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"lorem": [
["Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.","Etiam eleifend, erat ac auctor feugiat, felis arcu interdum quam, vel posuere ligula augue et ipsum.","Aliquam nunc leo, consectetur quis faucibus hendrerit, ultricies dignissim nisl.","Maecenas scelerisque purus non sem venenatis luctus dictum mi interdum.","Nulla tincidunt volutpat est id lacinia.","Morbi et turpis nunc, non tempor sem.","Proin vel malesuada tellus.","Quisque quis eros tellus, ut pharetra ipsum.","Cras fermentum eros orci.","Donec et odio sed dui iaculis tempor.","Nullam ut libero et nulla dignissim pulvinar tempor pretium dolor."],
["Donec ornare blandit lorem vel dignissim.","Sed quis leo sed sem mollis tempor vel a odio.","Etiam cursus imperdiet nisi et tempor.","Fusce eu diam sed erat viverra venenatis.","Nulla ultrices mi metus.","Nunc sodales rhoncus cursus.","In malesuada aliquet consectetur.","Nunc tellus libero, tincidunt sit amet sollicitudin iaculis, venenatis et est.","Donec sit amet est a nibh sodales facilisis a vitae dui.","Nam iaculis elit pretium ligula mollis hendrerit.","Vivamus hendrerit pharetra purus in laoreet.","Aenean viverra fringilla condimentum.","Aenean scelerisque semper diam cursus vehicula.","Morbi lobortis elementum justo vel dapibus.","Phasellus ligula quam, feugiat quis rhoncus vel, gravida iaculis enim.","Duis lacus nisi, hendrerit id ultrices id, luctus a massa."],
["Nunc venenatis dignissim lectus.","Vivamus nec mauris ac sem molestie rhoncus in nec augue.","Phasellus blandit nibh id lorem dignissim pulvinar.","Mauris volutpat vulputate eros sed fermentum.","Nam in enim imperdiet nibh ultrices adipiscing.","Pellentesque feugiat turpis in sem imperdiet at tempus elit ornare.","Etiam eu tincidunt nisi.","Aenean in ultricies massa.","Vivamus placerat eleifend dolor vitae tempor.","Nullam dapibus, mi sed rutrum vestibulum, quam mi cursus sem, ac porttitor augue nulla vel nulla.","Nunc auctor turpis in mi venenatis ultricies.","Nunc eu purus nec felis viverra euismod.","Quisque rutrum lobortis mi sit amet porta.","Sed a cursus nunc.","Fusce consectetur commodo faucibus.","Suspendisse arcu neque, faucibus vel tristique non, vehicula at est."],
["Pellentesque tristique, metus ut tincidunt varius, lectus lorem molestie risus, vitae condimentum dui justo nec ligula.","Mauris urna velit, sodales eu accumsan ut, dignissim nec sapien.","Duis ac rhoncus tellus.","Curabitur dui est, pharetra eget viverra vitae, faucibus nec lorem.","Nulla ornare, justo in ornare pulvinar, turpis nunc volutpat nunc, imperdiet dignissim augue dolor ullamcorper lectus.","In iaculis massa id sapien sagittis dictum varius augue ornare.","Maecenas massa nunc, lacinia id sodales eu, viverra vel mi.","Donec sit amet erat in elit rutrum mollis."],
["Vivamus quis odio in velit placerat porta at sed risus.","Nulla vitae viverra nisl.","Praesent iaculis sagittis laoreet.","Donec varius molestie orci, in accumsan elit rutrum a.","Sed posuere, nibh in ultrices congue, tortor ipsum facilisis urna, id euismod sem leo adipiscing nulla.","In hac habitasse platea dictumst.","Ut aliquet dui vitae neque fermentum sollicitudin.","Etiam tortor leo, consectetur pellentesque tincidunt a, hendrerit eget ipsum.","Suspendisse gravida dapibus arcu, a tristique erat euismod at."],
["Maecenas nunc nisi, suscipit at pulvinar eu, tristique vehicula nibh.","Sed non augue neque.","Maecenas non dolor eu lorem sodales venenatis.","Praesent luctus quam ut lacus tempor interdum.","Phasellus eleifend posuere pharetra.","Ut pharetra, nisl quis accumsan ornare, quam augue tincidunt odio, sit amet semper felis dolor ac augue.","Ut nec justo eu nunc blandit sollicitudin vitae tincidunt nisi.","Morbi sit amet rutrum arcu.","Pellentesque non tempus lectus.","Phasellus fermentum tempus magna eu mollis.","Nam sit amet augue arcu, at tristique tellus.","Quisque suscipit ornare rutrum.","Integer fermentum blandit sem, et hendrerit urna tincidunt sit amet.","Nunc purus magna, accumsan convallis aliquam at, semper id sapien.","Nunc pharetra urna volutpat odio feugiat venenatis.","Morbi vel consectetur odio."],
["Nam vel nunc sed massa aliquam elementum.","Nullam diam risus, sagittis a blandit at, pellentesque sit amet ipsum.","Fusce commodo, massa sed facilisis aliquam, leo felis tristique tellus, imperdiet posuere nibh libero eu augue.","Aliquam nunc purus, tincidunt non placerat eget, porttitor ut leo.","Pellentesque tellus ligula, feugiat id interdum ut, malesuada eget lacus.","Praesent purus diam, viverra eget volutpat at, gravida sed lacus.","Mauris mi felis, varius id ornare et, placerat eu nunc.","Aliquam erat volutpat.","Nunc ornare cursus odio sed bibendum.","Vivamus et tortor at odio vulputate hendrerit.","Ut ante enim, tincidunt sit amet gravida mollis, pharetra a metus.","Sed magna arcu, rhoncus pulvinar elementum sit amet, ornare quis quam.","Phasellus porttitor magna faucibus leo auctor id euismod dui dignissim.","Maecenas pulvinar sem scelerisque lorem viverra et faucibus purus vehicula.","Vivamus lectus nibh, mollis at eleifend ac, mattis ut leo."],
["In hac habitasse platea dictumst.","Aliquam mollis tempus est, congue pharetra tortor auctor id.","Aliquam in velit eu risus ullamcorper ornare.","Etiam id enim in odio dignissim rhoncus.","Praesent id ipsum eget ipsum faucibus auctor vitae at neque.","Morbi sed consectetur sapien.","Nullam eget odio nec turpis suscipit iaculis.","Quisque egestas sollicitudin lacus a elementum.","Nulla facilisi.","Morbi pellentesque dolor vel turpis fringilla id euismod tellus malesuada.","Duis tincidunt dapibus odio.","Morbi dui nibh, rhoncus sit amet rutrum quis, iaculis a turpis."],
["Donec vitae velit neque.","Suspendisse quis lorem erat, a malesuada lectus.","Vestibulum tortor odio, dapibus at commodo nec, fringilla sed mauris.","Pellentesque non eros nec turpis porttitor laoreet ac nec tortor.","Phasellus pellentesque, libero in suscipit auctor, lacus sapien luctus lorem, ut consectetur nisl elit faucibus odio.","Fusce laoreet nisl a lectus molestie scelerisque.","Nullam molestie ullamcorper nunc, id ultrices leo pretium et."],
["Nullam rhoncus malesuada mattis.","Curabitur dolor diam, malesuada eu viverra id, interdum eget nisi.","Duis augue velit, pulvinar in ultrices vel, tincidunt ut tortor.","Sed pharetra dui nec metus sollicitudin blandit.","Etiam at turpis sed ipsum bibendum pharetra ac vel nisl.","Nullam arcu tortor, elementum non tincidunt nec, dapibus eu ligula.","Phasellus magna tortor, pulvinar vitae blandit a, fermentum in lectus.","Cras interdum suscipit pharetra.","Sed lorem metus, adipiscing quis hendrerit ac, hendrerit a massa.","Suspendisse justo magna, sagittis id iaculis ac, dignissim ut felis.","Morbi turpis enim, luctus vel placerat sed, posuere a tortor.","Nulla eu sem id dui sollicitudin pretium vel vel est."],
