applications. It allows developers to construct user interfaces declaratively using a human-readable markup language, rather than programmatically in code or interactively using a visual modeling tool such as Interface Builder.

Building an interface in markup makes it easy to visualize the resulting output as well as recognize differences between revisions. It is also a metaphor that many developers are comfortable with, thanks to the ubiquity of HTML and the World Wide Web.

For example, the following markup declares an instance of UILabel and sets the value of its text property to "Hello, World!":

<UILabel text="Hello, World!"/>

The output produced by this markup is identical to the output of the following Swift code:

let label = UILabel()
label.text = "Hello, World!"

This document introduces the MarkupKit framework and provides an overview of its key features. The next section describes the structure of a MarkupKit document and explains how view instances are created and configured in markup. The remaining sections introduce the classes included with the MarkupKit framework and describe how they can be used to help simplify application development. Extensions to several UIKit classes that enhance the classes' behavior or adapt their respective types for use in markup are also discusssed.

MarkupKit requires iOS 8 or later. The latest release can be downloaded here. It is also available via CocoaPods.

For examples and additional information, please see the wiki.

Document Structure

MarkupKit uses XML to define the structure of a user interface. In a MarkupKit document, XML elements typically represent UIView instances, and XML attributes generally represent properties of those views. The hierarchical nature of XML parallels the view hierarchy of a UIKit application, making it easy to understand the relationships between views.


XML elements in a MarkupKit document typically represent instances of UIView or its subclasses. As elements are read by the XML parser, the corresponding class instances are dynamically created and added to the view hierarchy.

View instances are typically constructed by invoking the new method on the named view type. However, in some cases it is necessary to invoke a "factory" method to create the instance. This is discussed in more detail later.

MarkupKit adds the following method to the UIView class to facilitate construction of a view hierarchy from markup:

- (void)appendMarkupElementView:(UIView *)view;

This method is called on the superview of each view declared in the document (except for the root, which has no superview) to add the view to its parent. The default implementation does nothing; subclasses must override this method to implement view-specific behavior.

For example, LMTableView (a MarkupKit-provided subclass of UITableView) overrides this method to call insertCell:forRowAtIndexPath: on itself, and LMScrollView overrides it to call setContentView:. Other classes that support sub-elements provide similar overrides.

Elements may also represent untyped data. For example, the content of a UISegmentedControl is specified by its insertSegmentWithImage:atIndex:animated: or insertSegmentWithTitle:atIndex:animated: methods rather than via subviews. In MarkupKit, this is represented as follows:

    <segment title="Small"/>
    <segment title="Medium"/>
    <segment title="Large"/>
    <segment title="Extra-Large"/>

Each <segment> element corresponds to a call to the following method, which is also added to UIView:

- (void)processMarkupElement:(NSString *)tag properties:(NSDictionary *)properties;

This method would be called for each <segment> element in the above example. The element's name, "segment", would be passed in the tag argument, and a key/value pair representing the segment's title would be included in the dictionary passed as the properties argument.

Like appendMarkupElementView:, the default implementation of this method does nothing. UIView subclasses must override it to provide view-specific behavior.


XML attributes in a MarkupKit document typically represent properties of or actions associated with a view. For example, the following markup declares an instance of UISwitch whose on property is set to true:

<UISwitch on="true"/>

Property values are set using key-value coding (KVC). Type conversions for string, number, and boolean properties are handled automatically by KVC. Other types, such as enumerations, colors, fonts, and images, are handled specifically by MarkupKit and are discussed in more detail below.

Because MarkupKit uses setValue:forKeyPath: internally to apply property values, it is possible to set properties of nested objects in markup. For example, the following markup creates an instance of UIButton whose title label's font property is set to "Helvetica-Bold 32":

<UIButton style="systemButton" normalTitle="Press Me!" titleLabel.font="Helvetica-Bold 32"/>

Attributes whose names begin with "on" generally represent control events, or "actions". The values of these attributes represent the handler methods that are triggered when their associated events are fired. The only exceptions are attributes representing properties whose names begin with "on", including the on property itself. Actions are discussed in more detail below.

A few attributes have special meaning in MarkupKit and do not represent either properties or actions. These include "style", "class", and "id". Their respective purposes are explained in more detail later.


Enumerated types are not automatically handled by KVC. However, MarkupKit provides translations for enumerations commonly used by UIKit. For example, the following markup creates an instance of UITextField that displays a clear button only while the user is editing and presents a software keyboard suitable for entering email addresses:

<UITextField placeholder="Email Address" clearButtonMode="whileEditing" keyboardType="emailAddress"/>

Enumeration values in MarkupKit are abbreviated versions of their UIKit counterparts. The attribute value is simply the full name of the enum value minus the leading type name, with a lowercase first character. For example, "whileEditing" in the above example corresponds to the UITextFieldViewModeWhileEditing value of the UITextFieldViewMode enum. Similarly, "emailAddress" corresponds to the UIKeyboardTypeEmailAddress value of the UIKeyboardType enum.

Note that attribute values are converted to enum types based solely on the attribute's name, not its value or associated property type. For example, the following markup sets the value of the label's text property to the literal string "whileEditing", not the UITextFieldViewModeWhileEditing enum value:

<UILabel text="whileEditing"/>


The value of any attribute whose name equals "color" or ends with "Color" is converted to an instance of UIColor before the property value is set. Colors in MarkupKit are represented by a hexadecimal RGB[A] value preceded by a hash symbol.

For example, the following markup creates a UILabel that reads "A Red Label" and sets its text color to red:

<UILabel text="A Red Label" textColor="#ff0000"/>


The value of any attribute whose name equals "font" or ends with "Font" is converted to an instance of UIFont before the property value is set. Fonts in MarkupKit are specified in one of two ways:

  • As an explicitly named font, using the full name of the font, followed by a space and the font size; for example, "HelveticaNeue-Medium 24"
  • As a dynamic font, using the name of the text style; e.g. "headline"

For example, the following markup creates a UILabel that reads "This is Helvetica 24 text" and sets its font to 24-point Helvetica:

<UILabel text="This is Helvetica 24 text" font="Helvetica 24"/>

This markup creates a UILabel that reads "This is headline text" and sets its font to whatever is currently configured for the "headline" text style:

<UILabel text="This is headline text" font="headline"/>

The current system font can be specified by using "System" as the font name. "System-Bold" and "System-Italic" are also supported.


The value of any attribute whose name is "image" or ends with "Image" is converted to an instance of UIImage before the property value is set. The image is loaded from the application's main bundle via the imageNamed: method of the UIImage class.

For example, the following markup creates an instance of UIImageView and sets the value of its image property to an image named "background.png":

<UIImageView image="background.png"/>

Edge Insets

The UIView class allows a caller to specify the amount of space that should be reserved around all of its subviews when laying out its contents. This value is called the view's "layout margins" and is represented by an instance of the UIEdgeInsets structure.

Since structure types aren't supported by XML, MarkupKit provides a shorthand for specifying layout margin values. The "layoutMargins" attribute accepts a single numeric value that will be applied to all of the structure's components.

For example, the following markup creates an instance of LMTableViewCell whose top, left, bottom, and right layout margins are set to 20:

<LMTableViewCell layoutMargins="20">

Edge inset properties of several other view types can also be specified using this shorthand. For example:

<UIButton normalTitle="Click Me!" contentEdgeInsets="12"/>

<UITextView height="240" textContainerInset="7" textContainer.lineFragmentPadding="0"/>

<UICollectionView style="flowLayoutCollectionView" sectionInset="10"/>

Additionally, MarkupKit adds properties to these view types that allow edge inset components to be specified individually. This is discussed in more detail later.


If an attribute's value begins with "@", MarkupKit attempts to look up a localized version of the value before setting the property. For example, if an application has defined a localized greeting in Localizable.strings as follows:

"hello" = "Hello, World!";

the following markup will produce an instance of UILabel with the value of its text property set to "Hello, World!":

<UILabel text="@hello"/>

If a localized value is not found, the key will be used instead. For example, if the application does not provide a localized value for "goodbye", the following markup will produce an instance of UILabel containing the literal text "goodbye":

<UILabel text="@goodbye"/>

This allows developers to easily identify missing string resources at runtime.

In addition to the global values defined in Localizable.strings, the strings processing instruction can be used to define a set of local string values that are only visible to the current document. For example, if the application additionally provides the following localized value in a file named MyStrings.strings:

"goodbye" = "Goodbye!";

this markup will produce a table view containing two rows reading "Hello, World!" and "Goodbye!", respectively:

<?strings MyStrings?>

        <UILabel text="@hello"/>
        <UILabel text="@goodbye"/>

Multiple strings PIs may be specified in a single document. The values from all of the named string tables are merged into a single collection of localized string values available to the document. If the same value is defined by multiple tables (including the default, Localizable.strings), the most recently-defined value takes precedence.

Factory Methods

Some UIKit classes can't be instantiated by simply invoking the new method on the type. For example, instances of UIButton are created by calling buttonWithType:, and UITableView instances are initialized with initWithFrame:style:.

MarkupKit doesn't know anything about methods - only instances and properties/events. To handle these cases, MarkupKit supports a special attribute named "style". The value of this attribute is the name of a "factory method", a zero-argument method that produces instances of a given type. MarkupKit adds a number of factory methods to classes such as UIButton and UITableView to enable these types to be constructed in markup.

For example, the following markup creates an instance of a "system"-style UIButton by calling the systemButton method MarkupKit adds to the UIButton class:

<UIButton style="systemButton" normalTitle="Press Me!"/>

Internally, this method calls buttonWithType:, passing a value of UIButtonTypeSystem for the buttonType argument, and returns the newly-created button instance.

The complete set of extensions MarkupKit adds to UIKit types is discussed in more detail later.

Template Properties

Often, when constructing a user interface, the same set of property values are applied repeatedly to instances of a given type. For example, an application designer may want all buttons to have a similar appearance. While it is possible to simply duplicate the property definitions across each button instance, this is repetitive and does not allow the design to be easily modified later - every instance must be located and modified individually, which can be time-consuming and error-prone.

MarkupKit allows developers to abstract common sets of property definitions into "templates", which can then be applied by name to individual view instances. This makes it much easier to assign common property values as well as modify them later.

Property templates may either be external or inline. External templates are defined in property list (or .plist) files. Inline templates are specified using JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) embedded within the markup document iteself. Each template is represented by a dictionary defined at the top level of the property list or JSON document. The dictionary's contents represent the property values that will be set when the template is applied.

Templates are added to a MarkupKit document using the properties processing instruction. For example, the following PI imports all templates defined by MyStyles.plist into the current document:

<?properties MyStyles?>

The inline form adds all of the templates specified within the curly braces to the document:

<?properties {...}?>

Templates are applied to view instances using the reserved "class" attribute. The value of this attribute refers to the name of a template defined by the property list. All property values defined by the template are applied to the view. Nested properties such as "titleLabel.font" are supported.

For example, if MyStyles.plist is defined as follows:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
<plist version="1.0">
		<string>Helvetica 24</string>

the following markup would produce a label reading "Hello, World!" in 24-point Helvetica with horizontally-centered text:

<UILabel class="label.hello" text="Hello, World!"/>

This inline template specification would produce identical results:

<?properties {
    "label.hello: {"font": "Helvetica 24", "textAlignment": "center"}

Multiple templates can be specified using a comma-separated list; for example:

<UILabel class="bold, red" text="Bold Red Label"/>

Note that, although attribute values in XML are always represented as strings, the property values in a template definition can be any valid type; for example, if a property accepts a numeric type, the value can be defined as a number in the property list or JSON document. However, this is not stricly necessary since strings will automatically be converted to the appropriate type by KVC.

Like strings processing instructions, multiple properties PIs may be specified in a single document. Their contents are merged into a single collection of templates available to the document. If the same template is defined by multiple property lists or inline templates, the contents of the templates are merged into a single dictionary. As with strings, the most recently-defined values take precedence.


Views defined in markup are not particularly useful on their own. The reserved "id" attribute can be used to assign a name to a view instance. This creates an "outlet" for the view that makes it accessible to calling code. Using KVC, MarkupKit "injects" the named view instance into the document's owner (generally either the view controller for the root view or the root view itself), allowing the application to interact with it.

For example, the following markup declares a table view containing a UITextField. The text field is assigned an ID of "textField":

        <UITextField id="textField" placeholder="Type something"/>

The owning class might declare an outlet for the text field in Objective-C like this:

@property (nonatomic) UITextField *textField;

or in Swift, like this:

var textField: UITextField!

In either case, when the document is loaded, the outlet will be populated with the text field instance, and the application can interact with it just as if it was created programmatically. Note that the IBOutlet annotation used by Interface Builder to tag outlet properties is also supported by MarkupKit, but is not required.

If the document's owner defines a property named strings, this property will be automatically populated with the final collection of localized string values, represented by an instance of NSDictionary. Similarly, if the owner defines a property named properties, this property will be populated with the final collection of property template values, also an instance of NSDictionary.


Most non-trivial applications need to respond in some way to user interaction. UIKit controls (subclasses of the UIControl class) fire events that notify an application when such interaction has occurred. For example, the UIButton class fires the UIControlEventTouchUpInside event when a button instance is tapped.

While it would be possible for an application to register for events programmatically using outlets, MarkupKit provides a more convenient alternative. Any attribute whose name begins with "on" (but is not equal to "on") is considered a control event. The atrribute value represents the name of the action that will be triggered when the event is fired. The attribute name is simply the "on" prefix followed by the name of the event, minus the "UIControlEvent" prefix.

For example, the following markup declares an instance of UIButton that calls the handleButtonTouchUpInside: method of the document's owner when the button is tapped:

<UIButton style="systemButton" normalTitle="Press Me!" onTouchUpInside="handleButtonTouchUpInside:"/>

Like IBOutlet, MarkupKit supports the IBAction annotation used by Interface Builder, but does not require it.

Processing Instructions

In addition to the document-wide strings and properties processing instructions mentioned earlier, MarkupKit also supports view-specific PIs. These allow developers to provide additional information to the view that can't be easily represented as an attribute value, subview, or untyped element.

MarkupKit adds a processMarkupInstruction:data: method to the UIView class to facilitate PI handling at the view level. For example, LMTableView overrides this method to support section header and footer view declarations and section breaks. These processing instructions and others are discussed in more detail later.

