- Patch for ddl value set as attr (#165) (7e659d0)
- patch without reformatting the file (#164) (ed7c7e2)
- update polymer + wcjs to avoid chrome styling issue (#161) (9a342d4)
- Add charity icon to strand-icon (5805e92)
- Add pending icon (023ccc3)
- added ‘modified’ listener to strand-scroll-panel to handle internal CSS updates resizing the scrollb (ea4ccb5), closes #157
- Docs edits (761f8b2)
- Docs example edits (b865574)
- Fixes #155 (#156) (27534a7), closes #155 #156
- FWRK-330 add 'quick-edit' icon (1f74d2f)
- notify selection change (6d2460f)
- Release v4.3.0 (f60fef6)
- Add charity icon to strand-icon (5805e92)
- Docs edits (761f8b2)
- Docs example edits (b865574)
- FWRK-330 add 'quick-edit' icon (1f74d2f)
- notify selection change (6d2460f)
- account for useTime=false in string formatting (e6c76ff)
- Resolves an issue where date picker won’t set a date when useTime is false (#151) (c773c71), closes #151
- Add and fix assertions about strand-calendar (8fa0252)
- Add size responsible test for window resizing (#149) (6b2e80b)
- check that time exists before adding it (9b82608)
- check that time is on before adding time to unix timestamp (3db68a9)
- don't pass only a string to moment constructor (7316cc9)
- Fix off-by-one calendar graphics (WIP) (03231ef)
- fix timepicker (365abef)
- make sure we have a valid date before attempting to update value with new time. (08683ca)
- no results docs (640c8f5)
- Remove deadcode/comment from calendar (4616c7b)
- remove unix timestamp from cal, update docs (c7ea7f0)
- upgrade polymer to 1.7.1 (fef9cb4)
- wrap formatting & remove dead code/comments (ec6aaef)
- wrap some constructors to avoid moment deprecation warning (051bbaa)
- remove babily for now (checkbox issue in grid) (a0ff681)
- Account for default null values from templatecomponentizable (a5a8a40)
- Add direction configuration to strand-guide (09809c1)
- Add inactive to strand-grid-item (b082724)
- add mergeObj and indexById to DataUtils (8a1a004)
- Add no results message to strand-grid (9f5a3e9)
- added select-all event to grid (bf99707)
- Address scrolling and spacing issues when recycler data reset at bottom (#145) (c7dae1d)
- babel min (#144) (d77c192)
- Correct handling of offsets with culling recycler (#141) (fca3152)
- datepicker time offset patch (#142) (c53dd7c)
- Document closable behavior in strand-menu (b3cf7f4)
- fix -0 currency (2d0ec0d)
- Fix columns add and remove gotchas (a74a95f)
- fix data is set later than value in DDL (#139) (ae024c5), closes #139
- fix datepicker test page (7b85607)
- Fix dropdown placeholder (406676c)
- Fix grid item showing model.field and 'fake content' (ebc6c16)
- Fix recycler splicing at beginning/end (#128) (72e9ef4), closes #128
- Fix separator positioning when grid scrolled horizontally (#140) (6174fff), closes #140
- fix trailing comma in json (6e3aa0f)
- fix up conditions (80ad13a)
- fixes for Polymer.Collection not being very great (#133) (d716c88), closes #133
- flagged previous DDL changes (c7983bb)
- Improve docs for strand-guide direction property (b18bba3)
- Make dropdown test pass (d042f36)
- Make it look like 'fake content' in the loading grid item (bfcabab)
- Make sure the placeholder and text don't appear at the same time (7d5bf57)
- mysteriously fix the background issue on grid item (e754b89)
- Normalize bound references to column list for grid (#136) (2fbaabc)
- Resize dropdown when data or recycler (#138) (11274a7)
- resolve an issue with highlight were setting text to “” would leave behind dom fragments (3e3f4aa)
- Respond to dom added and removed (a11d332)
- return undefined to appease minifier (889c01a)
- selected model support (a553bce)
- Simple Fetch Component (#137) (094444d)
- simplified view manager (#135) (b5643bd)
- strand-currency (#129) (e75a105)
- strand-list-item with fake content (5a41361)
- temporary workaround for travis java issue (b8ea54c)
- Test the correctnes of size-responsible (ae17d06)
- time format (#131) (b576e81)
- timeout now rejects promise (14c041c)
- update dependencies (15b108e)
- add data support and selected event to menu (#127) (b8b2770)
- Add markets icon to strand-icon (f02d190)
- Leak fixes (#126) (07de4d0), closes #126
- Resolve a safari/FF issue where a DDL inside a drawer will lose its event listener (1272fc3)
- Resolves an edge case where if target is set before attached an event… (#125) (4e434a0), closes #125
- Update release instructions (db875e9)
- Update release instructions (736a4e2)
- Constrain extremely long text in column content (c144f6b)
- Patch pooling issue in item recycler (#121) (63785c8)
- release notes (cc4cb54)
- release notes edit (159105c)
- Address column resize bug introduced by premature-opt (#120) (b15321b)
- fix highlight docs (33a1cc7)
- linter for docs JSON (6bd0669)
- abstract highlight to its own component (89cca72)
- add firefox back to wct (2472a33)
- autocomplete (28fec19)
- dropdown support (a3770a2)
- fix sorting display when initial sort values are set via dom (898a7f4)
- now with less stupid (06e909e)
- patch for justin's comment (7ad631b)
- revert older commits from previous (2d3aabd)
- revert the highlight changes (30137b5)
- Support modifying grid's column-children (#118) (b891bb6)
- update datepicker range value if you swap out range presets for some reason (c2d1e47)
- use existing mutation observer (1a25fee)
- adding examples to the watched files for docs:live (435be8c)
- Document new features (2b468e8)
- drop ff for now (e5315f8)
- fix double value double title issues (f1e499b)
- guide action (f0c9e1f)
- guide link complete (652dff9)
- Make sure link appears on specified step only (790188b)
- more ddl coverage (e530499)
- remove comment (8e6c0fe)
- Add isValid computed prop (64239c8)
- add repeater row validation test (47ed527)
- add suppress-messages flag (94f9914)
- Add vertical stroke, get rid of unneeded scss (58231c7)
- added notify to the sort fields on grid so outer binds can grab the values (70a0cb7)
- added test for sorting UI (904e565)
- adjust error message size for narrow elems (d07b0f7)
- all small (eb8d046)
- allow custom validation to override inline validation (c486445)
- Allow for setting autocomplete on the internal native input (33e6c7b)
- animations (95db38f)
- announce highlight changes on scope path (0809f39)
- check small messages against expectation per message (c759027)
- cleanup (0153d60)
- cleanup (93bcef8)
- Default autocomplete to off (66142a5)
- default validate() to true if no rules given (9727f81)
- don't validate everything if custom validation skips over models (53242b7)
- fix an issue where grid.set wouldn't update binds if the entire model was swapped (db8f104)
- fix for doubletext on jQuery (11cc75b)
- fix unintentional scroll bar, restore desired scrolling behavior (c6b3b3f)
- fix up test (2b61bd8)
- Improve recycler splicing support (fbb21e4)
- match inputs focus support (b7b9141)
- messing around with animation (c637901)
- pluck wip (d464aa4)
- Remove computed prop (5f70913)
- removed unneeded doc for private component (6e20d20)
- resolve a UI issue in grid where sort arrows were appearing when the column's sort state was default (e76278a)
- Restores range autoselection in datepicker (d1bbaca)
- tick polymer version (ae57212)
- Tooltip close handling for auto scenario (#112) (8897159), closes #112
- use polymer dom in pulldown button (0e069a7)
- wip towards non innerHTML based highlight mechanism (c3a4ca3)
- Add datepicker-alt test suite (9fcdebd)
- Add disable-element mixin (7e14e81)
- Added ability for sync to still process normal result when http status !== 200 (9c0f528)
- Addt'l passthrough props (3495892)
- better storage deletion (doesn't leave a value) (f2aa18a)
- Bind disabled attribute into timepicker fields (ce3ed03)
- Break time selection out into simple timepicker (f022bd3)
- DataUtils getPathValue support for array keys as 'a.0.b.c' (0a6857d)
- datepicker-panel handles single date and format validation (3656b25)
- Decopypasta (54edd1e)
- disabled as mixin (fe0bb46)
- Don't close panel if use-commit=false (4a910a8)
- Don't initialize time (e010fbe)
- Duration respects time (698529f)
- expose grid index to binding (844fa13)
- Fix grid scrolling flicker on chrome (14eb691)
- Fix grid tests in FF for travis (9d2ae91)
