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Programmatically create parameter spaces.
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MLopez-Ibanez committed Mar 3, 2024
1 parent 849a82d commit b02a531
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5 changes: 5 additions & 0 deletions NAMESPACE
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* Initial configurations are sampled using Sobol low-discrepancy sequences using `spacefillr::generate_sobol_set()`. This should provide a better initial distribution of parameter values.

* Parameter spaces can be constructed programmatically using `parametersNew()`.

* Ablation will report configurations that produced the same results, which
indicates parameter values that have the same effect on the target algorithm,
possibly indicating a bug in the target algorithm.
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same or different scenarios and parameters, possibly in parallel.
(Contributed by @Saethox)

## Fixes

* Fix #66: when using `maxTime > 0`, irace estimates the time per run by
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333 changes: 333 additions & 0 deletions R/parameters.R
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# Checks that variables in the expressions are within
# the parameters names.
check_parameter_dependencies <- function (parameters)
for (p in names(Filter(length, parameters$depends))) {
vars <- parameters$depends[[p]]
flag <- vars %in% parameters$names
if (!all(flag)) {
irace.error ("Domain (", paste0(parameters$domain[[p]], collapse=", "),
") of parameter '", p, "' is not valid: '",
paste0(vars[!flag], collapse=", "),
"' cannot be found in the scenario parameters: ",
paste0(parameters$names, collapse=", ")," .")
flag <- parameters$types[vars] %in% c("i", "r")
if (!all(flag)) {
irace.error ("Domain of parameter '", p, "' depends on non-numerical",
" parameters: ", paste0(vars[!flag], collapse=", "), " .")

# Supported operations for dependent domains
allowed.fx <- c("+", "-", "*", "/", "%%", "min", "max", "round", "floor", "ceiling", "trunc")
fx <- setdiff(all.names(parameters$domain[[p]], unique=TRUE),
all.vars(parameters$domain[[p]], unique=TRUE))
flag <- fx %in% allowed.fx
if (!all(flag)) {
irace.error ("Domain of parameter '", p, "' uses function(s) ",
"not yet supported by irace: ",
paste0(fx[!flag], collapse=", "), " .")

check_forbidden_params <- function(x, pnames, filename = NULL)
if (length(x) == 0L) return(invisible())
if (any(unique(unlist(lapply(x, all.names))) %in% c("&&", "||"))) {
for (ex in x) {
if (any(all.names(ex) %in% c("&&", "||")))
irace.error("Please use '&' and '|' instead of '&&' and '|' in: ", deparse(ex), " .\n")
if (all(all.vars(x) %in% pnames)) return(invisible())
for (ex in x) {
v <- setdiff(all.vars(ex), pnames)
if (length(v)) {
v <- paste0(v, collapse=", ")
if (is.null(filename)) {
irace.error("Forbidden expression '", deparse(ex), "' contains unknown parameter(s): ", v)
} else if ( {
irace.error("Expression '", deparse(ex), "' after [forbidden] contains unknown parameter(s): ", v)
} else {
irace.error("Expression '", deparse(ex), "' after [forbidden] in '", filename, "' contains unknown parameter(s): ", v)

# *************************************************************************
# Ordering of the parameters according to conditions hierarchy
# * The conditions hierarchy is an acyclic directed graph.
# Function treeLevel() computes an order on vertex s.t:
# level(A) > level(B) <=> There is an arc A ---> B
# (A depends on B to be activated)
# * If a cycle is detected, execution is stopped
# * If a parameter depends on another one not defined, execution is stopped
param_level <- function(paramName, varsTree, rootParam = paramName)
# The last parameter is used to record the root parameter of the
# recursive call in order to detect the presence of cycles.
vars <- varsTree[[paramName]]
if (length(vars) == 0) return(1L) # This parameter does not have conditions

# This parameter has some conditions
# Recursive call: level <- MAX( level(m) : m in children )
maxChildLevel <- 0L
for (child in vars) {
# The following line detects cycles
if (child == rootParam)
irace.error("Cycle detected in subordinate parameters! ",
"Check definition of conditions and/or dependent domains.\n",
"One parameter of this cycle is '", rootParam, "'")

# The following line detects a missing definition
if (child %not_in% names(varsTree))
irace.error("A parameter definition is missing! ",
"Check definition of parameters.\n",
"Parameter '", paramName,
"' depends on '", child, "' which is not defined.")

