Genomic association testing of G4 ChIP-seq high confidence peaks in K562 and HepG2.
Genomic binding sites for chromatin-associated factors and histone marks (aligned to hg19) were downloaded from ENCODE (Meta-Data was generated on 10.01.2019). All available ChIP-seq data sets from cell line K562 were considered.
To maximise the robustness of our analyses, where possible we selected ‘released’ over ‘archived’ data and generally chose ‘optimal idr’ over ‘conservative idr’ and ‘replicated’ peaks. Different ChIP-seq experiments targeting the same factor were treated independently.
# ====== Load meta data
ENCODE_K562_meta <- read.table(file = "ENCODE_K562_Jan2019_all_Meta.tsv", sep = '\t', header = TRUE, fill=T)
# focus on hg19, ChIP-seq and remove revoked data
ENC_filt <- ENCODE_K562_meta
ENC_filt <- ENC_filt[ENC_filt$File.Status!='revoked',]
ENC_filt <- ENC_filt[ENC_filt$Assay=='ChIP-seq',]
ENC_filt <- ENC_filt[ENC_filt$Assembly=='hg19',]
# ==== select bed files
ENC_filt <- ENC_filt[grep('bed', ENC_filt$File.format),]
# prefer 'released' over archived
Released <- ENC_filt[ENC_filt$File.Status == "released", ]
Remaining <- Remaining[!(Remaining$Experiment.accession %in% Released$Experiment.accession),] # keep unique experiments that only have an "archived" but not "released" dataset
ENC_filt <- rbind(Released, Remaining)
# Identify all experiments for which there is an 'optimal idr' available
IDR_opt_yes <- ENC_filt[ENC_filt$Output.type == "optimal idr thresholded peaks", ]
# these are the ENCODE gold standard peaks. However, some experiments (in particular, histone marks) do not provide these peaks
Remaining <- ENC_filt[!(ENC_filt$Experiment.accession %in% IDR_opt_yes$Experiment.accession),] # Keep Experimental.acession that are not present in IDR_opt_yes
# Keep files that result from at least 2 biological replicates and remove experiments that contain only one sample:
Remaining <- Remaining[grep(', ', Remaining$Biological.replicate.s.),]
# Keep only those processed by ENCODE consortium
Remaining <- Remaining[Remaining$Lab =="ENCODE Processing Pipeline" ,]
Remaining <- Remaining[rowSums( != ncol(Remaining), ] # remove empty rows
# Keep the 'conservative-idr'
IDR_conserv <- Remaining[Remaining$Output.type == "conservative idr thresholded peaks", ] # extract conservative IDR
Remaining <- Remaining[!(Remaining$Experiment.accession %in% IDR_conserv$Experiment.accession),] # keep remaining experiments
# If there are multiple peaks per experiment keep 'replicated peaks' over 'peaks'
Remaining <- Remaining[order(Remaining$Experiment.accession, Remaining$Output.type, decreasing = TRUE), ] # order such that, files are grouped by Experiment.Accession number and 'replicated' are in the 1st position
Remaining <- Remaining[!duplicated(Remaining$Experiment.accession),]
# Merge the selected Experiments
ENC_filt <- rbind(IDR_opt_yes, IDR_conserv, Remaining)
#---- Generate list for Download of relevant bed files
write.table(ENC_filt[,''], "K562_Bed_Jan2019/20190117_LINKS_K562_bedfiles.txt", sep="\t", quote = FALSE, row.names = FALSE, col.names = FALSE)
#--- Save filtered meta data for GAT analysi
write.table(ENC_filt,'ENCODE_K562_Jan2019_BED_Meta.tsv', sep="\t", quote = FALSE, row.names = FALSE, col.names = TRUE)
cd K562_Bed_Jan2019/
xargs -n 1 curl -O -L < 20190117_LINKS_K562_bedfiles.txt
Cut columns 1-3 to be compatible with GAT analysis:
cd K562_Bed_Jan2019/
for FILE in *.bed.gz
bname=`basename $FILE .bed.gz`
echo $bname
zcat $FILE | cut -f 1-3 | bedtools sort -i | gzip > ../K562_Cut_Bed_Jan2019/$bname.cut.bed.gz
cd ../K562_Cut_Bed_Jan2019
for FILE in *.bed.gz
echo '--annotations=/scratchb/sblab/spiege01/ENCODE_K562/GAT_Rerun_Jan2019/K562_Cut_Bed_Jan2019/'"$FILE"' \'
done >> K562_Rerun_Jan2019_annotations_list.txt
for FILE in *.bed.gz
Bedname=`basename $FILE .bed.gz`
Peaks=`zcat $FILE | wc -l`
echo -e $Bedname'\t'$Peaks >> K562_Jan2019_NumberOfPeaks.txt
Several different workspaces were considered for randomization using GAT.