- Fix issues around date contraining (6e6b8d6)
- Fix the json post serialization (d64de2b)
- Fixes issue where date selection resets time to midnight (182d305)
- Hover over strand-list-item to account for L/R padding (1a78357)
- Just use reset to propagate start/end changed (fe33ddb)
- Make a strand-datepicker-alt for now (d0bd192)
- Make adhoc mixinFindable implementation more forgiving (#108) (74f0c23)
- Make grid test more forgiving time-wise (#101) (d2a7c97)
- Modify reset test to not break because of date boundaries (91c5763)
- Move -alt back into datepicker (612f987)
- Move keyhandler into timepicker (f97d740)
- Pass error state through input-mask (cb541da)
- Pass timestring through to timepicker (c06cd35)
- Position recycler overlay relatively (dca704d)
- Prevent stack overflow when adding many recyclers (5a33cfb)
- Put change firing event in async (3be81f2)
- Replace padding width calculation (05a947d)
- resolve a case where changing the value on an external change listener could result in an infinite l (9f21928)
- Respect time when bounding dates (00cc618)
- Standardise conventions (71b457a)
- strand-repeater rewrite (d6d0520)
- Timepicker value as seconds since midnight (dd9d402)
- Update CONTRIBUTING.md (36b3a4a)
- Update grid docs with 'indicate' property (#100) (46b935b)
- updated test with a new case. (7f87d46)
- .travis.yml lock down firefox version (252bf8b)
- Add componentizer and other enhancements (#92) (d10b23c)
- add initialValue back to dropdown (cad378e)
- Addresses critical issue in repeater documentation (b8896ef)
- annnnd 1.6.0 (b6c5a72)
- Delay item-recycler initialization by a tick (345493b)
- Dev/guide fixes (#90) (c68d090), closes #90
- example fix for strand-autocomplete (2aa58c6)
- Fix FF recycler obsolete event issue (77ae586)
- fix for upstream gulp issue (d8daae4)
- fixes an issue with datepicker where useCommit = false would cause an infinite event loop (73ed297)
- Make grid measuring/loading spinner optional (761fb12)
- match dropdown closing behavior to .5 version (28b8770)
- more succinct if (c8504a2)
- Pool recycler-panels for improved performance (1250052)
- re-added basic icon support to grid (5d171af)
- remove highlighting after close fix (3e888ac)
- Replace gulp.watch with gulp-watch for better performance (30b5b54)
- Revert to non-iframe resize notifier (25783ca)
- update to polymer 1.5 (0ad2ada)
- Use iframes for sizeresponsible (2c467ea)
- Don't check for a target unless attached to the dom (58e0605)
- Fix post single-item grid rendering issue (a3883ce)
- Address grid header truncation and alignment issues (18fd5e7)
- don't hold onto selectedIndex in pulldown button (473d2f2)
- fix an issue where the target is a string and the actual target doesn't exist on the page, then the (a1d6b4d)
- fix gh-pages for realzies (9c4c5cb)
- Fixes FWRK-311 -- address dropdown size issue (9361082)
- Namespace strand-checkbox internal classes (f7a9925)
- strand-wizard-ribbon fix for bound content (a6490ab)
- Streamline icon naming to avoid style leakage (dc54e81)
- Various corrections to dropdown list items (7dd10b6)
- Don't wreck strand-drawer by changing the 'upload' icon (3c69794)
- Fix bower conflict for non DS versions (7984c64)
- fix patch (7b76002)
- making docs push work for standard config (409bda6)
- Tooltip and guide fine tuning (2632ad1)
- Update README.md (f979dda)
- a few more fixes (3a27a8a)
- Add distro to .travis.yml (f4a479f)
- add doc json (5e8a203)
- add example.html (9621bb7)
- add firefox back to wct (51cb970)
- Add focus and blur to mm-input (3903683)
- add strand-guide-tooltip boilerplate (b59f09d)
- Add support for mm-grid-column changes in mm-grid (346c4a6)
- Add travis badge to README (615cee3)
- Adding mm-to-strand rename script(s) (a3d6b65)
- Address CR feedback (275164e)
- Address dualstrand compatibility concerns (97a40e7)
- Address dualstrand compatibility concerns (3af454d)
- All working with some room for improvement (97b6259)
- allow corner radius for rectangle spotlight & update doc (6c5f9ad)
- argv (063ea3e)
- Attempt to address inconsistent test failure (5a1a18f)
- boilerplate and data consumption (e983381)
- Change all docs stuff to use strand-* instead of mm-* (d1eb188)
- Change attribute "_layout" back to "layout" (bc9e3ab)
- cheap fix for target="_blank" vulnerability (a90b68f)
- Closes #82 (1204e35), closes #82
- CR edits (eafd958)
- docs bug (b65a170)
- don't enforce color in defaultFont (71a2eae)
- ensure mm-datepicker panel arrow color is correct if footer (75fc00d)
- fix file-upload test (5835f13)
- fix for form & add basic tests for form (df1e225)
- fix grid tests (4099fd9)
- fix group test (038b934)
- fix input test, add test for small size (2766fc0)
- Fix item-recycler related tests (40bc818)
- fix some grid tests (f688ab9)
- Fix some tests (8d2b080)
- fix tabs test (619d65b)
- fix tooltip test (a067c2e)
- fix type error in dropdown and pulldown button (c24f2a7)
- fixed options order + test (c059149)
- fixes for strand-guide (f9e0973)
- Improve item-recycler selection/expansion perf (b32e39c)
- layout and focus and blur in mm-input (5beeea8)
- make hidden read only (58bad04)
- mm-guide stub (fc3a7b9)
- mm-guide WIP (f9976b8)
- modify the example.html (1cd6a96)
- move lib_model and lib_collection to reflect namespace change (5e4af10)
- Move tooltip logic into strand-guide-tooltip (9247670)
- new wct 4 config format, and temporarily disable ff tests (31561a4)
- Remove boilerplate - font styling via mixins (e0adfc4)
- remove caps in name for case sensitive fs (1312ec9)
- remove direction 'reflect' from docs (91cae60)
- remove extraneous browsers (0fdd725)
- remove old config (8965b88)
- remove old datepicker api and fix test (6bcb08b)
- remove old model/collection test (16765c6)
- Remove rounded rect method (2ab6eed)
- remove some stuff we don't need in mm-datepicker (5786adc)
- rename (7532197)
- Rename files and directories from mm- to strand- (04ee53f)
- Replace es-2016-style for:of loop (6cfcca3)
- Replace more es-2016-style for:of loops (7ffb9ee)
- Replace textual instances of mm- with strand- (26e4de1)
- run rename on tests (94c4a6b)
- shady vs shadow mm-datepicker footer arrow styling (05124e0)
- some mm-dropdown fine-tuning (004e4dd)
- strand-guide added local storage, suppress and close icon (308fca0)
- strand-guide WIP (a992e38)
- strand-guide WIP approaching feature complete (16e7065)
- tests and some tweaks from testing (69df583)
- tweak group test for timing (6a46819)
- ugh rounding (e0bbaac)
- Update CONTRIBUTING.md (13dd863)
- Update the upload icon (0586801)
- Use mixin to style the font for strand-action label (b4adbc7)
- We shouldn't be changing the property 'direction' when we calculate for window boundary flipping (bc33d67)
- A few more corrections (ea62c47)
- actually fix it (6de8c83)
- add .travis.yml (305c231)
- add 'small' setting (f0be7ba)
- Add 'value' alias for data and fire changed event when model is updated (4979338)
- Add a custom form component to validate assumptions (bebf208)
- Add added/changed/removed arrays to repeater (fe0d193)
- Add added/removed arrays (c966a6a)
- Add apple-touch-icon to docs build (37b8581)
- Add autoprefixer to gulp build (45c63ab)
- Add behaviors to repeater (17b5a06)
- Add changelog generation task (1914a97)
- add clean:dist to dist build and commit clean dist build (8b543ad)
- Add CNAME to docs build (a6f8664)
- Add dan's module exclude stuff (a815bd5)
- Add data.length modification to recycler (579efd3)
- Add debug task for unpacked dist build (4347975)
- Add favicon to live and github pages (bc127b3)
- Add fetch and es6-promise polyfill (943d0e0)
- Add findById to refable (4ca2042)
- Add helper for styles provided to generator (002c784)
- Add License to docs and cleanup copy task (5ea92dd)
- Add live and live:docs (148302f)
- add munge to lib, added highlight support to munge (40a57c5)
- Add potential fix to template stamping issue (ea1ca3e)
- Add prod build to gulpfile (3963ae8)
- Add refable to everything (aa3928a)
- add referable to templatecomponentizable (c25e072)
- Add simpler mixin example pages (ae56bbc)
- Add stubs for multifile build (4e3d2f3)
- Add tests for templat-finding -- WIP (8ef7bde)
- add the full response as a 2nd arg in case the instance is needed (880608b)