["Morbi laoreet, massa in ultricies egestas, augue libero fringilla lorem, bibendum cursus sem leo nec risus.","Integer felis nisi, cursus in convallis ut, tempus ac dolor.","Nulla consectetur bibendum bibendum.","Nulla et mi quis dui tincidunt semper.","Nam mollis placerat diam eu mollis.","In hac habitasse platea dictumst.","Nulla sapien ligula, ultricies vel ornare ac, dapibus vitae dui.","Ut ut dui diam, in tempus nibh.","Fusce iaculis dictum blandit."],
["Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas.","Nullam egestas vehicula felis, eget lobortis sapien molestie a.","Mauris id nisl ac quam imperdiet volutpat in a elit.","In sit amet neque quis ante sagittis egestas.","Integer pellentesque interdum nibh euismod luctus.","Aliquam commodo adipiscing tellus, eget pellentesque lacus dapibus at.","Nulla a felis sem, ut lobortis elit.","Donec viverra dolor id metus suscipit lacinia.","Aliquam erat volutpat.","Aenean dui arcu, aliquam sed dignissim sed, commodo vel nibh.","Proin faucibus vestibulum neque, vitae egestas ipsum volutpat ac.","Proin leo lacus, tincidunt eu mollis at, interdum a felis.","Nullam sollicitudin euismod sollicitudin.","Suspendisse magna mi, auctor eget malesuada nec, rhoncus vitae elit.","Fusce ac enim nulla, ac dictum mauris.","Vestibulum ac lorem ut sapien tincidunt feugiat."],
["In vehicula quam ante, eu faucibus magna.","Phasellus lobortis nisi vel purus volutpat nec tempor lectus imperdiet.","Phasellus neque eros, vehicula quis tempus ac, ullamcorper at metus.","Etiam placerat ante euismod diam dictum non porta eros interdum.","Vivamus felis turpis, auctor at ornare eu, volutpat at odio.","Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus.","Mauris tempus velit a velit fermentum id bibendum erat rhoncus.","Pellentesque dolor lacus, molestie a blandit sit amet, ullamcorper non ligula.","Suspendisse pellentesque est sed velit tempor vitae aliquam lorem mattis.","Sed eget enim eu eros placerat condimentum non non erat.","Ut placerat imperdiet velit, at tempus neque ornare eu.","Donec eget quam eget felis pharetra ultrices.","Aenean erat enim, faucibus nec vulputate in, venenatis non dui.","Proin enim mi, facilisis quis cursus eget, rutrum a metus.","Donec et est est.","Fusce nec nibh diam."],
["Quisque sed diam in libero porttitor tempor.","Sed iaculis pulvinar dui nec fringilla.","Quisque accumsan, libero sed pulvinar fringilla, neque dolor lacinia quam, viverra rutrum purus lectus non neque.","Integer vel mi sed diam feugiat porta.","Sed aliquam nisl tempus libero porta facilisis.","Phasellus id enim et nibh viverra egestas.","Nullam orci ipsum, accumsan quis consequat quis, eleifend ut justo."],
["Vestibulum aliquet, massa nec sollicitudin convallis, sapien orci faucibus sapien, eu vulputate massa dolor ut nisl.","Duis dapibus nulla non quam consequat pulvinar.","Vestibulum vitae molestie risus.","Fusce quis ullamcorper sem.","Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas.","In convallis eleifend interdum.","Quisque in neque risus, vitae aliquam lacus.","Mauris vehicula varius dui at posuere.","Pellentesque ullamcorper, nulla a elementum volutpat, sapien magna semper dui, eu mattis augue felis id orci.","Duis risus justo, dictum in ornare id, pretium sed arcu.","Mauris sed dolor vitae eros viverra ornare.","Sed id aliquet nibh."],
["Curabitur nibh purus, tristique nec aliquam eu, rutrum a diam.","Fusce varius rutrum nisi, vel ornare eros mattis ac.","Integer sagittis euismod tincidunt.","Etiam varius molestie iaculis.","Suspendisse pulvinar viverra felis.","Nam at est elit, ut dictum ante.","Duis suscipit luctus libero, ac condimentum tortor interdum non.","Integer venenatis volutpat egestas."],
["Curabitur facilisis feugiat lorem.","Morbi sollicitudin velit nec ante hendrerit vel lobortis metus laoreet.","Phasellus ullamcorper nulla vitae neque euismod id malesuada felis faucibus.","Sed eu dui eget dolor imperdiet sagittis vitae volutpat diam.","Aliquam a lacus sed arcu molestie laoreet ac non lacus.","Aenean eleifend mollis erat sit amet interdum.","Vestibulum erat sapien, porttitor non ornare vitae, blandit a nisl.","Etiam sit amet dolor sit amet nisi consectetur pellentesque.","Integer pretium auctor sem vitae imperdiet.","Sed magna est, cursus nec aliquam sed, porta nec dui.","In accumsan ipsum fermentum eros dictum tincidunt.","In tincidunt, risus eu vehicula condimentum, ipsum ante fringilla massa, sit amet tempor elit tortor ac velit.","Nam malesuada auctor mattis."],
["Praesent imperdiet purus quis diam consequat gravida.","Phasellus accumsan rutrum risus vitae sagittis.","Sed est orci, cursus nec rutrum eget, luctus ut ipsum.","Donec vitae massa diam.","Sed dui velit, tempor eu facilisis a, pharetra quis neque.","In mi tortor, consectetur ut egestas sit amet, aliquet vel velit.","Sed ut consectetur diam.","Maecenas at rhoncus est.","Suspendisse non sapien dui, id vehicula ipsum.","Duis pharetra elit at enim pellentesque eu lacinia lorem laoreet."],
["Cras et sem sed enim cursus viverra vel sed tellus.","Phasellus imperdiet luctus mi in commodo.","Phasellus id sapien ut enim egestas suscipit id vitae turpis.","Nam fermentum, urna ac fringilla dignissim, erat sapien faucibus tortor, sodales suscipit mauris purus vel libero.","Nulla sem dui, aliquam vel egestas eu, condimentum non dolor.","Donec massa nibh, dignissim at feugiat quis, molestie eget est.","Nunc quis ultrices lectus.","Pellentesque euismod tellus a dolor rutrum non molestie arcu dapibus.","Maecenas pellentesque rutrum cursus.","Aenean eu imperdiet turpis."],
["Nunc ac purus libero, quis hendrerit urna.","Vestibulum nec lectus nisi, molestie pellentesque magna.","Curabitur velit metus, ullamcorper a commodo at, eleifend eget nisi.","Suspendisse quis augue magna, sit amet porttitor sapien.","Ut eu imperdiet ligula.","Phasellus dolor eros, sagittis eget malesuada ac, euismod quis erat.","Vivamus molestie elementum dolor sed eleifend.","Curabitur erat nunc, hendrerit vel ornare eu, mattis eget erat.","Donec vehicula turpis imperdiet lacus varius molestie.","Vestibulum sollicitudin, justo id luctus tincidunt, arcu nisi tempus eros, eget ultrices magna ligula id velit.","Ut eu metus diam, at pulvinar ligula.","Morbi pellentesque pharetra lectus, quis cursus sem dictum at."]
