- Update xmldom
- Update dev deps
- Bump to latest node LTS
- Update @xmldom/xmldom to 0.8.2
- Update dependency xmldom
- Updated node version and outdated packages
- Add missing tedious dependency
- fix eslint error
- Consolidate test setup
- Removed var variable declarations
- Update to use native promises
- Remove unused vars
- Removed dev dep on metronic
- Replaced monologue.js with EventEmitter
- Updated machina and removed postal
- Updated lodash
- Removed whistlepunk
- Replaced jshint with eslint + nyc for coverage. Goodbye gulp.
- removed unused dependencies
- Added execute call stack to error
- Update README with atTransactionStart and atTransactionEnd details
- Added tests for start/end hooks
- Added tests for connection module, fixed linting errors and committed package lock
- Added hooks for running code at the start and/or end of a transaction
- Added ability to bulk load multiple tables in a step
- Added integration tests for Tedious patch; Moved patch to a separate file; Prevented patch from being applied twice
- Returned a promise from a test that showed errors from a timing issue
- Added behavior tests for Tedious patch
- Added a sad panda monkey patch to reset connections
- Added asList parameter option
- Add useExisting option
- Add tests for connection reuse
- Add bulkLoadTable option
- Only create xml when data is present
- Added stream option
- Fixed bug in asTable with reserved word properties
- Added support for dates and reserved word property names in asTable.
- Made asTable handle unicode.
- Set a publish config to ensure publishing to public npm
- Fixed problem handling null and undefined values in asTable parameters.
- Expose MAX from mssql for use in specifying length in data types.
- Now returning execute promise so we can manipulate the data returned from a step.
- Fix isolation level passed to mssql.
- Reject promise when step action throws error.
- Added support for object arrays to insert multiple rows with multiple columns
- Added support for value arrays to insert multiple rows
- Added ability to bypass execute callback.
- Updated readme with named instance example
- Returned additional SQL error information (preceding errors) in the error message
- Emit connectivity events
- Prevent reading sql files multiple times
Update mssql to 2.3.2
- Improvement - include failed step name in object
- Bug fix - don't lose error context during rollback
- Bug fix - consistently resolve/reject when using then
- Update node-mssql to 2.2.0
Update mssql version to 2.1.8 to get 1.12.2 of tedious - new stream parsing and corrected NTLM auth.
- Refactor of how connection pools are defined and used throughout API to address the following:
- Bug fix - failing transactions no longer result in process crashes
- Bug fix - failing transactions now return underlying reason for failure
- Bug fix - multiple calls with the same connection parameters do not result in multiple connection pools
- Bug fix - using the transaction context does not result in a closed connection pool at the end of the transaction
- Feature - connections can specify a name to simplify future use of multiple connection pools
- Feature - add metronic integration
- Feature - make multi-step API calls 'then-able'
- Refactored tests where use of stubs was not correctly asserting arguments passed to calls (tests always passed)