- Add version to build (cbf03c7)
- added bindable message support to dialog (a30cdae)
- added npm entry points (8e46abc)
- added tests for new collection tracking arrays + fixed an issue with delete where it was being overw (b0e2bbf)
- ajax changes to reflect properly evented fire (this really only affected the comp version, not sync) (e2e18a9)
- Allow changing mm-action color via css (fa5c7f2)
- Allow config via DOM or object (1a9d0a8)
- Allow for more flexibility in validation and error messaging (d336103)
- array munger (0d8b227)
- autoValidate and special case for mm-repeater in mm-form (2a0452b)
- bad at WC (017e019)
- better build support for debugging in bower link scenarios (54d46d8)
- better design for href on mm-action (9c51fbe)
- Better documentation for grid items (eee1a7d)
- better eventing so it won't warn on total = 0 (f9003ba)
- bleh (f1951b7)
- bleh (1334a71)
- Bring article and module docs together (22b936f)
- broken vulc (3c3f968)
- build:prod -> build:dist (d2f09b8)
- Bump gulp-vulcanize and fix excludes (a4a9798)
- case insensitive highlighting support (a17f860)
- Change _instances from Array to Set (c318207)
- Change params to query in tests (b52edf5)
- Change XML test to document (54f4aee)
- changed files only (1930f92)
- clean up example so it doesn't try to load ap age that doesn't exist when users hit the .io url inst (67dd5ce)
- cleaned up article headline weighting (ac8ee10)
- cleaned up event firing (cb36b41)
- cleaned up magic strings to config (C) (938269d)
- cleaned up module naming (590e32e)
- cleanup (8517b58)
- cleanup (d1079a0)
- cleanup (e9af1fd)
- Cleanup (1ab25a9)
- cleanup build somewhat (f909404)
- cleanup console + ; (539354d)
- Cleanup testing stuff from before (3d5522f)
- Cleanup, add banner to prod build (e591d0d)
- comma (042ebb1)
- conditional support for sync @rpjs (1847e98)
- config and WIP with custom form item example (5dbed33)
- copy dist instead of build for docs (02f2755)
- Copy stuff from Gulpfile.js into submodules (100f2dd)
- correct inheritance (1519672)
- Correct some gotchas (c71deb4)
- CR feedback (5d5eca6)
- CR feedback (f8f9f73)
- CR feedback (6e2569b)
- CSS fix for repeater (639d103)
- custom form item WIP (32c9623)
- custom templates exploration (de23af0)
- d'oh (7f21467)
- d'oh (d351228)
- Declare favicon in head (5db3439)
- default bg color for wizard-ribbon (ba618be)
- deps (f5b8c3a)
- diff initial data with current if a form field is changed (3359fe7)
- Disable safari 8 fix and promisify tabs (a800991)
- docs (e1da070)
- docs and release fixes (2ea036c)
- Docs for mm-form (c663bf7)
- don't need this config both places (9097d25)
- don't update the whole array for single model changes (12c2871)
- don't vulcanize in non-dist build (0f8d15d)
- errr (9935c40)
- ES6 -> ES5 for uglify 😒 (5e26dce)
- event fixes (c88d057)
- Examples working (c1686d0)
- Experimenting with validator-js (ad82e07)
- Exploration of validate if logic working via config (34ba4eb)
- expose index for paging (c2cc603)
- extract utils to iife (8db1d2b)
- favicon (4c70412)
- first pass at config and functionality (f29e4da)
- fix a timing issue with list items (c85a68d)
- Fix async erroring out on prod build (6984446)
- Fix bower.json (c7bc32e)
- Fix docs nav (23e7f63)
- Fix docs templating (411ac92)
- Fix error messaging (9258e98)
- fix es6 def (eaf599a)
- Fix es6-promise path (2554da2)
- fix event override breaking binding for collection (e6c447d)
- Fix for mm-tooltip (922e8d4)
- Fix for tabs leaving content behind (a85efb5)
- fix for templates being included in distributedChildren by domGettable (0a6a421)
- Fix grid expand-all in Chrome (92a51e8)
- fix link for migration guide (7718ea4)
- Fix many recycler issues with remove/splice (416afd3)
- Fix mixin example(s) and ad mm-drawer event (76b5bee)
- fix mm-modal attribute styling for shadow dom (697b182)
- Fix mm-repeater index (b5e8158)
- Fix mm-tabs demo by using light dom querying (f20315e)
- Fix mm-tabs index page (9a0908b)
- Fix path issues (978e5e0)
- Fix potential scrollbar issue in grid (c5f9e81)
- Fix putting model data into DOM for some edge cases (5c643f1)
- Fix recycler data reassignment and splicing (673977e)
- fix related articles docs bug (f216b29)
- fix saveResponse initial case (from dom) (36c1523)
- Fix some timing problems around handling of mm-group._type (76544cb)
- Fix style module wrapping problem (671661e)
- Fix templatefinder test (06c0faa)
- Fix test page (1c6b5dd)
- fix the index because I changed the names of tabs (91ad862)
- fix to actually use the custom error msg element (92f4ffa)
- fix unsaved conditions (23223ec)
- Fix updates caused by item-recycler data splicing (4906b6a)
- Fix WebComponentsReady event in mm-modal example (fb28a60)
- Fix wizard not being included in strand.html (79d4a0a)
- fixed changed sort (36a255f)
- fixed contentType not being copied into request so header setting was never being called (8a3ef6e)
- fixed event namespacing for behavior (80b9bad)
- Fixed one more gotcha on mm-tooltip (351a64c)
- fixed plugin support for the WC host case (2f6d9da)
- fixed test not having proper defaults (2042fb9)
- fixes for ajax example and response data binding (74f89c8)
- fixes for data binding in sync (doob events were stepping on the polymer binding) (2061519)
- fixes for data-changed happening from internal calls (9d58a41)
- fixes for pathing in patch list + checking for existing patch (e6ef04e)
- Fixes to mm-radio (e00d355)
- followable (ae84e50)
- Footer in form WIP (5392297)
- force clean build before building docs (9840f30)
- functional mm-form v2 (8124198)
- functioning form and form test view (fc30b78)
- Generate custom elements on the fly (09c3bf3)
- Generate label and error messaging if attribute is provided (cbd86e8)
- handle styling concerns for forms and form views WIP (31c966e)
- highlighting first pass (7133b47)
- IIFE patch WIP (ffce548)
- Implement repeater form field (eb4d954)
- Improve consistency constraints when splicing recycler (5bf2ea5)
- init (b2ee9c0)
- Inline woff as base64 data uri (7c3f60f)
- Isolate finding and componentizing templates (2b91226)
- item fix for firefox (7fef7d1)
- Just patch the lib in place (cd450ad)
- last commit before switching gears (028b876)
- Leverage light dom for generated components (68f25d0)
- live build alias (no bump) (d6d9dc7)
- live now updates JS (fe38d6a)
- login mods to strand components (220f989)
- made it easier to pass external plugin list to sync on init (d2d24b1)
- Make light dom use in generated components "opt-in" (1a89ac6)
- Make recycler consider shallow data changes (6a9b1ee)
- make request es5 compatible so that uglify2 doesn't break the build 😩 (15bf733)
- make sure template-finder gets a css generated (41fde57)
- Make tabs use template-finding (85ab4f7)
- Make validation more sensible (4daeda0)
- markup fix for test comp (f6a7f06)
- message styling (580c671)
- migrate config to single obj (prep for multifile/multibuild) (03de131)
- Minor cleanup (b2fc51d)
- Minor edits to mm-form (9339989)
- minor fixes (b6b0710)
- Minor tweaks to spinner in mm-dropdown (248f244)
- minor WIP (585e36e)
- mix data from sync into ajax config (78a7aab)
- mm-button add padding in spinner + label scenario (3aa63a2)
- mm-form and mm-repeater integration WIP (1ac4bed)
- mm-form wip (25ec4d5)
- mm-form WIP (6e0762f)
- mm-form WIP (d2f388a)
- mm-grid-item click event (a2591d0)
- mm-repeater.validate returns a boolean (39c4e49)
- mm-wizard (8edb043)
- model fixes (5c96bf2)
- Modify requestqueue to use es6-promise (c88e754)
- more cleanup (1ce9424)
- more edits (6f82d52)
- more form WIP (a4ba778)
- more reliable base64 for prod build (b6a1ffc)
- More sensible build:prod task (bc2fdfa)
- More small fixes (8601aed)
- Move dbg and getPkgInfo methods to C (d9940ac)
- Move everything back to attached callback except setting type (f220811)
- Move request.html to es6-request (09b3ec3)
- move title check into just a mouseover instead of monitoring size (687ac0d)
- move to a predetermined size model instead of inheriting (beffc47)
- moved debugging into --debug flag (ff011bf)
- moving collection to getBehavior setup (a2304f5)
- moving the object implementations to behaviors (802af9a)
- Multiple fixes to mm-grid headers (f10a97a)