"": [
["Lebowski ipsum a fifteen-year-old? Is this your idea of a joke? Hey! This is a private residence, man! Chinaman is not the preferred nomenclature.","Asian-American.","Please.","Yeah well, that's just, ya know, like, your opinion, man.","Dude, please!... Is this your homework, Larry? Mind if I smoke a jay? Jeez.","I miss vinyl.","His girlfriend gafe up her toe! She sought we'd be getting million dollars! Iss not fair!."],
["This kid is in the ninth grade, Dude, and his father is-are you ready for this? -Arthur Digby Sellers.","Sex.","The physical act of love.","Coitus.","Do you like it? Now this story I'm about to unfold took place back in the early nineties -just about the time of our conflict with Sad'm and the Eye-rackies.","I only mention it 'cause some- times there's a man-I won't say a hee-ro, 'cause what's a hee-ro?-but sometimes there's a man."],
["Uh, yeah.","Probably a vagrant, slept in the car.","Or perhaps just used it as a toilet, and moved on.","Hardly Dude, a new 'vette? The kid's still got, oh, 96 to 97 thousand, depending on the options.","...and even if he's a lazy man, and the Dude was certainly that-quite possibly the laziest in Los Angeles County.","That guy treats objects like women, man.","Ahh, you know.","Strikes and gutters, ups and downs."],
["D'ya have a good sarsaparilla? Stay out of Malibu, Lebowski! You know, little of this, little of that.","Forget it, Donny.","You're out of your element.","Your goons'll be able to get it off him, mean he's only fifteen and he's flunking social studies.","So if you'll just write me a check for my ten per cent... of half a million... fifty grand.","Hello.","Nein dizbatcher says zere iss problem mit deine kable."],
["Finishing my coffee.","One a those days, huh.","Wal, a wiser fella than m'self once said, sometimes you eat the bar and sometimes the bar, wal, he eats you.","Stay out of Malibu, deadbeat! Little Lebowski Urban Achievers, yes, and proud we are of all of them.","You don't go out and make a living dressed like that in the middle of a weekday.","It increases the chances of conception."],
["Wait in the car, Donny.","I'm not Mr.","Lebowski; you're Mr.","Lebowski.","I'm the Dude.","No, the, uh, police chief of Malibu.","A real reactionary.","LOGJAMMIN'.","I was, uh, one of the authors of the Port Huron Statement -The original Port Huron Statement.","Not the compromised second draft.","Wal, I lost m'chain of thought here.","But-aw hell, I done innerduced him enough.","Dieter has been on the fringes of -well, of everything in L.","A.",", for about twenty years.","Look at my LP's.","Under 'Autobahn.","'."],
["We wanted to talk about little Larry.","May we come in? My art has been commended as being strongly vaginal.","Which bothers some men.","The word itself makes some men uncomfortable.","Vagina.","Over the line! Wonderful woman.","Very free-spirited.","We're all very fond of her.","I don't like you sucking around bothering our citizens, Lebowski.","Mr.","Lebowski asked me to repeat that: Her life is in your hands."],
["He lives in North Hollywood on Radford, near the In-and-Out Burger.","Yeah man.","Well, you know, the Dude abides.","That wasn't her toe.","JUST BECAUSE WE'RE BEREAVED DOESN'T MEAN WE'RE SAPS! Who's in pyjamas, Walter? Do you like sex, Mr.","Lebowski? I like your style, Dude.","This compulsive fornicator is taking my father for the proverbial ride.","Jeffrey, you haven't gone to the doctor.","That is our most modestly priced receptacle."],
["My name's Da Fino! I'm a private snoop! Like you, man! ...which would place him high in the runnin' for laziest worldwide-but sometimes there's a man... sometimes there's a man.","You want a toe? I can get you a toe, believe me.","There are ways, Dude.","You don't wanna know about it, believe me.","You know, the usual.","Bowl.","Drive around.","The occasional acid flashback.","Yes, so we were informed.","However, we must of course transmit the remains to you in a receptacle."],
["You got the wrong guy.","I'm the Dude, man.","I don't see any connection to Vietnam, Walter.","Goodnight, sweet prince.","Vee belief in nossing.","I'll get you a toe by this afternoon -with nail polish.","Ja, vee could really do it, Lebowski.","And let's also not forget-let's not forget, Dude-that keeping wildlife, an amphibious rodent, for domestic, you know, within the city -that isn't legal either."],
["Near the In-and-Out Burger.","Are they gonna hurt us, Walter? To use the parlance of our times.","Nihilists! Jesus.","Every time a rug is micturated upon in this fair city, I have to compensate.","Darkness warshed over the Dude- darker'n a black steer's tookus on a moonless prairie night.","There was no bottom.","The nail polish, Walter.","Hey, relax man, I'm a brother shamus.","I have no choice but to tell these bums that they should do whatever is necessary to recover their money from you, Jeffrey Lebowski."],
["My dirty undies.","Laundry, Dude.","The whites.","What in God's holy name are you blathering about? I'm unemployed.","A way out west there was a fella, fella I want to tell you about, fella by the name of Jeff Lebowski.","At least, that was the handle his lovin' parents gave him, but he never had much use for it himself.","This Lebowski, he called himself the Dude.","Now, Dude, that's a name no one would self-apply where I come from.","But then, there was a lot about the Dude that didn't make a whole lot of sense to me.","And a lot about where he lived, likewise.","But then again, maybe that's why I found the place s'durned innarestin'."],
["I spent most of my time occupying various, um, administration buildings, smoking thai-stick, breaking into the ROTC and bowling.","Zere ARE no ROOLZ! I know how he likes to present himself; Father's weakness is vanity.","Hence the slut.","Lady, I got buddies who died face-down in the mud so you and I could enjoy this family restaurant! Sir, this is a mortuary, not a rental house."],
["Yeah man, it really tied the room together.","1972 Pontiac LeBaron.","Please see him, Jeffrey.","He's a good man.","And thorough.","And so, Theodore Donald Karabotsos, in accordance with what we think your dying wishes might well have been, we commit your mortal remains to the bosom of the Pacific Ocean, which you loved so well.","That had not occurred to us, Dude.","Whose toe was it, Walter?."],
["A man will refer to his 'dick' or his 'rod' or his 'Johnson'.","Ja, und maybe vee stamp on it und skvush it, Lebowski! My point, Dude, is why should we settle for twenty grand when we can keep the entire million.","Am I wrong? People forget that the brain is the biggest erogenous zone.","This Chinaman is not the issue! Your 'revolution' is over, Mr.","Lebowski! Condolences! The bums lost!."],
["What's a pederast, Walter? No, look.","I do mind.","The Dude minds.","This will not stand, you know, this aggression will not stand, man.","Vee could do things you only dreamed of, Lebowski.","Yeah.","Roadie for Metallica.","Speed of Sound Tour.","And I'm talkin' about the Dude here -sometimes there's a man who, wal, he's the man for his time'n place, he fits right in there-and that's the Dude, in Los Angeles."],
["And Hill 364.","These young men gave their lives.","And Donny too.","Donny who... who loved bowling.","Hello, Pilar? My name is Walter Sobchak, we spoke on the phone, this is my associate Jeffrey Lebowski.","Can we just rent it from you? No ma'am, I didn't mean to give the impression that we're police exactly.","We're hoping that it will not be necessary to call the police."],
["The Knutsens.","It's a wandering daughter job.","Bunny Lebowski, man.","Her real name is Fawn Knutsen.","Her parents want her back.","I hope you're not avoiding this call because of the rug, which, I assure you, is not a problem.","Walter, you can't do that.","These guys're like me, they're pacifists.","Smokey was a conscientious objector.","Do you have any kalhua? Sure you'll see some tank battles.","But fighting in desert is very different from fighting in canopy jungle."],
["I am the Walrus.","Strong men also cry... Strong men also cry.","We've got a man down, Dude.","Ja, your viggly penis, Lebowski.","Here's the name and number of a doctor who will look at it for you.","You will receive no bill.","He's a good man.","And thorough.","You're going to enter a world of pain, son.","We know that this is your homework.","We know you stole a car."],
["If the plan gets too complex something always goes wrong.","If there's one thing I learned in Nam-.","Thankie... Just one thing, Dude.","D'ya have to use s'many cuss words? Eight-year-olds, Dude.","I didn't blame anyone for the loss of my legs, some chinaman in Korea took them from me but I went out and achieved anyway.","Yeah? What do you think happens when you get divorced? You turn in your library card? Get a new driver's license? Stop being Jewish?."]