white-listed genome (hg19): hg19.wgEncodeDukeMapabilityRegionsExcludable.whitelist.bed
sites with G4 forming potential (OQS from G4-seq): G4-Seq_cat_K_PDS_+-strands.bed
open Chromatin (ENCODE K562 DNase-seq): DNAse-seq.concatenated_narrow_rep1_and_rep2.bed
G4-Seq OQs in open chromatin: OQs_in_K562_open_chromatin.bed
In addition, chrM was not compatible with GAT tool and needed to be removed from workspaces.
grep -v chrM hg19.wgEncodeDukeMapabilityRegionsExcludable.whitelist.bed > Whitelist_chrM.bed
grep -v chrM G4-Seq_cat_K_PDS_+-strands.bed > OQs_chrM.bed
grep -v chrM DNAse-seq.concatenated_narrow_rep1_and_rep2.bed > DHS_chrM.bed
grep -v chrM OQs_in_K562_open_chromatin.bed > openOQs_chrM.bed
Scripts for indiviual shuffling analysis.
Results for different randomizations were combined and visualized using a custom R script.
Essentially, ENCODE data for HepG2 was analysed as described for K562. Briefly:
Genomic binding sites for chromatin-associated factors and histone marks (aligned to hg19) were downloaded from ENCODE (Meta-Data was generated on 09.03.2020). All available ChIP-seq data sets from cell line HepG2 were considered.
# ====== Load meta data
ENCODE_HepG2_meta <- read.table(file = "ENCODE_HepG2_March2020_Meta.tsv", sep = '\t', header = TRUE)
ENC_filt <- ENCODE_HepG2_meta[grep('bed broadPeak|bed narrowPeak', ENCODE_HepG2_meta$File.format),]
ENC_filt <- ENC_filt[ENC_filt$File.Status!='revoked',]
ENC_filt <- ENC_filt[ENC_filt$Assay=='ChIP-seq',]
ENC_filt <- ENC_filt[ENC_filt$Assembly=='hg19',]
ENC_filt <- ENC_filt[ENC_filt$Biosample.treatments=='',]
# Several data sets have been 'archived' and 'released' need to remove
# prefer 'released' over archived
Released <- ENC_filt[ENC_filt$File.Status == "released", ]
Remaining <- ENC_filt[!(ENC_filt$Experiment.accession %in% Released$Experiment.accession),] # keep unique experiments that only have an "archived" but not "released" dataset
ENC_filt <- rbind(Released, Remaining)
# Identify all experiments for which there is an 'optimal idr' available
IDR_opt_yes <- ENC_filt[ENC_filt$Output.type == "optimal IDR thresholded peaks", ]
# these are the ENCODE gold standard peaks. However, some experiments (in particular, histone marks) do not provide these peaks
Remaining <- ENC_filt[!(ENC_filt$Experiment.accession %in% IDR_opt_yes$Experiment.accession),] # Keep Experimental.acession that are not present in IDR_opt_yes
# Keep files that result from at least 2 biological replicates and remove experiments that contain only one sample:
Remaining <- Remaining[grep(', ', Remaining$Biological.replicate.s.),]
# Keep only those processed by ENCODE consortium
Remaining <- Remaining[Remaining$Lab =="ENCODE Processing Pipeline" ,]
Remaining <- Remaining[rowSums( != ncol(Remaining), ] # remove empty rows
# Keep the 'conservative-idr'
IDR_conserv <- Remaining[Remaining$Output.type == "conservative IDR thresholded peaks", ] # extract conservative IDR
Remaining <- Remaining[!(Remaining$Experiment.accession %in% IDR_conserv$Experiment.accession),] # keep remaining experiments
# If there are multiple peaks per experiment keep 'replicated peaks' over 'peaks'
Remaining <- Remaining[order(Remaining$Experiment.accession, Remaining$Output.type, decreasing = TRUE), ] # order such that, files are grouped by Experiment.Accession number and 'replicated' are in the 1st position
Remaining <- Remaining[!duplicated(Remaining$Experiment.accession),]
# Merge the selected Experiments
ENC_filt <- rbind(IDR_opt_yes, IDR_conserv, Remaining)
#---- Generate list for Download of relevant bed files
write.table(ENC_filt[,''], "20200309_LINKS_HepG2_bedfiles.NEW.txt", sep="\t", quote = FALSE, row.names = FALSE, col.names = FALSE)