- new documentation for grid WIP (f8df636)
- NEW mm-form WIP (6783ece)
- No implicit strip (84c9f0f)
- no values of null, especially where change watchers are involved (16b0b46)
- non scrollable behavior update for multi-panels (0db40ce)
- normalize event prefixing with sync (faf5af8)
- Normalize with the 0.6.5 release (55e52c2)
- not sure why this was committed (80cea25)
- now with less unused CSS (f5be188)
- now with more building (c3a241a)
- now with more includes (fdae68b)
- offset page support in case its needed (dcd5044)
- page retention on requests (dbc4873)
- paging fixes (4bbebe0)
- Partials, assets for doc pages working (cdea532)
- patch out sync - wip (4363f82)
- patch package to match actual path (cb3c413)
- performance improvements (73f45d9)
- point uglify-js to harmony branch (f7111e7)
- polymer 1.2.3 WIP (592968e)
- Polymer 1.3.0 (2fdb93a)
- positionable-panel and mm-datepicker (d6437a2)
- pre-populate form (9082ced)
- prevPage decrements into negative values. (216c63f)
- prior change which isn't going to work (5dfc14b)
- Provide mixin functionality for generated components (2a9777c)
- QA fix (bb18dc1)
- QA related fixes (ca3a652)
- really quick and not very clean debug:live (4977fc2)
- Reconceive pattern-helping as template-finding (d4fbdbc)
- reconfigure so form handles validation WIP (64edf13)
- Recycle based on client bounding rect for FF (efd3032)
- Refactor ajax to remove passthrough (cfdbb10)
- release task fix (914c354)
- Release v3.0.0 (c46b80e)
- Remove '=== value' check from itemValue assignment (e7edd36)
- remove
(92faac3) - Remove call to nonexistent Polymer.StyleUtil.clearStyleRules (3a6cb4b)
- remove changed in favor of cached (ad64cc8)
- remove comment (5e6ca8e)
- Remove debug console.logs (0978a13)
- remove deprecated props (d5e915b)
- Remove Grunt (825dba0)
- Remove link to the 'creating adapters' article (af0a255)
- remove redundant logic (ad7fcdf)
- remove syncable for vulcanize (5bc45fa)
- Remove temporary item click handler (df59190)
- remove the need for syncable + passthrough (690fde9)
- remove unnecessary comment (60f9bb8)
- Remove unused requires (f648e32)
- Remove vendor prefix mixins in favor of autoprefixer (130356c)
- removed more commented (7abc62b)
- Rename params to query (c2eaa1a)
- reorder dist (43a8872)
- reorder plugins (non breaking) (bcbdb53)
- Repeater api consistency with mm-form (1174446)
- Repeater docs (68240df)
- Replace cloning and stamping with innerHTML (f614fe6)
- Replace explicit plugin requiring with gulp-load-plugins (3ee56d4)
- resolve an issue with mm-sync where endpoint was not passed to the behavior init (287eaf4)
- resolves an issue where the data arg was ignored on sync for calls vs the property (a39a87f)
- restore clean:dist task (642ced2)
- Revert "Use method name as dom config" (689fee8)
- Revert dist to 67299b9 (346c0eb)
- Revert to prior mm-grid/index.html examples (3ad6027)
- reverted effective children update so that contentTarget still works (f419ab4)
- rm mm-template-finder from dist build (34b1984)
- rudimentary loading indicator for sync (0823ec6)
- sass build + includes (32016ec)
- second custom form item test case WIP (0431f73)
- sensible failure state for falsifyable (77c072a)
- Serve static (9121d29)
- Set error state on elements, fix test validation rule (f959585)
- Small fixes to custom form item validation (841a4b8)
- Small mm-tabs tweak (7e69fb2)
- Some cleanup on repeater (176e9b4)
- splices support for munger (e2cf238)
- Split dom config test for sync out to behavior_domsyncable.html (b48c9fd)
- start on docs (d086872)
- Styling finesse and use mm-form-message in mm-repeater (63eacdd)
- Switch to auto-generated form label and messaging (7bce45c)
- sync - hoist the queuing support from ajax (47ce730)
- sync test (1399526)
- syncable missed the behavior split (74afbd4)
- Tag version after commit (78d3656)
- template for version (needs build) (daf91db)
- test form view with custom form item WIP (5183534)
- tests for multi + fix (b962919)
- tick webcomponentsjs cause Polymer needs 0.7.19 (fa2d67e)
- Tidy up docs (46a8494)
- trying to get excludes right (daa5905)
- Typo fix (b76409c)
- unit tests work locally again (ddd35f7)
- update behaviors documentation (5f9fd98)
- Update documentation index page (2840efb)
- update for >1.2.3 node behavior (c21f8b0)
- Update grid/data integration article to reflect dom config api change (27849fe)
- Update header in build:prod (ccf6d27)
- Update mm-grid.scss (e398997)
- Update sync article for API changes and some light copy editing (6b2f9d2)
- Updates to mm-form (14597b6)
- Use data indices instead of keys (c5fafda)
- Use div instead of mm-box for fields container (29e3418)
- Use gulp-git to tag (1563cdb)
- Use method name as dom config (275db17)
- Use method name as dom config (d9f2530)
- use rootTarget instead of event.target (b198a62)
- use Set instead of array (7d7a875)
- Use Validator in Validatable behavior (56becea)
- validation sweep rework (1e00c6c)
- various corrections from CR (7d28000)
- Watch module index files (f1ca473)
- When changing value mm-radio group, make sure to check the radio (76613fe)
- wip (120bec2)
- WIP gulp docs build (89cf3e5)
- WIP templatize limitation (d398f04)
- Workaround for Polymer.Collection splice issue (8e3c403)
- A few more corrections (ea62c47)
- add 'small' setting (f0be7ba)
- Add 'value' alias for data and fire changed event when model is updated (4979338)
- Add a custom form component to validate assumptions (bebf208)
- Add added/changed/removed arrays to repeater (fe0d193)
- Add added/removed arrays (c966a6a)
- Add apple-touch-icon to docs build (37b8581)
- Add autoprefixer to gulp build (45c63ab)
- Add behaviors to repeater (17b5a06)
- Add changelog generation task (1914a97)
- add clean:dist to dist build and commit clean dist build (8b543ad)
- Add CNAME to docs build (a6f8664)
- Add dan's module exclude stuff (a815bd5)
- Add debug task for unpacked dist build (4347975)
- Add favicon to live and github pages (bc127b3)
- Add fetch and es6-promise polyfill (943d0e0)
- Add findById to refable (4ca2042)
- Add helper for styles provided to generator (002c784)
- Add License to docs and cleanup copy task (5ea92dd)
- Add live and live:docs (148302f)
- Add potential fix to template stamping issue (ea1ca3e)
- Add prod build to gulpfile (3963ae8)
- Add refable to everything (aa3928a)
- add referable to templatecomponentizable (c25e072)
- Add stubs for multifile build (4e3d2f3)
- Add tests for templat-finding -- WIP (8ef7bde)
- Add version to build (cbf03c7)
- added bindable message support to dialog (a30cdae)
- added npm entry points (8e46abc)
- added tests for new collection tracking arrays + fixed an issue with delete where it was being overw (b0e2bbf)
- ajax changes to reflect properly evented fire (this really only affected the comp version, not sync) (e2e18a9)
- Allow changing mm-action color via css (fa5c7f2)
- Allow config via DOM or object (1a9d0a8)
- Allow for more flexibility in validation and error messaging (d336103)
- array munger (0d8b227)
- autoValidate and special case for mm-repeater in mm-form (2a0452b)
- bad at WC (017e019)
- better build support for debugging in bower link scenarios (54d46d8)
- better design for href on mm-action (9c51fbe)
- Better documentation for grid items (eee1a7d)
- better eventing so it won't warn on total = 0 (f9003ba)
- bleh (f1951b7)
- bleh (1334a71)
- Bring article and module docs together (22b936f)
- broken vulc (3c3f968)
- build:prod -> build:dist (d2f09b8)
- Bump gulp-vulcanize and fix excludes (a4a9798)
- Change params to query in tests (b52edf5)
- Change XML test to document (54f4aee)
- changed files only (1930f92)
- clean up example so it doesn't try to load ap age that doesn't exist when users hit the .io url inst (67dd5ce)
- cleaned up article headline weighting (ac8ee10)
- cleaned up event firing (cb36b41)
- cleaned up magic strings to config (C) (938269d)
- cleaned up module naming (590e32e)
- cleanup (e9af1fd)
- cleanup (8517b58)
- cleanup (d1079a0)
- Cleanup (1ab25a9)
- cleanup build somewhat (f909404)
- Cleanup testing stuff from before (3d5522f)
- Cleanup, add banner to prod build (e591d0d)
- config and WIP with custom form item example (5dbed33)
- copy dist instead of build for docs (02f2755)
