To run the project do the following:
- Install Vagrant by following the instructions
- Clone this repo to your machine
- Navigate to inside django-postgis-vagrant/
- Run vagrant up
- Once the installation finsihes navigate to django-postgis-vagrant/data
- Inside the data folder clone
- Navigate back to django-postgis-vagrant/ (cd ..)
- Run vagrant provision
- To Stop the server run: vagrant halt
- To Start the serve run: vagrant up
#Restarting Django to see Debug Output
- 'vagrant ssh' to get into the box after having executed 'vagrant up'
- 'ps aux | grep py' to list running Python processes
- Copy the first of the two listed commands to your clipboard
- run 'kill -9 pid1 pid2' where pid1 and pid2 are the process IDs given in the 'ps aux' output
- paste the command from your clipboard and execute
- You should now see django output in your terminal