+ this.$editor.on('click', '.exit-fullscreen', function(e) {
+ e.preventDefault();
+ instance.setFullscreen(false);
+ });
+ }
+ // hide hidden buttons from options
+ this.hideButtons(options.hiddenButtons);
+ // disable disabled buttons from options
+ this.disableButtons(options.disabledButtons);
+ // enable dropZone if available and configured
+ if (options.dropZoneOptions) {
+ if (this.$editor.dropzone) {
+ if(!options.dropZoneOptions.init) {
+ options.dropZoneOptions.init = function() {
+ var caretPos = 0;
+ this.on('drop', function(e) {
+ caretPos = textarea.prop('selectionStart');
+ });
+ this.on('success', function(file, path) {
+ var text = textarea.val();
+ textarea.val(text.substring(0, caretPos) + '\n![description](' + path + ')\n' + text.substring(caretPos));
+ });
+ this.on('error', function(file, error, xhr) {
+ console.log('Error:', error);
+ });
+ };
+ }
+ this.$textarea.addClass('dropzone');
+ this.$editor.dropzone(options.dropZoneOptions);
+ } else {
+ console.log('dropZoneOptions was configured, but DropZone was not detected.');
+ }
+ }
+ // enable data-uris via drag and drop
+ if (options.enableDropDataUri === true) {
+ this.$editor.on('drop', function(e) {
+ var caretPos = textarea.prop('selectionStart');
+ e.stopPropagation();
+ e.preventDefault();
+ $.each(e.originalEvent.dataTransfer.files, function(index, file){
+ var fileReader = new FileReader();
+ fileReader.onload = (function(file) {
+ return function(e) {
+ var text = textarea.val();
+ textarea.val(text.substring(0, caretPos) + '\n\n' + text.substring(caretPos) );
+ };
+ })(file);
+ fileReader.readAsDataURL(file);
+ });
+ });
+ }
+ // Trigger the onShow hook
+ options.onShow(this);
+ return this;
+ },
+ parseContent: function(val) {
+ var content;
+ // parse with supported markdown parser
+ val = val || this.$textarea.val();
+ if (this.$options.parser) {
+ content = this.$options.parser(val);
+ } else if (typeof markdown == 'object') {
+ content = markdown.toHTML(val);
+ } else if (typeof marked == 'function') {
+ content = marked(val);
+ } else {
+ content = val;
+ }
+ return content;
+ },
+ showPreview: function() {
+ var options = this.$options,
+ container = this.$textarea,
+ afterContainer = container.next(),
+ replacementContainer = $('', {
+ 'class': 'md-preview',
+ 'data-provider': 'markdown-preview'
+ }),
+ content,
+ callbackContent;
+ if (this.$isPreview === true) {
+ // Avoid sequenced element creation on missused scenario
+ // @see https://github.com/toopay/bootstrap-markdown/issues/170
+ return this;
+ }
+ // Give flag that tell the editor enter preview mode
+ this.$isPreview = true;
+ // Disable all buttons
+ this.disableButtons('all').enableButtons('cmdPreview');
+ // Try to get the content from callback
+ callbackContent = options.onPreview(this);
+ // Set the content based from the callback content if string otherwise parse value from textarea
+ content = typeof callbackContent == 'string' ? callbackContent : this.parseContent();
+ // Build preview element
+ replacementContainer.html(content);
+ if (afterContainer && afterContainer.attr('class') == 'md-footer') {
+ // If there is footer element, insert the preview container before it
+ replacementContainer.insertBefore(afterContainer);
+ } else {
+ // Otherwise, just append it after textarea
+ container.parent().append(replacementContainer);
+ }
+ // Set the preview element dimensions
+ replacementContainer.css({
+ "width": container.outerWidth() + 'px',
+ "min-height": container.outerHeight() + 'px',
+ "height": "auto"
+ });
+ if (this.$options.resize) {
+ replacementContainer.css('resize', this.$options.resize);
+ }
+ // Hide the last-active textarea
+ container.hide();
+ // Attach the editor instances
+ replacementContainer.data('markdown', this);
+ if (this.$element.is(':disabled') || this.$element.is('[readonly]')) {
+ this.$editor.addClass('md-editor-disabled');
+ this.disableButtons('all');
+ }
+ return this;
+ },
+ hidePreview: function() {
+ // Give flag that tell the editor quit preview mode
+ this.$isPreview = false;
+ // Obtain the preview container
+ var container = this.$editor.find('div[data-provider="markdown-preview"]');
+ // Remove the preview container
+ container.remove();
+ // Enable all buttons
+ this.enableButtons('all');
+ // Disable configured disabled buttons
+ this.disableButtons(this.$options.disabledButtons);
+ // Perform any callback
+ this.$options.onPreviewEnd(this);
+ // Back to the editor
+ this.$textarea.show();
+ this.__setListener();
+ return this;
+ },
+ isDirty: function() {
+ return this.$oldContent != this.getContent();
+ },
+ getContent: function() {
+ return this.$textarea.val();
+ },
+ setContent: function(content) {
+ this.$textarea.val(content);
+ return this;
+ },
+ findSelection: function(chunk) {
+ var content = this.getContent(),
+ startChunkPosition;
+ if (startChunkPosition = content.indexOf(chunk), startChunkPosition >= 0 && chunk.length > 0) {
+ var oldSelection = this.getSelection(),
+ selection;
+ this.setSelection(startChunkPosition, startChunkPosition + chunk.length);
+ selection = this.getSelection();
+ this.setSelection(oldSelection.start, oldSelection.end);
+ return selection;
+ } else {
+ return null;
+ }
+ },
+ getSelection: function() {
+ var e = this.$textarea[0];
+ return (
+ ('selectionStart' in e && function() {
+ var l = e.selectionEnd - e.selectionStart;
+ return {
+ start: e.selectionStart,
+ end: e.selectionEnd,
+ length: l,
+ text: e.value.substr(e.selectionStart, l)
+ };
+ }) ||
+ /* browser not supported */
+ function() {
+ return null;
+ }
+ )();
+ },
+ setSelection: function(start, end) {
+ var e = this.$textarea[0];
+ return (
+ ('selectionStart' in e && function() {
+ e.selectionStart = start;
+ e.selectionEnd = end;
+ return;
+ }) ||
+ /* browser not supported */
+ function() {
+ return null;
+ }
+ )();
+ },
+ replaceSelection: function(text) {
+ var e = this.$textarea[0];
+ return (
+ ('selectionStart' in e && function() {
+ e.value = e.value.substr(0, e.selectionStart) + text + e.value.substr(e.selectionEnd, e.value.length);
+ // Set cursor to the last replacement end
+ e.selectionStart = e.value.length;
+ return this;
+ }) ||
+ /* browser not supported */
+ function() {
+ e.value += text;
+ return jQuery(e);
+ }
+ )();
+ },
+ getNextTab: function() {
+ // Shift the nextTab
+ if (this.$nextTab.length === 0) {
+ return null;
+ } else {
+ var nextTab, tab = this.$nextTab.shift();
+ if (typeof tab == 'function') {
+ nextTab = tab();
+ } else if (typeof tab == 'object' && tab.length > 0) {
+ nextTab = tab;
+ }
+ return nextTab;
+ }
+ },
+ setNextTab: function(start, end) {
+ // Push new selection into nextTab collections
+ if (typeof start == 'string') {
+ var that = this;
+ this.$nextTab.push(function() {
+ return that.findSelection(start);
+ });
+ } else if (typeof start == 'number' && typeof end == 'number') {
+ var oldSelection = this.getSelection();
+ this.setSelection(start, end);
+ this.$nextTab.push(this.getSelection());
+ this.setSelection(oldSelection.start, oldSelection.end);
+ }
+ return;
+ },
+ __parseButtonNameParam: function(names) {
+ return typeof names == 'string' ?
+ names.split(' ') :
+ names;
+ },
+ enableButtons: function(name) {
+ var buttons = this.__parseButtonNameParam(name),
+ that = this;
+ $.each(buttons, function(i, v) {
+ that.__alterButtons(buttons[i], function(el) {
+ el.removeAttr('disabled');
+ });
+ });
+ return this;
+ },
+ disableButtons: function(name) {
+ var buttons = this.__parseButtonNameParam(name),
+ that = this;
+ $.each(buttons, function(i, v) {
+ that.__alterButtons(buttons[i], function(el) {
+ el.attr('disabled', 'disabled');
+ });
+ });
+ return this;
+ },
+ hideButtons: function(name) {
+ var buttons = this.__parseButtonNameParam(name),
+ that = this;
+ $.each(buttons, function(i, v) {
+ that.__alterButtons(buttons[i], function(el) {
+ el.addClass('hidden');
+ });
+ });
+ return this;
+ },
+ showButtons: function(name) {
+ var buttons = this.__parseButtonNameParam(name),
+ that = this;
+ $.each(buttons, function(i, v) {
+ that.__alterButtons(buttons[i], function(el) {
+ el.removeClass('hidden');
+ });
+ });
+ return this;
+ },
+ eventSupported: function(eventName) {
+ var isSupported = eventName in this.$element;
+ if (!isSupported) {
+ this.$element.setAttribute(eventName, 'return;');
+ isSupported = typeof this.$element[eventName] === 'function';
+ }
+ return isSupported;
+ },
+ keyup: function(e) {
+ var blocked = false;
+ switch (e.keyCode) {
+ case 40: // down arrow
+ case 38: // up arrow
+ case 16: // shift
+ case 17: // ctrl
+ case 18: // alt
+ break;
+ case 9: // tab
+ var nextTab;
+ if (nextTab = this.getNextTab(), nextTab !== null) {
+ // Get the nextTab if exists
+ var that = this;
+ setTimeout(function() {
+ that.setSelection(nextTab.start, nextTab.end);
+ }, 500);
+ blocked = true;
+ } else {
+ // The next tab memory contains nothing...
