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Google Season of Docs

Oliver Beckstein edited this page Apr 19, 2019 · 35 revisions

MDAnalysis is applying for Google's Google Season of Docs 2019. For the "big picture" overview see our GSoD blog post (TODO) and a separate page for the other GSoD 2019 application materials. This page lists our project ideas for 2019.


MDAnalysis is a Python library that provides an abstract and object-oriented interface to data from particle-based simulations (primarily molecular dynamics simulations), which are widely used for simulating diverse systems such as the interaction of drugs with biomolecules or new materials. MDAnalysis is widely used in the scientific community and is written by scientists for scientists. Feedback from our users indicates that they like using MDAnalysis but wished that the documentation were easier to read and had more examples. The docs for scikit-learn and the PyTorch tutorials are generally cited as excellent examples of documentation and, taking these as examples, we would like to improve our documentation to make it more accessible and more immediately useful for new users.


Our goal for GSoD is to make it easy for new users to analyze their data. We want to accomplish this goal by

  1. providing a quick introduction to the essentials of using MDAnalysis through (1) overview documentation and (2) tutorials that address common areas of interest of users;
  2. connecting the introductory docs to the API docs so that users can easily learn and explore by themselves.

We identified two areas for improvement (in rank order of priority):

Restructure docs

We want to restructure our docs for user-friendliness issue #1175 and refactor docs away from how the source code is organized into how the user interacts with the code (started in PR #1827). We envision a split into three major blocks:

  1. introduction with examples (more like a tutorial) and explanation of the underlying principles and guiding concepts (see the 2016 MDAnalysis paper (doi:10.25080/majora-629e541a-00e), SciPy 2016 talk and the slides in the presentation scipy-MDAnalysis-Beckstein.pdf, which all outline the fundamentals)
  2. API docs (similar to the majority of the current docs at
  3. developer docs (notes for developers, can be technical/arcane – e.g., some material from the wiki, details of the fundamental data structures, notes on file formats)

The current documentation is part of the code base and consists of:

  • Python doc strings that are directly embedded in the code and associated with functions, classes, methods, attributes, and constants. Many modules also directly contain overviews and examples.
  • Pages in the doc/sphinx/source directory, which consists of documents that combine multiple modules or give more general overviews. The documentation is written in restructured text and automatically processed with sphinx. As part of the continuous integration process, it is tested that these docs build correctly. Docs from the latest build are automatically and immediately published in HTML format as the "development docs" at

We would like to maintain the ability to automatically build the docs and continue working in the sphinx framework outlined above. A technical writer would be trained in working with our current development process where changes to this documentation would be handled like other changes to the code base. This means that the writer would use git for version control and submit pull requests to the GitHub repository. As part of the standard review process, the mentors (and other developers and community members) would give rapid feedback on the contribution of the writer. Once a PR is approved, it will be merged and the docs will be autogenerated and immediately available.

Improve and expand tutorials

We have one "official" introductory tutorial and various other tutorials but it is initially confusing to new users what they should look at and it is too long. We need to provide a better "road map" for new users and clearly lay out tutorials for different levels and with clear learning goals.

We need to split the current MDAnalysis Tutorial into multiple self-contained tutorials and sort them by level (introductory, intermediate, advanced). The tutorials can and should build on each other. There should be a top level entry point that gives an overview over the tutorials. An initial outline would contain the following (not all content exists yet, especially at intermediate/advanced level):

  1. Introductory level
    1. Installation: installing MDAnalysis and testing trajectories (MDAnalysisTests for simple examples, MDAnalysisData for advanced examples)
    2. Basic trajectory analysis: Loading data into a Universe, selecting atoms with Universe.select_atoms() as an AtomGroup, iterating through a trajectory, getting positions from AtomGroup.positions, and using numpy operations to calculate observables of interest from the positions.
    3. Using analysis tools in MDAnalysis.analysis: Performing common analysis tasks such as RMSD calculation and fitting, hydrogen bond analysis, or dihedral analysis using the common analysis classes.
    4. Working with AtomGroups: introduction to some often used methods of AtomGroup and how to work with multiple AtomGroups; slicing and fancy indexing of AtomGroup.
    5. Writing trajectories: difference between "trajectories" and "single frame" file formats; standard code pattern for writing trajectories or single frames; writing single frames directly with AtomGroup.write()
  2. Intermediate level
    1. Selections (requires Basic trajectory analysis and Working with AtomGroups): in-depth tutorial on the selection language; dynamically updating selections
    2. Working with Groups (requires Working with AtomGroups): The "container" hierarchy (Universe > Segment > Residue > Atom) and the corresponding groups SegmentGroup, ResidueGroup, AtomGroup: commonalities and differences, aggregating methods. How to work with fragments or molecules.
    3. Writing selections: outputting selections for other codes
    4. Working with topology information: introduction to the topology system; how to work with bonds; identify bonded atoms; working with angles and dihedrals; selections by type
    5. Applying on-the-fly transformations: A unique capability of MDAnalysis are trajectory transformations that change the trajectory while it is being read and so avoid generating intermediate files that are needed with other analysis packages. This tutorial would be based on the notebook on-the-fly-transformations.ipynb.
    6. In-memory trajectories: how to use the MemoryReader to speed up analysis or generate temporary reduced system trajectories for analysis (see, e.g., Workshop notebook trajectory_magic.ipynb)
    7. Visualization in notebooks with NGLView: how to use nglview with MDAnalysis (see Workshop notebook Visualisation_with_NGLView.ipynb and binder notebook nglview_drawframes.ipynb)
  3. Advanced level
    1. System building (requires Working with topology information): how to add atoms or bonds or create simple topologies from scratch; generating initial coordinates
    2. Extending file reading with own code (requires System building): write a Reader for once own custom file format and dynamically add it to MDAnalysis
    3. Write your own analysis class: shows how to leverage the MDAnalysis.analysis.AnalysisBase class to create feature-full custom analysis tools.

For this and other documents we want to start adding example Jupyter notebooks (such as the first few example notebooks) to our sphinx-based restructured text documentation via the nbsphinx extension.

We also want to include more diagrams, pictures, and graphs to make clearer what the relationships between different parts of the code are and what output might look like.


MDAnalysis is a Python library that provides an abstract and object-oriented interface to data from particle-based simulations (primarily molecular dynamics simulations), which are widely used for simulating diverse systems such as the interaction of drugs with biomolecules or new materials. MDAnalysis is widely used in the scientific community and is written by scientists for scientists. Feedback from our users indicates that they like using MDAnalysis but wished that the documentation were easier to read and had more examples. The docs for scikit-learn and the PyTorch tutorials are generally cited as excellent examples of documentation and, taking these as examples, we would like to improve our documentation to make it more accessible and more immediately useful for new users.

At the moment, the primary sources of information for users are

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