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214 lines (214 loc) · 13.3 KB


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214 lines (214 loc) · 13.3 KB
1 ;-------------------------------------------------------- 2 ; File Created by SDCC : free open source ANSI-C Compiler 3 ; Version 3.5.0 #9253 (Mar 24 2016) (Linux) 4 ; This file was generated Fri Mar 29 15:47:21 2019 5 ;-------------------------------------------------------- 6 .module led 7 .optsdcc -mstm8 8 9 ;--------------------------------------------------------

10 ; Public variables in this module 11 ;-------------------------------------------------------- 12 .globl _main 13 .globl _clock 14 ;-------------------------------------------------------- 15 ; ram data 16 ;-------------------------------------------------------- 17 .area DATA 18 ;-------------------------------------------------------- 19 ; ram data 20 ;-------------------------------------------------------- 21 .area INITIALIZED 22 ;-------------------------------------------------------- 23 ; Stack segment in internal ram 24 ;-------------------------------------------------------- 25 .area SSEG

000001 26 __start__stack: 000001 27 .ds 1

28 29 ;-------------------------------------------------------- 30 ; absolute external ram data 31 ;-------------------------------------------------------- 32 .area DABS (ABS) 33 ;-------------------------------------------------------- 34 ; interrupt vector 35 ;-------------------------------------------------------- 36 .area HOME

008000 37 __interrupt_vect: 008000 82 00 80 83 38 int s_GSINIT ;reset 008004 82 00 00 00 39 int 0x0000 ;trap 008008 82 00 00 00 40 int 0x0000 ;int0 00800C 82 00 00 00 41 int 0x0000 ;int1 008010 82 00 00 00 42 int 0x0000 ;int2 008014 82 00 00 00 43 int 0x0000 ;int3 008018 82 00 00 00 44 int 0x0000 ;int4 00801C 82 00 00 00 45 int 0x0000 ;int5 008020 82 00 00 00 46 int 0x0000 ;int6 008024 82 00 00 00 47 int 0x0000 ;int7 008028 82 00 00 00 48 int 0x0000 ;int8 00802C 82 00 00 00 49 int 0x0000 ;int9 008030 82 00 00 00 50 int 0x0000 ;int10 008034 82 00 00 00 51 int 0x0000 ;int11 008038 82 00 00 00 52 int 0x0000 ;int12 00803C 82 00 00 00 53 int 0x0000 ;int13 008040 82 00 00 00 54 int 0x0000 ;int14 008044 82 00 00 00 55 int 0x0000 ;int15 008048 82 00 00 00 56 int 0x0000 ;int16 00804C 82 00 00 00 57 int 0x0000 ;int17 008050 82 00 00 00 58 int 0x0000 ;int18 008054 82 00 00 00 59 int 0x0000 ;int19 008058 82 00 00 00 60 int 0x0000 ;int20 00805C 82 00 00 00 61 int 0x0000 ;int21 008060 82 00 00 00 62 int 0x0000 ;int22 008064 82 00 00 00 63 int 0x0000 ;int23 008068 82 00 00 00 64 int 0x0000 ;int24 00806C 82 00 00 00 65 int 0x0000 ;int25 008070 82 00 00 00 66 int 0x0000 ;int26 008074 82 00 00 00 67 int 0x0000 ;int27 008078 82 00 00 00 68 int 0x0000 ;int28 00807C 82 00 00 00 69 int 0x0000 ;int29

70 ;-------------------------------------------------------- 71 ; global & static initialisations 72 ;-------------------------------------------------------- 73 .area HOME 74 .area GSINIT 75 .area GSFINAL 76 .area GSINIT

008083 77 __sdcc_gs_init_startup: 008083 78 __sdcc_init_data:

79 ; stm8_genXINIT() start

008083 AE 00 00 [ 2] 80 ldw x, #l_DATA 008086 27 07 [ 1] 81 jreq 00002$ 008088 82 00001$: 008088 72 4F 00 00 [ 1] 83 clr (s_DATA - 1, x) 00808C 5A [ 2] 84 decw x 00808D 26 F9 [ 1] 85 jrne 00001$ 00808F 86 00002$: 00808F AE 00 00 [ 2] 87 ldw x, #l_INITIALIZER 008092 27 09 [ 1] 88 jreq 00004$ 008094 89 00003$: 008094 D6 80 F0 [ 1] 90 ld a, (s_INITIALIZER - 1, x) 008097 D7 00 00 [ 1] 91 ld (s_INITIALIZED - 1, x), a 00809A 5A [ 2] 92 decw x 00809B 26 F7 [ 1] 93 jrne 00003$ 00809D 94 00004$:

95 ; stm8_genXINIT() end 96 .area GSFINAL
00809D CC 80 80 [ 2] 97 jp __sdcc_program_startup
98 ;-------------------------------------------------------- 99 ; Home

100 ;-------------------------------------------------------- 101 .area HOME 102 .area HOME

008080 103 __sdcc_program_startup: 008080 CC 80 BD [ 2] 104 jp _main

105 ; return from main will return to caller 106 ;-------------------------------------------------------- 107 ; code 108 ;-------------------------------------------------------- 109 .area CODE 110 ; led.c: 19: clock (void) 111 ; genLabel 112 ; ----------------------------------------- 113 ; function clock 114 ; ----------------------------------------- 115 ; Register assignment might be sub-optimal. 116 ; Stack space usage: 6 bytes.