+ // check the cursor position to determine tab action
+ var cursor = this.getSelection();
+ if (cursor.start == cursor.end && cursor.end == this.getContent().length) {
+ // The cursor already reach the end of the content
+ blocked = false;
+ } else {
+ // Put the cursor to the end
+ this.setSelection(this.getContent().length, this.getContent().length);
+ blocked = true;
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case 13: // enter
+ blocked = false;
+ break;
+ case 27: // escape
+ if (this.$isFullscreen) this.setFullscreen(false);
+ blocked = false;
+ break;
+ default:
+ blocked = false;
+ }
+ if (blocked) {
+ e.stopPropagation();
+ e.preventDefault();
+ }
+ this.$options.onChange(this);
+ },
+ change: function(e) {
+ this.$options.onChange(this);
+ return this;
+ },
+ select: function(e) {
+ this.$options.onSelect(this);
+ return this;
+ },
+ focus: function(e) {
+ var options = this.$options,
+ isHideable = options.hideable,
+ editor = this.$editor;
+ editor.addClass('active');
+ // Blur other markdown(s)
+ $(document).find('.md-editor').each(function() {
+ if ($(this).attr('id') !== editor.attr('id')) {
+ var attachedMarkdown;
+ if (attachedMarkdown = $(this).find('textarea').data('markdown'),
+ attachedMarkdown === null) {
+ attachedMarkdown = $(this).find('div[data-provider="markdown-preview"]').data('markdown');
+ }
+ if (attachedMarkdown) {
+ attachedMarkdown.blur();
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ // Trigger the onFocus hook
+ options.onFocus(this);
+ return this;
+ },
+ blur: function(e) {
+ var options = this.$options,
+ isHideable = options.hideable,
+ editor = this.$editor,
+ editable = this.$editable;
+ if (editor.hasClass('active') || this.$element.parent().length === 0) {
+ editor.removeClass('active');
+ if (isHideable) {
+ // Check for editable elements
+ if (editable.el !== null) {
+ // Build the original element
+ var oldElement = $('<' + editable.type + '/>'),
+ content = this.getContent(),
+ currentContent = this.parseContent(content);
+ $(editable.attrKeys).each(function(k, v) {
+ oldElement.attr(editable.attrKeys[k], editable.attrValues[k]);
+ });
+ // Get the editor content
+ oldElement.html(currentContent);
+ editor.replaceWith(oldElement);
+ } else {
+ editor.hide();
+ }
+ }
+ // Trigger the onBlur hook
+ options.onBlur(this);
+ }
+ return this;
+ }
+ };
+ * ========================== */
+ var old = $.fn.markdown;
+ $.fn.markdown = function(option) {
+ return this.each(function() {
+ var $this = $(this),
+ data = $this.data('markdown'),
+ options = typeof option == 'object' && option;
+ if (!data)
+ $this.data('markdown', (data = new Markdown(this, options)));
+ });
+ };
+ $.fn.markdown.messages = {};
+ $.fn.markdown.defaults = {
+ /* Editor Properties */
+ autofocus: false,
+ hideable: false,
+ savable: false,
+ width: 'inherit',
+ height: 'inherit',
+ resize: 'none',
+ iconlibrary: 'glyph',
+ language: 'en',
+ initialstate: 'editor',
+ parser: null,
+ dropZoneOptions: null,
+ enableDropDataUri: false,
+ /* Buttons Properties */
+ buttons: [
+ [{
+ name: 'groupFont',
+ data: [{
+ name: 'cmdBold',
+ hotkey: 'Ctrl+B',
+ title: 'Bold',
+ icon: {
+ glyph: 'glyphicon glyphicon-bold',
+ fa: 'fa fa-bold',
+ 'fa-3': 'icon-bold',
+ octicons: 'octicon octicon-bold'
+ },
+ callback: function(e) {
+ // Give/remove ** surround the selection
+ var chunk, cursor, selected = e.getSelection(),
+ content = e.getContent();
+ if (selected.length === 0) {
+ // Give extra word
+ chunk = e.__localize('strong text');
+ } else {
+ chunk = selected.text;
+ }
+ // transform selection and set the cursor into chunked text
+ if (content.substr(selected.start - 2, 2) === '**' &&
+ content.substr(selected.end, 2) === '**') {
+ e.setSelection(selected.start - 2, selected.end + 2);
+ e.replaceSelection(chunk);
+ cursor = selected.start - 2;
+ } else {
+ e.replaceSelection('**' + chunk + '**');
+ cursor = selected.start + 2;
+ }
+ // Set the cursor
+ e.setSelection(cursor, cursor + chunk.length);
+ }
+ }, {
+ name: 'cmdItalic',
+ title: 'Italic',
+ hotkey: 'Ctrl+I',
+ icon: {
+ glyph: 'glyphicon glyphicon-italic',
+ fa: 'fa fa-italic',
+ 'fa-3': 'icon-italic',
+ octicons: 'octicon octicon-italic'
+ },
+ callback: function(e) {
+ // Give/remove * surround the selection
+ var chunk, cursor, selected = e.getSelection(),
+ content = e.getContent();
+ if (selected.length === 0) {
+ // Give extra word
+ chunk = e.__localize('emphasized text');
+ } else {
+ chunk = selected.text;
+ }
+ // transform selection and set the cursor into chunked text
+ if (content.substr(selected.start - 1, 1) === '_' &&
+ content.substr(selected.end, 1) === '_') {
+ e.setSelection(selected.start - 1, selected.end + 1);
+ e.replaceSelection(chunk);
+ cursor = selected.start - 1;
+ } else {
+ e.replaceSelection('_' + chunk + '_');
+ cursor = selected.start + 1;
+ }
+ // Set the cursor
+ e.setSelection(cursor, cursor + chunk.length);
+ }
+ }, {
+ name: 'cmdHeading',
+ title: 'Heading',
+ hotkey: 'Ctrl+H',
+ icon: {
+ glyph: 'glyphicon glyphicon-header',
+ fa: 'fa fa-header',
+ 'fa-3': 'icon-font',
+ octicons: 'octicon octicon-text-size'
+ },
+ callback: function(e) {
+ // Append/remove ### surround the selection
+ var chunk, cursor, selected = e.getSelection(),
+ content = e.getContent(),
+ pointer, prevChar;
+ if (selected.length === 0) {
+ // Give extra word
+ chunk = e.__localize('heading text');
+ } else {
+ chunk = selected.text + '\n';
+ }
+ // transform selection and set the cursor into chunked text
+ if ((pointer = 4, content.substr(selected.start - pointer, pointer) === '### ') ||
+ (pointer = 3, content.substr(selected.start - pointer, pointer) === '###')) {
+ e.setSelection(selected.start - pointer, selected.end);
+ e.replaceSelection(chunk);
+ cursor = selected.start - pointer;
+ } else if (selected.start > 0 && (prevChar = content.substr(selected.start - 1, 1), !!prevChar && prevChar != '\n')) {
+ e.replaceSelection('\n\n### ' + chunk);
+ cursor = selected.start + 6;
+ } else {
+ // Empty string before element
+ e.replaceSelection('### ' + chunk);
+ cursor = selected.start + 4;
+ }
+ // Set the cursor
+ e.setSelection(cursor, cursor + chunk.length);
+ }
+ }]
+ }, {
+ name: 'groupLink',
+ data: [{
+ name: 'cmdUrl',
+ title: 'URL/Link',
+ hotkey: 'Ctrl+L',
+ icon: {
+ glyph: 'glyphicon glyphicon-link',
+ fa: 'fa fa-link',
+ 'fa-3': 'icon-link',
+ octicons: 'octicon octicon-link'
+ },
+ callback: function(e) {
+ // Give [] surround the selection and prepend the link
+ var chunk, cursor, selected = e.getSelection(),
+ content = e.getContent(),
+ link;
+ if (selected.length === 0) {
+ // Give extra word
+ chunk = e.__localize('enter link description here');
+ } else {
+ chunk = selected.text;
+ }
+ link = prompt(e.__localize('Insert Hyperlink'), 'http://');
+ var urlRegex = new RegExp('^((http|https)://|(mailto:)|(//))[a-z0-9]', 'i');
+ if (link !== null && link !== '' && link !== 'http://' && urlRegex.test(link)) {
+ var sanitizedLink = $('
' + link + '
+ // transform selection and set the cursor into chunked text
+ e.replaceSelection('[' + chunk + '](' + sanitizedLink + ')');
+ cursor = selected.start + 1;
+ // Set the cursor
+ e.setSelection(cursor, cursor + chunk.length);
+ }
+ }
+ }, {
+ name: 'cmdImage',
+ title: 'Image',
+ hotkey: 'Ctrl+G',
+ icon: {
+ glyph: 'glyphicon glyphicon-picture',
+ fa: 'fa fa-picture-o',
+ 'fa-3': 'icon-picture',
+ octicons: 'octicon octicon-file-media'
+ },
+ callback: function(e) {
+ // Give ![] surround the selection and prepend the image link
+ var chunk, cursor, selected = e.getSelection(),
+ content = e.getContent(),
+ link;
+ if (selected.length === 0) {
+ // Give extra word
+ chunk = e.__localize('enter image description here');
+ } else {
+ chunk = selected.text;
+ }
+ link = prompt(e.__localize('Insert Image Hyperlink'), 'http://');
+ var urlRegex = new RegExp('^((http|https)://|(//))[a-z0-9]', 'i');
+ if (link !== null && link !== '' && link !== 'http://' && urlRegex.test(link)) {
+ var sanitizedLink = $('
' + link + '
+ // transform selection and set the cursor into chunked text
+ e.replaceSelection('![' + chunk + '](' + sanitizedLink + ' "' + e.__localize('enter image title here') + '")');
+ cursor = selected.start + 2;
+ // Set the next tab
+ e.setNextTab(e.__localize('enter image title here'));
+ // Set the cursor
+ e.setSelection(cursor, cursor + chunk.length);
+ }
+ }
+ }]
+ }, {
+ name: 'groupMisc',
+ data: [{
+ name: 'cmdList',
+ hotkey: 'Ctrl+U',
+ title: 'Unordered List',
+ icon: {
+ glyph: 'glyphicon glyphicon-list',
+ fa: 'fa fa-list',
+ 'fa-3': 'icon-list-ul',
+ octicons: 'octicon octicon-list-unordered'
+ },
+ callback: function(e) {
+ // Prepend/Give - surround the selection
+ var chunk, cursor, selected = e.getSelection(),
+ content = e.getContent();
+ // transform selection and set the cursor into chunked text
+ if (selected.length === 0) {
+ // Give extra word
+ chunk = e.__localize('list text here');