write.table(ENC_filt,'ENCODE_HepG2_Mar2020_BED_Meta.tsv', sep="\t", quote = FALSE, row.names = FALSE, col.names = TRUE)
cd HepG2_Bed_Jan2019/
xargs -n 1 curl -O -L < ENCODE_HepG2_Mar2020_BED_Meta.tsv
Cut columns 1-3 to be compatible with GAT analysis:
cd HepG2/bedfiles/
for FILE in *.bed.gz
bname=`basename $FILE .bed.gz`
echo $bname
zcat $FILE | cut -f 1-3 | bedtools sort -i | gzip > ../Cut_bedfiles/$bname.cut.bed.gz
cd ../Cut_bedfiles
for FILE in *.bed.gz
echo '--annotations=/scratchb/sblab/spiege01/ENCODE_more_celllines/HepG2/Cut_bedfiles/'"$FILE"' \'
done >> HepG2_2020_annotations_list.txt
for FILE in *.bed.gz
Bedname=`basename $FILE .bed.gz`
Peaks=`zcat $FILE | wc -l`
echo -e $Bedname'\t'$Peaks >> HepG2_2020_NumberOfPeaks.txt
As in K562, four different workspaces were considered for randomization using GAT:
white-listed genome (hg19): hg19.wgEncodeDukeMapabilityRegionsExcludable.whitelist.bed
sites with G4 forming potential (OQS from G4-seq): G4-Seq_cat_K_PDS_+-strands.bed
open Chromatin (ENCODE HepG2 DNase-seq): ENCFF571RHF_DHS.bed.gz
G4-Seq OQs in open chromatin: OQs_in_HepG2_open_chromatin.bed
chrM was not compatible with GAT tool and needed to be removed from workspaces.
zcat ENCFF571RHF_DHS.bed.gz | cut -f 1-3 | grep -v chrM - > DHS_chrM.bed
grep -v chrM OQs_in_HepG2_open_chromatin.bed > openOQs_chrM.bed
Scripts for indiviual shuffling analysis.
Results for different randomizations were combined and visualized using a custom R script.
To assess whether binding at endogenous G4s is a generall feature of TFs, the enrichment in K562 and HepG2 were compared using a custom R script.
G4-ChIP sites are inherently G-rich. Perform association analysis for control sites that do not form G4 structures, but otherwise share very similar genomic features. (open chromatin, G4-forming potential, around TSS). The script used is Compare enrichment in endogenous G4s to control sites using custom R script
Compare TF chromatin occupancy at G4 ChIP sites and TF consensus motifs.
- retrieve TF motifs from JASPAR
- Scan hg19 for TF motif matches
- Generate bed files containing motif matches
- GAT analysis
mkdir -p jaspar && cd jaspar
mv JASPAR2020_CORE_vertebrates_non-redundant_pfms_meme.txt
grep "MOTIF" | wc -l # 746
grep -E "SP1|SP2" -A 20
cd reference_data/genomes/gencode/Gencode_human/release_19/fasta/
~/sw/meme/meme_5.0.5/libexec/meme-5.0.5/fasta-get-markov GRCh37.p13.genome.fa >
# 0-order Markov frequencies from file GRCh37.p13.genome.fa
# seqs: 297 min: 4262 max: 249250621 avg: 10891699.3 sum: 3234834689 alph: DNA
# order 0
# A 2.949e-01
# C 2.051e-01
# G 2.051e-01
# T 2.949e-01
cd jaspar
# each motif individually
grep "MOTIF" | while read line
id=`echo $line | cut -d " " -f 2`
gene_name=`echo $line | cut -d " " -f 3`
#echo $id, $gene_name
sbatch -J $id -o $id.log --mem 8G --wrap "~/sw/meme/meme_5.0.5/bin/fimo --bfile $ref_bg --max-stored-scores 10000000 --motif $id --oc $id $ref_fa"
# all motifs simultaneously
sbatch -J all -o all.log --mem 32G --wrap "~/sw/meme/meme_5.0.5/bin/fimo --bfile $ref_bg --max-stored-scores 10000000 --oc all $ref_fa"
# it just takes too long - this was killed
grep "Using motif +" all.log | wc -l # 54, only managed this small amount of motifs
srun --mem 32G --pty /usr/bin/bash
cd jaspar
for tsv in `find . -name "fimo.tsv"`
# echo $tsv, $bed
nohup tail -n +2 $tsv | \
awk '{ if ($3 ~ "chr") {print $3 "\t" $4 "\t" $5 "\t" $8 "\t" $9 "\t" $6 "\t" $2} }' | \
bedtools sort -i > $bed &
for bed in `find . -name "fimo.bed"`; do wc -l $bed; done
# BG4 peaks
mkdir bg4 && cd bg4
# BG4
cp /scratchb/sblab/spiege01/ENCODE_K562/reference_data/Quadruplex/20180108_K562_async_rep1-3.mult.5of8.bed .
