All notable changes to the "Power Platform Connectors" VS Code extension will be documented in this file.
- Added the 'ppc-file-new' snippet to make it easy to add a skeleton for a new Open API file, which you can use to start creating your connector.
- Added the 'ppc-op' snippet to make it easy adding a new operation.
- Added the 'ppc-op-method' snippet to make it easy adding an extra method in an operation.
- Added the 'ppc-conn-metadata' snippet to make it easy to add the 'x-ms-connector-metadata' object to your connector, in case you want to certify your connector.
- Renamed 'ppc-prop-int' to 'ppc-prop-int32'.
- Renamed 'ppc-prop-int-enum' to 'ppc-prop-int32-enum'.
- Added sample snippets in the GitHub repo in the directory 'sample-snippets'.
- Fixed 'ppc-prop-double' snippet.
- Added placeholders to the 'ppc-resp' snippet.
- Added the 'ppc-prop-bool' snippet to make it easy adding a property of type 'boolean'.
- Added the 'ppc-prop-string-enum' snippet to make it easy adding a property of type 'string' as enum.
- Added the 'ppc-prop-double' snippet to make it easy adding a property of type 'double'.
- Added the 'ppc-prop-int' snippet to make it easy adding a property of type 'integer'.
- Added the 'ppc-prop-int-enum' snippet to make it easy adding a property of type 'integer' as enum.
- Added the 'ppc-resp' snippet to make it easy adding a response object.
- Changed 'ppc-prop' to 'ppc-prop-string'.
- Changed the icon for the extension for better readability.
- Added an icon for the extension.
- Added 'Create Property' snippet that contains the setup of a property with the x-ms-summary, description and type properties included.
- Added 'Create Property (Array Reference)' snippet that consists of an array that points to a definition in your OpenAPI v2 file.
- Added 'Create Property (Reference)' snippet that points to a definition in your OpenAPI v2 file.
- Added 'Create Definition' snippet that contains the object setup for a definition in your OpenAPI v2 file.