+ e.replaceSelection('- ' + chunk);
+ // Set the cursor
+ cursor = selected.start + 2;
+ } else {
+ if (selected.text.indexOf('\n') < 0) {
+ chunk = selected.text;
+ e.replaceSelection('- ' + chunk);
+ // Set the cursor
+ cursor = selected.start + 2;
+ } else {
+ var list = [];
+ list = selected.text.split('\n');
+ chunk = list[0];
+ $.each(list, function(k, v) {
+ list[k] = '- ' + v;
+ });
+ e.replaceSelection('\n\n' + list.join('\n'));
+ // Set the cursor
+ cursor = selected.start + 4;
+ }
+ }
+ // Set the cursor
+ e.setSelection(cursor, cursor + chunk.length);
+ }
+ }, {
+ name: 'cmdListO',
+ hotkey: 'Ctrl+O',
+ title: 'Ordered List',
+ icon: {
+ glyph: 'glyphicon glyphicon-th-list',
+ fa: 'fa fa-list-ol',
+ 'fa-3': 'icon-list-ol',
+ octicons: 'octicon octicon-list-ordered'
+ },
+ callback: function(e) {
+ // Prepend/Give - surround the selection
+ var chunk, cursor, selected = e.getSelection(),
+ content = e.getContent();
+ // transform selection and set the cursor into chunked text
+ if (selected.length === 0) {
+ // Give extra word
+ chunk = e.__localize('list text here');
+ e.replaceSelection('1. ' + chunk);
+ // Set the cursor
+ cursor = selected.start + 3;
+ } else {
+ if (selected.text.indexOf('\n') < 0) {
+ chunk = selected.text;
+ e.replaceSelection('1. ' + chunk);
+ // Set the cursor
+ cursor = selected.start + 3;
+ } else {
+ var i = 1;
+ var list = [];
+ list = selected.text.split('\n');
+ chunk = list[0];
+ $.each(list, function(k, v) {
+ list[k] = i + '. ' + v;
+ i++;
+ });
+ e.replaceSelection('\n\n' + list.join('\n'));
+ // Set the cursor
+ cursor = selected.start + 5;
+ }
+ }
+ // Set the cursor
+ e.setSelection(cursor, cursor + chunk.length);
+ }
+ }, {
+ name: 'cmdCode',
+ hotkey: 'Ctrl+K',
+ title: 'Code',
+ icon: {
+ glyph: 'glyphicon glyphicon-console',
+ fa: 'fa fa-code',
+ 'fa-3': 'icon-code',
+ octicons: 'octicon octicon-code'
+ },
+ callback: function(e) {
+ // Give/remove ** surround the selection
+ var chunk, cursor, selected = e.getSelection(),
+ content = e.getContent();
+ if (selected.length === 0) {
+ // Give extra word
+ chunk = e.__localize('code text here');
+ } else {
+ chunk = selected.text;
+ }
+ // transform selection and set the cursor into chunked text
+ if (content.substr(selected.start - 4, 4) === '```\n' &&
+ content.substr(selected.end, 4) === '\n```') {
+ e.setSelection(selected.start - 4, selected.end + 4);
+ e.replaceSelection(chunk);
+ cursor = selected.start - 4;
+ } else if (content.substr(selected.start - 1, 1) === '`' &&
+ content.substr(selected.end, 1) === '`') {
+ e.setSelection(selected.start - 1, selected.end + 1);
+ e.replaceSelection(chunk);
+ cursor = selected.start - 1;
+ } else if (content.indexOf('\n') > -1) {
+ e.replaceSelection('```\n' + chunk + '\n```');
+ cursor = selected.start + 4;
+ } else {
+ e.replaceSelection('`' + chunk + '`');
+ cursor = selected.start + 1;
+ }
+ // Set the cursor
+ e.setSelection(cursor, cursor + chunk.length);
+ }
+ }, {
+ name: 'cmdQuote',
+ hotkey: 'Ctrl+Q',
+ title: 'Quote',
+ icon: {
+ glyph: 'glyphicon glyphicon-comment',
+ fa: 'fa fa-quote-left',
+ 'fa-3': 'icon-quote-left',
+ octicons: 'octicon octicon-quote'
+ },
+ callback: function(e) {
+ // Prepend/Give - surround the selection
+ var chunk, cursor, selected = e.getSelection(),
+ content = e.getContent();
+ // transform selection and set the cursor into chunked text
+ if (selected.length === 0) {
+ // Give extra word
+ chunk = e.__localize('quote here');
+ e.replaceSelection('> ' + chunk);
+ // Set the cursor
+ cursor = selected.start + 2;
+ } else {
+ if (selected.text.indexOf('\n') < 0) {
+ chunk = selected.text;
+ e.replaceSelection('> ' + chunk);
+ // Set the cursor
+ cursor = selected.start + 2;
+ } else {
+ var list = [];
+ list = selected.text.split('\n');
+ chunk = list[0];
+ $.each(list, function(k, v) {
+ list[k] = '> ' + v;
+ });
+ e.replaceSelection('\n\n' + list.join('\n'));
+ // Set the cursor
+ cursor = selected.start + 4;
+ }
+ }
+ // Set the cursor
+ e.setSelection(cursor, cursor + chunk.length);
+ }
+ }]
+ }, {
+ name: 'groupUtil',
+ data: [{
+ name: 'cmdPreview',
+ toggle: true,
+ hotkey: 'Ctrl+P',
+ title: 'Preview',
+ btnText: 'Preview',
+ btnClass: 'btn btn-primary btn-sm',
+ icon: {
+ glyph: 'glyphicon glyphicon-search',
+ fa: 'fa fa-search',
+ 'fa-3': 'icon-search',
+ octicons: 'octicon octicon-search'
+ },
+ callback: function(e) {
+ // Check the preview mode and toggle based on this flag
+ var isPreview = e.$isPreview,
+ content;
+ if (isPreview === false) {
+ // Give flag that tell the editor enter preview mode
+ e.showPreview();
+ } else {
+ e.hidePreview();
+ }
+ }
+ }]
+ }]
+ ],
+ customIcons: {},
+ additionalButtons: [], // Place to hook more buttons by code
+ reorderButtonGroups: [],
+ hiddenButtons: [], // Default hidden buttons
+ disabledButtons: [], // Default disabled buttons
+ footer: '',
+ fullscreen: {
+ enable: true,
+ icons: {
+ fullscreenOn: {
+ name: "fullscreenOn",
+ icon: {
+ fa: 'fa fa-expand',
+ glyph: 'glyphicon glyphicon-fullscreen',
+ 'fa-3': 'icon-resize-full',
+ octicons: 'octicon octicon-link-external'
+ }
+ },
+ fullscreenOff: {
+ name: "fullscreenOff",
+ icon: {
+ fa: 'fa fa-compress',
+ glyph: 'glyphicon glyphicon-fullscreen',
+ 'fa-3': 'icon-resize-small',
+ octicons: 'octicon octicon-browser'
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ /* Events hook */
+ onShow: function(e) {},
+ onPreview: function(e) {},
+ onPreviewEnd: function(e) {},
+ onSave: function(e) {},
+ onBlur: function(e) {},
+ onFocus: function(e) {},
+ onChange: function(e) {},
+ onFullscreen: function(e) {},
+ onFullscreenExit: function(e) {},
+ onSelect: function(e) {}
+ };
+ $.fn.markdown.Constructor = Markdown;
+ * ==================== */
+ $.fn.markdown.noConflict = function() {
+ $.fn.markdown = old;
+ return this;
+ };
+ * ==================================== */
+ var initMarkdown = function(el) {
+ var $this = el;
+ if ($this.data('markdown')) {
+ $this.data('markdown').showEditor();
+ return;
+ }
+ $this.markdown();
+ };
+ var blurNonFocused = function(e) {
+ var $activeElement = $(document.activeElement);
+ // Blur event
+ $(document).find('.md-editor').each(function() {
+ var $this = $(this),
+ focused = $activeElement.closest('.md-editor')[0] === this,
+ attachedMarkdown = $this.find('textarea').data('markdown') ||
+ $this.find('div[data-provider="markdown-preview"]').data('markdown');
+ if (attachedMarkdown && !focused) {
+ attachedMarkdown.blur();
+ }
+ });
+ };
+ $(document)
+ .on('click.markdown.data-api', '[data-provide="markdown-editable"]', function(e) {
+ initMarkdown($(this));
+ e.preventDefault();
+ })
+ .on('click focusin', function(e) {
+ blurNonFocused(e);
+ })
+ .ready(function() {
+ $('textarea[data-provide="markdown"]').each(function() {
+ initMarkdown($(this));
+ });
+ });
diff --git a/web/js/plugins/bootstrap-markdown/markdown.js b/web/js/plugins/bootstrap-markdown/markdown.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..07f4e46
--- /dev/null
+++ b/web/js/plugins/bootstrap-markdown/markdown.js
@@ -0,0 +1,1616 @@
+// Released under MIT license
+// Copyright (c) 2009-2010 Dominic Baggott
+// Copyright (c) 2009-2010 Ash Berlin
+// Copyright (c) 2011 Christoph Dorn (http://www.christophdorn.com)
+(function( expose ) {
+ * class Markdown
+ *
+ * Markdown processing in Javascript done right. We have very particular views
+ * on what constitutes 'right' which include:
+ *
+ * - produces well-formed HTML (this means that em and strong nesting is
+ * important)
+ *
+ * - has an intermediate representation to allow processing of parsed data (We
+ * in fact have two, both as [JsonML]: a markdown tree and an HTML tree).
+ *
+ * - is easily extensible to add new dialects without having to rewrite the
+ * entire parsing mechanics
+ *
+ * - has a good test suite
+ *
+ * This implementation fulfills all of these (except that the test suite could
+ * do with expanding to automatically run all the fixtures from other Markdown
+ * implementations.)
+ *
+ * ##### Intermediate Representation
+ *
+ * *TODO* Talk about this :) Its JsonML, but document the node names we use.
+ *
+ * [JsonML]: http://jsonml.org/ "JSON Markup Language"
+ **/
+var Markdown = expose.Markdown = function Markdown(dialect) {
+ switch (typeof dialect) {
+ case "undefined":
+ this.dialect = Markdown.dialects.Gruber;
+ break;
+ case "object":
+ this.dialect = dialect;
+ break;
+ default:
+ if (dialect in Markdown.dialects) {
+ this.dialect = Markdown.dialects[dialect];
+ }
+ else {
+ throw new Error("Unknown Markdown dialect '" + String(dialect) + "'");
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ this.em_state = [];
+ this.strong_state = [];
+ this.debug_indent = "";
+ * parse( markdown, [dialect] ) -> JsonML
+ * - markdown (String): markdown string to parse
+ * - dialect (String | Dialect): the dialect to use, defaults to gruber
+ *
+ * Parse `markdown` and return a markdown document as a Markdown.JsonML tree.