MarkupKit Classes

The remaining sections of this document discuss the classes included with the MarkupKit framework:

  • LMViewBuilder - processes a markup document, deserializing its contents into a view hierarchy that can be used by an iOS application
  • LMTableView and LMTableViewCell - UITableView and UITableViewCell subclasses, respectively, that facilitate the declaration of table view content
  • LMCollectionViewCell - UICollectionViewCell that facilitates declaration of collection view content
  • LMPickerView - UIPickerView subclass that facilitates the declaration of picker view content
  • LMScrollView - UIScrollView subclass that automatically adapts to the size of its content
  • LMPageView - UIScrollView subclass that facilitates the declaration of paged content
  • LMRowView and LMColumnView - layout views that arrange subviews in a horizontal or vertical line, respectively
  • LMSpacer - view that creates flexible space between other views
  • LMLayerView - layout view that arranges subviews in layers, like a stack of transparencies
  • LMLinearGradientView and LMRadialGradientView - views that facilitate the declaration of linear and radial gradient effects, respectively
  • LMPlayerView - view that presents an AV player

Extensions to several UIKit classes that enhance the classes' behavior or adapt their respective types for use in markup are also discusssed.


LMViewBuilder is the class that is actually responsible for loading a MarkupKit document. It defines the following class method, which, given a document name, owner, and optional root view, returns a deserialized view hierarchy:

+ (UIView *)viewWithName:(NSString *)name owner:(nullable id)owner root:(nullable UIView *)root;

The name parameter represents the name of the view to load. It is the file name of the XML document containing the view, minus the .xml extension.

The owner parameter represents the view's owner. It is often an instance of UIViewController, but this is not required. For example, custom table view cell classes often specify themselves as the owner.

If the owner implements the UITraitEnvironment protocol, viewWithName:owner:root: will first look for an XML document corresponding to the owner's size class; for example, LoginView~horizontal.xml. Size classes are named as follows:

  • Regular width, regular height - "normal"
  • Regular width, compact height - "horizontal"
  • Compact width, regular height - "vertical"
  • Compact width, compact height - "minimal"

If a size class-specific document is not found, LMViewBuilder will fall back to the default document name (e.g. LoginView.xml).

The root parameter represents the value that will be used as the root view instance when the document is loaded. This value is often nil, meaning that the root view will be specified by the document itself. However, when non-nil, it means that the root view is being provided by the caller. In this case, the reserved <root> tag can be used as the document's root element to refer to this view.

For example, if an instance of LMScrollView is passed as the root argument to viewWithName:owner:root:, this markup:

    <UIImageView image="world.png"/>

will produce exactly the same output as this:

    <UIImageView image="world.png"/>

The root argument is typically used when a document's root view is defined by an external source. For example, a view controller that is instantiated programmatically typically creates its own view instance in loadView. It defines the view entirely in markup, passing a nil value for root:

- (void)loadView
    [self setView:[LMViewBuilder viewWithName:@"MyView" owner:self root:nil]];

However, a view controller that is defined by a storyboard already has an established view instance when viewDidLoad is called. The controller can pass itself as the view's owner and the value of the controller's view property as the root argument:

- (void)viewDidLoad
    [super viewDidLoad];

    [LMViewBuilder viewWithName:@"MyView" owner:self root:[self view]];    

This allows the navigational structure of the application (i.e. segues) to be defined in a storyboard, but the content of individual views to be defined in markup.

The root argument is also commonly used when implementing custom table view cells. In this case, the cell passes itself as both the owner and the root when loading the view:

- (instancetype)initWithStyle:(UITableViewCellStyle)style reuseIdentifier:(NSString *)reuseIdentifier
    self = [super initWithStyle:style reuseIdentifier:reuseIdentifier];

    if (self) {
        [LMViewBuilder viewWithName:@"MyCustomTableViewCell" owner:self root:self];

    return self;

LMViewBuilder additionally defines the following two class methods, which it uses to decode color and font values:

+ (UIColor *)colorValue:(NSString *)value;
+ (UIFont *)fontValue:(NSString *)value;

These methods may also be called by application code to translate MarkupKit-encoded color and font values to UIColor and UIFont instances, respectively.

Finally, LMViewBuilder provides the following method, which is used to apply a set of property values to a view:

+ (void)applyPropertyValues:(NSDictionary *)properties toView:(UIView *)view;

LMViewBuilder uses this method internally to configure view instances declared in markup, but it can also be called by application code to set property values for dynamically-generated views.

See LMViewBuilder.h for more information.

LMTableView and LMTableViewCell

The LMTableView and LMTableViewCell classes facilitate the declaration of a table view's content in markup. LMTableView is a subclass of UITableView that acts as its own data source and delegate, serving cells from a statically-defined collection of table view sections. It is configured to use self-sizing cells by default. LMTableViewCell is a subclass of UITableViewCell that provides a vehicle for custom cell content. It automatically applies constraints to its content to enable self-sizing behavior.

MarkupKit also provides extensions to the standard UITableView and UITableViewCell classes that allow them to be used in markup. These are discussed in more detail in a later section.


The LMTableView class supports the definition of statically-defined table content. It inherits the following factory methods from UITableView, which are used to create new table view instances in markup:

+ (LMTableView *)plainTableView;
+ (LMTableView *)groupedTableView;

For example, the following markup declares a plain table view containing three rows labeled "Row 1", "Row 2", and "Row 3". All of the rows appear in a single section, which is created by default:

<LMTableView style="plainTableView">
    <UITableViewCell textLabel.text="Row 1"/>
    <UITableViewCell textLabel.text="Row 2"/>
    <UITableViewCell textLabel.text="Row 3"/>

The sectionBreak processing instruction is used to insert a new section in a table view. It corresponds to a call to the insertSection: method of the LMTableView class. The following markup creates a grouped table view containing two sections:

<LMTableView style="groupedTableView">
    <UITableViewCell textLabel.text="Row 1a"/>
    <UITableViewCell textLabel.text="Row 1b"/>
    <UITableViewCell textLabel.text="Row 1c"/>


    <UITableViewCell textLabel.text="Row 2a"/>
    <UITableViewCell textLabel.text="Row 2b"/>
    <UITableViewCell textLabel.text="Row 2c"/>

The sectionHeaderView processing instruction assigns a header view to the current section. It corresponds to a call to the setView:forHeaderInSection: method of LMTableView. The view element immediately following the PI is used as the header view for the section. For example, the following markup adds a section header view to the default section:

<LMTableView style="groupedTableView">
    <UITableViewCell textLabel.text="Section 1"/>

    <UITableViewCell textLabel.text="Row 1"/>
    <UITableViewCell textLabel.text="Row 1"/>
    <UITableViewCell textLabel.text="Row 1"/>

Note that this example uses an instance of UITableViewCell as a section header. While this is often convenient, it is not required. Any UIView subclass can be used as a section header view.

The sectionFooterView processing instruction assigns a footer view to the current section. It corresponds to a call to the setView:forFooterInSection: method of LMTableView. The view element immediately following the PI is used as the footer view for the section:

<LMTableView style="groupedTableView">
    <UITableViewCell textLabel.text="Section 1 Start"/>

    <UITableViewCell textLabel.text="Row 1"/>
    <UITableViewCell textLabel.text="Row 1"/>
    <UITableViewCell textLabel.text="Row 1"/>

    <UITableViewCell textLabel.text="Section 1 End"/>

As with header views, footers views are not limited to instances of UITableViewCell; any UIView subclass can be used as a footer.