level <- param_level(child, varsTree, rootParam)
if (level > maxChildLevel)
maxChildLevel <- level
maxChildLevel + 1L

transform_domain <- function(transf, domain, type)
if (transf == "") return(transf)

# We do not support transformation of dependent parameters, yet
# TODO: think about dependent domain transformation
if (is.expression(domain))
stop("Parameter domain transformations are not yet available for",
" dependent parameter domains.")

lower <- domain[1L]
upper <- domain[2L]

if (transf == "log") {
# Reject log if domain contains zero or negative values
if (any(domain <= 0))
stop("Domain (", lower, ", ", upper, ") of parameter of type 'log' contains non-positive values")

trLower <- log(lower)
# +1 to adjust before floor()
trUpper <- if (type == "i") log(upper + 1) else log(upper)

attr(transf, "lower") <- trLower
attr(transf, "upper") <- trUpper
stop("unrecognized transformation type '", transf, "'")

# Determine if a parameter is fixed.
is_param_fixed <- function (type, domain)
if (type == "i" || type == "r") {
return (domain[[1L]] == domain[[2L]])
} else if (type == "c" || type == "o") {
return (length(domain) == 1L)
stop("Unknown parameter type '", type, "'.")

named_stop <- function(name, ...)
stop(errorCondition(paste0(..., collapse=""), class = name, call =

param_parse_condition <- function(x)
if (is.language(x))
x <- as.expression(x)
else if (is.character(x)) {
x <- tryCatch(str2expression(x), error = function(e) {
msg <- sub("<text>:[0-9]+:[0-9]+: ", "", conditionMessage(e), perl=TRUE)
msg <- sub("\n1:", "\n ", msg, perl=TRUE)
stop("Invalid condition '", x, "': ", msg, "\n")
if (!is.expression(x))
stop("Invalid condition '", x, "'")
if (any(all.names(x) %in% c("&&", "||")))
stop("Please use '&' and '|' instead of '&&' and '|' in: ", deparse(x[[1L]]), " .\n")

valid_real_bound <- function(x, digits)
if ( || x == 0) return(TRUE)
rx <- round(x, digits = digits)
((abs(rx - x) <= .irace_tolerance * max(1, abs(x))) && digits >= -log10(abs(x)))

param_new <- function(name, type, domain, label, condition, transf,
digits = if (type=='r') 15L else NULL)
if (!isTRUE(condition)) {
condition <- param_parse_condition(condition)

if (type %in% c("i", "r")) {
exp_domain <- sapply(domain, function(x) if (is.character(x)) str2expression(x) else x)
domain <- sapply(exp_domain, function(x) if (is.language(x)) NA else x)
if (type == "r") {
# digits >= 15 is almost infinite-precision so we do not complain.
if (digits < 15L &&
(!valid_real_bound(domain[1L], digits)
|| !valid_real_bound(domain[2L], digits))) {
for (i in, 15L)) {
if (valid_real_bound(domain[1L], i) &&
valid_real_bound(domain[2L], i))
stop("Domain bounds (", domain[1L], ", ", domain[2L],
") of parameter '", name, "' of type 'real' must be representable within the given 'digits=",
digits, "'; you would need at least 'digits=", i, "' or adjust the domain")
} else if (type == "i") {
if (any(!is.wholenumber(domain[!])))
named_stop("invalid_domain", "for parameter '", name, "' of type 'integer', values must be integers")
domain <- as.integer(domain)
if (any( {
domain <- as.expression(exp_domain)
} else if (domain[1L] >= domain[2L])
named_stop("invalid_range", "lower bound must be smaller than upper bound in numeric range")

} else { # type %in% c("c", "o")
if (anyDuplicated(domain)) {
dups <- duplicated(domain)
stop("duplicated values (", paste0('\"', domain[dups], "\"", collapse = ', '), ") for parameter '", name, "'")

isFixed <- is_param_fixed (type, domain)
if (isFixed) irace.assert(type %in% c("c", "o"))

if (transf != "")
transf <- transform_domain(transf, domain, type)

list(name = name, type = type, domain = domain, label = label, isDependent = is.expression(domain),
isFixed = isFixed, transform = transf, condition = condition, digits = digits)