+ **/
+expose.parse = function( source, dialect ) {
+ // dialect will default if undefined
+ var md = new Markdown( dialect );
+ return md.toTree( source );
+ * toHTML( markdown, [dialect] ) -> String
+ * toHTML( md_tree ) -> String
+ * - markdown (String): markdown string to parse
+ * - md_tree (Markdown.JsonML): parsed markdown tree
+ *
+ * Take markdown (either as a string or as a JsonML tree) and run it through
+ * [[toHTMLTree]] then turn it into a well-formated HTML fragment.
+ **/
+expose.toHTML = function toHTML( source , dialect , options ) {
+ var input = expose.toHTMLTree( source , dialect , options );
+ return expose.renderJsonML( input );
+ * toHTMLTree( markdown, [dialect] ) -> JsonML
+ * toHTMLTree( md_tree ) -> JsonML
+ * - markdown (String): markdown string to parse
+ * - dialect (String | Dialect): the dialect to use, defaults to gruber
+ * - md_tree (Markdown.JsonML): parsed markdown tree
+ *
+ * Turn markdown into HTML, represented as a JsonML tree. If a string is given
+ * to this function, it is first parsed into a markdown tree by calling
+ * [[parse]].
+ **/
+expose.toHTMLTree = function toHTMLTree( input, dialect , options ) {
+ // convert string input to an MD tree
+ if ( typeof input ==="string" ) input = this.parse( input, dialect );
+ // Now convert the MD tree to an HTML tree
+ // remove references from the tree
+ var attrs = extract_attr( input ),
+ refs = {};
+ if ( attrs && attrs.references ) {
+ refs = attrs.references;
+ }
+ var html = convert_tree_to_html( input, refs , options );
+ merge_text_nodes( html );
+ return html;
+// For Spidermonkey based engines
+function mk_block_toSource() {
+ return "Markdown.mk_block( " +
+ uneval(this.toString()) +
+ ", " +
+ uneval(this.trailing) +
+ ", " +
+ uneval(this.lineNumber) +
+ " )";
+// node
+function mk_block_inspect() {
+ var util = require('util');
+ return "Markdown.mk_block( " +
+ util.inspect(this.toString()) +
+ ", " +
+ util.inspect(this.trailing) +
+ ", " +
+ util.inspect(this.lineNumber) +
+ " )";
+var mk_block = Markdown.mk_block = function(block, trail, line) {
+ // Be helpful for default case in tests.
+ if ( arguments.length == 1 ) trail = "\n\n";
+ var s = new String(block);
+ s.trailing = trail;
+ // To make it clear its not just a string
+ s.inspect = mk_block_inspect;
+ s.toSource = mk_block_toSource;
+ if (line != undefined)
+ s.lineNumber = line;
+ return s;
+function count_lines( str ) {
+ var n = 0, i = -1;
+ while ( ( i = str.indexOf('\n', i+1) ) !== -1) n++;
+ return n;
+// Internal - split source into rough blocks
+Markdown.prototype.split_blocks = function splitBlocks( input, startLine ) {
+ // [\s\S] matches _anything_ (newline or space)
+ var re = /([\s\S]+?)($|\n(?:\s*\n|$)+)/g,
+ blocks = [],
+ m;
+ var line_no = 1;
+ if ( ( m = /^(\s*\n)/.exec(input) ) != null ) {
+ // skip (but count) leading blank lines
+ line_no += count_lines( m[0] );
+ re.lastIndex = m[0].length;
+ }
+ while ( ( m = re.exec(input) ) !== null ) {
+ blocks.push( mk_block( m[1], m[2], line_no ) );
+ line_no += count_lines( m[0] );
+ }
+ return blocks;
+ * Markdown#processBlock( block, next ) -> undefined | [ JsonML, ... ]
+ * - block (String): the block to process
+ * - next (Array): the following blocks
+ *
+ * Process `block` and return an array of JsonML nodes representing `block`.
+ *
+ * It does this by asking each block level function in the dialect to process
+ * the block until one can. Succesful handling is indicated by returning an
+ * array (with zero or more JsonML nodes), failure by a false value.
+ *
+ * Blocks handlers are responsible for calling [[Markdown#processInline]]
+ * themselves as appropriate.
+ *
+ * If the blocks were split incorrectly or adjacent blocks need collapsing you
+ * can adjust `next` in place using shift/splice etc.
+ *
+ * If any of this default behaviour is not right for the dialect, you can
+ * define a `__call__` method on the dialect that will get invoked to handle
+ * the block processing.
+ */
+Markdown.prototype.processBlock = function processBlock( block, next ) {
+ var cbs = this.dialect.block,
+ ord = cbs.__order__;
+ if ( "__call__" in cbs ) {
+ return cbs.__call__.call(this, block, next);
+ }
+ for ( var i = 0; i < ord.length; i++ ) {
+ //D:this.debug( "Testing", ord[i] );
+ var res = cbs[ ord[i] ].call( this, block, next );
+ if ( res ) {
+ //D:this.debug(" matched");
+ if ( !isArray(res) || ( res.length > 0 && !( isArray(res[0]) ) ) )
+ this.debug(ord[i], "didn't return a proper array");
+ //D:this.debug( "" );
+ return res;
+ }
+ }
+ // Uhoh! no match! Should we throw an error?
+ return [];
+Markdown.prototype.processInline = function processInline( block ) {
+ return this.dialect.inline.__call__.call( this, String( block ) );
+ * Markdown#toTree( source ) -> JsonML
+ * - source (String): markdown source to parse
+ *
+ * Parse `source` into a JsonML tree representing the markdown document.
+ **/
+// custom_tree means set this.tree to `custom_tree` and restore old value on return
+Markdown.prototype.toTree = function toTree( source, custom_root ) {
+ var blocks = source instanceof Array ? source : this.split_blocks( source );
+ // Make tree a member variable so its easier to mess with in extensions
+ var old_tree = this.tree;
+ try {
+ this.tree = custom_root || this.tree || [ "markdown" ];
+ blocks:
+ while ( blocks.length ) {
+ var b = this.processBlock( blocks.shift(), blocks );
+ // Reference blocks and the like won't return any content
+ if ( !b.length ) continue blocks;
+ this.tree.push.apply( this.tree, b );
+ }
+ return this.tree;
+ }
+ finally {
+ if ( custom_root ) {
+ this.tree = old_tree;
+ }
+ }
+// Noop by default
+Markdown.prototype.debug = function () {
+ var args = Array.prototype.slice.call( arguments);
+ args.unshift(this.debug_indent);
+ if (typeof print !== "undefined")
+ print.apply( print, args );
+ if (typeof console !== "undefined" && typeof console.log !== "undefined")
+ console.log.apply( null, args );
+Markdown.prototype.loop_re_over_block = function( re, block, cb ) {
+ // Dont use /g regexps with this
+ var m,
+ b = block.valueOf();
+ while ( b.length && (m = re.exec(b) ) != null) {
+ b = b.substr( m[0].length );
+ cb.call(this, m);
+ }
+ return b;
+ * Markdown.dialects
+ *
+ * Namespace of built-in dialects.
+ **/
+Markdown.dialects = {};
+ * Markdown.dialects.Gruber
+ *
+ * The default dialect that follows the rules set out by John Gruber's
+ * markdown.pl as closely as possible. Well actually we follow the behaviour of
+ * that script which in some places is not exactly what the syntax web page
+ * says.
+ **/
+Markdown.dialects.Gruber = {
+ block: {
+ atxHeader: function atxHeader( block, next ) {
+ var m = block.match( /^(#{1,6})\s*(.*?)\s*#*\s*(?:\n|$)/ );
+ if ( !m ) return undefined;
+ var header = [ "header", { level: m[ 1 ].length } ];
+ Array.prototype.push.apply(header, this.processInline(m[ 2 ]));
+ if ( m[0].length < block.length )
+ next.unshift( mk_block( block.substr( m[0].length ), block.trailing, block.lineNumber + 2 ) );
+ return [ header ];
+ },
+ setextHeader: function setextHeader( block, next ) {
+ var m = block.match( /^(.*)\n([-=])\2\2+(?:\n|$)/ );
+ if ( !m ) return undefined;
+ var level = ( m[ 2 ] === "=" ) ? 1 : 2;
+ var header = [ "header", { level : level }, m[ 1 ] ];
+ if ( m[0].length < block.length )
+ next.unshift( mk_block( block.substr( m[0].length ), block.trailing, block.lineNumber + 2 ) );
+ return [ header ];
+ },
+ code: function code( block, next ) {
+ // | Foo
+ // |bar
+ // should be a code block followed by a paragraph. Fun
+ //
+ // There might also be adjacent code block to merge.
+ var ret = [],
+ re = /^(?: {0,3}\t| {4})(.*)\n?/,
+ lines;
+ // 4 spaces + content
+ if ( !block.match( re ) ) return undefined;
+ block_search:
+ do {
+ // Now pull out the rest of the lines
+ var b = this.loop_re_over_block(
+ re, block.valueOf(), function( m ) { ret.push( m[1] ); } );
+ if (b.length) {
+ // Case alluded to in first comment. push it back on as a new block
+ next.unshift( mk_block(b, block.trailing) );
+ break block_search;
+ }
+ else if (next.length) {
+ // Check the next block - it might be code too
+ if ( !next[0].match( re ) ) break block_search;
+ // Pull how how many blanks lines follow - minus two to account for .join
+ ret.push ( block.trailing.replace(/[^\n]/g, '').substring(2) );
+ block = next.shift();
+ }
+ else {
+ break block_search;
+ }
+ } while (true);
+ return [ [ "code_block", ret.join("\n") ] ];
+ },
+ horizRule: function horizRule( block, next ) {
+ // this needs to find any hr in the block to handle abutting blocks
+ var m = block.match( /^(?:([\s\S]*?)\n)?[ \t]*([-_*])(?:[ \t]*\2){2,}[ \t]*(?:\n([\s\S]*))?$/ );
+ if ( !m ) {
+ return undefined;
+ }
+ var jsonml = [ [ "hr" ] ];
+ // if there's a leading abutting block, process it
+ if ( m[ 1 ] ) {
+ jsonml.unshift.apply( jsonml, this.processBlock( m[ 1 ], [] ) );
+ }
+ // if there's a trailing abutting block, stick it into next
+ if ( m[ 3 ] ) {
+ next.unshift( mk_block( m[ 3 ] ) );
+ }
+ return jsonml;
+ },
+ // There are two types of lists. Tight and loose. Tight lists have no whitespace
+ // between the items (and result in text just in the
) and loose lists,
+ // which have an empty line between list items, resulting in (one or more)
+ // paragraphs inside the
+ //
+ // There are all sorts weird edge cases about the original markdown.pl's
+ // handling of lists:
+ //
+ // * Nested lists are supposed to be indented by four chars per level. But
+ // if they aren't, you can get a nested list by indenting by less than
+ // four so long as the indent doesn't match an indent of an existing list
+ // item in the 'nest stack'.
