Term 4 Beginners Project 1
Create a program that allows you to play hangman! Preferably, I’d like it to resemble an actual hangman game (with the lines representing letters and drawing the hangman himself).
Example with the word ‘code’ : (Input is in bold) This scenario is if the word was guessed in time:
"_ _ _ _"
Guess a letter: a
Letters guessed: a
Guess a letter: c
c _ _ _
Letters guessed: a
Guess a letter:g
Letters guessed: a g
Guess a letter: d
c _ d _
Letters guessed: a g
Guess a letter: o
c o d _
Letters guessed: a g
Guess a letter: e
You got it! The word was: code
This scenario is if the word wasn’t guessed in time: (After a few guesses) Nope He died rip :( The word was: code
Note: if the user enters a letter previously given, just tell them off:
E.g. the letter g was already given
Guess a letter: g
You already guessed that!
Guess a letter:
P.S. You can add the drawing if you’d like! Here’s an ascii art that you could use:
HMpics = [" +---+\n | |\n |\n |\n |\n |\n=========",
" +---+\n | |\n O |\n |\n |\n |\n=========",
" +---+\n | |\n O |\n | |\n |\n |\n=========",
" +---+\n | |\n O |\n /| |\n |\n |\n=========",
" +---+\n | |\n O |\n /|\ |\n |\n |\n=========",
" +---+\n | |\n O |\n /|\ |\n / |\n |\n=========",
" +---+\n | |\n O |\n /|\ |\n / \ |\n |\n========="]
It’s in a list format so keep that in mind!