The sectionName processing instruction is used to assign a name to a section. It corresponds to a call to the setName:forSection: method of LMTableView. This allows sections to be identified by name rather than index, so they can be added or re-ordered without breaking controller code. For example:

<LMTableView style="groupedTableView">
    <?sectionName firstSection?>
    <UITableViewCell textLabel.text="Row 1a"/>
    <UITableViewCell textLabel.text="Row 1b"/>
    <UITableViewCell textLabel.text="Row 1c"/>


    <?sectionName secondSection?>
    <UITableViewCell textLabel.text="Row 2a"/>
    <UITableViewCell textLabel.text="Row 2b"/>
    <UITableViewCell textLabel.text="Row 2c"/>

Finally, the sectionSelectionMode processing instruction is used to set the selection mode for a section. It corresponds to a call to the setSelectionMode:forSection: method of LMTableView. Valid values for this PI include "default", "singleCheckmark", and "multipleCheckmarks". The "default" option produces the default selection behavior; the application is responsible for managing selection state. The "singleCheckmark" option ensures that only a single row will be checked in the section at a given time, similar to a group of radio buttons. The "multipleCheckmarks" option causes the checked state of a row to be toggled each time the row is tapped, similar to a group of checkboxes.

For example, the following markup creates a table view that allows a user to select one of several colors:

<LMTableView style="groupedTableView">
    <?sectionSelectionMode singleCheckmark?>
    <UITableViewCell textLabel.text="Red" value="#ff0000"/>
    <UITableViewCell textLabel.text="Green" value="#00ff00"/>
    <UITableViewCell textLabel.text="Blue" value="#0000ff"/>

The value property is defined by the MarkupKit extensions to the UITableViewCell class. It is used to associate an optional value with a cell, such as the color values shown in the previous example. MarkupKit also adds a boolean checked property to UITableViewCell which, when set, causes a checkmark to appear in the corresponding row.

Selection state is managed via several methods that LMTableView inherits from the MarkupKit extensions to UITableView. These methods are added to UITableView primarily so casting is not required when using an LMTableView instance with UITableViewController; however, they can also be used by other custom UITableView subclasses:

- (nullable NSString *)nameForSection:(NSInteger)section;
- (NSInteger)sectionWithName:(NSString *)name;
- (NSInteger)rowForCellWithValue:(nullable id)value inSection:(NSInteger)section;
- (NSInteger)rowForCheckedCellInSection:(NSInteger)section

The first method, nameForSection:, returns the name that is associated with a given section. The default implementation of this method returns nil. However, it is overridden by LMTableView to return the name of the given section, when set.

The second method, sectionWithName:, returns the index of a named section. The third and fourth methods, rowForCellWithValue:inSection: and rowForCheckedCellInSection:, return the index of a row within a given section whose cell has the given value or checked state, respectively.

Custom Data Source/Delegate Implementations

In order to support static content declaration, LMTableView acts as its own data source and delegate. However, an application-specific data source may still be set on an LMTableView instance to override the default behavior. This allows the data source to provide some table content dynamically while relying on the table view to manage static content.

LMTableView propagates the following UITableViewDataSource calls to a custom data source:

  • numberOfSectionsInTableView:
  • tableView:numberOfRowsInSection:
  • tableView:cellForRowAtIndexPath:

The implementing class should delegate to the given table view instance as needed:

override func numberOfSectionsInTableView(tableView: UITableView) -> Int {
    return tableView.numberOfSections

override func tableView(tableView: UITableView, numberOfRowsInSection section: Int) -> Int {
    let n: Int
    if (section == 0) {
        // custom behavior
    } else {
        n = tableView.numberOfRowsInSection(section)

    return n

override func tableView(tableView: UITableView, cellForRowAtIndexPath indexPath: NSIndexPath) -> UITableViewCell {
    let cell: UITableViewCell
    if (indexPath.section == 0) {
        // custom behavior
    } else {
        cell = tableView.cellForRowAtIndexPath(indexPath)!

    return cell

Additionally, an application-specific delegate may be set on an LMTableView instance to handle row selection events. LMTableView propagates the following UITableViewDelegate calls to a custom delegate:

  • tableView:willSelectRowAtIndexPath:
  • tableView:didSelectRowAtIndexPath:
  • tableView:willDeselectRowAtIndexPath:
  • tableView:didDeselectRowAtIndexPath:

See LMTableView.h for more information.


The LMTableViewCell class supports the declaration of custom cell content in markup. It can be used when the content options provided by the default UITableViewCell class are not sufficient. As discussed earlier, it automatically applies constraints to its content to enable self-sizing behavior.

For example, the following markup creates a plain table view whose single cell contains a UIDatePicker. The date picker will be automatically sized to fill the width and height of the cell:

<LMTableView style="plainTableView">
        <UIDatePicker datePickerMode="date"/>

UITableViewCell defines several factory methods that are inherited by LMTableViewCell and are discussed in more detail later. However, these are used primarily to create instances of the default cell view types and are not commonly used in conjunction with custom cell content.

Since LMTableViewCell ultimately inherits from UIView, it is possible to specify the amount of padding around the cell view's content using the "layoutMargins" attribute. For example, the following markup declares a plain table view containing a single cell that reserves 20 pixels of padding around the label:

<LMTableView style="plainTableView">
    <LMTableViewCell layoutMargins="20">
        <UILabel text="Hello, World!"/>

Finally, as discussed earlier, LMTableViewCell can also be used as the base class for custom table view cell classes. By overriding initWithStyle:reuseIdentifier: and specifying the cell view as the document owner, callers can easily create custom table view cells whose content is expressed in markup rather than in code:

override init(style: UITableViewCellStyle, reuseIdentifier: String?) {
    super.init(style: style, reuseIdentifier: reuseIdentifier)

    LMViewBuilder.viewWithName("MyCustomTableViewCell", owner: self, root: self)

Because the initializer passes the cell instance itself as the value of the root argument to viewWithName:owner:root, the markup declared in MyCustomTableViewCell.xml must include a <root> tag to refer to this argument. Note that attributes can be applied to this element just as if it's type had been declared explicitly:

<root layoutMargins="12">
        <UILabel id="myCustomLabel"/>

The child of the root tag represents the cell's content. It can be any valid view, but is often a layout view that is used to automatically size and position the cell's custom content elements.

See LMTableViewCell.h for more information.


Like LMTableViewCell, LMCollectionViewCell supports the declaration of custom cell content. By overriding initWithFrame: and specifying the cell view as the document owner, callers can create custom collection view cells whose content is expressed in markup:

override init(frame: CGRect) {
    super.init(frame: frame)

    LMViewBuilder.viewWithName("MyCustomCollectionViewCell", owner: self, root: self)

As with LMTableViewCell, LMCollectionViewCell automatically applies constraints to its content to enable self-sizing behavior, and also supports the "layoutMargins" attribute it inherits from UIView. Again, because the initializer passes the cell instance itself as the value of the root argument to viewWithName:owner:root, the markup declared in MyCustomTableViewCell.xml must include a <root> tag to refer to this argument:

<root layoutMargins="12">
        <UILabel id="myCustomLabel"/>

See LMCollectionViewCell.h for more information.