+ //
+ // * The type of the list (bullet or number) is controlled just by the
+ // first item at the indent. Subsequent changes are ignored unless they
+ // are for nested lists
+ //
+ lists: (function( ) {
+ // Use a closure to hide a few variables.
+ var any_list = "[*+-]|\\d+\\.",
+ bullet_list = /[*+-]/,
+ number_list = /\d+\./,
+ // Capture leading indent as it matters for determining nested lists.
+ is_list_re = new RegExp( "^( {0,3})(" + any_list + ")[ \t]+" ),
+ indent_re = "(?: {0,3}\\t| {4})";
+ // TODO: Cache this regexp for certain depths.
+ // Create a regexp suitable for matching an li for a given stack depth
+ function regex_for_depth( depth ) {
+ return new RegExp(
+ // m[1] = indent, m[2] = list_type
+ "(?:^(" + indent_re + "{0," + depth + "} {0,3})(" + any_list + ")\\s+)|" +
+ // m[3] = cont
+ "(^" + indent_re + "{0," + (depth-1) + "}[ ]{0,4})"
+ );
+ }
+ function expand_tab( input ) {
+ return input.replace( / {0,3}\t/g, " " );
+ }
+ // Add inline content `inline` to `li`. inline comes from processInline
+ // so is an array of content
+ function add(li, loose, inline, nl) {
+ if (loose) {
+ li.push( [ "para" ].concat(inline) );
+ return;
+ }
+ // Hmmm, should this be any block level element or just paras?
+ var add_to = li[li.length -1] instanceof Array && li[li.length - 1][0] == "para"
+ ? li[li.length -1]
+ : li;
+ // If there is already some content in this list, add the new line in
+ if (nl && li.length > 1) inline.unshift(nl);
+ for (var i=0; i < inline.length; i++) {
+ var what = inline[i],
+ is_str = typeof what == "string";
+ if (is_str && add_to.length > 1 && typeof add_to[add_to.length-1] == "string" ) {
+ add_to[ add_to.length-1 ] += what;
+ }
+ else {
+ add_to.push( what );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // contained means have an indent greater than the current one. On
+ // *every* line in the block
+ function get_contained_blocks( depth, blocks ) {
+ var re = new RegExp( "^(" + indent_re + "{" + depth + "}.*?\\n?)*$" ),
+ replace = new RegExp("^" + indent_re + "{" + depth + "}", "gm"),
+ ret = [];
+ while ( blocks.length > 0 ) {
+ if ( re.exec( blocks[0] ) ) {
+ var b = blocks.shift(),
+ // Now remove that indent
+ x = b.replace( replace, "");
+ ret.push( mk_block( x, b.trailing, b.lineNumber ) );
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ return ret;
+ }
+ // passed to stack.forEach to turn list items up the stack into paras
+ function paragraphify(s, i, stack) {
+ var list = s.list;
+ var last_li = list[list.length-1];
+ if (last_li[1] instanceof Array && last_li[1][0] == "para") {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (i+1 == stack.length) {
+ // Last stack frame
+ // Keep the same array, but replace the contents
+ last_li.push( ["para"].concat( last_li.splice(1) ) );
+ }
+ else {
+ var sublist = last_li.pop();
+ last_li.push( ["para"].concat( last_li.splice(1) ), sublist );
+ }
+ }
+ // The matcher function
+ return function( block, next ) {
+ var m = block.match( is_list_re );
+ if ( !m ) return undefined;
+ function make_list( m ) {
+ var list = bullet_list.exec( m[2] )
+ ? ["bulletlist"]
+ : ["numberlist"];
+ stack.push( { list: list, indent: m[1] } );
+ return list;
+ }
+ var stack = [], // Stack of lists for nesting.
+ list = make_list( m ),
+ last_li,
+ loose = false,
+ ret = [ stack[0].list ],
+ i;
+ // Loop to search over block looking for inner block elements and loose lists
+ loose_search:
+ while( true ) {
+ // Split into lines preserving new lines at end of line
+ var lines = block.split( /(?=\n)/ );
+ // We have to grab all lines for a li and call processInline on them
+ // once as there are some inline things that can span lines.
+ var li_accumulate = "";
+ // Loop over the lines in this block looking for tight lists.
+ tight_search:
+ for (var line_no=0; line_no < lines.length; line_no++) {
+ var nl = "",
+ l = lines[line_no].replace(/^\n/, function(n) { nl = n; return ""; });
+ // TODO: really should cache this
+ var line_re = regex_for_depth( stack.length );
+ m = l.match( line_re );
+ //print( "line:", uneval(l), "\nline match:", uneval(m) );
+ // We have a list item
+ if ( m[1] !== undefined ) {
+ // Process the previous list item, if any
+ if ( li_accumulate.length ) {
+ add( last_li, loose, this.processInline( li_accumulate ), nl );
+ // Loose mode will have been dealt with. Reset it
+ loose = false;
+ li_accumulate = "";
+ }
+ m[1] = expand_tab( m[1] );
+ var wanted_depth = Math.floor(m[1].length/4)+1;
+ //print( "want:", wanted_depth, "stack:", stack.length);
+ if ( wanted_depth > stack.length ) {
+ // Deep enough for a nested list outright
+ //print ( "new nested list" );
+ list = make_list( m );
+ last_li.push( list );
+ last_li = list[1] = [ "listitem" ];
+ }
+ else {
+ // We aren't deep enough to be strictly a new level. This is
+ // where Md.pl goes nuts. If the indent matches a level in the
+ // stack, put it there, else put it one deeper then the
+ // wanted_depth deserves.
+ var found = false;
+ for (i = 0; i < stack.length; i++) {
+ if ( stack[ i ].indent != m[1] ) continue;
+ list = stack[ i ].list;
+ stack.splice( i+1 );
+ found = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ if (!found) {
+ //print("not found. l:", uneval(l));
+ wanted_depth++;
+ if (wanted_depth <= stack.length) {
+ stack.splice(wanted_depth);
+ //print("Desired depth now", wanted_depth, "stack:", stack.length);
+ list = stack[wanted_depth-1].list;
+ //print("list:", uneval(list) );
+ }
+ else {
+ //print ("made new stack for messy indent");
+ list = make_list(m);
+ last_li.push(list);
+ }
+ }
+ //print( uneval(list), "last", list === stack[stack.length-1].list );
+ last_li = [ "listitem" ];
+ list.push(last_li);
+ } // end depth of shenegains
+ nl = "";
+ }
+ // Add content
+ if (l.length > m[0].length) {
+ li_accumulate += nl + l.substr( m[0].length );
+ }
+ } // tight_search
+ if ( li_accumulate.length ) {
+ add( last_li, loose, this.processInline( li_accumulate ), nl );
+ // Loose mode will have been dealt with. Reset it
+ loose = false;
+ li_accumulate = "";
+ }
+ // Look at the next block - we might have a loose list. Or an extra
+ // paragraph for the current li
+ var contained = get_contained_blocks( stack.length, next );
+ // Deal with code blocks or properly nested lists
+ if (contained.length > 0) {
+ // Make sure all listitems up the stack are paragraphs
+ forEach( stack, paragraphify, this);
+ last_li.push.apply( last_li, this.toTree( contained, [] ) );
+ }
+ var next_block = next[0] && next[0].valueOf() || "";
+ if ( next_block.match(is_list_re) || next_block.match( /^ / ) ) {
+ block = next.shift();
+ // Check for an HR following a list: features/lists/hr_abutting
+ var hr = this.dialect.block.horizRule( block, next );
+ if (hr) {
+ ret.push.apply(ret, hr);
+ break;
+ }
+ // Make sure all listitems up the stack are paragraphs
+ forEach( stack, paragraphify, this);
+ loose = true;
+ continue loose_search;
+ }
+ break;
+ } // loose_search
+ return ret;
+ };
+ })(),
+ blockquote: function blockquote( block, next ) {
+ if ( !block.match( /^>/m ) )
+ return undefined;
+ var jsonml = [];
+ // separate out the leading abutting block, if any
+ if ( block[ 0 ] != ">" ) {
+ var lines = block.split( /\n/ ),
+ prev = [];
+ // keep shifting lines until you find a crotchet
+ while ( lines.length && lines[ 0 ][ 0 ] != ">" ) {
+ prev.push( lines.shift() );
+ }
+ // reassemble!
+ block = lines.join( "\n" );
+ jsonml.push.apply( jsonml, this.processBlock( prev.join( "\n" ), [] ) );
+ }
+ // if the next block is also a blockquote merge it in
+ while ( next.length && next[ 0 ][ 0 ] == ">" ) {
+ var b = next.shift();
+ block = new String(block + block.trailing + b);
+ block.trailing = b.trailing;
+ }
+ // Strip off the leading "> " and re-process as a block.
+ var input = block.replace( /^> ?/gm, '' ),
+ old_tree = this.tree;
+ jsonml.push( this.toTree( input, [ "blockquote" ] ) );
+ return jsonml;
+ },
+ referenceDefn: function referenceDefn( block, next) {
+ var re = /^\s*\[(.*?)\]:\s*(\S+)(?:\s+(?:(['"])(.*?)\3|\((.*?)\)))?\n?/;
+ // interesting matches are [ , ref_id, url, , title, title ]
+ if ( !block.match(re) )
+ return undefined;
+ // make an attribute node if it doesn't exist
+ if ( !extract_attr( this.tree ) ) {
+ this.tree.splice( 1, 0, {} );
+ }
+ var attrs = extract_attr( this.tree );
+ // make a references hash if it doesn't exist
+ if ( attrs.references === undefined ) {
+ attrs.references = {};
+ }
+ var b = this.loop_re_over_block(re, block, function( m ) {
+ if ( m[2] && m[2][0] == '<' && m[2][m[2].length-1] == '>' )
+ m[2] = m[2].substring( 1, m[2].length - 1 );
+ var ref = attrs.references[ m[1].toLowerCase() ] = {
+ href: m[2]
+ };
+ if (m[4] !== undefined)
+ ref.title = m[4];
+ else if (m[5] !== undefined)
+ ref.title = m[5];
+ } );
+ if (b.length)
+ next.unshift( mk_block( b, block.trailing ) );
+ return [];
+ },
+ para: function para( block, next ) {
+ // everything's a para!
