The player character can be controllable with arrows keys or WASD keys and can interact with world with mouse click when come close of an interactive object(will be shown a green outline), there are two interactive object: the shopkeeper and the wardrobe. In the shopkeeper the player can buy clothes with game's money, the cart has a limit of 100 items. In the wardrobe the player can change outfit and get rid of owned clothes too, the player can own a maximum limit of 100 clothes. If the player has not enough money or the cart/wardrobe reach the maximum limit of items, then a message box will show up. A player's money counter is displayed in the top-right side of the screen, the player starts with $1.000,00. When player change outfit the character changes the visual too. In both shopkeeper and wardrobe there are a preview of the character visual with the selected clothes. Due to the nature of the game(like The Sims), there's no outfit selling(unless you run your own store or something like this).
The entire game was made with free assets downloaded from the internet, therefore there were limitations in the development due to lack of assets, despite of this, I had no dificult to complete the task with exception of the player movement wich I've tried to do with point-and-click to move mechanic using mouse, but it turned out to be more difficult than I expected and the time is short to do this. Other thing wich I would be easly made if I have a little bit more time is to divide both clothes shop and wardrobe in categories like shirts, pants, shoes, etc. just adding tabs on GUI.
All assets used are free and available at: