- Login/Sign Up
- Sign In /Sign up Form
- redirect to Browse Page
- Browse (after authentication from firebase)
- Header
- Main Movie
- Tailer in Background
- Title & Description
- MovieSuggestions
- MovieLists * N
- Tailer in Background
- NetflixGPT
- Search Bar
- Movie Suggestions List
- Before starting the project please add .env file and add TMDB and BARD KEY into it.
- back btn on movie detail page (click on netflix logo), hamburger menu to navigate to home/watchlist/wishlist etc
- build Tv and categories in line with sign up button on movie detail page. On browse page signout can be aligned with logo and drop down can be given for TV and categories or two links aligned with GPT search button.
- Should details be hide when movie trailer is played on movie detail page ?
- GPT search button color should be change to something else then purple
- should sign out and header be visible be visible on movie detail page if we are giving hamburger menu already ? I don't think so it should be given