+ return [ ["para"].concat( this.processInline( block ) ) ];
+ }
+ }
+Markdown.dialects.Gruber.inline = {
+ __oneElement__: function oneElement( text, patterns_or_re, previous_nodes ) {
+ var m,
+ res,
+ lastIndex = 0;
+ patterns_or_re = patterns_or_re || this.dialect.inline.__patterns__;
+ var re = new RegExp( "([\\s\\S]*?)(" + (patterns_or_re.source || patterns_or_re) + ")" );
+ m = re.exec( text );
+ if (!m) {
+ // Just boring text
+ return [ text.length, text ];
+ }
+ else if ( m[1] ) {
+ // Some un-interesting text matched. Return that first
+ return [ m[1].length, m[1] ];
+ }
+ var res;
+ if ( m[2] in this.dialect.inline ) {
+ res = this.dialect.inline[ m[2] ].call(
+ this,
+ text.substr( m.index ), m, previous_nodes || [] );
+ }
+ // Default for now to make dev easier. just slurp special and output it.
+ res = res || [ m[2].length, m[2] ];
+ return res;
+ },
+ __call__: function inline( text, patterns ) {
+ var out = [],
+ res;
+ function add(x) {
+ //D:self.debug(" adding output", uneval(x));
+ if (typeof x == "string" && typeof out[out.length-1] == "string")
+ out[ out.length-1 ] += x;
+ else
+ out.push(x);
+ }
+ while ( text.length > 0 ) {
+ res = this.dialect.inline.__oneElement__.call(this, text, patterns, out );
+ text = text.substr( res.shift() );
+ forEach(res, add )
+ }
+ return out;
+ },
+ // These characters are intersting elsewhere, so have rules for them so that
+ // chunks of plain text blocks don't include them
+ "]": function () {},
+ "}": function () {},
+ "\\": function escaped( text ) {
+ // [ length of input processed, node/children to add... ]
+ // Only esacape: \ ` * _ { } [ ] ( ) # * + - . !
+ if ( text.match( /^\\[\\`\*_{}\[\]()#\+.!\-]/ ) )
+ return [ 2, text[1] ];
+ else
+ // Not an esacpe
+ return [ 1, "\\" ];
+ },
+ "![": function image( text ) {
+ // Unlike images, alt text is plain text only. no other elements are
+ // allowed in there
+ // ![Alt text](/path/to/img.jpg "Optional title")
+ // 1 2 3 4 <--- captures
+ var m = text.match( /^!\[(.*?)\][ \t]*\([ \t]*(\S*)(?:[ \t]+(["'])(.*?)\3)?[ \t]*\)/ );
+ if ( m ) {
+ if ( m[2] && m[2][0] == '<' && m[2][m[2].length-1] == '>' )
+ m[2] = m[2].substring( 1, m[2].length - 1 );
+ m[2] = this.dialect.inline.__call__.call( this, m[2], /\\/ )[0];
+ var attrs = { alt: m[1], href: m[2] || "" };
+ if ( m[4] !== undefined)
+ attrs.title = m[4];
+ return [ m[0].length, [ "img", attrs ] ];
+ }
+ // ![Alt text][id]
+ m = text.match( /^!\[(.*?)\][ \t]*\[(.*?)\]/ );
+ if ( m ) {
+ // We can't check if the reference is known here as it likely wont be
+ // found till after. Check it in md tree->hmtl tree conversion
+ return [ m[0].length, [ "img_ref", { alt: m[1], ref: m[2].toLowerCase(), original: m[0] } ] ];
+ }
+ // Just consume the '!['
+ return [ 2, "![" ];
+ },
+ "[": function link( text ) {
+ var orig = String(text);
+ // Inline content is possible inside `link text`
+ var res = Markdown.DialectHelpers.inline_until_char.call( this, text.substr(1), ']' );
+ // No closing ']' found. Just consume the [
+ if ( !res ) return [ 1, '[' ];
+ var consumed = 1 + res[ 0 ],
+ children = res[ 1 ],
+ link,
+ attrs;
+ // At this point the first [...] has been parsed. See what follows to find
+ // out which kind of link we are (reference or direct url)
+ text = text.substr( consumed );
+ // [link text](/path/to/img.jpg "Optional title")
+ // 1 2 3 <--- captures
+ // This will capture up to the last paren in the block. We then pull
+ // back based on if there a matching ones in the url
+ // ([here](/url/(test))
+ // The parens have to be balanced
+ var m = text.match( /^\s*\([ \t]*(\S+)(?:[ \t]+(["'])(.*?)\2)?[ \t]*\)/ );
+ if ( m ) {
+ var url = m[1];
+ consumed += m[0].length;
+ if ( url && url[0] == '<' && url[url.length-1] == '>' )
+ url = url.substring( 1, url.length - 1 );
+ // If there is a title we don't have to worry about parens in the url
+ if ( !m[3] ) {
+ var open_parens = 1; // One open that isn't in the capture
+ for (var len = 0; len < url.length; len++) {
+ switch ( url[len] ) {
+ case '(':
+ open_parens++;
+ break;
+ case ')':
+ if ( --open_parens == 0) {
+ consumed -= url.length - len;
+ url = url.substring(0, len);
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Process escapes only
+ url = this.dialect.inline.__call__.call( this, url, /\\/ )[0];
+ attrs = { href: url || "" };
+ if ( m[3] !== undefined)
+ attrs.title = m[3];
+ link = [ "link", attrs ].concat( children );
+ return [ consumed, link ];
+ }
+ // [Alt text][id]
+ // [Alt text] [id]
+ m = text.match( /^\s*\[(.*?)\]/ );
+ if ( m ) {
+ consumed += m[ 0 ].length;
+ // [links][] uses links as its reference
+ attrs = { ref: ( m[ 1 ] || String(children) ).toLowerCase(), original: orig.substr( 0, consumed ) };
+ link = [ "link_ref", attrs ].concat( children );
+ // We can't check if the reference is known here as it likely wont be
+ // found till after. Check it in md tree->hmtl tree conversion.
+ // Store the original so that conversion can revert if the ref isn't found.
+ return [ consumed, link ];
+ }
+ // [id]
+ // Only if id is plain (no formatting.)
+ if ( children.length == 1 && typeof children[0] == "string" ) {
+ attrs = { ref: children[0].toLowerCase(), original: orig.substr( 0, consumed ) };
+ link = [ "link_ref", attrs, children[0] ];
+ return [ consumed, link ];
+ }
+ // Just consume the '['
+ return [ 1, "[" ];
+ },
+ "<": function autoLink( text ) {
+ var m;
+ if ( ( m = text.match( /^<(?:((https?|ftp|mailto):[^>]+)|(.*?@.*?\.[a-zA-Z]+))>/ ) ) != null ) {
+ if ( m[3] ) {
+ return [ m[0].length, [ "link", { href: "mailto:" + m[3] }, m[3] ] ];
+ }
+ else if ( m[2] == "mailto" ) {
+ return [ m[0].length, [ "link", { href: m[1] }, m[1].substr("mailto:".length ) ] ];
+ }
+ else
+ return [ m[0].length, [ "link", { href: m[1] }, m[1] ] ];
+ }
+ return [ 1, "<" ];
+ },
+ "`": function inlineCode( text ) {
+ // Inline code block. as many backticks as you like to start it
+ // Always skip over the opening ticks.
+ var m = text.match( /(`+)(([\s\S]*?)\1)/ );
+ if ( m && m[2] )
+ return [ m[1].length + m[2].length, [ "inlinecode", m[3] ] ];
+ else {
+ // TODO: No matching end code found - warn!
+ return [ 1, "`" ];
+ }
+ },
+ " \n": function lineBreak( text ) {
+ return [ 3, [ "linebreak" ] ];
+ }
+// Meta Helper/generator method for em and strong handling
+function strong_em( tag, md ) {
+ var state_slot = tag + "_state",
+ other_slot = tag == "strong" ? "em_state" : "strong_state";
+ function CloseTag(len) {
+ this.len_after = len;
+ this.name = "close_" + md;
+ }
+ return function ( text, orig_match ) {
+ if (this[state_slot][0] == md) {
+ // Most recent em is of this type
+ //D:this.debug("closing", md);
+ this[state_slot].shift();
+ // "Consume" everything to go back to the recrusion in the else-block below
+ return[ text.length, new CloseTag(text.length-md.length) ];
+ }
+ else {
+ // Store a clone of the em/strong states
+ var other = this[other_slot].slice(),
+ state = this[state_slot].slice();
+ this[state_slot].unshift(md);
+ //D:this.debug_indent += " ";
+ // Recurse
+ var res = this.processInline( text.substr( md.length ) );
+ //D:this.debug_indent = this.debug_indent.substr(2);
+ var last = res[res.length - 1];
+ //D:this.debug("processInline from", tag + ": ", uneval( res ) );
+ var check = this[state_slot].shift();
+ if (last instanceof CloseTag) {
+ res.pop();
+ // We matched! Huzzah.
+ var consumed = text.length - last.len_after;
+ return [ consumed, [ tag ].concat(res) ];
+ }
+ else {
+ // Restore the state of the other kind. We might have mistakenly closed it.
+ this[other_slot] = other;
+ this[state_slot] = state;
+ // We can't reuse the processed result as it could have wrong parsing contexts in it.
+ return [ md.length, md ];
+ }
+ }
+ }; // End returned function
+Markdown.dialects.Gruber.inline["**"] = strong_em("strong", "**");
+Markdown.dialects.Gruber.inline["__"] = strong_em("strong", "__");
+Markdown.dialects.Gruber.inline["*"] = strong_em("em", "*");
+Markdown.dialects.Gruber.inline["_"] = strong_em("em", "_");
+// Build default order from insertion order.