# OQs
mkdir ../oqs && cd ../oqs
cp /scratchb/sblab/spiege01/ENCODE_K562/reference_data/Quadruplex/G4-Seq_cat_K_PDS_+-strands.bed .
# DNAse-seq regions
mkdir ../dnaseseq && cd ../dnaseseq
cp /scratchb/sblab/spiege01/ENCODE_K562/reference_data/K562/DNAse-seq.concatenated_narrow_rep1_and_rep2.bed .
# ENCODE bed files and metadata
mkdir ../encode && cd ../encode
cp /scratchb/sblab/spiege01/ENCODE_K562/GAT_Rerun_Jan2019/K562_Cut_Bed_Jan2019/*.cut.bed.gz .
rsync -arvuP [email protected]:/mnt/nfs/nas/group_folders/spiege01/projects/20171123_ENCODE_Analysis/K562_Rerun_Jan2019/GAT_analysis/GAT_K562_BG4_Rerun_500Peaks_Jan2019_Gat-Analysis_trim.csv .
rsync -arvuP [email protected]:/mnt/nfs/nas/group_folders/spiege01/projects/20171123_ENCODE_Analysis/K562_Rerun_Jan2019/ENCODE_K562_Jan2019_BED_Meta.tsv .
GenomicFeatures hg19 promoter definition:
# change width
options(width = 250)
# prepare coordinates table
txdb <- makeTxDbFromGFF("/scratcha/sblab/martin03/reference_data/genomes/gencode/Gencode_human/release_19/gtf/gencode.v19.annotation.gtf", format="gtf")
# gene promoters
gene_promoters <- data.table(data.frame(promoters(genes(txdb, columns="gene_id"), upstream=1000, downstream=0)))[, c("seqnames", "start", "end", "gene_id", "strand")][order(seqnames, start)]
gene_promoters[, gene_id := sapply(gene_promoters$gene_id, function(x) strsplit(x, "\\.")[[1]][1])]
gene_promoters[, start := ifelse(start < 0, 0, start)]
gene_promoters[, dummy := "."]