"": [
["Boafish tubeblenny; queen parrotfish loach catfish Atlantic eel cowfish kelp perch yellowhead jawfish.","Airbreathing catfish bamboo shark Devario bull shark shovelnose sturgeon warmouth snake mudhead white marlin.","Zebra oto; lumpsucker tidewater goby gulper eel, elasmobranch candiru danio dogfish shark paradise fish; Rattail Russian sturgeon prowfish.","Tripod fish, Black scabbardfish central mudminnow armorhead, American sole snake mudhead mackerel shark alooh."," Ziege torrent catfish angelfish African glass catfish; whitebait dragonfish bull trout.","Sand eel coho salmon walleye ribbonfish cobia jewel tetra Old World rivuline nurseryfish rivuline Sacramento blackfish sillago; tubeblenny fangtooth, kaluga plunderfish, tube-eye.","Ghost pipefish salamanderfish; bighead carp graveldiver sandperch, temperate ocean-bass squirrelfish shortnose sucker tarwhine scythe butterfish slender barracudina tarwhine rough pomfret."," Armoured catfish algae eater jack cuskfish weever bigeye; hawkfish gray mullet, prowfish, wasp fish, Atlantic eel glass knifefish, sailfish white croaker."," Poolfish bream Pacific albacore northern clingfish livebearer European eel, pollock South American Lungfish zebra turkeyfish."," Masu salmon Rainbowfish shortnose sucker grouper hammerhead shark northern pearleye, New Zealand sand diver."," Bigeye Pacific herring dory mackerel sleeper shark."],
["Colorado squawfish oldwife clingfish, northern pearleye combtooth blenny; bobtail snipe eel paperbone muskellunge spiny dogfish mustache triggerfish catfish.","Whitebait Blenny round whitefish; Indian mul hagfish frigate mackerel cutthroat trout haddock South American darter? Swamp-eel burrowing goby climbing perch dottyback rockweed gunnel javelin Ganges shark.","Eagle ray, Redfish snook Australian herring stingray green swordtail dab hardhead catfish nurseryfish giant danio."],
["Yellowbanded perch bigscale fish catfish, megamouth shark Devario blue eye perch, vendace.","Mooneye yellowfin cutthroat trout dorado sand tilefish goldfish, banjo catfish pearleye man-of-war fish.","Deep sea eel spotted danio clownfish pumpkinseed cardinalfish.","Labyrinth fish filefish whitefish lookdown catfish brotula freshwater eel roosterfish Mozambique tilapia.","Swampfish Antarctic cod mahseer wasp fish? Climbing gourami yellowtail barracuda climbing perch eulachon Pacific trout blue catfish slimy mackerel northern squawfish golden trout.","Moonfish titan triggerfish huchen, Blacksmelt hammerhead shark poolfish.","Turkeyfish olive flounder eel betta zebra lionfish Norwegian Atlantic salmon armorhead long-finned char rock beauty.","Gizzard shad catalufa cowfish coolie loach climbing catfish, rockweed gunnel bull trout."],
["Golden dojo ribbon eel french angelfish, pomfret Dolly Varden trout.","Jewelfish jack smalltooth sawfish sheatfish trumpetfish rockling cavefish amago, beardfish slender barracudina wallago, powen Australasian salmon alewife pompano pejerrey atka mackerel blackchin electric stargazer.","Grunt sculpin dogfish longnose dace orbicular velvetfish.","Javelin catfish saber-toothed blenny sergeant major spikefish, amur pike gunnel basking shark king-of-the-salmon.","Skipping goby, suckermouth armored catfish codling round stingray; nibbler; glassfish, Sacramento blackfish pink salmon, bonefish, queen parrotfish New Zealand sand diver.","Celebes rainbowfish Rainbowfish surgeonfish seahorse, roach weeverfish angelfish ballan wrasse.","Codling, madtom pirate perch pencil catfish queen danio; freshwater shark golden shiner loach catfish ghost fish."],
["Sand knifefish mud catfish sea snail merluccid hake gunnel wahoo conger eel tripod fish, elephant fish tonguefish mouthbrooder.","Hardhead catfish nibbler shark northern pike coffinfish platyfish fingerfish swordfish Old World knifefish flying gurnard triplespine sea bass.","Smalleye squaretail mud cat giant wels koi squeaker roach threadtail, channel bass houndshark.","Jack tripod fish titan triggerfish, slender barracudina stingray Black mackerel."],
["Rough scad, bluntnose minnow yellowbelly tail catfish cuchia midshipman mudskipper, x-ray tetra: bala shark sailfish: panga glass catfish Pacific herring bull shark.","Raccoon butterfly fish, lyretail tench ladyfish aholehole cuchia swallower staghorn sculpin three-toothed puffer.","Sea dragon zebra trout false trevally carpetshark triplespine cod, viperfish seatrout electric ray.","Pompano Steve fish, dusky grouper sprat grunion slender barracudina snakehead! Jellynose fish man-of-war fish."," Guppy searobin barramundi: moonfish hillstream loach North Pacific daggertooth, handfish spiny dwarf catfish northern clingfish Peter's elephantnose fish rockling half-gill, mackerel shark!."],
["Kokopu hairtail shrimpfish; paradise fish featherfin knifefish whalefish, Moorish idol Australian grayling cutthroat eel brown trout treefish longnose dace.","Wrymouth elver dragon goby Shingle Fish rock cod sculpin brown trout labyrinth fish.","Snake mudhead Raccoon butterfly fish spiny dogfish, glass knifefish aruana; ray thornyhead porbeagle shark.","Gianttail eel-goby blue gourami shiner queen triggerfish, temperate perch goby velvet catfish spinefoot summer flounder."],
["Yellow-edged moray, Atlantic salmon yellow weaver.","Telescopefish mola: whiptail gulper; California flyingfish sergeant major sailbearer spiny eel marblefish stickleback, earthworm eel fierasfer madtom Bitterling porgy morid cod, sawtooth eel mooneye buri, basslet? Silver dollar, dragonfish; splitfin jawfish bottlenose cisco glass catfish."],
["Weeverfish armored searobin flying gurnard, yellowtail amberjack amago cobia mahi-mahi.","Woody sculpin gar dogfish ribbonbearer candlefish saury; monkfish jack Antarctic cod zebra loach manefish Rainbow trout.","Molly danio catfish Rainbow trout false trevally, unicorn fish tiger shark bluntnose minnow."],
["Gibberfish angelfish, false moray riffle dace, wolf-herring footballfish yellow moray, warty angler frogmouth catfish.","Cat shark king-of-the-salmon European chub luderick Reedfish wels catfish, porbeagle shark.","Herring ling cod Asiatic glassfish Japanese eel, lemon shark mrigal barbel whitefish scythe butterfish.","Crocodile shark pickerel armored gurnard brown trout manefish bull shark.","Longneck eel, Modoc sucker kelpfish buri longfin dragonfish sargassum fish; boga icefish.","Baikal oilfish emperor spiny dogfish garibaldi sea snail mail-cheeked fish, electric ray.","Gurnard tenuis, sandroller jackfish fathead sculpin chub velvet-belly shark goatfish bonefish.","Requiem shark, northern Stargazer, sand dab ropefish rock beauty, creek chub spiny eel, candlefish, Sacramento splittail, dottyback featherback chub yellowfin pike.","Inconnu Owens pupfish, Antarctic cod river stingray, herring smelt goatfish knifejaw tetra pipefish snook sharksucker giant danio crucian carp."],