LMPickerView is a subclass of UIPickerView that acts as its own data source and delegate, serving content from a statically-defined collection of row and component titles. For example, the following markup declares a picker view containing four rows reprenting size options:

    <row title="Small"/>
    <row title="Medium"/>
    <row title="Large"/>
    <row title="Extra-Large"/>

The row element corresponds to a call to the insertRow:inComponent:withTitle:value: method of LMPickerView. The value of the "title" attribute is used as the row title. An optional value to associate with the row can be specified as follows:

    <row title="Small" value="S"/>
    <row title="Medium" value="M"/>
    <row title="Large" value="L"/>
    <row title="Extra-Large" value="XL"/>

The componentSeparator processing instruction is used to insert a new component into the picker view. It corresponds to a call to the insertComponent: method. The following markup declares a picker view containing two components, the first of which contains a set of size options, and the second containing color options:

    <row title="Small" value="S"/>
    <row title="Medium" value="M"/>
    <row title="Large" value="L"/>
    <row title="Extra-Large" value="XL"/>


    <row title="Red" value="#ff0000"/>
    <row title="Yellow" value="#ffff00"/>
    <row title="Green" value="#00ff00"/>
    <row title="Blue" value="#0000ff"/>
    <row title="Purple" value="#ff00ff"/>

Finally, the componentName processing instruction is used to assign a name to a component. It corresponds to a call to the setName:forComponent: method of LMPickerView. This allows components to be identified by name rather than index, so they can be added or re-ordered without breaking controller code. For example:

    <?componentName sizes?>
    <row title="Small" value="S"/>
    <row title="Medium" value="M"/>
    <row title="Large" value="L"/>
    <row title="Extra-Large" value="XL"/>


    <?componentName colors?>
    <row title="Red" value="#ff0000"/>
    <row title="Yellow" value="#ffff00"/>
    <row title="Green" value="#00ff00"/>
    <row title="Blue" value="#0000ff"/>
    <row title="Purple" value="#ff00ff"/>

Custom Data Source/Delegate Implementations

In order to support static content declaration, LMPickerView acts as its own data source and delegate. However, an application-specific data source may still be set on an LMPickerView instance to override the default behavior. This allows the data source to provide some picker content dynamically while relying on the picker view to manage static content.

LMPickerView propagates the following UIPickerViewDataSource calls to a custom data source:

  • numberOfComponentsInPickerView:
  • pickerView:numberOfRowsInComponent:
  • pickerView:titleForRow:forComponent

The implementing class should delegate to the given picker view instance as needed:

func numberOfComponentsInPickerView(pickerView: UIPickerView) -> Int {
    return pickerView.numberOfComponents

func pickerView(pickerView: UIPickerView, numberOfRowsInComponent component: Int) -> Int {
    let n: Int
    if (component == 0) {
        // Custom behavior
    } else {
        n = pickerView.numberOfRowsInComponent(component)

    return n

func pickerView(pickerView: UIPickerView, titleForRow row: Int, forComponent component: Int) -> String? {
    let title: String
    if (component == 0) {
        // Custom behavior
    } else {
        title = pickerView.titleForRow(row, forComponent:component)!

    return title

Additionally, an application-specific delegate may be set on an LMPickerView instance to handle row selection events. LMPickerView propagates the following LMPickerViewDelegate call to a custom delegate:

  • pickerView:didSelectRow:inComponent:

See LMPickerView.h for more information.


The LMScrollView class extends the standard UIScrollView class to simplify the definition of a scroll view's content in markup. It presents a single scrollable content view, optionally allowing the user to scroll in one or both directions.

The scrollable content is specified via the contentView property. LMScrollView additionally defines the following two properties, which determine how the content is presented:

@property (nonatomic) BOOL fitToWidth;
@property (nonatomic) BOOL fitToHeight;

When both values are set to false (the default), the scroll view will automatically display scroll bars when needed, allowing the user to pan in both directions to see the content in its entirety. For example:

    <UIImageView image="large_image.png"/>

When fitToWidth is set to true, the scroll view will ensure that the width of its content matches its own width, causing the content to wrap and scroll in the vertical direction. The vertical scroll bar will be displayed when necessary, but the horizontal scroll bar will never be shown, since the width of the content will never exceed the width of the scroll view:

<LMScrollView fitToWidth="true">
    <UILabel text="Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing..."

Similarly, when fitToHeight is true, the scroll view will ensure that the height of its content matches its own height, causing the content to wrap and scroll in the horizontal direction. The vertical scroll bar will never be shown, and the horizontal scroll bar will appear when necessary.

See LMScrollView.h for more information.


The LMPageView class extends the standard UIScrollView class to enable the declaration of paged scroll view content. By default, an LMPageView instance enables paging on itself and disables scrolling.

For example, the following markup declares a page view containing three pages. Pages appear in the order in which they are declared:

    <UILabel text="Page 1" textAlignment="center"/>
    <UILabel text="Page 2" textAlignment="center"/>
    <UILabel text="Page 3" textAlignment="center"/>

Page views are commonly used as the bottom layer in a layer view; a layer containing a UIPageControl is typically placed above the page view. MarkupKit adds a currentPage property to UIScrollView that can be used to easily synchronize the scroll view's page index with the index shown by the page control; for example:

func scrollViewDidEndDecelerating(scrollView: UIScrollView) {
    pageControl.currentPage = scrollView.currentPage

Layer views are discussed in more detail later.

See LMPageView.h for more information.


Auto layout is an iOS feature that allows developers to create applications that automatically adapt to device size, orientation, or content changes. An application built using auto layout generally has little or no hard-coded positioning logic, but instead dynamically arranges user interface elements based on their preferred or "intrinsic" content sizes.

Auto layout in iOS (as well as Mac OS X) is implemented primarily via layout constraints, which are instances of the NSLayoutConstraint class. While layout constraints are powerful, they can be fairly cumbersome to work with. MarkupKit provides several classes that simplify the process of adding auto layout to an iOS application. They encode specific layout behaviors in UIView subclasses whose sole responsibility is managing the arrangement of an application's user interface elements:

  • LMRowView - view that arranges subviews in a horizontal line
  • LMColumnView - view that arranges subviews in a vertical line
  • LMLayerView - view that arranges subviews in layers, like a stack of transparencies

These classes use layout constraints internally, but abstract the details away from the developer. When used in markup, they can help the developer more easily visualize the resulting output. However, they can also be created and manipulated programmatically to provide dynamic layout behavior.

All layout view types extend the abstract LMLayoutView class, which defines the following methods:

- (void)addArrangedSubview:(UIView *)view;
- (void)insertArrangedSubview:(UIView *)view atIndex:(NSUInteger)index;
- (void)removeArrangedSubview:(UIView *)view;

These methods manage the list of the layout view's "arranged subviews", which are the subviews whose size and position will be managed automatically by the layout view. A read-only property that returns the current list of arranged subviews is also provided:

@property (nonatomic, readonly, copy) NSArray *arrangedSubviews;

LMLayoutView additionally defines the following property:

@property (nonatomic) BOOL layoutMarginsRelativeArrangement;

This value specifies that subviews will be arranged relative to the view's layout margins. The default value is true. However, in some cases, UIKit provides default non-overridable values for a view's margins. In these cases, setting this flag to false instructs the view to ignore margins altogether and align subviews to the layout view's edges directly.

Views whose hidden property is set to true are ignored when performing layout. Layout views listen for changes to this property on their arranged subviews and automatically relayout as needed.

Layout views do not consume touch events. Touches that occur within a layout view but do not intersect with a subview are ignored, allowing the event to pass through the view. This allows layout views to be "stacked", and is discussed in more detail later.

LMLayoutView overrides appendMarkupElementView: to call addArrangedSubview: so that layout views can be easily constructed in markup. Additionally, layout views can be nested to create complex layouts that automatically adjust to orientation or screen size changes.

All three layout view types are discussed in more detail in the following sections. See LMLayoutView.h for more information.

LMRowView and LMColumnView

The LMRowView and LMColumnView classes lay out subviews in a horizontal or vertical line, respectively. Both classes extend the abstract LMBoxView class, which itself extends LMLayoutView and adds the following property:

@property (nonatomic) CGFloat spacing;

This property represents the amount of spacing between successive subviews. For row views, this refers to the horizontal space between subelements; for column views, it refers to the vertical space between subviews.

Subviews are always pinned along the box view's primary axis (horizontal for row views and vertical for column views). This ensures that there is no ambiguity regarding a subview's placement and allows the auto layout system to correctly calculate the view's size and position.