+Markdown.buildBlockOrder = function(d) {
+ var ord = [];
+ for ( var i in d ) {
+ if ( i == "__order__" || i == "__call__" ) continue;
+ ord.push( i );
+ }
+ d.__order__ = ord;
+// Build patterns for inline matcher
+Markdown.buildInlinePatterns = function(d) {
+ var patterns = [];
+ for ( var i in d ) {
+ // __foo__ is reserved and not a pattern
+ if ( i.match( /^__.*__$/) ) continue;
+ var l = i.replace( /([\\.*+?|()\[\]{}])/g, "\\$1" )
+ .replace( /\n/, "\\n" );
+ patterns.push( i.length == 1 ? l : "(?:" + l + ")" );
+ }
+ patterns = patterns.join("|");
+ d.__patterns__ = patterns;
+ //print("patterns:", uneval( patterns ) );
+ var fn = d.__call__;
+ d.__call__ = function(text, pattern) {
+ if (pattern != undefined) {
+ return fn.call(this, text, pattern);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return fn.call(this, text, patterns);
+ }
+ };
+Markdown.DialectHelpers = {};
+Markdown.DialectHelpers.inline_until_char = function( text, want ) {
+ var consumed = 0,
+ nodes = [];
+ while ( true ) {
+ if ( text[ consumed ] == want ) {
+ // Found the character we were looking for
+ consumed++;
+ return [ consumed, nodes ];
+ }
+ if ( consumed >= text.length ) {
+ // No closing char found. Abort.
+ return null;
+ }
+ var res = this.dialect.inline.__oneElement__.call(this, text.substr( consumed ) );
+ consumed += res[ 0 ];
+ // Add any returned nodes.
+ nodes.push.apply( nodes, res.slice( 1 ) );
+ }
+// Helper function to make sub-classing a dialect easier
+Markdown.subclassDialect = function( d ) {
+ function Block() {}
+ Block.prototype = d.block;
+ function Inline() {}
+ Inline.prototype = d.inline;
+ return { block: new Block(), inline: new Inline() };
+Markdown.buildBlockOrder ( Markdown.dialects.Gruber.block );
+Markdown.buildInlinePatterns( Markdown.dialects.Gruber.inline );
+Markdown.dialects.Maruku = Markdown.subclassDialect( Markdown.dialects.Gruber );
+Markdown.dialects.Maruku.processMetaHash = function processMetaHash( meta_string ) {
+ var meta = split_meta_hash( meta_string ),
+ attr = {};
+ for ( var i = 0; i < meta.length; ++i ) {
+ // id: #foo
+ if ( /^#/.test( meta[ i ] ) ) {
+ attr.id = meta[ i ].substring( 1 );
+ }
+ // class: .foo
+ else if ( /^\./.test( meta[ i ] ) ) {
+ // if class already exists, append the new one
+ if ( attr['class'] ) {
+ attr['class'] = attr['class'] + meta[ i ].replace( /./, " " );
+ }
+ else {
+ attr['class'] = meta[ i ].substring( 1 );
+ }
+ }
+ // attribute: foo=bar
+ else if ( /\=/.test( meta[ i ] ) ) {
+ var s = meta[ i ].split( /\=/ );
+ attr[ s[ 0 ] ] = s[ 1 ];
+ }
+ }
+ return attr;
+function split_meta_hash( meta_string ) {
+ var meta = meta_string.split( "" ),
+ parts = [ "" ],
+ in_quotes = false;
+ while ( meta.length ) {
+ var letter = meta.shift();
+ switch ( letter ) {
+ case " " :
+ // if we're in a quoted section, keep it
+ if ( in_quotes ) {
+ parts[ parts.length - 1 ] += letter;
+ }
+ // otherwise make a new part
+ else {
+ parts.push( "" );
+ }
+ break;
+ case "'" :
+ case '"' :
+ // reverse the quotes and move straight on
+ in_quotes = !in_quotes;
+ break;
+ case "\\" :
+ // shift off the next letter to be used straight away.
+ // it was escaped so we'll keep it whatever it is
+ letter = meta.shift();
+ default :
+ parts[ parts.length - 1 ] += letter;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ return parts;
+Markdown.dialects.Maruku.block.document_meta = function document_meta( block, next ) {
+ // we're only interested in the first block
+ if ( block.lineNumber > 1 ) return undefined;
+ // document_meta blocks consist of one or more lines of `Key: Value\n`
+ if ( ! block.match( /^(?:\w+:.*\n)*\w+:.*$/ ) ) return undefined;
+ // make an attribute node if it doesn't exist
+ if ( !extract_attr( this.tree ) ) {
+ this.tree.splice( 1, 0, {} );
+ }
+ var pairs = block.split( /\n/ );
+ for ( p in pairs ) {
+ var m = pairs[ p ].match( /(\w+):\s*(.*)$/ ),
+ key = m[ 1 ].toLowerCase(),
+ value = m[ 2 ];
+ this.tree[ 1 ][ key ] = value;
+ }
+ // document_meta produces no content!
+ return [];
+Markdown.dialects.Maruku.block.block_meta = function block_meta( block, next ) {
+ // check if the last line of the block is an meta hash
+ var m = block.match( /(^|\n) {0,3}\{:\s*((?:\\\}|[^\}])*)\s*\}$/ );
+ if ( !m ) return undefined;
+ // process the meta hash
+ var attr = this.dialect.processMetaHash( m[ 2 ] );
+ var hash;
+ // if we matched ^ then we need to apply meta to the previous block
+ if ( m[ 1 ] === "" ) {
+ var node = this.tree[ this.tree.length - 1 ];
+ hash = extract_attr( node );
+ // if the node is a string (rather than JsonML), bail
+ if ( typeof node === "string" ) return undefined;
+ // create the attribute hash if it doesn't exist
+ if ( !hash ) {
+ hash = {};
+ node.splice( 1, 0, hash );
+ }
+ // add the attributes in
+ for ( a in attr ) {
+ hash[ a ] = attr[ a ];
+ }
+ // return nothing so the meta hash is removed
+ return [];
+ }
+ // pull the meta hash off the block and process what's left
+ var b = block.replace( /\n.*$/, "" ),
+ result = this.processBlock( b, [] );
+ // get or make the attributes hash
+ hash = extract_attr( result[ 0 ] );
+ if ( !hash ) {
+ hash = {};
+ result[ 0 ].splice( 1, 0, hash );
+ }
+ // attach the attributes to the block
+ for ( a in attr ) {
+ hash[ a ] = attr[ a ];
+ }
+ return result;
+Markdown.dialects.Maruku.block.definition_list = function definition_list( block, next ) {
+ // one or more terms followed by one or more definitions, in a single block
+ var tight = /^((?:[^\s:].*\n)+):\s+([\s\S]+)$/,
+ list = [ "dl" ],
+ i;
+ // see if we're dealing with a tight or loose block
+ if ( ( m = block.match( tight ) ) ) {
+ // pull subsequent tight DL blocks out of `next`
+ var blocks = [ block ];
+ while ( next.length && tight.exec( next[ 0 ] ) ) {
+ blocks.push( next.shift() );
+ }
+ for ( var b = 0; b < blocks.length; ++b ) {
+ var m = blocks[ b ].match( tight ),
+ terms = m[ 1 ].replace( /\n$/, "" ).split( /\n/ ),
+ defns = m[ 2 ].split( /\n:\s+/ );
+ // print( uneval( m ) );
+ for ( i = 0; i < terms.length; ++i ) {
+ list.push( [ "dt", terms[ i ] ] );
+ }
+ for ( i = 0; i < defns.length; ++i ) {
+ // run inline processing over the definition
+ list.push( [ "dd" ].concat( this.processInline( defns[ i ].replace( /(\n)\s+/, "$1" ) ) ) );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ return undefined;
+ }
+ return [ list ];
+Markdown.dialects.Maruku.inline[ "{:" ] = function inline_meta( text, matches, out ) {
+ if ( !out.length ) {
+ return [ 2, "{:" ];
+ }
+ // get the preceeding element
+ var before = out[ out.length - 1 ];
+ if ( typeof before === "string" ) {
+ return [ 2, "{:" ];
+ }
+ // match a meta hash
+ var m = text.match( /^\{:\s*((?:\\\}|[^\}])*)\s*\}/ );
+ // no match, false alarm
+ if ( !m ) {
+ return [ 2, "{:" ];
+ }
+ // attach the attributes to the preceeding element
+ var meta = this.dialect.processMetaHash( m[ 1 ] ),
+ attr = extract_attr( before );
+ if ( !attr ) {
+ attr = {};
+ before.splice( 1, 0, attr );
+ }
+ for ( var k in meta ) {
+ attr[ k ] = meta[ k ];
+ }
+ // cut out the string and replace it with nothing
+ return [ m[ 0 ].length, "" ];
+Markdown.buildBlockOrder ( Markdown.dialects.Maruku.block );
+Markdown.buildInlinePatterns( Markdown.dialects.Maruku.inline );
+var isArray = Array.isArray || function(obj) {
+ return Object.prototype.toString.call(obj) == '[object Array]';
+var forEach;
+// Don't mess with Array.prototype. Its not friendly
+if ( Array.prototype.forEach ) {
+ forEach = function( arr, cb, thisp ) {
+ return arr.forEach( cb, thisp );
+ };
+else {
+ forEach = function(arr, cb, thisp) {
+ for (var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
+ cb.call(thisp || arr, arr[i], i, arr);
+ }
+ }
+function extract_attr( jsonml ) {
+ return isArray(jsonml)
+ && jsonml.length > 1
+ && typeof jsonml[ 1 ] === "object"
+ && !( isArray(jsonml[ 1 ]) )
+ ? jsonml[ 1 ]
+ : undefined;
+ * renderJsonML( jsonml[, options] ) -> String
+ * - jsonml (Array): JsonML array to render to XML
+ * - options (Object): options
+ *
+ * Converts the given JsonML into well-formed XML.
+ *
+ * The options currently understood are:
+ *
+ * - root (Boolean): wether or not the root node should be included in the
+ * output, or just its children. The default `false` is to not include the
+ * root itself.
+ */
+expose.renderJsonML = function( jsonml, options ) {
+ options = options || {};
+ // include the root element in the rendered output?