gene_promoters <- gene_promoters[, .(seqnames, start, end, gene_id, dummy, strand)]
write.table(gene_promoters, file = "/scratchb/sblab/martin03/repository/20191217_jochen/20200106/promoters/genepromoters.bed", row.names = FALSE, col.names = FALSE, sep = '\t', quote = FALSE)
Promoters in open chromatin:
cd promoters
bedtools intersect -a genepromoters.bed -b ../dnaseseq/DNAse-seq.concatenated_narrow_rep1_and_rep2.bed -wa -u > genepromoters_open.bed
wc -l genepromoters_open.bed # 16596
jaspar_file = open("jaspar/", "r")
jaspar_lines = jaspar_file.readlines()
jaspar_d = {}
for line in jaspar_lines:
if line.startswith("MOTIF"):
fields = line.split()
jaspar_id = fields[1]
gene_name = fields[2]
if gene_name in jaspar_d:
jaspar_d[gene_name]= [jaspar_id]
encode_file = open("encode/ENCODE_K562_Jan2019_BED_Meta.tsv", "r")
encode_lines = encode_file.readlines()
encode_gene_jaspar = []
for line in encode_lines[1:]:
fields = line.split('\t')
encode_id = fields[0]
gene_name = fields[12].replace("-human", "")
gene_name = gene_name.replace("eGFP-", "") if "eGFP-" in gene_name else gene_name
gene_name = gene_name.replace("phosphoS5", "") if "phosphoS5" in gene_name else gene_name
gene_name = gene_name.replace("phosphoS2", "") if "phosphoS2" in gene_name else gene_name
gene_name = gene_name.replace("3xFLAG-", "") if "3xFLAG-" in gene_name else gene_name
for gene_id in jaspar_d:
if gene_id == gene_name:
encode_gene_jaspar.append("\t".join([encode_id, gene_name, jaspar_d[gene_id][0]]))
len(encode_gene_jaspar) # 193
output_file = open("encode/encode_gene_jaspar.tsv", "w")
output_file.write("\n".join(encode_gene_jaspar) + "\n")
srun --mem 32G --pty /usr/bin/bash
mkdir -p gat/{promoters,promoters_open}
# promoters
cat encode/encode_gene_jaspar.tsv | while read line
encode_id=`echo $line | cut -d " " -f 1`
gene_name=`echo $line | cut -d " " -f 2`
jaspar_id=`echo $line | cut -d " " -f 3`
#echo $encode_id, $gene_name, $jaspar_id
nohup \
-s <(zcat encode/${encode_id}.cut.bed.gz) \
-a <(cat bg4/20180108_K562_async_rep1-3.mult.2of8.bed | sed 's/$/&\tbg4_2of8/') \
-a <(cat bg4/20180108_K562_async_rep1-3.mult.5of8.bed | sed 's/$/&\tbg4_5of8/') \
-a <(cat bg4/20180108_K562_async_rep1-3.mult.8of8.bed | sed 's/$/&\tbg4_8of8/') \
-a <(cut -f1-3 jaspar/${jaspar_id}/fimo.bed | sed 's/$/&\tjaspar/') \
-w <(cut -f1-3 promoters/genepromoters.bed) \
--ignore-segment-tracks \
-n 10000 \
-L gat/promoters/${encode_id}_${gene_name}.log \
--num-threads=1 > gat/promoters/${encode_id}_${gene_name}.txt &
tail gat/promoters/*.log
tail gat/promoters/*.txt | column -t
# promoters open
cat encode/encode_gene_jaspar.tsv | while read line
encode_id=`echo $line | cut -d " " -f 1`
gene_name=`echo $line | cut -d " " -f 2`
jaspar_id=`echo $line | cut -d " " -f 3`
#echo $encode_id, $gene_name, $jaspar_id
nohup \
-s <(zcat encode/${encode_id}.cut.bed.gz) \
-a <(cat bg4/20180108_K562_async_rep1-3.mult.2of8.bed | sed 's/$/&\tbg4_2of8/') \
-a <(cat bg4/20180108_K562_async_rep1-3.mult.5of8.bed | sed 's/$/&\tbg4_5of8/') \
-a <(cat bg4/20180108_K562_async_rep1-3.mult.8of8.bed | sed 's/$/&\tbg4_8of8/') \
-a <(cut -f1-3 jaspar/${jaspar_id}/fimo.bed | sed 's/$/&\tjaspar/') \
-w <(cut -f1-3 promoters/genepromoters_open.bed) \
--ignore-segment-tracks \
-n 10000 \
-L gat/promoters_open/${encode_id}_${gene_name}.log \
--num-threads=1 > gat/promoters_open/${encode_id}_${gene_name}.txt &
tail gat/promoters_open/*.log
tail gat/promoters_open/*.txt | column -t
#cd /scratchb/sblab/martin03/repository/20191217_jochen/20200106/gat
# Enlarge the view width when printing tables
options(width = 400)
# promoters #
# Load data
data <- fread(" -i promoters/*.txt -r .txt --firsthdr")