See LMBoxView.h for more information.


The LMRowView class arranges its subviews in a horizontal line. Subviews are laid out from leading to trailing edge in the order in which they are declared. For example, the following markup creates a row view containing three labels:

    <UILabel text="One"/>
    <UILabel text="Two"/>
    <UILabel text="Three"/>

The top and bottom edges of each subview will be pinned to the top and bottom edges of the row (excluding layout margins), ensuring that all of the labels are the same height.

LMRowView defines the following additional property, which specifies that subviews should be baseline-aligned:

@property (nonatomic) BOOL alignToBaseline;

This markup creates a row view containing three labels, all with different font sizes:

<LMRowView alignToBaseline="true">
    <UILabel text="One" font="Helvetica 12"/>
    <UILabel text="Two" font="Helvetica 24"/>
    <UILabel text="Three" font="Helvetica 48"/>

Because alignToBaseline is set to true, the baselines of all three labels will line up.

See LMRowView.h for more information.


The LMColumnView class arranges its subviews in a vertical line. Subviews are laid out from top to bottom in the order in which they are declared. For example, the following markup creates a column view containing three labels:

    <UILabel text="One"/>
    <UILabel text="Two"/>
    <UILabel text="Three"/>

The left and right edges of each subview will be pinned to the left and right edges of the row (excluding layout margins), ensuring that all of the labels are the same width.

LMColumnView defines the following additional property, which specifies that nested subviews should be vertically aligned in a grid, like a spreadsheet:

@property (nonatomic) BOOL alignToGrid;

When this property is set to true, the sub-elements of the column view must be LMRowView instances containing the cells for each row.

For example, the following markup would produce a table containing three rows arranged in two columns:

<LMColumnView alignToGrid="true">
        <UILabel text="First row"/>
        <UILabel weight="1" text="This is row number one."/>

        <UILabel text="Second row"/>
        <UILabel weight="1" text="This is row number two."/>

        <UILabel text="Third row"/>
        <UILabel weight="1" text="This is row number three."/>

Finally, LMColumnView defines two properties that specify the amount of space that should be reserved at the top and bottom of the view, respectively:

@property (nonatomic) CGFloat topSpacing;
@property (nonatomic) CGFloat bottomSpacing;

These properties can be used to ensure that the column view's content is not obscured by another user interface element such as the status bar or a navigation bar.

For example, a view controller class might override the viewWillLayoutSubviews method to set the top spacing to the length of the controller's top layout guide, ensuring that the first subview is positioned below the guide:

override func viewWillLayoutSubviews() {
    columnView.topSpacing = topLayoutGuide.length

Bottom spacing can be set similarly using the controller's bottom layout guide.

See LMColumnView.h for more information.

View Weights

MarkupKit adds the following property to the UIView class that is used by both LMRowView and LMColumnView:

@property (nonatomic) CGFloat weight;

A view's weight specifies the amount of excess space the view would like to be given within its superview (once the sizes of all unweighted views have been determined) and is relative to all other weights specified within the superview. For row views, weight applies to the excess horizontal space, and for column views to the excess vertical space.

For example, since it has a weight of "1", the label in the following example will be given the entire vertical space of the column view:

    <UILabel weight="1" text="Hello, World!"/>

Since weights are relative, the following example will produce identical output:

    <UILabel weight="100" text="Hello, World!"/>

In this example, each label will be given 50% of the height of the column view:

    <UILabel weight="0.5" text="Hello"/>
    <UILabel weight="0.5" text="World"/>

Again, since weights are relative, the following markup will produce identical results:

    <UILabel weight="1" text="Hello"/>
    <UILabel weight="1" text="World"/>

Here, the first label will be given 1/6 of the available space, the second 1/3, and the third 1/2:

    <UILabel weight="1" text="One"/>
    <UILabel weight="2" text="Two"/>
    <UILabel weight="3" text="Three"/>

Weights in LMRowView are handled identically, but in the horizontal direction.


A common use for weights is to add flexible space around a view. For example, the following markup centers a label vertically within a column:

    <UIView weight="1"/>
    <UILabel text="Hello, World!"/>
    <UIView weight="1"/>

Similarly, the following markup centers a label horizontally within a row:

    <UIView weight="1"/>
    <UILabel text="Hello, World!"/>
    <UIView weight="1"/>

Because spacer views are so common, MarkupKit provides a dedicated UIView subclass called LMSpacer for conveniently creating flexible space between other views. LMSpacer has a default weight of 1, so the previous example could be rewritten as follows, eliminating the "weight" attribute and improving readability:

    <UILabel text="Hello, World!"/>

Like layout views, spacer views do not consume touch events, so they will not interfere with any user interface elements that appear underneath them.

See LMSpacerView.h for more information.


The LMLayerView class is arguably the simplest layout view. It simply arranges its subviews in layers, like a stack of transparencies.

For example, the following markup creates a layer view containing two sub-views. The UIImageView instance, since it is declared first, appears beneath the UILabel instance, effectively creating a background for the label:

    <UIImageView image="world.png" contentMode="scaleAspectFit"/>
    <UILabel text="Hello, World!" textAlignment="center"/>

However, layer views are not limited to defining background images. Because layout and spacer views do not consume touch events, layer views can be used to create interactive content that "floats" over other user interface elements without preventing the user from interacting with the underlying content.

For example, the following markup creates a layer view containing a scroll view and a column view. The column view contains a button that is aligned to the bottom of the window and floats over the scroll view. Because column views do not consume touch events, the user can still interact with the scroll view by touching anywhere except the button:

    <LMScrollView fitToWidth="true">
        <UILabel text="Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet..." numberOfLines="0" lineBreakMode="byWordWrapping"/>

        <LMColumnView layoutMargins="20">
            <UIButton style="customButton" normalTitle="Press Me!" backgroundColor="#00aa00"/>

See LMLayerView.h for more information.


LMGradientView is the base class for views that facilitate the declaration of gradient effects. The gradient is automatically sized to fill the entire view.

LMGradientView defines the following properties:

@property (nonatomic, nullable, copy) NSArray *colors;
@property (nonatomic, nullable, copy) NSArray *locations;

The first property is an array representing the colors displayed by the gradient. The second is an optional array representing the gradient's stop locations. If unspecified, the colors will be evenly distributed across the gradient.

Gradient views are commonly used as a background in a layer view. Two types of gradient views are currently supported:

  • LMLinearGradientView - displays a linear gradient effect
  • LMRadialGradientView - displays a radial gradient effect

Each is discussed in more detail below.


The LMLinearGradientView class displays a linear gradient effect. It adds the following properties to the to the colors and locations properties defined by the base class:

@property (nonatomic) CGFloat startX;
@property (nonatomic) CGFloat startY;
@property (nonatomic) CGPoint startPoint;

@property (nonatomic) CGFloat endX;
@property (nonatomic) CGFloat endY;
@property (nonatomic) CGPoint endPoint;

The start point defines the starting location of the gradient, and the end point defines the ending location. Coordinate values are relative to the view's size and range from 0.0 to 1.0. The default value of startPoint is {0.5, 0.0}, and the default value of endPoint is {0.5, 1.0}, producing a vertical linear gradient.

For example, the following markup creates a linear gradient view whose color values cycle through red, green, and blue, with stops at 0.0, 0.5, and 1.0:

<LMLinearGradientView colors="#ff0000, #00ff00, #0000ff" locations="0.0, 0.5, 1.0"/>

See LMLinearGradientView.h for more information.