+ options.root = options.root || false;
+ var content = [];
+ if ( options.root ) {
+ content.push( render_tree( jsonml ) );
+ }
+ else {
+ jsonml.shift(); // get rid of the tag
+ if ( jsonml.length && typeof jsonml[ 0 ] === "object" && !( jsonml[ 0 ] instanceof Array ) ) {
+ jsonml.shift(); // get rid of the attributes
+ }
+ while ( jsonml.length ) {
+ content.push( render_tree( jsonml.shift() ) );
+ }
+ }
+ return content.join( "\n\n" );
+function escapeHTML( text ) {
+ return text.replace( /&/g, "&" )
+ .replace( //g, ">" )
+ .replace( /"/g, """ )
+ .replace( /'/g, "'" );
+function render_tree( jsonml ) {
+ // basic case
+ if ( typeof jsonml === "string" ) {
+ return escapeHTML( jsonml );
+ }
+ var tag = jsonml.shift(),
+ attributes = {},
+ content = [];
+ if ( jsonml.length && typeof jsonml[ 0 ] === "object" && !( jsonml[ 0 ] instanceof Array ) ) {
+ attributes = jsonml.shift();
+ }
+ while ( jsonml.length ) {
+ content.push( arguments.callee( jsonml.shift() ) );
+ }
+ var tag_attrs = "";
+ for ( var a in attributes ) {
+ tag_attrs += " " + a + '="' + escapeHTML( attributes[ a ] ) + '"';
+ }
+ // be careful about adding whitespace here for inline elements
+ if ( tag == "img" || tag == "br" || tag == "hr" ) {
+ return "<"+ tag + tag_attrs + "/>";
+ }
+ else {
+ return "<"+ tag + tag_attrs + ">" + content.join( "" ) + "" + tag + ">";
+ }
+function convert_tree_to_html( tree, references, options ) {
+ var i;
+ options = options || {};
+ // shallow clone
+ var jsonml = tree.slice( 0 );
+ if (typeof options.preprocessTreeNode === "function") {
+ jsonml = options.preprocessTreeNode(jsonml, references);
+ }
+ // Clone attributes if they exist
+ var attrs = extract_attr( jsonml );
+ if ( attrs ) {
+ jsonml[ 1 ] = {};
+ for ( i in attrs ) {
+ jsonml[ 1 ][ i ] = attrs[ i ];
+ }
+ attrs = jsonml[ 1 ];
+ }
+ // basic case
+ if ( typeof jsonml === "string" ) {
+ return jsonml;
+ }
+ // convert this node
+ switch ( jsonml[ 0 ] ) {
+ case "header":
+ jsonml[ 0 ] = "h" + jsonml[ 1 ].level;
+ delete jsonml[ 1 ].level;
+ break;
+ case "bulletlist":
+ jsonml[ 0 ] = "ul";
+ break;
+ case "numberlist":
+ jsonml[ 0 ] = "ol";
+ break;
+ case "listitem":
+ jsonml[ 0 ] = "li";
+ break;
+ case "para":
+ jsonml[ 0 ] = "p";
+ break;
+ case "markdown":
+ jsonml[ 0 ] = "html";
+ if ( attrs ) delete attrs.references;
+ break;
+ case "code_block":
+ jsonml[ 0 ] = "pre";
+ i = attrs ? 2 : 1;
+ var code = [ "code" ];
+ code.push.apply( code, jsonml.splice( i ) );
+ jsonml[ i ] = code;
+ break;
+ case "inlinecode":
+ jsonml[ 0 ] = "code";
+ break;
+ case "img":
+ jsonml[ 1 ].src = jsonml[ 1 ].href;
+ delete jsonml[ 1 ].href;
+ break;
+ case "linebreak":
+ jsonml[ 0 ] = "br";
+ break;
+ case "link":
+ jsonml[ 0 ] = "a";
+ break;
+ case "link_ref":
+ jsonml[ 0 ] = "a";
+ // grab this ref and clean up the attribute node
+ var ref = references[ attrs.ref ];
+ // if the reference exists, make the link
+ if ( ref ) {
+ delete attrs.ref;
+ // add in the href and title, if present
+ attrs.href = ref.href;
+ if ( ref.title ) {
+ attrs.title = ref.title;
+ }
+ // get rid of the unneeded original text
+ delete attrs.original;
+ }
+ // the reference doesn't exist, so revert to plain text
+ else {
+ return attrs.original;
+ }
+ break;
+ case "img_ref":
+ jsonml[ 0 ] = "img";
+ // grab this ref and clean up the attribute node
+ var ref = references[ attrs.ref ];
+ // if the reference exists, make the link
+ if ( ref ) {
+ delete attrs.ref;
+ // add in the href and title, if present
+ attrs.src = ref.href;
+ if ( ref.title ) {
+ attrs.title = ref.title;
+ }
+ // get rid of the unneeded original text
+ delete attrs.original;
+ }
+ // the reference doesn't exist, so revert to plain text
+ else {
+ return attrs.original;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ // convert all the children
+ i = 1;
+ // deal with the attribute node, if it exists
+ if ( attrs ) {
+ // if there are keys, skip over it
+ for ( var key in jsonml[ 1 ] ) {
+ i = 2;
+ }
+ // if there aren't, remove it
+ if ( i === 1 ) {
+ jsonml.splice( i, 1 );
+ }
+ }
+ for ( ; i < jsonml.length; ++i ) {
+ jsonml[ i ] = arguments.callee( jsonml[ i ], references, options );
+ }
+ return jsonml;
+// merges adjacent text nodes into a single node
+function merge_text_nodes( jsonml ) {
+ // skip the tag name and attribute hash
+ var i = extract_attr( jsonml ) ? 2 : 1;
+ while ( i < jsonml.length ) {
+ // if it's a string check the next item too
+ if ( typeof jsonml[ i ] === "string" ) {
+ if ( i + 1 < jsonml.length && typeof jsonml[ i + 1 ] === "string" ) {
+ // merge the second string into the first and remove it
+ jsonml[ i ] += jsonml.splice( i + 1, 1 )[ 0 ];
+ }
+ else {
+ ++i;
+ }
+ }
+ // if it's not a string recurse
+ else {
+ arguments.callee( jsonml[ i ] );
+ ++i;
+ }
+ }
+} )( (function() {
+ if ( typeof exports === "undefined" ) {
+ window.markdown = {};
+ return window.markdown;
+ }
+ else {
+ return exports;
+ }
+} )() );
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/web/js/plugins/bootstrap-markdown/to-markdown.js b/web/js/plugins/bootstrap-markdown/to-markdown.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..405baf3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/web/js/plugins/bootstrap-markdown/to-markdown.js
@@ -0,0 +1,184 @@
+ * to-markdown - an HTML to Markdown converter
+ *
+ * Copyright 2011, Dom Christie
+ * Licenced under the MIT licence
+ *
+ */
+var toMarkdown = function(string) {
+ var ELEMENTS = [
+ {
+ patterns: 'p',
+ replacement: function(str, attrs, innerHTML) {
+ return innerHTML ? '\n\n' + innerHTML + '\n' : '';
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ patterns: 'br',
+ type: 'void',
+ replacement: '\n'
+ },
+ {
+ patterns: 'h([1-6])',
+ replacement: function(str, hLevel, attrs, innerHTML) {
+ var hPrefix = '';
+ for(var i = 0; i < hLevel; i++) {
+ hPrefix += '#';
+ }
+ return '\n\n' + hPrefix + ' ' + innerHTML + '\n';
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ patterns: 'hr',
+ type: 'void',
+ replacement: '\n\n* * *\n'
+ },
+ {
+ patterns: 'a',
+ replacement: function(str, attrs, innerHTML) {
+ var href = attrs.match(attrRegExp('href')),
+ title = attrs.match(attrRegExp('title'));
+ return href ? '[' + innerHTML + ']' + '(' + href[1] + (title && title[1] ? ' "' + title[1] + '"' : '') + ')' : str;
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ patterns: ['b', 'strong'],
+ replacement: function(str, attrs, innerHTML) {
+ return innerHTML ? '**' + innerHTML + '**' : '';
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ patterns: ['i', 'em'],
+ replacement: function(str, attrs, innerHTML) {
+ return innerHTML ? '_' + innerHTML + '_' : '';
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ patterns: 'code',
+ replacement: function(str, attrs, innerHTML) {
+ return innerHTML ? '`' + innerHTML + '`' : '';
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ patterns: 'img',
+ type: 'void',
+ replacement: function(str, attrs, innerHTML) {
+ var src = attrs.match(attrRegExp('src')),
+ alt = attrs.match(attrRegExp('alt')),
+ title = attrs.match(attrRegExp('title'));
+ return '![' + (alt && alt[1] ? alt[1] : '') + ']' + '(' + src[1] + (title && title[1] ? ' "' + title[1] + '"' : '') + ')';
+ }
+ }
+ ];
+ for(var i = 0, len = ELEMENTS.length; i < len; i++) {
+ if(typeof ELEMENTS[i].patterns === 'string') {
+ string = replaceEls(string, { tag: ELEMENTS[i].patterns, replacement: ELEMENTS[i].replacement, type: ELEMENTS[i].type });
+ }
+ else {
+ for(var j = 0, pLen = ELEMENTS[i].patterns.length; j < pLen; j++) {
+ string = replaceEls(string, { tag: ELEMENTS[i].patterns[j], replacement: ELEMENTS[i].replacement, type: ELEMENTS[i].type });
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ function replaceEls(html, elProperties) {
+ var pattern = elProperties.type === 'void' ? '<' + elProperties.tag + '\\b([^>]*)\\/?>' : '<' + elProperties.tag + '\\b([^>]*)>([\\s\\S]*?)<\\/' + elProperties.tag + '>',
+ regex = new RegExp(pattern, 'gi'),
+ markdown = '';
+ if(typeof elProperties.replacement === 'string') {
+ markdown = html.replace(regex, elProperties.replacement);
+ }
+ else {
+ markdown = html.replace(regex, function(str, p1, p2, p3) {
+ return elProperties.replacement.call(this, str, p1, p2, p3);
+ });
+ }
+ return markdown;
+ }
+ function attrRegExp(attr) {
+ return new RegExp(attr + '\\s*=\\s*["\']?([^"\']*)["\']?', 'i');
+ }
+ // Pre code blocks
+ string = string.replace(/
]*>`([\s\S]*)`<\/pre>/gi, function(str, innerHTML) {
+ innerHTML = innerHTML.replace(/^\t+/g, ' '); // convert tabs to spaces (you know it makes sense)
+ innerHTML = innerHTML.replace(/\n/g, '\n ');
+ return '\n\n ' + innerHTML + '\n';
+ });
+ // Lists
+ // Escape numbers that could trigger an ol
+ // If there are more than three spaces before the code, it would be in a pre tag
+ // Make sure we are escaping the period not matching any character
+ string = string.replace(/^(\s{0,3}\d+)\. /g, '$1\\. ');
+ // Converts lists that have no child lists (of same type) first, then works it's way up
+ var noChildrenRegex = /<(ul|ol)\b[^>]*>(?:(?!