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1. Some Screen Captures

win edited this page Jul 24, 2015 · 7 revisions
  1. classic HTML-Renderer classic HTML-Renderer

  2. debug view screen debug view screen

html elements

  1. table table

  2. mini agg canvas canvas_mini_agg

  3. html and svg html_svg

  4. textbox (with cursor) , this is RenderBase textbox (not platform's textbox) texbox

  5. textbox with suggestion, support multiline textbox_with_suggestion

  6. input type='text' with placeholder , (before input text ,see 'hello!', and a then after input text) input_text1


  1. position:absolute abs

  2. position:relative relative_pos

  3. position:fixed fixed_pos

  4. overflow: scroll, hidden content_overflow

  5. display:inline-block , and selection inline_block_and_selection

  6. display:flex, (compare with FireFox37 on the right) simple_flex

  7. simple shadow box_shadow

8.float, FireFox37 (top), our HtmlRenderer(bottom) floatBox

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