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sample full (wip)
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MLopez-Ibanez committed Mar 2, 2024
1 parent cedd149 commit 59e0cbe
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Showing 5 changed files with 180 additions and 6 deletions.
7 changes: 6 additions & 1 deletion R/irace.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -934,7 +934,12 @@ irace_run <- function(scenario, parameters)
if (!is.null(warn_msg)) irace.warning(warn_msg)

} #end of do not recover

space_size <- parameter_space_size(parameters)
## if (! && (space_size * min(scenario$mu + blockSize * eachTest, length(scenario$instances)) <= remainingBudget)) {
## sample_full
## }

if (scenario$elitist)
paste0("# Elitist race\n",
Expand Down
146 changes: 144 additions & 2 deletions R/parameters.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,7 +1,134 @@
# FIXME: Handle conditional parameters and forbidden configurations.
parameter_space_size_named <- function(parameters, names)
types <- parameters$types[names]
domain <- parameters$domain[names]
digits <- parameters$digits[names]
is_real <- types %in% c("r")
if (any(is_real)) {
total <- prod(1 + sapply(domain[is_real], function(x) x[2L] - x[1L]) * 10**unlist(digits[is_real]))
} else {
total <- 1L
is_cat <- types %in% c("c","o")
if (any(is_cat)) {
total <- prod(total, lengths(domain[is_cat]))
is_int <- types %in% c("i")
if (any(is_int)) {
total <- prod(total, 1L + sapply(domain[is_int], function(x) x[2L] - x[1L]))

parameter_space_size <- function(parameters)
hierarchy <- parameters$hierarchy
k_names <- names(hierarchy)[hierarchy == 1L]
total <- parameter_space_size_named(parameters, k_names)
max_level <- max(hierarchy)
if (max_level == 1L)
depends <- unlist(parameters$depends[c(1,2)])
if (total > .irace_max_full_sample)
newConfigurations <- sample_full_named(parameters, intersect(k_names, depends))
for (k in seq_len(max_level - 1L)) {
k_names <- names(hierarchy)[hierarchy == k+1L]
for (p in k_names) {
is_satisfied <- eval(parameters$conditions[[p]], newConfigurations)
# FIXME: How to update total according to what is sampled?
# FIXME: How to avoid sampling everything?


sample_full_named_domain <- function(parameters, name, domain)
type <- parameters$types[[name]]
if (type == "i") {
domain <- domain[1L]:domain[2L]
} else if (type == "r") {
digits <- parameters$digits[[name]]
domain <-[1L], domain[2L], by=10^-digits)
}, c(setNames(list(domain), name), KEEP.OUT.ATTRS = TRUE, stringsAsFactors = FALSE))

.irace_max_full_sample <- 10^5

parameters <- parametersNew(param_cat("a", values = c("yes", "no")),
param_int("b", lower = 1, upper = 5),
param_real("c", lower = 0, upper = 1, digits = 4),
param_int("d", lower=1, upper="max(2,b)", condition = "a == 'yes'"),
param_real("e", lower=0, upper=1, digits = 4, condition = "d < 1"),
forbidden = "b == 4 & d == 4")

sample_full_named <- function(parameters, names)
domain <- parameters$domain[names]
types <- parameters$types[names]
is_int <- types %in% c("i")
if (any(is_int)) {
domain[is_int] <- lapply(domain[is_int], function(x) x[1L]:x[2L])
is_real <- types %in% c("r")
if (any(is_real)) {
digits <- parameters$digits[names]
domain[is_real] <- mapply(function(x,y)[1L], x[2L], by=10^-y), domain[is_real], digits[is_real], SIMPLIFY = FALSE)
if (prod(lengths(domain)) >= .irace_max_full_sample)
stop("Trying to generate more than ", .irace_max_full_sample, " rows."), c(domain, KEEP.OUT.ATTRS = TRUE, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)) # FIXME: Use data.table CJ()

sample_full <- function(parameters)
hierarchy <- parameters$hierarchy
k_names <- names(hierarchy)[hierarchy == 1L]
newConfigurations <- sample_full_named(parameters, k_names)
newConfigurations <-
max_level <- max(hierarchy)
for (k in seq_len(max_level - 1L)) {
k_names <- names(hierarchy)[hierarchy == k+1L]
for (p in k_names) {
is_satisfied <- eval(parameters$conditions[[p]], newConfigurations)
if (parameters$isDependent[[p]]) {
# FIXME: How to avoid this copy.
confs_satisfied <- copy(newConfigurations[is_satisfied, ])
domains <- confs_satisfied[, list(.RESULT = list(get_dependent_domain(parameters, p, .SD))), by=.I]
new_col <- domains[, sample_full_named_domain(parameters, p, unlist(.RESULT)), by=I]
if (nrow(new_col) >= .irace_max_full_sample)
stop("Trying to generate more than ", .irace_max_full_sample, " rows.")
confs_satisfied[, .ROWINDEX:=.I]
confs_satisfied <- confs_satisfied[new_col, on=list(.ROWINDEX=I)]
confs_satisfied[, .ROWINDEX:=NULL]
} else {
new_col <- sample_full_named(parameters, p)
new_col <-
if (nrow(new_col) >= .irace_max_full_sample)
stop("Trying to generate more than ", .irace_max_full_sample, " rows.")
confs_satisfied <- newConfigurations[is_satisfied, c(.SD, new_col), by = .I][, I:=NULL]
newConfigurations <- rbindlist(list(confs_satisfied,
newConfigurations[!is_satisfied, ]), fill = TRUE)
if (nrow(newConfigurations) >= .irace_max_full_sample)
stop("Trying to generate more than ", .irace_max_full_sample, " rows.")
# FIXME: It would be better to filter as soon as we have processed the parameters that need filtering.
forbidden <- parameters$forbidden
if (!is.null(forbidden))
newConfigurations <- filter_forbidden(newConfigurations, forbidden)