#' Create a parameter space to be tuned.
#' @description
#' - `param_cat()` creates a categorical parameter.
#' - `param_ord()` creates an ordinal parameter.
#' - `param_real()` creates a real-valued parameter.
#' - `param_int()` creates an integer parameter.
#' @param ... one or more parameters created by `param_int()`, `param_real()`, `param_ord()`, or `param_cat()`.
#' @param forbidden (`expression()`)\cr List of expressions that define forbidden parameter configurations.
#' @template arg_debuglevel
#' @return (`list()`)
#' @name parameters
#' @export
parametersNew <- function(..., forbidden = NULL, debugLevel = 0L)
x <- list(...)
names(x) <- sapply(x, "[[", "name")
# FIXME: Better way to do this?
parameters <- list(names = names(x),
types = sapply(x, "[[", "type"),
switches = sapply(x, "[[", "label"),
# This has to be a list because each element is a vector.
domain = lapply(x, "[[", "domain"),
conditions = lapply(x, "[[", "condition"),
isFixed = sapply(x, "[[", "isFixed"),
# This has to be a list because we assign attributes to
# elements.
transform = lapply(x, "[[", "transform"),
# FIXME: check if we really need this vector
isDependent = sapply(x, "[[", "isDependent"),
digits = sapply(x, "[[", "digits"))

# Obtain the variables in each condition
parameters$depends <- lapply(parameters$domain, all.vars)
# Check that dependencies are ok
# Merge dependencies and conditions
parameters$depends <- Map(c, parameters$depends, lapply(parameters$conditions, all.vars))
parameters$depends <- lapply(parameters$depends, unique)
# Sort parameters in 'conditions' in the proper order according to conditions
hierarchyLevel <- sapply(parameters$names, param_level,
varsTree = parameters$depends)
parameters$hierarchy <- hierarchyLevel
parameters$conditions <- parameters$conditions[order(hierarchyLevel)]
names(parameters$hierarchy) <- parameters$names

irace.assert(length(parameters$conditions) == length(parameters$names))

if (!is.null(forbidden)) {
if (is.language(forbidden))
forbidden <- as.expression(forbidden)
else if (is.character(forbidden))
forbidden <- str2expression(forbidden)
if (!is.expression(forbidden))
stop ("Invalid forbidden expression.")
check_forbidden_params(forbidden, parameters$names)
# FIXME: Instead of a list, we should generate a single expression that is
# the logical-OR of all elements of the list.
# First we would need to handle the " | !(x)" case here.
# Maybe: sapply(forbiddenExps, function(x) substitute( | !(x), list(x=x)))
# x <- parse(text=paste0("(", paste0(forbiddenExps,collapse=")||("), ")"))
parameters$forbidden <- sapply(forbidden, compile_forbidden)

parameters$nbParameters <- length(parameters$names)
parameters$nbFixed <- sum(parameters$isFixed == TRUE)
parameters$nbVariable <- sum(parameters$isFixed == FALSE)
# Print the hierarchy vector:
if (debugLevel >= 1) {
cat ("# --- Parameters Hierarchy ---\n")
print(data.frame(Parameter = paste0(names(parameters$hierarchy)),
Level = parameters$hierarchy,
"Depends on" = sapply(parameters$depends, paste0, collapse=", "),
cat("# ------------------------\n")

#' @param name Parameter name (must be alphanumeric).
#' @param values (`character()`) \cr Domain as a vector of strings.
#' @param label Label associated to the parameter. Often used to encode a command-line switch that activates the parameter.
#' @param condition (`expression(1)|character(1)`) \cr Expression that defines when the parameter is active according to the value of other parameters.
#' @rdname parameters
#' @export
param_cat <- function(name = name, values, label = "", condition = TRUE)
param_new(name = name, type = "c", domain = values, label = label, condition = condition, transf = "")

#' @rdname parameters
#' @export
param_ord <- function(name, values, label = "", condition = TRUE)
param_new(name = name, type = "o", domain = values, label = label, condition = condition, transf = "")

#' @param lower,upper Lower and upper limits of the valid domain.
#' @param transf (`character(1)`) \cr If `"log"`, then the parameter is sampled in a logarithmic scale.
#' @template arg_param_digits
#' @rdname parameters
#' @export
param_real <- function(name, lower, upper, label = "", condition = TRUE, transf = "", digits = 15L)
param_new(name = name, type = "r", domain = c(lower, upper), label = label, condition = condition, transf = transf, digits = digits)

#' @param transf (`character(1)`) \cr If `"log"`, then the parameter is sampled in a logarithmic scale.
#' @rdname parameters
#' @export
param_int <- function(name, lower, upper, label = "", condition = TRUE, transf = "")
param_new(name = name, type = "i", domain = c(lower, upper), label = label, condition = condition, transf = transf)


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