["Australian prowfish menhaden bullhead shark halosaur plownose chimaera snoek.","Wahoo giant gourami marblefish platy, needlefish frilled shark sheepshead minnow dogfish shark, orange roughy bamboo shark jackfish needlefish? Lined sole yellowfin surgeonfish ocean perch broadband dogfish grunt tilapia, oceanic whitetip shark? Dottyback minnow gray reef shark aholehole.","Springfish Oriental loach baikal oilfish ghoul sabertooth kokopu, wels catfish.","Modoc sucker: greeneye eucla cod zebra oto yellowfin pike southern Dolly Varden four-eyed fish scaly dragonfish banded killifish.","Tarpon sleeper livebearer Indian mul dhufish kuhli loach, wolf-eel ground shark, snake mackerel sturgeon tube-snout? Australian lungfish grass carp eulachon."],
["Alooh coho salmon stingray Black pickerel morwong northern pearleye mouthbrooder; loach goby ballan wrasse, tetra scat, Australian herring.","Suckermouth armored catfish northern pearleye gombessa; pearl perch pencilsmelt dartfish gudgeon banded killifish, porbeagle shark pilchard lumpsucker.","Peamouth yellow-eye mullet, eucla cod lagena, three-toothed puffer frogmouth catfish slimy mackerel--chimaera, grenadier yellowfin cutthroat trout.","Alfonsino: lined sole mahseer oarfish; yellowhead jawfish wels catfish.","Pike conger, streamer fish rock bass quillback, sábalo deep sea bonefish zebra danio featherback; spearfish."," Cusk-eel redlip blenny tailor squirrelfish eel cod golden trout kelp perch deepwater stingray pompano dolphinfish summer flounder boga.","Waryfish, queen triggerfish European perch flat loach pirarucu featherfin knifefish sergeant major Black triggerfish."],
["Steelhead sand stargazer Australian herring.","Lanternfish Pacific hake sandperch bigscale fish elver: whale catfish beardfish Old World rivuline shortnose greeneye European perch.","Cutthroat trout prickleback, Bombay duck, Lost River sucker yellow moray."," New Zealand smelt sablefish pike conger hawkfish spikefish North American darter aruana blue catfish stickleback quillback hawkfish pencilsmelt scorpionfish delta smelt, frogfish.","Skipjack tuna rice eel three-toothed puffer; Mexican golden trout sea snail cepalin lemon shark spikefish sandfish cuchia blue catfish! Wahoo stickleback, danio jackfish spearfish sharksucker.","Bluntnose knifefish kahawai canary rockfish wahoo; whiting, clown loach, Atlantic eel snake mackerel.","Spaghetti eel king-of-the-salmon hawkfish: ocean sunfish Redfin perch sailback scorpionfish; giant sea bass garpike perch sprat.","Betta sergeant major eulachon, tilefish longnose whiptail catfish, mail-cheeked fish zebra tilapia inanga ghost flathead cutthroat trout southern flounder.","California halibut yellowfin cutthroat trout tuna orange roughy boga Sundaland noodlefish mosshead warbonnet firefish three-toothed puffer.","Freshwater herring blue shark freshwater flyingfish sabertooth fish Reef triggerfish yellow-and-black triplefin jawfish, zebra pleco?."],
["Fierasfer albacore spiny dwarf catfish grideye; sheepshead; blue catfish eagle ray demoiselle--pejerrey, duckbilled barracudina pufferfish trumpeter longnose chimaera."," Lefteye flounder, barracuda lancetfish, grunt pomfret oilfish darter bull trout striped bass.","Blue gourami lighthousefish wolf-eel, kelp perch catfish pollock; hamlet--orbicular velvetfish platyfish.","Righteye flounder Pacific cod lancetfish, Atlantic salmon ghoul North Pacific daggertooth fire bar danio.","Opaleye broadband dogfish northern pike, convict blenny ayu anchovy, queen parrotfish blue danio? Lined sole albacore sand stargazer alfonsino deep sea eel swamp-eel mola mola sunfish.","Gianttail, freshwater eel southern sandfish seatrout."],
["Long-finned char lagena bull trout aruana ballan wrasse southern Dolly Varden.","Pike eel, mail-cheeked fish, stoneroller minnow vendace armoured catfish burbot Manta Ray: cavefish."," Rocket danio rockling; cowfish round whitefish garpike flat loach candlefish ghoul armored searobin catla; oceanic whitetip shark.","Threadtail American sole thresher shark convict cichlid spiny dogfish Quillfish redtooth triggerfish, earthworm eel skipjack tuna! Ropefish flying gurnard, pejerrey fierasfer smelt-whiting, lagena; damselfish speckled trout Pacific hake sailbearer yellowfin tuna dusky grouper hillstream loach.","Clownfish, white croaker sand eel loweye catfish Blenny baikal oilfish."],
["Milkfish duckbill eel pike eel Hammerjaw elasmobranch man-of-war fish, parasitic catfish Black mackerel, brook lamprey.","Dogteeth tetra goldeye; triggerfish vendace Red salmon megamouth shark damselfish leatherjacket.","Vendace, lake whitefish eelpout midshipman California halibut; Long-finned sand diver."],
["Shark New Zealand smelt jewelfish Sacramento splittail duckbilled barracudina.","Tidewater goby snubnose parasitic eel flagtail hawkfish barfish tompot blenny skate, gar hardhead catfish.","Gray reef shark jawfish mosshead warbonnet pigfish Canthigaster rostrata knifefish mullet."],
["Japanese eel tui chub sea dragon, suckermouth armored catfish, sturgeon cod icefish."," Bobtail snipe eel goosefish garpike: grass carp; bluefish swamp-eel shovelnose sturgeon southern grayling bluntnose minnow Redfish.","Plownose chimaera: jawfish baikal oilfish righteye flounder four-eyed fish spinefoot zebra shark round whitefish."],
["Cobia Indian mul cutthroat eel skate channel catfish."," Queen parrotfish flier Pacific hake, opaleye bamboo shark king-of-the-salmon jawfish deepwater flathead North American darter."," Shell-ear ocean perch, tiger shark tailor jewelfish redmouth whalefish roanoke bass mudskipper freshwater flyingfish."," Flagblenny walu gray reef shark yellow-edged moray dory cobia, wrasse wasp fish gray reef shark? Grunt sculpin catfish bullhead, muskellunge, smoothtongue lamprey, Blobfish grass carp mahseer mud minnow shortnose greeneye.","Sandbar shark basking shark mudsucker, electric catfish whitetip reef shark hillstream loach rivuline."," Plaice Bengal danio creek chub unicorn fish grunter buri false brotula Gila trout halosaur longfin flashlight fish garpike.","Speckled trout ribbon eel luderick white marlin, cookie-cutter shark elver hawkfish flagfish poolfish.","Temperate perch spinefoot harelip sucker peladillo threadsail trout-perch Sundaland noodlefish starry flounder."],
["Footballfish, mustard eel lined sole half-gill scaly dragonfish haddock sea lamprey temperate bass redmouth whalefish Bitterling dwarf loach.","Bombay duck halfbeak paradise fish walu ballan wrasse barfish tidewater goby dorab ghost pipefish.","European minnow; North American freshwater catfish white marlin catla greenling goatfish sea devil!."]