# Collapse data
data_dcast <- dcast(data, file_id ~ annotation, value.var = "fold")
data_dcast[, file_id := sapply(data_dcast$file_id, function(x) unlist(strsplit(x, "_"))[[2]])]
# Label G4 associated proteins
data_knownG4 <- data_dcast
Known_G4_proteins <- fread(file = "G4IPD_Oct2019.csv", header = F)
data_knownG4$G4IPD <- ifelse(data_knownG4$file_id %in% Known_G4_proteins$V1, "#279615", "black")
# Scatterplots
## bg4_5of8
gg <- ggplot(data_knownG4, aes(x = bg4_5of8, y = jaspar, label = file_id)) +
geom_point(colour=data_knownG4$G4IPD) +
theme_minimal() +
#scale_color_manual(values=color_vector) +
xlab("fold enrichment at endogeneous G4s") +
ylab("fold enrichment at JASPAR motifs") +
theme(axis.text = element_text(size=rel(1), color = "black"), axis.title = element_text(size=rel(1), color = "black"), legend.title = element_blank()) +
scale_y_continuous(breaks=seq(0, 25, 5), limits=c(0,25)) +
scale_x_continuous(breaks=seq(0, 25, 5)) +
coord_fixed(ratio = 1) +
geom_abline(intercept = 0, slope = 1, linetype = "dashed") +
geom_label_repel(data = data_dcast[(bg4_5of8 > 17.5 & (bg4_5of8/jaspar > 2.4)) | ((bg4_5of8/jaspar < 0.5) & jaspar > 5)],
aes(label = file_id), force = 2, box.padding = 0.4, point.padding = 0.4, size=rel(2.5), segment.color = 'grey80')
ggsave("figures/20200122_gat_bg4_5of8_jaspar_promoters.pdf", height = 13/2.54, useDingbats=F)
#### Keep data from shuffling at promoters for export
export_table <- dcast(data, file_id ~ annotation, value.var = "fold")
export_table[, file.accession := sapply(export_table$file_id, function(x) unlist(strsplit(x, "_"))[[1]])]
export_table[, := sapply(export_table$file_id, function(x) unlist(strsplit(x, "_"))[[2]])]
export_table <- export_table[,c("file.accession", "", "bg4_5of8", "jaspar", "file_id")]
# promoters_open #
# Load data
data <- fread(" -i promoters_open/*.txt -r .txt --firsthdr")
# Collapse data
data_dcast <- dcast(data, file_id ~ annotation, value.var = "fold")
data_dcast[, file_id := sapply(data_dcast$file_id, function(x) unlist(strsplit(x, "_"))[[2]])]
# Label G4 associated proteins
data_knownG4 <- data_dcast
Known_G4_proteins <- fread(file = "G4IPD_Oct2019.csv", header = F)
data_knownG4$G4IPD <- ifelse(data_knownG4$file_id %in% Known_G4_proteins$V1, "#279615", "black")
# Scatterplots
## bg4_5of8
gg <- ggplot(data_knownG4, aes(x = bg4_5of8, y = jaspar, label = file_id)) +
geom_point(colour=data_knownG4$G4IPD) +
theme_minimal() +
xlab("fold enrichment at endogeneous G4s") +
ylab("fold enrichment at JASPAR motifs") +
theme(axis.text = element_text(size=rel(1), color = "black"), axis.title = element_text(size=rel(1), color = "black"), legend.title = element_blank()) +
scale_y_continuous(breaks=seq(0, 25, 5), limits=c(0,25)) +
scale_x_continuous(breaks=seq(0, 25, 5)) +
coord_fixed(ratio = 1) +
geom_abline(intercept = 0, slope = 1, linetype = "dashed") +
geom_label_repel(data = data_dcast[(bg4_5of8 > 6.5 & (bg4_5of8/jaspar > 2)) | ((bg4_5of8/jaspar < 0.2) & jaspar > 5)],
aes(label = file_id), force = 3, box.padding = 0.4, point.padding = 0.4, size=rel(2.5), segment.color = 'grey80')
ggsave("figures/20200122_gat_bg4_5of8_jaspar_OPEN_promoters.pdf", height = 13/2.54, useDingbats=F)
# export result table #
# data from shuffling at open promoters
data_dcast <- dcast(data, file_id ~ annotation, value.var = "fold")
export_table$bg4_5of8_open <- data_dcast$bg4_5of8[match(export_table$file_id, data_dcast$file_id)]
export_table$bg4_jaspar_open <- data_dcast$jaspar[match(export_table$file_id, data_dcast$file_id)]
export_table <- export_table[, -"file_id"]
write.csv(export_table, file ="GAT_ENCODE_G4vsJAPSAR.csv")