All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- MediaPackage VOD support
- Rotation support (aws-solutions#27)
- License to Apache-2.0
- Time properties in notification event (startTime and endTime) to use ISO 8601 formatting
- README to use correct casing for metadata sample
- Always use QVBR (Quality-Defined Variable Bitrate Control)
- DynamoDB table to use on-demand billing option
- Each function in the workflow to have its own role
- Typo in notification event property name (ecodeJobId -> encodeJobId)
- Links to issues in the CONTRIBUTING file
- Anonymous metrics helper to remove ServiceToken (which includes Lambda ARN) from sent data
- Suffix for supported format (mv4 -> m4v)
- Custom resource to handle WorkflowTrigger parameter update
- References to unused workflowTrigger (Api)
- Lambda functions (except for mediainfo) runtime to nodejs10.x
- Mediainfo lambda function to python3.7
- Mediainfo executable version (from v0.7.92.1 to v19.09)