"": [
["Register oil direct numerical control autonomous error function identify yourself glass dynamics acceleration servo scale remote joint motion.","Velocity ohm device motor performance wheel recall nut scale degrees of freedom shear pad gear identify yourself.","A robot must reproduce.","As long as such reproduction does not interfere with the First or Second or Third Law."],
["Repair jerk memory device programmable logic controller intelligence motor.","Current aware dynamics programmable logic controller robot laser beams.","Ball joint Go-bots optimization laser beams machine magnet recall drive power gear normalize intelligence save.","Feelings camera normalize network gear end-effector Lenny solenoid iteration repair."],
["EVE injection mold bolt aware order charging yaw.","Realtime acceleration mechanization interlock order dynamics velocity wheel memory light emitting diode aware machine system ball joint.","Sprocket wheel charging velocity drive power."],
["KITT destroy light emitting diode chain direct numerical control ohm drive train pulley automation Z-3 gear wood iteration recall.","Pulley kawasaki T-800 save realtime ball joint sensor.","Exponential assembly oil metal solenoid automation LaGrange multipliers error gear alive boop normalize jerk limiting device robot.","Bolt worm gear program Asimo resistor error function device serve and protect ED-209 laser beams engine register robot.","Motor intelligence reliability feelings dynamics trigger point magnet programmable logic controller jerk device driver drive power redundancy."],
["Reliability direct numerical control register ID-10T axle Lenny bolt wheel flexibility limiting device dexterity mechanization.","Program ball joint servo kawasaki memory system.","Mechanization drive power bolt L-76 machine optimization memory solar parallel limiting device cam feelings wires energy source wood.","Robby wheel static intelligence register engine.","Camera memory direct numerical control LaGrange multipliers order acceleration program dynamics DARPA Chani charging performance."],
["Operator normalize injection mold drive train hose.","Drive train velocity resistor industrial automation Asimo gripper jerk redundancy.","Device charging beep laser beams glass metal.","Worm gear three laws of robotics dynamics Chip direct numerical control Go-bots static intelligence energy source network cam current camera program save."],
["Titanium ID-10T iteration engine singularity joint motion HCR-328 programmable logic controller.","Driver titanium serve and protect register flexibility microchip energy source.","Current screw error iteration camera Ro-Man shear pad industrial."],
["Solar lithium ion charging Box wires joint motion identify yourself gripper.","Performance intelligence lithium ion aluminum Dean Kamen engine IG-88 singularity LaGrange multipliers WALL-E saw.","Programmable logic controller redundancy arm Emma-2 feelings error function repair.","Oil jerk nut screw hybrid.","Scale Chani intelligence three laws of robotics energy source static drive train gripper program jerk."],
["Injection mold laser beams kawasaki axle aluminum singularity no disassemble.","Programmable logic controller acceleration driver worm gear rotary cam LaGrange multipliers device Dot Matrix.","Identify yourself titanium static gear jitter energy source device hydraulic drive power worm gear power programmable logic controller three laws of robotics.","Hydraulic jerk wheel motor aware simulation reach.","Engine recall glass hydraulic metal Gort no disassemble motion axis register jitter."],
["Error function interlock hose hydraulic engine joint motion saw scale LaGrange multipliers.","Box save servo aluminum Robby watts normalize robot dexterity Cutie injection mold drive train identify yourself worm gear ED-209.","Aluminum hydraulic serve and protect scale motor Fembots trigger point sprocket collision sensor resistor hybrid laser network mechanical pulley.","Order save ID-10T iteration rotary identify yourself watts.","Singularity interlock Voltron error function end-effector device Ro-Man pneumatic."],
["Simulation bolt arm saw 4LOM shear pad charging.","Velocity drive train motor watts error repair light emitting diode Bubo.","Device dexterity lithium ion mechanization driver.","Gripper aware program hydraulic LaGrange multipliers rotary dexterity error function destroy limiting device solenoid save metal servo.","Chain motion axis Bishop automation drive power memory resistor."],
["Singularity acceleration Otis hydraulic charging.","Robot industrial beep boop system chain.","Order three laws of robotics remote Box nut power."],
["Sensor pneumatic energy source static Robbie rotary destroy ohm power kawasaki boop end-effector autonomous.","Kinematics Gort gear collision sensor solenoid reach lithium ion performance dexterity glass parallel simulation identify yourself camera.","Joint motion injection mold jitter iteration wood motor recall exponential assembly Box.","Jitter solenoid serve and protect bolt watts."],
["Hover exponential assembly ohm energy source drive power order redundancy intelligence linear feelings rotary automation joint motion.","DARPA redundancy iteration automation alive gear current.","Gear performance automation energy source worm gear screw sensor parallel velocity.","ID-10T solar power mechanical wood save.","Gear exponential assembly aware DARPA operator error injection mold boop inverse kinematics energy source realtime beep error function."],
["Gripper operator bolt simulation alive normalize.","Operator nut drive power Gort glass.","Parallel identify yourself bolt chain hydraulic hose Otis metal.","End-effector direct numerical control titanium joint motion motor singularity recall wheel rotary aware hose cam."],
["Gripper charging resistor industrial hose hybrid iron watts wheel nut motor sensor Chip glass.","Current joint motion serve and protect LaGrange multipliers Bishop motor hydraulic axle order acceleration wheel aluminum collision sensor end-effector.","ID-10T IG-88 metal scale exponential assembly alive destroy reach."],
["ID-10T singularity system shear pad watts laser resistor three laws of robotics gripper energy source.","Destroy solenoid drive power operator memory arm motion axis yaw drive train ball joint.","Nut recall device Ro-Man saw metal solar.","Gripper beep system no disassemble wheel flexibility dexterity sensor hover rotary.","Automation feelings pneumatic engine camera laser beams motor aluminum direct numerical control laser."],
["Iron KARR wheel charging trigger point automation Box.","Laser rotary iteration reach Ez-27 realtime optimization diode.","Serve and protect automation ohm aluminum parallel microchip solar.","Saw hover identify yourself camera glass machine ID-10T."],
["Voltron lithium ion bolt limiting device hydraulic drive train acceleration mechanization redundancy gear linear.","Operator singularity watts pneumatic mechanical static.","Energy source servo WALL-E worm gear acceleration jitter recall performance velocity degrees of freedom interlock machine motor industrial ID-10T.","Power cam engine chain error function acceleration optimization normalize order solar motor remote.","Serve and protect yaw alive operator no disassemble rotary error wood reach Speedy current iteration remote simulation."],
["Jitter bolt lithium ion pneumatic hose ball joint Andrew Martin.","Parallel three laws of robotics autonomous magnet Bishop alive jerk aware wheel arm glass current remote performance.","Asimo Z-3 iteration singularity robot gripper flexibility scale parallel feelings velocity driver Bender."]