- Copy stuff from Gulpfile.js into submodules (100f2dd)
- correct inheritance (1519672)
- Correct some gotchas (c71deb4)
- CR feedback (f8f9f73)
- CR feedback (6e2569b)
- CR feedback (5d5eca6)
- CSS fix for repeater (639d103)
- custom form item WIP (32c9623)
- custom templates exploration (de23af0)
- d'oh (7f21467)
- d'oh (d351228)
- Declare favicon in head (5db3439)
- deps (f5b8c3a)
- diff initial data with current if a form field is changed (3359fe7)
- Disable safari 8 fix and promisify tabs (a800991)
- docs and release fixes (2ea036c)
- Docs for mm-form (c663bf7)
- don't need this config both places (9097d25)
- don't vulcanize in non-dist build (0f8d15d)
- errr (9935c40)
- ES6 -> ES5 for uglify 😒 (5e26dce)
- event fixes (c88d057)
- Examples working (c1686d0)
- Experimenting with validator-js (ad82e07)
- Exploration of validate if logic working via config (34ba4eb)
- extract utils to iife (8db1d2b)
- favicon (4c70412)
- first pass at config and functionality (f29e4da)
- Fix async erroring out on prod build (6984446)
- Fix bower.json (c7bc32e)
- Fix docs nav (23e7f63)
- Fix docs templating (411ac92)
- Fix error messaging (9258e98)
- fix es6 def (eaf599a)
- Fix es6-promise path (2554da2)
- fix event override breaking binding for collection (e6c447d)
- Fix for tabs leaving content behind (a85efb5)
- Fix grid expand-all in Chrome (92a51e8)
- fix link for migration guide (7718ea4)
- fix mm-modal attribute styling for shadow dom (697b182)
- Fix mm-repeater index (b5e8158)
- Fix mm-tabs demo by using light dom querying (f20315e)
- Fix mm-tabs index page (9a0908b)
- Fix path issues (978e5e0)
- Fix putting model data into DOM for some edge cases (5c643f1)
- fix saveResponse initial case (from dom) (36c1523)
- Fix some timing problems around handling of mm-group._type (76544cb)
- Fix style module wrapping problem (671661e)
- Fix templatefinder test (06c0faa)
- Fix test page (1c6b5dd)
- fix the index because I changed the names of tabs (91ad862)
- fix to actually use the custom error msg element (92f4ffa)
- fix unsaved conditions (23223ec)
- Fix WebComponentsReady event in mm-modal example (fb28a60)
- fixed changed sort (36a255f)
- fixed contentType not being copied into request so header setting was never being called (8a3ef6e)
- fixed event namespacing for behavior (80b9bad)
- fixed plugin support for the WC host case (2f6d9da)
- fixed test not having proper defaults (2042fb9)
- fixes for ajax example and response data binding (74f89c8)
- fixes for data binding in sync (doob events were stepping on the polymer binding) (2061519)
- fixes for data-changed happening from internal calls (9d58a41)
- fixes for pathing in patch list + checking for existing patch (e6ef04e)
- Fixes to mm-radio (e00d355)
- followable (ae84e50)
- Footer in form WIP (5392297)
- force clean build before building docs (9840f30)
- functional mm-form v2 (8124198)
- functioning form and form test view (fc30b78)
- Generate custom elements on the fly (09c3bf3)
- Generate label and error messaging if attribute is provided (cbd86e8)
- handle styling concerns for forms and form views WIP (31c966e)
- IIFE patch WIP (ffce548)
- Implement repeater form field (eb4d954)
- Inline woff as base64 data uri (7c3f60f)
- Isolate finding and componentizing templates (2b91226)
- Just patch the lib in place (cd450ad)
- last commit before switching gears (028b876)
- Leverage light dom for generated components (68f25d0)
- live build alias (no bump) (d6d9dc7)
- login mods to strand components (220f989)
- made it easier to pass external plugin list to sync on init (d2d24b1)
- Make light dom use in generated components "opt-in" (1a89ac6)
- make request es5 compatible so that uglify2 doesn't break the build 😩 (15bf733)
- make sure template-finder gets a css generated (41fde57)
- Make tabs use template-finding (85ab4f7)
- Make validation more sensible (4daeda0)
- markup fix for test comp (f6a7f06)
- message styling (580c671)
- migrate config to single obj (prep for multifile/multibuild) (03de131)
- Minor cleanup (b2fc51d)
- Minor edits to mm-form (9339989)
- minor fixes (b6b0710)
- minor WIP (585e36e)
- mix data from sync into ajax config (78a7aab)
- mm-button add padding in spinner + label scenario (3aa63a2)
- mm-form and mm-repeater integration WIP (1ac4bed)
- mm-form wip (25ec4d5)
- mm-form WIP (d2f388a)
- mm-form WIP (6e0762f)
- mm-repeater.validate returns a boolean (39c4e49)
- model fixes (5c96bf2)
- Modify requestqueue to use es6-promise (c88e754)
- more cleanup (1ce9424)
- more edits (6f82d52)
- more form WIP (a4ba778)
- more reliable base64 for prod build (b6a1ffc)
- More sensible build:prod task (bc2fdfa)
- More small fixes (8601aed)
- Move dbg and getPkgInfo methods to C (d9940ac)
- Move everything back to attached callback except setting type (f220811)
- Move request.html to es6-request (09b3ec3)
- move to a predetermined size model instead of inheriting (beffc47)
- moved debugging into --debug flag (ff011bf)
- moving collection to getBehavior setup (a2304f5)
- moving the object implementations to behaviors (802af9a)
- new documentation for grid WIP (f8df636)
- NEW mm-form WIP (6783ece)
- No implicit strip (84c9f0f)
- no values of null, especially where change watchers are involved (16b0b46)
- normalize event prefixing with sync (faf5af8)
- Normalize with the 0.6.5 release (55e52c2)
- not sure why this was committed (80cea25)
- now with less unused CSS (f5be188)
- now with more building (c3a241a)
- now with more includes (fdae68b)
- paging fixes (4bbebe0)
- Partials, assets for doc pages working (cdea532)
- patch out sync - wip (4363f82)
- patch package to match actual path (cb3c413)
- performance improvements (73f45d9)
- polymer 1.2.3 WIP (592968e)
- Polymer 1.3.0 (2fdb93a)
- positionable-panel and mm-datepicker (d6437a2)
- pre-populate form (9082ced)
- prior change which isn't going to work (5dfc14b)
- QA fix (bb18dc1)
- QA related fixes (ca3a652)
- Reconceive pattern-helping as template-finding (d4fbdbc)
- reconfigure so form handles validation WIP (64edf13)
- Recycle based on client bounding rect for FF (efd3032)
- Refactor ajax to remove passthrough (cfdbb10)
- release task fix (914c354)
- Remove '=== value' check from itemValue assignment (e7edd36)
- remove changed in favor of cached (ad64cc8)
- remove comment (5e6ca8e)
- Remove debug console.logs (0978a13)
- remove deprecated props (d5e915b)
- Remove Grunt (825dba0)
- Remove link to the 'creating adapters' article (af0a255)
- remove syncable for vulcanize (5bc45fa)
- remove the need for syncable + passthrough (690fde9)
- remove unnecessary comment (60f9bb8)
- Remove unused requires (f648e32)
- Remove vendor prefix mixins in favor of autoprefixer (130356c)
- removed more commented (7abc62b)
- Rename params to query (c2eaa1a)
- reorder dist (43a8872)
- Repeater api consistency with mm-form (1174446)
- Repeater docs (68240df)
- Replace cloning and stamping with innerHTML (f614fe6)
- Replace explicit plugin requiring with gulp-load-plugins (3ee56d4)
- resolve an issue with mm-sync where endpoint was not passed to the behavior init (287eaf4)
- resolves an issue where the data arg was ignored on sync for calls vs the property (a39a87f)
- restore clean:dist task (642ced2)
- Revert "Use method name as dom config" (689fee8)
- Revert dist to 67299b9 (346c0eb)
- reverted effective children update so that contentTarget still works (f419ab4)
- rm mm-template-finder from dist build (34b1984)
- sass build + includes (32016ec)
- second custom form item test case WIP (0431f73)
- Serve static (9121d29)
- Set error state on elements, fix test validation rule (f959585)
- Small fixes to custom form item validation (841a4b8)
- Small mm-tabs tweak (7e69fb2)
- Some cleanup on repeater (176e9b4)
- Split dom config test for sync out to behavior_domsyncable.html (b48c9fd)
- start on docs (d086872)
- Styling finesse and use mm-form-message in mm-repeater (63eacdd)
- Switch to auto-generated form label and messaging (7bce45c)
- sync - hoist the queuing support from ajax (47ce730)
- sync test (1399526)
- syncable missed the behavior split (74afbd4)
- Tag version after commit (78d3656)
- template for version (needs build) (daf91db)
- test form view with custom form item WIP (5183534)
- tests for multi + fix (b962919)
