Inheritance can be defined as the process where one class inherits the properties(methods and fields) of another. The class which inherits is known as Sub class (derived class or child class) and the class which is inherited is called super-class (base class or parent class).
Single Inheritance :
Single inheritance can be defined as a derived class to inherit the basic methods (data members and variables) and behavior from a superclass. It's a basic is-a relationship concept exists here. Basically, java only uses a single inheritance as a subclass cannot extend more superclass
Multiple Inheritance:
The Java programming language supports multiple inheritance of type, which is the ability of a class to implement more than one interface. As with multiple inheritance of implementation, a class can inherit different implementations of a method defined (as default or static) in the interfaces that it extends.
Heirarchical Inheritance:
When a class has more than one child classes (sub classes) or in other words more than one child classes have the same parent class then this type of inheritance is known as hierarchical inheritance.
extends is the keyword used to inherit the properties of a class
Usage of Inheritance:
- Inheritance allows us to reuse of code, it improves reusability in your java application.
- For Method Overriding (so runtime polymorphism can be achieved).