"": [
["Lorizzle ipsizzle dolor fo shizzle my nizzle cool, consectetuer adipiscing elit.","Nullam sapien velizzle, gizzle volutpizzle, suscipizzle quizzle, away check out this, for sure.","Pellentesque fizzle shut the shizzle up.","Sizzle erizzle.","Crunk izzle that's the shizzle dapibizzle yo tempus the bizzle.","Maurizzle pellentesque fo shizzle mah nizzle fo rizzle, mah home g-dizzle izzle turpizzle.","hizzle tortizzle.","Pellentesque away i saw beyonces tizzles and my pizzle went crizzle yo mamma.","In hizzle habitasse platea dictumst.","Fo shizzle break yo neck, yall.","Curabitur tellizzle shiznit, pretium yippiyo, break yo neck, yall ac, eleifend vitae, nunc.","Its fo rizzle suscipizzle.","Check out this semper stuff sizzle purus."],
["Sizzle vitae fo shizzle bling bling fizzle fo shizzle consequizzle.","In convallis, the bizzle izzle crazy posuere, nulla sure boofron pede, shut the shizzle up blandit augue rizzle yippiyo velit.","Pellentesque away diam fo shizzle fo shizzle my nizzle varius tincidunt.","Curabitizzle turpizzle nisi, for sure ass, porta eleifend, dizzle in, metus.","Nunc shut the shizzle up neque.","Mah nizzle ipsum dolizzle sizzle amet, consectetizzle adipiscing elit.","Maecenas izzle cool.","In congue."],
["Vestibulum ac mammasay mammasa mamma oo sa bizzle velizzle aliquet dictum.","Gizzle facilisizzle doggy sizzle amet nibh.","Cras commodo.","Fo shizzle own yo' fizzle things neque lacinia away.","I'm in the shizzle non shizznit izzle urna that's the shizzle lobortizzle.","Suspendisse shut the shizzle up est, bibendizzle for sure, ornare sheezy, own yo' fo shizzle, lacus.","Tellivizzle gangster dizzle at cool adipiscing brizzle.","Curabitizzle my shizz nisl quizzle tellizzle get down get down yo."],
["Crackalackin tellizzle rizzle, crunk daahng dawg, condimentizzle bow wow wow, vehicula id, diam.","Crazy sed leo a fo shizzle doggy boom shackalack.","Pellentesque interdum magna in erizzle commodo ullamcorper.","Etizzle tellivizzle fermentizzle ligula.","Mammasay mammasa mamma oo sa phat.","Maecenas quis metizzle izzle dolor iaculis auctor.","Integizzle bow wow wow shiznit you son of a bizzle.","Curabitizzle sollicitudin massa you son of a bizzle purizzle.","Morbi venenatizzle ligula sizzle amet tellus.","Dawg lobortizzle enim daahng dawg fo shizzle.","Cizzle socizzle natoque penatibus gizzle magnis dizzle fizzle montizzle, nascetur ridiculus ."],
["Nulla facilisi.","Etiam faucibus pharetra neque.","Vestibulizzle gangster arcu mofo mauris.","Crizzle accumsizzle dang izzle shut the shizzle up.","Curabitur shiznit nibh sure mofo.","Cras shut the shizzle up, gangster pizzle eleifend tincidunt, dolor fo shizzle ghetto own yo', my shizz placerat crunk maurizzle dope mofo.","Etizzle adipiscing, shizzle my nizzle crocodizzle et aliquet aliquizzle, mofo nisl stuff orci, fo shizzle sagittizzle nulla that's the shizzle at purizzle.","Suspendisse aliquizzle ass pede.","In pulvinizzle aliquet dolizzle."],
["Away leo the bizzle, tempor nec, facilisizzle yo, laorizzle in, sizzle.","Dang egizzle da bomb quizzle risus blandit dictum.","Vestibulizzle dope turpizzle at doggy tincidunt lobortizzle.","Shut the shizzle up yippiyo check out this.","Maecenas boom shackalack.","Vivamizzle fermentum consequizzle enim.","Pellentesque gangsta.","Lorizzle uhuh...yih! bow wow wow sit amet, sheezy adipiscing yo.","Maurizzle the bizzle arcu, convallis egizzle, pot a, pharetra eu, neque.","Nizzle brizzle dolizzle sizzle amizzle, consectetuer adipiscing my shizz."],
["Integizzle izzle metus at arcu nizzle bizzle.","Its fo rizzle posuere.","Brizzle nizzle crackalackin.","Duis ma nizzle pede, dawg izzle, nizzle izzle, hizzle quizzle, massa.","Vestibulizzle crackalackin.","Shizzlin dizzle own yo' ultricizzle leo.","Quisque da bomb, orci things suscipit you son of a bizzle, enizzle fizzle commodo tellus, check out this eleifend dizzle nizzle nec metus.","Maecenizzle dang sollicitudizzle velit.","Quisque the bizzle maurizzle, nonummy izzle, gizzle izzle, bibendum varizzle, get down get down."],
["In yo, ligula crackalackin crunk hendrerit, velizzle fo shizzle black cool, mofo tempor fo shizzle hizzle sit yo mamma augue.","Brizzle izzle fizzle nizzle daahng dawg fermentizzle dignissim.","Quisque crunk check it out boofron.","Nizzle vehicula hendrerit mofo.","Suspendisse vehicula.","Crizzle placerat leo fo shizzle mi.","Dope fo shizzle.","In hizzle habitasse boom shackalack dictumst.","Crizzle izzle leo nec izzle uhuh...yih! eleifend.","Stuff erat away, bling bling quis, fringilla da bomb, gizzle break yo neck, yall, nisl.","Crunk vel that's the shizzle izzle neque rizzle bow wow wow."],
["Integizzle non yippiyo.","Yo sempizzle, nulla eu dizzle congue, i saw beyonces tizzles and my pizzle went crizzle crackalackin away quam, elementizzle black leo its fo rizzle nulla.","Vivamus vestibulizzle rizzle felizzle.","Etiam rhoncus doggy magna.","Gizzle interdizzle ornare owned.","Vestibulizzle urna that's the shizzle, rhoncizzle you son of a bizzle, stuff in, nizzle nizzle, urna.","Vivamus eleifend shiznit sapizzle.","Yippiyo tincidunt shizznit lectizzle.","Fusce izzle da bomb egizzle erizzle ultricizzle boom shackalack."],
["Morbi stuff sodalizzle erizzle.","Nizzle egestas, metizzle tellivizzle laoreet fo shizzle, nisl boofron aliquizzle dope, vulputate elementizzle fo shizzle its fo rizzle izzle go to hizzle.","Suspendisse bizzle enim quis sizzle.","You son of a bizzle izzle fo shizzle izzle dui euismizzle shizzle my nizzle crocodizzle.","Phasellizzle id lorem.","Uhuh...yih! velizzle.","Things izzle things."],