- tick webcomponentsjs cause Polymer needs 0.7.19 (fa2d67e)
- Tidy up docs (46a8494)
- trying to get excludes right (daa5905)
- Typo fix (b76409c)
- update behaviors documentation (5f9fd98)
- Update documentation index page (2840efb)
- update for >1.2.3 node behavior (c21f8b0)
- Update grid/data integration article to reflect dom config api change (27849fe)
- Update header in build:prod (ccf6d27)
- Update sync article for API changes and some light copy editing (6b2f9d2)
- Updates to mm-form (14597b6)
- Use div instead of mm-box for fields container (29e3418)
- Use gulp-git to tag (1563cdb)
- Use method name as dom config (275db17)
- Use method name as dom config (d9f2530)
- Use Validator in Validatable behavior (56becea)
- validation sweep rework (1e00c6c)
- Watch module index files (f1ca473)
- When changing value mm-radio group, make sure to check the radio (76613fe)
- wip (120bec2)
- WIP gulp docs build (89cf3e5)
- WIP templatize limitation (d398f04)
- c50c873 Allow mm-spinner in mm-button (@shuwen)
- 5576519 Revert to previous polymer and webcomponentsjs versions (@anthonykoerber)
- bb5736c Add mm-box to strand (@anthonykoerber)
- 70c4607 Reset mm-autocomplete selectedIndex after user makes selection (@shuwen)
- af8b3f4 Add Resolvable behavior to all visual components (@anthonykoerber)
- e175091 Implement mm-file-upload component (@shuwen)
- d269fa3 better checking (@dlasky)
- df7021d update to 1.2.0 (@dlasky)
- fc7f32a Add semi-transparent bg setting to mm-footer (@anthonykoerber)
- e43fc03 style double input group (@anthonykoerber)
- 32f2877 mm-inline-box host attribute styling workaround for safari (@anthonykoerber)
- c781bd6 fixes to collection/model syncing (@dlasky)
- 5208c73 docs mobile fix / finesse (@anthonykoerber)
- c954669 event handling improvements to object evented stuff (@dlasky)
- 0a16b61 fixed collection event passthrough (@dlasky)
- c2e9de0 event passthrough (@dlasky)
- 8312e48 fixed up model/sync integration so data is passed properly (@dlasky)
- 26cf775 Add four new icons to mm-icon (@anthonykoerber)
- d4fd45d Make grid/scope change events more complete
- e2384b4 Fix jerkiness in mm-tooltip by setting _target.style.pointerEvents in NonScrollable (@shuwen)
- b99d2a5 Wrap mm-tab callback call inside async() (@shuwen)
- ad3911a Update mm-tab doc and add example (@shuwen)
- 4781497 Added event to mm-tab doc (@shuwen)
- cad2c43 Modified loading from external path in mm-tab (@shuwen)
- 509c38f added build timing (@dlasky)
- 47c0190 Fix grids loading without data
- 6be6b44 Avoid unnecessary close (@anthonykoerber)
- d056443 Restore NonScrollable in Closable (@anthonykoerber)
- 3c5c964 patch for racing events in recycled scenarios (@dlasky)
- 3d19d5d modifications to AutoTogglable (@anthonykoerber)
- 36c29db mm-grid fixes and testing (@anthonykoerber)
- 5ddef3f lighter scroll blocking approach (@dlasky)
- aa02ff8 Release v2.0.0 (@dlasky)
- 050c1d3 Positionable fixes (@anthonykoerber)
- fa5d1eb Remove underscore from mm-menu example in mm-grid example (@anthonykoerber)
- ff51a14 Change grid docs to include createId, and examples of positionable components (@anthonykoerber)
- fff9a75 removed body scroll styling in favor of an evented solution (@dlasky)
- 821ac0b title/component casing consistency in articles (@dlasky)
- ba4f254 Add mm-menu example and fix markdown headers (@shuwen)
- dbeab5f Format grid js (@anthonykoerber)
- 574e828 Great victory (@anthonykoerber)
- 7240821 Get tooltips and menus working in mm-grid (@anthonykoerber)
- bb25126 cleanup intro text + remove adapter tut for now (@dlasky)
- a2a0b21 fixed clipped mm-loader in mm-grid (@anthonykoerber)
- deb6b4b Add documentation for mm-grid
- 0ebe51f Fix what ails grid/items/columns/recycler
- 9b06342 update sync article (@dlasky)
- 6625315 article updates (@dlasky)
- 0214fb2 hack for now--make sure the dom stuff is represented (@dlasky)
- cc3a41a added events, fixed up base doc properly (@dlasky)
- c4c284d sync docs (@dlasky)
- d0b13d7 move autoDebounce into domsyncable where auto resides (@dlasky)
- bc6fe48 sync fixes (@dlasky)
- a8ad1b3 cleanup (@dlasky)
- b9ec5f9 Prep grid for release
- 5a29532 Make mm-datepicker set hasFooter class if it has a footer (@shuwen)
- 1366428 PositionablePanel now centers the panel if there is no room to flip (@shuwen)
- 7835ba1 Add nonscrollable behavior to closable (@anthonykoerber)
- f7eb943 model docs + exmp (@dlasky)
- 316ad80 update example templates (@dlasky)
- 92398b1 Underscore _responders in mm-item-recycler (@anthonykoerber)
- cb03c61 collection (@dlasky)
- eff3409 Update grid data integration article (@shuwen)
- 916c3c8 ajax docs + event touchup (@dlasky)
- e43a4c4 added eventing to request (@dlasky)
- 4c12c0a fixed up ajax example, added back response property (@dlasky)
- fb4aafe Some missed true false cases docs (@anthonykoerber)
- 8b22d98 Don't document options of true and false as set via attributes if not actually supported (via falsifiable) (@anthonykoerber)
- 43521ca index support for pageable (@dlasky)
- af68dc6 docs and example fixes (@anthonykoerber)
- 36431f2 Add unresolved to migration guide (@anthonykoerber)
- 58845db mm-tooltip make auto attribute actually make sense (@anthonykoerber)
- 5c24e86 Docs son and example corrections and updates (@anthonykoerber)
- 8d2aa3a mm-scroll-panel edits (@anthonykoerber)
- 915ab25 Articles updates (@anthonykoerber)
- 4db8dce Some updates to mm-grid and mm-grid-column docs (@shuwen)
- f8f7233 false -> "false" in docs (@shuwen)
- 0c9083d Add notes to getting started article re: Migration (@anthonykoerber)
- d0adc3c Verify that nested mm-scroll-panel catches mutations (@anthonykoerber)
- 12acd08 Fix recycler resizing responses and flex styles
- fe7375e Updated grid-config article (@shuwen)
- 7e2003a data doc update (@dlasky)
- 8395d57 Make sure that mm-list-item has a default value, make sure we don't rely on value when making a selection (@anthonykoerber)
- 625ccff Fix test-breaking imports (@shuwen)
- 66d4a8f A final round of behavior docs (@anthonykoerber)
- 7eecd64 formatting which was annoying me (@anthonykoerber)
- c2c6b1d Fix safari scrolling and grid caret twists
- 0709285 fix to jqueryable test (@anthonykoerber)
- 563bd73 behaviors docs updates (@anthonykoerber)
- 111a871 argument names that make sense for elementResize method stub (@anthonykoerber)
- 3d8deb8 cleanup sizeresponsible (@anthonykoerber)
- f9c0a85 correction to popover example now that _layout is a private (@anthonykoerber)
- 4c0d3c6 mm-list-item documentation and edits (@anthonykoerber)
- 3961710 added eventing to ajax (@dlasky)
- b820b67 Remove trailing comma that was breaking docs build (@shuwen)
- 39b0b78 cleanup tabs (@dlasky)
- cbe0474 First draft of a migration guide (@shuwen)
- 7682ebb cleanup (@dlasky)
- 0941249 stackable behavior doc and update to mm-tooltip to use correct stackType (@anthonykoerber)
- b7009cf collection tests + fixes (@dlasky)
- afd4d13 behavior docs updates (@anthonykoerber)
- b5c8a9b Makes mm-datepicker duration estimate display optional (@jeremysklarsky)
- e2bacd2 Changed mm-datepicker default date rangeDescription from "Selected a Predefined Date Range" to "Select a Predefined Date Range" (@jeremysklarsky)
- dd28634 Make "close" link text and "save" button text on mm-datepicker user definable (@jeremysklarsky)
- b2b3df9 sizeresponsible remove unneeded hack (@anthonykoerber)
- e911f64 behaviors docs updates (@anthonykoerber)
- 7490bf1 Fixed problem import - thanks Dan! (@anthonykoerber)
- 2a2d76f errant comma (@anthonykoerber)
- 28a6aeb Updated 'Getting Started' (@shuwen)
- 091fed1 Remove errant tags (@anthonykoerber)
- 2f874b0 Behavior docs updates (@anthonykoerber)
- 2685e39 Fix tests that broke after renaming properties (@shuwen)
- 23b02e3 Update mm-input docs/example and make _clearVisible private (@shuwen)
- 6681f72 exposed disable (@dlasky)
- 519bc48 remove sync override now that this is in a plugin, and properly extend the new domsyncable (@dlasky)
- 0a46a2e mm-inline-box remove unresolved from the example (@anthonykoerber)
- 9f65fb5 some docs corrections and copywriting consistency (@anthonykoerber)
- e121e5f mm-inline-box docs and edits (@anthonykoerber)
- d01de26 Make recycler-related fixes
- 5156182 integrate paging plugin (@dlasky)