0080A0 117 _clock: 0080A0 52 06 [ 2] 118 sub sp, #6

119 ; led.c: 21: unsigned char h = TIM1_CNTRH; 120 ; genPointerGet

0080A2 AE 52 5E [ 2] 121 ldw x, #0x525e 0080A5 F6 [ 1] 122 ld a, (x) 0080A6 90 95 [ 1] 123 ld yh, a

124 ; genAssign 125 ; led.c: 22: unsigned char l = TIM1_CNTRL; 126 ; genPointerGet

0080A8 AE 52 5F [ 2] 127 ldw x, #0x525f 0080AB F6 [ 1] 128 ld a, (x)

129 ; genAssign 130 ; led.c: 23: return ((unsigned int) (h) << 8 | l); 131 ; genCast 132 ; genAssign
0080AC 0F 01 [ 1] 133 clr (0x01, sp)
134 ; genLeftShiftLiteral
0080AE 0F 06 [ 1] 135 clr (0x06, sp)
136 ; genCast 137 ; genAssign
0080B0 0F 03 [ 1] 138 clr (0x03, sp)
139 ; genOr

0080B2 1A 06 [ 1] 140 or a, (0x06, sp) 0080B4 97 [ 1] 141 ld xl, a 0080B5 90 9E [ 1] 142 ld a, yh 0080B7 1A 03 [ 1] 143 or a, (0x03, sp) 0080B9 95 [ 1] 144 ld xh, a

145 ; genReturn 146 ; genLabel 147 ; peephole j30 removed unused label 00101$. 148 ; genEndFunction
0080BA 5B 06 [ 2] 149 addw sp, #6
00001C 150 C$led.c$24$1$2 ==. 00001C 151 XG$clock$0$0 ==.
0080BC 81 [ 4] 152 ret
153 ; led.c: 27: main (void) 154 ; genLabel 155 ; ----------------------------------------- 156 ; function main 157 ; ----------------------------------------- 158 ; Register assignment might be sub-optimal. 159 ; Stack space usage: 0 bytes.
0080BD 160 _main:
161 ; led.c: 29: CLK_DIVR = 0x00; // Set the frequency to 16 MHz 162 ; genPointerSet
0080BD 35 00 50 C6 [ 1] 163 mov 0x50c6+0, #0x00
164 ; led.c: 33: TIM1_PSCRH = 0x3e; 165 ; genPointerSet
0080C1 35 3E 52 60 [ 1] 166 mov 0x5260+0, #0x3e
167 ; led.c: 34: TIM1_PSCRL = 0x80; 168 ; genPointerSet
0080C5 35 80 52 61 [ 1] 169 mov 0x5261+0, #0x80
170 ; led.c: 36: TIM1_CR1 = 0x01; 171 ; genPointerSet
0080C9 35 01 52 50 [ 1] 172 mov 0x5250+0, #0x01
173 ; led.c: 38: PD_DDR = 0x01; 174 ; genPointerSet
0080CD 35 01 50 11 [ 1] 175 mov 0x5011+0, #0x01
176 ; led.c: 39: PD_CR1 = 0x01; // which register is this 177 ; genPointerSet
0080D1 35 01 50 12 [ 1] 178 mov 0x5012+0, #0x01
179 ; genLabel
0080D5 180 00102$:
181 ; led.c: 44: PD_ODR = 0x2 |clock () % 1000 < 100; // was PD_ODR = clock () % 1000 < 500; 182 ; genCall
0080D5 CD 80 A0 [ 4] 183 call _clock
184 ; genDivMod

0080D8 90 AE 03 E8 [ 2] 185 ldw y, #0x03e8 0080DC 65 [ 2] 186 divw x, y

187 ; genCmp 188 ; genCmpTop

0080DD 90 A3 00 64 [ 2] 189 cpw y, #0x0064 0080E1 25 03 [ 1] 190 jrc 00110$ 0080E3 4F [ 1] 191 clr a 0080E4 20 02 [ 2] 192 jra 00111$

193 ; peephole j5 changed absolute to relative unconditional jump.

0080E6 194 00110$: 0080E6 A6 01 [ 1] 195 ld a, #0x01 0080E8 196 00111$:

197 ; genOr
0080E8 AA 02 [ 1] 198 or a, #0x02
199 ; genPointerSet

0080EA AE 50 0F [ 2] 200 ldw x, #0x500f 0080ED F7 [ 1] 201 ld (x), a

202 ; genGoto
0080EE 20 E5 [ 2] 203 jra 00102$
204 ; peephole j5 changed absolute to relative unconditional jump. 205 ; led.c: 45: PD_ODR = PD_ODR | 0x2; // set same value on another pin 206 ; genLabel 207 ; peephole j30 removed unused label 00104$. 208 ; genEndFunction

000050 209 C$led.c$47$1$4 ==. 000050 210 XG$main$0$0 ==.

0080F0 81 [ 4] 211 ret
212 .area CODE 213 .area INITIALIZER 214 .area CABS (ABS)