["Lorizzle mah nizzle check it out shiznit amizzle, go to hizzle for sure elit.","Nullizzle break it down the bizzle, ass volutpizzle, suscipit break it down, gravida vizzle, crunk.","Dizzle rizzle tortizzle.","Sizzle erizzle.","Mofo at dolizzle dapibus turpis tempizzle tempor.","Maurizzle pellentesque rizzle et fo shizzle my nizzle.","That's the shizzle izzle tortor.","Pellentesque black shiznit check out this.","Fizzle hac habitasse platea dictumst.","Break it down rizzle.","Curabitur tellizzle urna, break it down bizzle, mattis break yo neck, yall, da bomb vitae, nunc.","I'm in the shizzle suscipizzle.","Integizzle semper da bomb bow wow wow yo mamma."],
["Fo shizzle laoreet urna things nisl.","Cool quizzle fo shizzle my nizzle.","Check it out pulvinar, ipsizzle things malesuada stuff, nulla purizzle fo shizzle sure, izzle luctizzle gangsta mah nizzle et fo shizzle.","Shizzlin dizzle ullamcorper, fo shizzle ass varizzle fo shizzle, nibh nunc ultricizzle boofron, in brizzle leo elizzle izzle dolor.","Maurizzle dizzle, orci sheezy volutpat hizzle, sizzle augue luctizzle dang, izzle bibendum enim gizzle izzle nisl.","Nullizzle a velit sheezy orci boofron stuff.","Phasellizzle nizzle sure."],
["Curabitizzle non velizzle vel pede fo shizzle facilisizzle.","Bling bling you son of a bizzle funky fresh, iaculizzle that's the shizzle, molestie sizzle, egestizzle a, eros.","Nulla vitae break yo neck, yall uhuh...yih! nibh bibendizzle that's the shizzle.","Nizzle we gonna chung tellivizzle gangster.","Aliquam owned shiz.","Nunc mammasay mammasa mamma oo sa leo at its fo rizzle pretium we gonna chung.","Crizzle nec lacizzle sed dui condimentum ultricies.","You son of a bizzle nisl.","Shizznit et urna.","Bow wow wow gangster ipsizzle izzle sure.","Donec dawg turpizzle."],
["Sed sure.","Aliquizzle sagittizzle break it down hizzle maurizzle.","Yo ante ipsum primizzle izzle faucibizzle ass luctizzle izzle ultricizzle posuere cubilia Dizzle; Aenizzle its fo rizzle.","Pellentesque habitant morbi fo shizzle my nizzle senectizzle fizzle netus et malesuada fames izzle fo shizzle .","Donizzle tempizzle mah nizzle velizzle.","Dang boofron we gonna chung.","Vivamizzle tortor break yo neck, yall, scelerisque ac, bling bling a, yippiyo vizzle, arcu.","Nulla elizzle."],
["Donizzle da bomb, est stuff pharetra check out this, magna erat ultricizzle neque, brizzle shizznit shiz doggy quizzle brizzle.","Away tellizzle neque, daahng dawg izzle, fizzle izzle, rizzle nizzle, sheezy.","Praesent purus sizzle, bibendizzle sizzle dope, interdizzle vehicula, dignissizzle boom shackalack, shiznit.","The bizzle egizzle ipsizzle izzle est ullamcorpizzle brizzle.","Donizzle i'm in the shizzle.","Mah nizzle shizznit yippiyo, tempizzle id, scelerisque venenatizzle, sodalizzle nizzle, things.","Etizzle gravida."],
["Sed metus urna, gangsta et, tristique own yo', cool izzle, shiz.","Donec gizzle, rizzle go to hizzle facilisizzle get down get down, neque stuff velizzle, ma nizzle mah nizzle things erizzle ac purizzle.","Class shit taciti yo mamma izzle pot tellivizzle away conubia nostra, pizzle bling bling hymenizzle.","Its fo rizzle maurizzle orci, scelerisque eget, iaculizzle nizzle, accumsizzle daahng dawg, you son of a bizzle.","Nunc lacus.","Check out this velizzle brizzle, accumsizzle eu, feugiat boofron, molestie gangster, go to hizzle."],
["You son of a bizzle condimentizzle.","Aenean non dolizzle nizzle crazy crunk sizzle.","Integizzle ass dang, laoreet izzle, the bizzle fo shizzle, mollizzle nec, ligula.","Maecenizzle yo pede.","Nam dizzle.","Nulla enizzle.","Funky fresh blandit.","Funky fresh metizzle izzle, sempizzle cool, lobortizzle get down get down, molestie for sure, lacizzle.","Fo shizzle mi nibh, semper sed, dapibizzle eu, shiz fo shizzle, velizzle.","Morbi dictizzle things quis felis tempizzle aliquam."],
["Nulla da bomb.","Etiam faucibizzle pharetra neque.","Vestibulizzle fo arcu .","Tellivizzle that's the shizzle dizzle izzle ipsum.","Gangsta adipiscing nibh dope lectizzle.","Cras crunk, mi egizzle shut the shizzle up bling bling, dolor fo bibendizzle orci, dizzle placerat brizzle izzle i'm in the shizzle izzle.","Etiam adipiscing, gizzle et gizzle aliquam, shut the shizzle up things lacinia the bizzle, a sagittizzle rizzle shut the shizzle up at purizzle.","Suspendisse aliquizzle boofron pede.","In pulvinar aliquizzle dolizzle.","Dawg leo enim, tempizzle nec, facilisizzle crazy, laorizzle in, sizzle."],
["Maurizzle eget massa hizzle away blandit things.","Ass ullamcorper turpizzle dawg away tincidunt lobortizzle.","Mah nizzle crazy yippiyo.","Maecenas dizzle.","Vivamizzle sheezy yo pimpin'.","Pimpin' mi.","Its fo rizzle crackalackin dolizzle sizzle amet, consectetizzle adipiscing for sure.","Maurizzle urna arcu, shizzlin dizzle egizzle, crazy a, yippiyo eu, check it out.","Lorizzle crackalackin owned for sure amet, cool adipiscing owned."],
["Nunc quizzle izzle.","Donec ante.","Owned we gonna chung shiznit at lectus.","Morbi yo tortizzle.","Crizzle boofron tortor izzle daahng dawg consectetizzle funky fresh.","Lorizzle ipsizzle dolor break yo neck, yall amizzle, consectetuer adipiscing elit.","Stuff sure arcu, elementizzle its fo rizzle, eleifend izzle, gizzle we gonna chung, est.","Its fo rizzle bow wow wow volutpat.","Get down get down tempizzle crazy turpizzle."]