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TTT-MIM: Test-Time Training with Masked Image Modeling for Denoising Distribution Shifts

This repository contains code to illustrate test-time adaptation to single images and reproduce the results of the paper: TTT-MIM: Test-Time Training with Masked Image Modeling for Denoising Distribution Shifts.


The code is written in python and heavily depends on Pytorch. It has been developed and tested with following packages which can be installed with:

pip install requirements.txt
  • scikit-image==0.19.2
  • scikit-learn==1.0.2
  • scipy==1.9.1
  • torch==1.13.1
  • torchvision==0.14.1

Usage Modes

Joint Training

We provide the pretrained model here. Alternatively, you can pretrain your own model with distributed data parallel using:

python \
--dataset imagenet --noise-mode gaussian --noise-var 0.005 \ 
--gpu 0 --dist-url 'tcp://localhost:10001' --multiprocessing-distributed --world-size 1 --rank 0 \
[your imagenet-mini folder with train.csv and val.csv]

Test-Time Adaptation to Single Images

Test-time adaptation is evaluated on natural and synthetic noise with different noise levels. Test results are obtained by running the method on selected 10 images from each dataset. Test images can be found under 'test_images/', and the pretrained model that is adapted during the test-time adaptation is '/model/0715_ttt_mim_unet_gn_0.005.pth.tar'. Run '' for adapting to single images, and reproducing the test results. An example to apply our method on fastMRI with simulated noise on single GPU can be seen below.

python \
--dataset fastmri --noise-mode gaussian --noise-var 0.005\
--pretrained [path of pretrained model] \
--niters 8 --lr 1e-5 --mask-ratio 0.01 --mask-patch-size 1 --denoise-loss pd\
--gpu 0\
[fastMRI dataset folder]

Alternatively, you can use the notebook 'TTT_MIM.ipynb', which can be run on Google colab.



  • --lr: Learning rate for the gradient updates during the Test-Time Training.
  • --niters: Number of gradient update iterations during the Test-Time Training
  • --mask-ratio: Mask ratio determines the fraction of the masked-off area.
  • --mask-patch-size: Mask patch size determines the size of each square masked patch.


  • --dataset: Selects the dataset among alternatives; 'sidd', 'polyu', 'fmdd', 'ct', 'fastmri', 'imagenet'
  • --noise-mode: Selects the noise mode for simulated noise scenarios. Alternatives are 'gaussian', 'sp', 'poisson'. Not needed for natural noise case.
  • --noise-var: Selects the noise variance for simulated noise. Not needed for natural noise case.
  • --pretrained: Gives the path to the pretrained model that will be used during the Test-Time Training.
  • --ImageNum: Selects the image to be illustrated among the different images in testset. If there are 10 images, it can be set to 1-10. Set to 0 for no illustration.
  • --gpu 0: Selects the single gpu for applying method. Distributed data paralleling is not used in this case.
  • --denoise-loss: Selects the denoising loss. Set 'pd' for the default version of our method.

Reproducing the results in Table 1

The exact hyperparameters to get results in Table 1 are given as,

SIDD PolyU FMDD CT FastMRI G0.01 G0.02 SP Poisson
iteration number 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8
learning rate 1e-4 5e-5 5e-6 1e-5 1e-4 1e-5 5e-5 5e-5 1e-6
mask ratio 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.4 0.01 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.1
mask patch size 14 4 4 4 1 4 4 4 4

Test-Time Adaptation to Batches of Images

This section is for adapting the method to a batch of images instead of a single one.

Here is an example to apply our method on SIDD with distributed data parallel.

python \
--dataset sidd\
--pretrained [path of pretrained model] \
--nepochs 20 --lr 1e-4 --batch-adapt 20 --mask-ratio 0.3 --mask-patch-size 14\
--gpu 0 --dist-url 'tcp://localhost:10001' --multiprocessing-distributed --world-size 1 --rank 0 \
[SIDD dataset folder]


  author = {Mansour, Youssef and Zhong, Xuyang and Caglar, Serdar and Heckel, Reinhard,
  title = {TTT-MIM: Test-Time Training with Masked Image Modeling for Denoising Distribution Shifts},
  year = {2025},
  booktitle = {European Conference on Computer Vision 2024 (ECCV)}