The LMRadialGradientView class displays a radial gradient effect. It adds the following properties to the to the colors and locations properties defined by the base class:

@property (nonatomic) CGFloat centerX;
@property (nonatomic) CGFloat centerY;
@property (nonatomic) CGPoint centerPoint;

@property (nonatomic) CGFloat radius;

The center point defines the position of the of the gradient's center. Coordinate values are relative to the view's size and range from 0.0 to 1.0. The default value is {0.5, 0.5}. The radius defines the extent of the gradient and is also relative to the view's size; its default value is 0.5.

For example, the following markup creates a radial gradient view whose color values cycle through red, green, and blue, with stops at 0.0, 0.5, and 1.0:

<LMRadialGradientView colors="#ff0000, #00ff00, #0000ff" locations="0.0, 0.5, 1.0"/>

See LMRadialGradientView.h for more information.


LMPlayerView is a UIView subclass that presents an AV player. It is essentially just a thin wrapper around the AVPlayerLayer instance it uses as a core animation layer. It overrides the layer property to return an AVPlayerLayer so callers can access the properties and methods of this class without a cast:

@property (readonly, nonatomic) AVPlayerLayer *layer;

It also defines a delegate protocol, LMPlayerViewDelegate, that can be used to obtain state information about the player:

- (void)playerView:(LMPlayerView *)playerView isReadyForDisplay:(BOOL)readyForDisplay;

This protocol is simply a strongly typed wrapper around the player layer's "readyForDisplay" property, which uses key-value observing to notify listeners of state changes.

See LMPlayerView.h for more information.

UIKit Extensions

MarkupKit extends several UIKit classes to enhance their behavior or adapt them for use in markup. For example, as discussed earlier, some classes define a custom initializer and must be instantiated via factory methods. Additionally, features of some standard UIKit classes are not exposed as properties that can be set via KVC. MarkupKit adds the factory methods and property definitions required to allow these classes to be used in markup. These extensions are documented below.


MarkupKit adds the following properties to UIView, which are used to define fixed or bounded values for a given dimension:

@property (nonatomic) CGFloat width;
@property (nonatomic) CGFloat minimumWidth;
@property (nonatomic) CGFloat maximumWidth;

@property (nonatomic) CGFloat height;
@property (nonatomic) CGFloat minimumHeight;
@property (nonatomic) CGFloat maximumHeight;

It also adds a weight property to UIView that is used by row and column views to determine how to allocate excess space within a container:

@property (nonatomic) CGFloat weight;

The following properties are added to allow a view's layout margin components to be set individually:

@property (nonatomic) CGFloat layoutMarginTop;
@property (nonatomic) CGFloat layoutMarginLeft;
@property (nonatomic) CGFloat layoutMarginBottom;
@property (nonatomic) CGFloat layoutMarginRight;

Finally, the processMarkupInstruction:data and appendMarkupElementView: methods are added to support markup processing, as discussed earlier:

- (void)processMarkupInstruction:(NSString *)target data:(NSString *)data;
- (void)appendMarkupElementView:(UIView *)view;


Instances of UIButton are created programmtically using the buttonWithType: method of UIButton. MarkupKit adds the following factory methods to UIButton to allow buttons be declared in markup:

+ (UIButton *)customButton;
+ (UIButton *)systemButton;
+ (UIButton *)detailDisclosureButton;
+ (UIButton *)infoLightButton;
+ (UIButton *)infoDarkButton;
+ (UIButton *)contactAddButton;

Button content including "title", "title color", "title shadow color", "image", and "background image" is set for button states including "normal", "highlighted", "disabled", and "selected" using methods such as setTitle:forState:, setImage:forState:, etc. MarkupKit adds the following properties to UIButton to allow this content to be defined in markup:

@property (nonatomic, nullable) NSString *normalTitle;
@property (nonatomic, nullable) UIColor *normalTitleColor;
@property (nonatomic, nullable) UIColor *normalTitleShadowColor;
@property (nonatomic, nullable) UIImage *normalImage;
@property (nonatomic, nullable) UIImage *normalBackgroundImage;

@property (nonatomic, nullable) NSString *highlightedTitle;
@property (nonatomic, nullable) UIColor *highlightedTitleColor;
@property (nonatomic, nullable) UIColor *highlightedTitleShadowColor;
@property (nonatomic, nullable) UIImage *highlightedImage;
@property (nonatomic, nullable) UIImage *highlightedBackgroundImage;

@property (nonatomic, nullable) NSString *disabledTitle;
@property (nonatomic, nullable) UIColor *disabledTitleColor;
@property (nonatomic, nullable) UIColor *disabledTitleShadowColor;
@property (nonatomic, nullable) UIImage *disabledImage;
@property (nonatomic, nullable) UIImage *disabledBackgroundImage;

@property (nonatomic, nullable) NSString *selectedTitle;
@property (nonatomic, nullable) UIColor *selectedTitleColor;
@property (nonatomic, nullable) UIColor *selectedTitleShadowColor;
@property (nonatomic, nullable) UIImage *selectedImage;
@property (nonatomic, nullable) UIImage *selectedBackgroundImage;

For example, the following markup creates a system button with a normal title of "Press Me!" and a highlighted title of "Let Go!":

<UIButton style="systemButton" normalTitle="Press Me!" highlightedTitle="Let Go!"/>

Finally, MarkupKit adds the following properties that allow a button's content edge insets to be set individually:

@property (nonatomic) CGFloat contentEdgeInsetTop;
@property (nonatomic) CGFloat contentEdgeInsetLeft;
@property (nonatomic) CGFloat contentEdgeInsetBottom;
@property (nonatomic) CGFloat contentEdgeInsetRight;

For example:

<UIButton normalTitle="Click Me!" contentEdgeInsetLeft="8" contentEdgeInsetRight="8"/>


Instances of UISegmentedControl are populated using the insertSegmentWithTitle:atIndex:animated: and insertSegmentWithImage:atIndex:animated methods. MarkupKit overrides the processMarkupElement:properties: method to allow segmented control content to be configured in markup. The segment element is used to add a segment to a segmented control. The "title" attribute can be used to specify a the segment's title:

    <segment title="Yes"/>
    <segment title="No"/>

Similarly, the "image" attribute can be used to specify an image for a segment:

    <segment image="yes.png"/>
    <segment image="no.png"/>


MarkupKit adds support for the following processing instructions to UITextField to allow the text field's associated views to be configured in markup:


For example, the following markup declares a text field with an associated UIDatePicker as an input view:

<UITextField placeholder="Date">
    <UIDatePicker datePickerMode="date"/>


MarkuptKit adds the following instance methods to the UIPickerView class. These methods are added to UIPickerView simply so casting is not required when using an LMPickerView. They are provided primarily for parity with similar extensions to UITableView:

- (NSString *)nameForComponent:(NSInteger)component;
- (NSInteger)componentWithName:(NSString *)name;
- (NSString *)titleForRow:(NSInteger)row forComponent:(NSInteger)component;
- (id)valueForRow:(NSInteger)row forComponent:(NSInteger)component;
- (NSInteger)rowWithValue:(id)value inComponent:(NSInteger)component;


Instances of UIProgressView are created programmatically using the initWithProgressViewStyle: method. MarkupKit adds the following factory methods to UIProgressView to allow progress views to be declared in markup:

+ (UIProgressView *)defaultProgressView;
+ (UIProgressView *)barProgressView;

For example, the following markup declares an instance of a default-style UIProgressView. It is given an ID so its owner can programmatically update its progress value later:

<UIProgressView id="progressView" style="defaultProgressView"/>


Toolbars are populated using the items property of UIToobar. MarkupKit overrides the processMarkupElement:properties: method to allow toolbar content to be configured in markup. The items element is used to add an item to a toolbar. The "title" attribute can be used to specify a the items's title:

    <item title="OK"/>
    <item title="Cancel"/>

Similarly, the "image" attribute can be used to specify an image for an item:

    <item image="ok.png"/>
    <item image="cancel.png"/>

Finally, the "type" attribute can be used to create a system-type toolbar item; for example:

    <item type="flexibleSpace"/>
    <item type="play"/>
    <item type="pause"/>
    <item type="rewind"/>
    <item type="fastForward"/>        
    <item type="flexibleSpace"/>

The "action" attribute can be used to associate an action with a toolbar item. The action is not assigned to a specific target, so it will propagate up the responder chain until it finds a handler:

    <item type="cancel" action="cancel:"/>        
    <item type="flexibleSpace"/>
    <item type="done" action="done:"/>        

Action handlers are typically defined in the controller class. For example:

func cancel(sender: UIBarButtonItem) {
    // ...

func done(sender: UIBarButtonItem) {
    // ...


MarkupKit adds an implementation of appendMarkupElementView: to UIStackView that simply calls addArrangedSubview: on itself. This allows stack view content to be specified in markup; for example:

<UIStackView axis="horizontal">
    <UILabel text="One"/>
    <UILabel text="Two"/>
    <UILabel text="Three"/>


MarkuKit adds the following property to UIScrollView to help simplify interaction with paged scroll views.

@property (nonatomic, readonly) NSInteger currentPage;

If the scroll view is in paging mode, the property returns the index of the current page. Otherwise, it returns 0.


Instances of UITableView are created programmatically using the initWithFrame:style: method of UITableView. MarkupKit adds the following factory methods to UITableView to allow table views to be declared in markup:

+ (UITableView *)plainTableView;
+ (UITableView *)groupedTableView;

These factory methods are used to create instances of UITableView in the plain or grouped style, respectively:

<UITableView id="tableView" style="plainTableView"/>

Note that a UITableView element can only be used to declare table views whose contents will be defined programmatically. For example, the table view in the previous example is given an ID so its owner can assign a data source or delegate to it after the document has been loaded. For static table view content, LMTableView should be used instead.

MarkuptKit also adds the following instance methods to the UITableView class. These methods are added to UITableView simply so casting is not required when using an LMTableView instance with UITableViewController:

- (NSString *)nameForSection:(NSInteger)section;
- (NSInteger)sectionWithName:(NSString *)name;
- (NSInteger)rowForCellWithValue:(id)value inSection:(NSInteger)section;
- (NSInteger)rowForCheckedCellInSection:(NSInteger)section


Instances of UITableViewCell are created programmatically using the initWithStyle:reuseIdentifier: method of UITableViewCell. MarkupKit adds the following factory methods to UITableViewCell to allow table view cells to be declared in markup:

+ (UITableViewCell *)defaultTableViewCell;
+ (UITableViewCell *)value1TableViewCell;
+ (UITableViewCell *)value2TableViewCell;
+ (UITableViewCell *)subtitleTableViewCell;

For example, the following markup declares an instance of LMTableView that contains three "subtitle"-style UITableViewCell instances:

<LMTableView style="plainTableView">
    <UITableViewCell style="subtitleTableViewCell" textLabel.text="Row 1" detailTextLabel.text="This is the first row."/>
    <UITableViewCell style="subtitleTableViewCell" textLabel.text="Row 2" detailTextLabel.text="This is the second row."/>
    <UITableViewCell style="subtitleTableViewCell" textLabel.text="Row 3" detailTextLabel.text="This is the third row."/>

Note that, while it is possible to use the factory methods to declare instances of custom UITableViewCell subclasses, this is not generally recommended. It is preferable to simply declare such classes by name. For example:

<MyCustomTableViewCell .../>

MarkupKit additionally adds the following properties to UITableViewCell:

@property (nonatomic, nullable) id value;
@property (nonatomic) BOOL checked;

The value property is used to associate an optional value with the cell. It is similar to the tag property of a UIView but is not limited to integer values.

The checked property is used primarily with LMTableView checkmark selection modes. This property is set to true when the cell is checked and false when it is unchecked.

Accessory Views

MarkupKit adds an implementation of appendMarkupElementView: to UITableViewCell that sets the given view as the cell's accessory view, enabling the declaration of accessory views in markup. For example, the following markup creates a cell that has a UISwitch as an accessory view:

<UITableViewCell textLabel.text="This is a switch">
    <UISwitch id="switch"/>

Note that LMTableViewCell overrides appendMarkupElementView: to set the cell's content element view. As a result, a view specified as a child of an LMTableViewCell will be sized to occupy the entire contents of the cell, not just the accessory area.


Instances of UICollectionView are created programmatically using the initWithFrame:collectionViewLayout: method of UICollectionView. MarkupKit adds the following factory method to UICollectionView to allow collection views to be declared in markup:

+ (UICollectionView *)flowLayoutCollectionView;

This method is used to create instances of UICollectionView that use a collection view flow layout:

<UICollectionView id="collectionView" style="flowLayoutCollectionView"/>

Custom layouts can be specified by adding an application-specific category to UICollectionView that defines additional factory methods.


MarkupKit adds the following properties to UICollectionViewFlowLayout to allow it to be configured in markup:

@property (nonatomic) CGFloat itemWidth;
@property (nonatomic) CGFloat itemHeight;

@property (nonatomic) CGFloat estimatedItemWidth;
@property (nonatomic) CGFloat estimatedItemHeight;

@property (nonatomic) CGFloat sectionInsetTop;
@property (nonatomic) CGFloat sectionInsetLeft;
@property (nonatomic) CGFloat sectionInsetBottom;
@property (nonatomic) CGFloat sectionInsetRight;

@property (nonatomic) CGFloat headerReferenceWidth;
@property (nonatomic) CGFloat headerReferenceHeight;

@property (nonatomic) CGFloat footerReferenceWidth;
@property (nonatomic) CGFloat footerReferenceHeight;

For example:

<UICollectionView style="flowLayoutCollectionView"
    collectionViewLayout.itemWidth="80" collectionViewLayout.itemHeight="120"


Instances of UIVisualEffectView are created using the initWithEffect: method, which takes a UIVisualEffect instance as an argument. MarkupKit adds the following factory methods to UIVisualEffectView to facilitate construction of UIVisualEffectView in markup:

+ (UIVisualEffectView *)extraLightBlurEffectView;
+ (UIVisualEffectView *)lightBlurEffectView;
+ (UIVisualEffectView *)darkBlurEffectView;


The layer property of UIView returns a CALayer instance that can be used to configure properties of the view. However, the shadowOffset property of CALayer is a CGSize. Since structs are not supported in XML, MarkupKit adds the following methods to CALayer to allow the layer's shadow offset width and height to be configured independently:

@property (nonatomic) CGFloat shadowOffsetWidth;
@property (nonatomic) CGFloat shadowOffsetHeight;

For example, the following markup creates a system button with a shadow opacity of 0.5, radius of 10, and offset height of 3:

<UIButton style="systemButton" normalTitle="Press Me!" normalTitleColor="#ff0000" backgroundColor="#aa0000"
    layer.shadowOpacity="0.5" layer.shadowRadius="10" layer.shadowOffsetHeight="3"/>

More Information

For more information, refer to the wiki or the issue list.