- aadd9d2 headers (@dlasky)
- 69be516 patch up tests with name support (@dlasky)
- e077a62 paging plugin (@dlasky)
- 256d8e4 Update docs for mm-input-mask, mm-list-item, mm-loader, mm-localstore (@shuwen)
- 6593e06 mm-icon doc edits (@anthonykoerber)
- 8b370c7 mm-footer doc and edits (@anthonykoerber)
- d1ce4c9 Tweaks to mm-input-mask: (@shuwen)
- 1f00b90 add missed attribute to mm-footer doc (@anthonykoerber)
- e1db8c4 sanity check on edits from mm-group (@anthonykoerber)
- 84bd3c3 mm-group doc complete and edits (@anthonykoerber)
- a48644f mm-footer docs (@anthonykoerber)
- 5cf7632 docs housekeeping (@anthonykoerber)
- bd6ae65 mm-dropdown docs and one edit (@anthonykoerber)
- 520c19b Update mergeDocArray in docs build to check for obj.type if there is no obj.name (fixes events section) (@shuwen)
- d0d0560 more adjustments for moving to private _layout property (@anthonykoerber)
- 10c7b48 Privatize _layout property in mm-dropdown and mm-input (@shuwen)
- d095ecf mm-drawer docs and accompanying edits (@anthonykoerber)
- 3e86709 Documentation updates and make _layout property private in mm-radio and mm-pulldown-button (@shuwen)
- ca52749 small edit to mm-datepicker doc (@anthonykoerber)
- 7de2a7b docs for mm-dialog and accompanying edits (@anthonykoerber)
- 961c492 Updated docs for tabs, textarea, tooltip (@shuwen)
- 3faf5c8 added instance retrieval to plugins (@dlasky)
- 567216c model/collection port + dom sync integration (@dlasky)
- e55c616 split the actual dom updating behavior from syncable (@dlasky)
- a6d830f Change save to _save, and add new public method save which calls _save with no args (@shuwen)
- 7e208e4 mm-datepicker docs (@anthonykoerber)
- bf59783 mm-datepicker make startEnabled and endEnabled default to true (@anthonykoerber)
- 9e836b2 mm-datepicker edits (@anthonykoerber)
- b4d7bb0 Add readOnly to component doc template (@shuwen)
- 352d05e Add dependencies in behavior docs (@shuwen)
- d03a8d3 First pass at behavior documentation (@shuwen)
- 0825e57 mm-checkbox docs and accompanying edits (@anthonykoerber)
- a51b3ef cleanup sync test (@dlasky)
- 2f892d0 migrated syncable to sync obj and added plugin support to sync (@dlasky)
- 7f438c9 Documentation WIP and edits (@anthonykoerber)
- 98d6541 Add valid json to stubs (@anthonykoerber)
- 378f60a small change to mousewheelable behavior (@anthonykoerber)
- b0cdc15 tick up wct bower (@anthonykoerber)
- f94548f Restoring measuring group width off of italic font if placeholder is shown in input-mask (@shuwen)
- 817516a Adding stub files for behavior docs (@shuwen)
- 0325bd7 Remove an unnecessary test, fix FF issue for ddl test (@anthonykoerber)
- ca860f1 Clean up jqueryable test
- 4561280 Make item-recycler testable and test it
- f4029ad added doob events (@dlasky)
- b116c25 sync js wip (@dlasky)
- 354bea0 more tests housekeeping (@anthonykoerber)
- db8ea1c tests housekeeping (@anthonykoerber)
- 39ee2fd Add tests for measure and point libs (@shuwen)
- c736923 mm-radio test complete (@anthonykoerber)
- dbf653f mm-scroll-panel tests and resultant tweaks/fix (@anthonykoerber)
- d6be2b6 Fixes to lib_ajax and mm-dialog tests (@shuwen)
- a8acf69 Minor tweaks to mm-spinner test (@shuwen)
- 54ea504 wip api plugin (@dlasky)
- 6ab798d test updates (@anthonykoerber)
- f8fe724 Fix -webkit prefix issue in mm-spinner tests for safari (@shuwen)
- 76a24b6 housekeeping in tests (@anthonykoerber)
- 7b48c92 Fix mm-ajax test timing out on ff/safari (@shuwen)
- 2322cf1 update wct deps (@dlasky)
- 55164e5 checkbox correct icon color test, use flush instead of setTimeout (@anthonykoerber)
- 40390e3 Remove primaryColor from mm-action, update test to reflect this (@anthonykoerber)
- 5473a0d conver to config scheme (@dlasky)
- 721e370 converted to config scheme (@dlasky)
- e1ffe2a Remove reference to mm-icon primaryColor in tests for mm-inline-box (@shuwen)
- c807ada Add tests for validatable behavior (@shuwen)
- 1fbac50 mousewheelable test and change to behavior (@anthonykoerber)
- e21972d tests on the pull side of ajax marshaller, needs request still (via options.body) (@dlasky)
- 335ffa3 test dommutable complete and resizable test stub (@anthonykoerber)
- 8c6cf9e Cleanup some unused files (@shuwen)
- cdc2746 support for behaviors mixins in component docs (@dlasky)
- 3494669 Add some stubs for tests to be written (@shuwen)
- 1468c6f Split tests for bitmask, measure, and rectangle libs into separate files (@shuwen)
- 39212c6 wip api support plugin (@dlasky)
- 044df21 Remove non scrollable behavior (@anthonykoerber)
- 9e21a07 polish positionable-panel tests (@anthonykoerber)
- 4e8d8e2 positionable-dropdown tests complete (@anthonykoerber)
- 1b4dfb8 mm-checkbox missed this case for icon colorization (@anthonykoerber)
- 8540206 Make sure there is no default for the public property 'target' in positionable-panel (@anthonykoerber)
- 3a59cae Test for mm-spinner (@shuwen)
- 313a8d2 positionable panel test complete and resultant fixes/modifications (@anthonykoerber)
- f874c5d Move non-test auxiliary html files to test/imports so that wct doesn't try to run them as tests (@shuwen)
- 141c8a9 Added tests for stylable and falsifiable behaviors (@shuwen)
- e7bc9bd Added tests for autoclosable/autotogglable behaviors (@shuwen)
- 32dc46f positionable behavior test complete (@anthonykoerber)
- b23ec95 Added test for behavior_selectable (@shuwen)
- d935e28 stubs for positionable tests (@anthonykoerber)
- 1117a4f fix autocomplete name vs value, update test (@anthonykoerber)
- 1a99b05 Update behavior_closable tests (@shuwen)
- fa2a782 optimize selection event tests, finish mm-autocomplete tests (@anthonykoerber)
- 04bb83e Updated grid tests (@shuwen)
- 7e15f85 mm-dropdown tests completed (@anthonykoerber)
- d6f6d6b Update existing tests for grid (@shuwen)
- c526030 Small change to mm-group to handle pre-selected radio items, and updated test (@shuwen)
- 773fb96 test updates WIP (@anthonykoerber)
- ef461fd Fix stackable test for FF/Safari (@shuwen)
- 07ba4df Wrap calls to Polymer constructor in HTMLImports.whenReady for shimmed browsers (@shuwen)
- 7deb247 Amend lib tests import paths (@shuwen)
- 529d622 Minor fixes to tests (@shuwen)
- fb39c90 Proposed solution for documenting Polymer 1.0 components (@anthonykoerber)
- 2ab647b more dropdownable normalization & fix (@anthonykoerber)
- 29d3c68 Remove tests referencing mm-icon primaryColor (@shuwen)
- d9da97a Fix issue setting mm-autocomplete _maxIndex (@shuwen)
- 56cdeb8 Fix recycler truncation and test snake
- f20fdb9 Update tests for mm-autocomplete (@shuwen)
- aac417e Fix autocomplete keyboard controls by recomputing _maxIndex every time _searchData changes (@shuwen)
- 3d4c96e better support for adding your own instances (@dlasky)
- 26b5e13 Fix mm-progress-bar test (@shuwen)
- 3422162 csrfPlugin fixes + tests (@dlasky)
- 39f48eb Update keyboard tests to directly access callbacks with fake events (@shuwen)
- 75a07e1 Use _minIndex and _maxIndex for keyselectable clamping instead of depending on size of items array every time (@shuwen)
- a099c13 added fix/test for case where getValue was used on empty object but not null (@dlasky)
- c0767b0 More minor fixes to mm-autocomplete and mm-dropdown (@anthonykoerber)
- 0a4f324 test + resulting fixes (@dlasky)
- f0a881f fix for very slow inline font loading when using the polymer manipulation code (customstyle/style modules) (@dlasky)
- 333d2b9 Docs WIP (@anthonykoerber)
- 7444c7f Keyboard tests WIP (@shuwen)
- fb2ab08 Update tests for mm-button and mm-input (@shuwen)
- 9933882 Some additional QA changes/fixes to dropdownables (@anthonykoerber)
- 08c6d45 cleaned up atom's tabbing (@dlasky)
- 2b39f15 added generated css to the font lib, removed the static import in favor of a template (@dlasky)
- 67b3285 Make properties 'private', cleanup, and QA of positionable elements and behaviors (@anthonykoerber)
- 348c1ed plugins
- 0535ca8 Add tests and bug-fixes for recycler/continuum
- 0a2d4d0 remove 'cats' span from mm-icon (@anthonykoerber)
- 6540154 Fix mm-tab callback timing in shady DOM (@shuwen)
- ec60433 Fix tab tests breaking in shady dom (@shuwen)
- 23ab53f Fix initial list-item titles in new recycler scheme
- 1fb0bc2 added style import for fonts (@dlasky)
- 644835a new fonts include + tick json (@dlasky)