# Checks that variables in the expressions are within
# the parameters names.
check_parameter_dependencies <- function (parameters)
allowed_fx <- c("+", "-", "*", "/", "%%", "min", "max", "round", "floor", "ceiling", "trunc")
for (p in names(Filter(length, parameters$depends))) {
vars <- parameters$depends[[p]]
flag <- vars %in% parameters$names
Expand All @@ -19,10 +146,9 @@ check_parameter_dependencies <- function (parameters)

# Supported operations for dependent domains
allowed.fx <- c("+", "-", "*", "/", "%%", "min", "max", "round", "floor", "ceiling", "trunc")
fx <- setdiff(all.names(parameters$domain[[p]], unique=TRUE),
all.vars(parameters$domain[[p]], unique=TRUE))
flag <- fx %in% allowed.fx
flag <- fx %in% allowed_fx
if (!all(flag)) {
irace.error ("Domain of parameter '", p, "' uses function(s) ",
"not yet supported by irace: ",
Expand All @@ -32,6 +158,7 @@ check_parameter_dependencies <- function (parameters)

check_forbidden_params <- function(x, pnames, filename = NULL)
if (length(x) == 0L) return(invisible())
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -234,6 +361,21 @@ param_new <- function(name, type, domain, label, condition, transf,
#' @return (`list()`)
#' @name parameters
#' @examples
#' digits <- 4L
#' parametersNew(param_cat(name = "algorithm", values = c("as", "mmas", "eas", "ras", "acs"), label = "--"),
#' param_ord(name = "localsearch", values = c("0", "1", "2", "3"), label = "--localsearch "),
#' param_real(name = "alpha", lower = 0.0, upper=5.0, label = "--alpha ", digits = digits),
#' param_real(name = "beta", lower = 0.0, upper = 10.0, label = "--beta ", digits = digits),
#' param_real(name = "rho", lower = 0.01, upper = 1.00, label = "--rho ", digits = digits),
#' param_int(name = "ants", lower = 5, upper = 100, transf = "log", label = "--ants "),
#' param_real(name = "q0", label = "--q0 ", lower=0.0, upper=1.0, condition = expression(algorithm == "acs")),
#' param_int(name = "rasrank", label = "--rasranks ", lower=1, upper=quote(min(ants, 10)), condition = 'algorithm == "ras"'),
#' param_int(name = "elitistants", label = "--elitistants ", lower=1, upper=expression(ants), condition = 'algorithm == "eas"'),
#' param_int(name = "nnls", label = "--nnls ", lower = 5, upper = 50, condition = expression(localsearch %in% c(1,2,3))),
#' param_cat(name = "dlb", label = "--dlb ", values = c(0,1), condition = "localsearch %in% c(1,2,3)"),
#' forbidden = "(alpha == 0) & (beta == 0)")
#' @export
parametersNew <- function(..., forbidden = NULL, debugLevel = 0L)
Expand Down
9 changes: 6 additions & 3 deletions R/readParameters.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -300,9 +300,12 @@ readParameters <- function (file, digits = 4L, debugLevel = 0L, text)
check_forbidden_params(forbidden, pnames, filename = filename)
parameters <-"parametersNew", c(params, list(forbidden=forbidden, debugLevel = debugLevel)))
if (debugLevel >= 2) {
print(parameters, digits = 15)
irace.note("Parameters have been read\n")
if (debugLevel >= 1) {
irace.note("Parameter space size: ", parameter_space_size(parameters), "\n")
if (debugLevel >= 2) {
print(parameters, digits = 15)
irace.note("Parameters have been read.\n")
Expand Down
16 changes: 16 additions & 0 deletions man/parameters.Rd

Some generated files are not rendered by default. Learn more about how customized files appear on GitHub.

8 changes: 8 additions & 0 deletions tests/testthat/test-readParameters.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -123,4 +123,12 @@ x <- parametersNew(param_cat(name = "algorithm", values = c("as", "mmas", "eas",
param_cat(name = "dlb", label = "--dlb ", values = c(0,1), condition = "localsearch %in% c(1,2,3)"),
forbidden = "(alpha == 0) & (beta == 0)")

test_that("parameter_space_size", {
x <- readParameters(text='a "" r (0,1)
b "" i (1,10)
c "" c (0.1,0.2,0.3,0.4)
d "" o ("a","b","c")', digits=4L)
expect_equal(parameter_space_size(x), 1200120)

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