- 37af9c9 Set icon color in mm-dialog css (@shuwen)
- 508511b Allow multiple mm-tabs to load content from the same path, and updated tests (@shuwen)
- 4e2b38d Remove primaryColor and hoverColor api from mm-icon (@anthonykoerber)
- e34face additional jQuery test (with actual jQuery) (@dlasky)
- 40b1400 mm-dropdown (@anthonykoerber)
- 5b340cb docs updates (@anthonykoerber)
- 9c4dd7e Rewrite mm-tabs to use Selectable behavior and to handle changing tabs by setting the
attribute on a tab (@shuwen) - 9e9aaf0 cleanup (@dlasky)
- f586143 Updated test for mm-tooltip (@shuwen)
- d74eadc docs template reorder for content insertion points (@anthonykoerber)
- b98c50f docs template ordering fix (@anthonykoerber)
- 91970c7 docs styling & html fixes (@anthonykoerber)
- 0fb9f00 cleanup (@dlasky)
- 3f21893 supported option for api marshaling passthrough, also fixed the marshaling scopes which was masked by zousan (and not properly tested) (@dlasky)
- 8437b1a better null/undef support (@dlasky)
- d091cc3 Make recycler default itemHeight resolution lazy
- 8a450df Fixed some component tests (mostly changinge over shadowRoot to getting shady/shadow root using Polymer DOM api) and fixed some components that were not being added to the Strand object (@shuwen)
- d3f6ff3 model WIP (@dlasky)
- 8e075a4 Patch jqueriable for shimmed browsers
- 46cb096 naive path support for objects so we don't have to pull polymer for that every time (@dlasky)
- 7928602 Fix Date string in mm-calendar for FF and Safari (@shuwen)
- 7025be1 Improve recycler APIs used by dropdown
- 8ce89db more QA for mm-dropdown (@anthonykoerber)
- ae74059 Updated tests for mm-button, mm-checkbox, mm-calendar (@shuwen)
- d8e3aad fix to dropdown re: itemHeight (@anthonykoerber)
- a9dcebd Fix paths for behavior tests (@shuwen)
- bc80d62 fixed font build (@dlasky)
- 2d24eb0 Update to mm-action test (@anthonykoerber)
- 8061f26 correction (@anthonykoerber)
- 0e64c7f Additional conditions for dropdown panel (@anthonykoerber)
- b75bf63 Date picker styling fixes to lock width of single/dual picker (@anthonykoerber)
- 9d4a995 remove some unused config from live (@dlasky)
- 28204bb making sure ajax doesn't render its content -- should resolve the 404 as well (@dlasky)
- d8c26ad removed the dependency on fonts.css existing for the config to be set correctly (@dlasky)
- b3f867a Added tests for mm-drawer (@shuwen)
- eb542be Timing hack to fix updateStyles in mm-icon (@anthonykoerber)
- 80e45e4 Address impl/build/tests regarding recycler
- 7e8a648 Color pass thru was never actually working in mm-dropdown (@anthonykoerber)
- 17665cc Fix some modal issues (@anthonykoerber)
- c0eeb4a Fix some dropdown issues (@anthonykoerber)
- 719c1e9 reinstate _mm_footer class to avoid shady leak (@anthonykoerber)
- f3a3886 docs fixes WIP (@anthonykoerber)
- 69d0312 Ported mm-drawer (@shuwen)
- 94c6f3a fix doc.json name (@anthonykoerber)
- e71273d fix missing comma (@anthonykoerber)
- 02837fd Rename private properties/methods for calendar/datepicker and updated docs and imports (@shuwen)
- 2bb3b3c Update mm-input-mask test (@shuwen)
- 84719e3 make sure docs nav and shell get built (@anthonykoerber)
- 91dcd6c fixed doc json (@anthonykoerber)
- 2b34da5 adding linter to docs build (@dlasky)
- d2861b7 Updated tests for calendar and datepicker (@shuwen)
- 09ffb61 Docs build WIP (@anthonykoerber)
- 4d77fae mm-docs-nav.js formatting (@anthonykoerber)
- 5243588 Docs shell port complete (@anthonykoerber)
- 0e7781b Catch text mutations in mm-list-item (@anthonykoerber)
- 9801104 cleanup (@dlasky)
- c498958 new fonts + css linking build (@dlasky)
- 48f8bd5 Updated some docs (@shuwen)
- 1983494 remove polyfill-next (@anthonykoerber)
- 4b1a53d include stylable behavior (@anthonykoerber)
- b02f0ea docs nav port (@anthonykoerber)
- 77a034d Change to colorize mm-icon (@anthonykoerber)
- 7174c8c first pass at generating style modules (@dlasky)
- be1562d update to 1.1.2 (@dlasky)
- 0e5d3d4 Fix colorization in mm-icon (@anthonykoerber)
- 8ecc9db Remove unused font mixins (@anthonykoerber)
- 3fd0187 update to GHS 0.3.0 which is needed for new css build (@dlasky)
- 911a07a Don't allow mm-dropdown panel to horizontally scroll with mouse plugged in (@anthonykoerber)
- 4d0865e Allow setting start/end constraints on singular datepicker (@shuwen)
- 651df89 Remove _selectedFlag from mm-dropdown (@anthonykoerber)
- 4e3233b undo live reload (@dlasky)
- 53553c9 Remove some datepicker css that was breaking safari (@shuwen)
- 57cb998 Add transform prefix for safari (@shuwen)
- 8c0dd4e Remove 3d positioning/nodeOrigin from positionable elements (@anthonykoerber)
- c8674f1 Port mm-datepicker and mm-input mask (@shuwen)
- 420a963 update serveral bower deps (@dlasky)
- 4f9d366 stackable fixes and tests (@anthonykoerber)
- d797df9 stackable updates (@anthonykoerber)
- f1e55d0 scope callback back to element (@dlasky)
- 96837ca type support for debouncer (@dlasky)
- ea808ed default to 2d recycler & grid (@anthonykoerber)
- dcb5a27 Permit recycler render/positioning mode config
- 2e2f102 working data dropdown in mm-item-recycler (@anthonykoerber)
- eddc2d4 first pass at debouncable (@dlasky)
- a876d23 fix for oldIndex mm-dropdown (@anthonykoerber)
- ffea571 dropdown mods for recycler (@anthonykoerber)
- 78509af Fix mm-grid cell (deep) value binds
- 9fe0c5b Unselected oldSelected in non-data dropdown (@shuwen)
- f7be73a Refine grid and recycler
- 8d7aadb test cleanup (@anthonykoerber)
- 8db5777 test WIP (@anthonykoerber)
- 0b80acd fixes to mm-pulldown-button and keyselectable (@anthonykoerber)
- 9182f88 mm-autocomplete complete (@anthonykoerber)
- a8dc55c mm-autocomplete wip (@anthonykoerber)
- dfd69d1 Remove some index logic from keyselectable.html (@shuwen)
- f32c1a4 fixed up the actual sync export (@dlasky)
- dfbf772 Remove .highlighted class on non-data dropdown in favor of highlighted attribute (@shuwen)
- d379ec5 pre-selected item fix (@anthonykoerber)
- dc5ca59 Improve mm-item-recycler
- 5a4cd2c Fix bug with recycler in shadow-dom
- 253a259 Improve item recycler
- 9fc9331 add import to domgettable (@anthonykoerber)
- abb08c0 fixes to mm-dropdown (@anthonykoerber)
- a17b9db split domgettable into two behaviors (@anthonykoerber)
- 37c0316 test for polymer namespace (@anthonykoerber)
- f5b7d46 Getting recycler working with dropdown (@anthonykoerber)
- cd3b979 set the height of the recycler (@anthonykoerber)
- ac7b8e8 fix sizeresponsible css issues (@anthonykoerber)
- 54cb03d various fixes (@anthonykoerber)
- c51309a recycled dropdown WIP (@anthonykoerber)
- 3c64757 Make recycler position static an correctly sized
- 3f0dfb6 mm-group functional complete (@anthonykoerber)
- 9bc25e0 Genericize selectable for use in mm-group (@anthonykoerber)
- 7c9f349 Add basic recycler implementation for 1.0
- 5446a87 attempt getting items to update on resize
- 9d5b1ee change computed value method
- e80c88e integrate ported grid-item into mm-grid
- 9a4c65e initial port of mm-grid-item
- 2005b2f switch grid dev page to webcomponents-lite
- 54b40f7 initial port of mm-grid
- 04d90ff set grid-column default resize to false
- f440854 rename computed sort class method
- 3ceeee2 initial port of mm-grid-column
- 755e80b paging (@dlasky)
- 0d8ef78 fixes for behaviorutils + tests (@dlasky)
- c421188 Ignore resizing of post-mortem recycled panels
- c7bb7fc Create mm-tabs component (@shuwen)
- b331689 Port calendar to 1.0 (@shuwen)
- a7e23e0 mm-group (@anthonykoerber)
- 14c454e Various QA and cleanup of positionable elements (@anthonykoerber)
- 5f07725 finished thought (@dlasky)
- c7bfd8c tooling for working with behaviors (@dlasky)
- a2e037d using 'inherited' closable (@dlasky)
- f69eeb4 mm-group initial WIP (@anthonykoerber)
- 8ea40cb mm-dropdown move maxWidth set into open (@anthonykoerber)
- d8216ee mm-autocomplete fixes (@anthonykoerber)
- e33f63e Cleanup post positionable merge (@anthonykoerber)
- 7119a04 pageable wip (@dlasky)
- be39b0d Merge all positionable elements into 1.0 (@anthonykoerber)
- 58716ee removed contentId in favor of an undocumented public api for querying distributed elements (@dlasky)
- 3e9bdbc pagable (@dlasky)
- 20b013b response handling stubs (@dlasky)
- 7919288 update deps (@dlasky)
- 19d359e add "blank" to input validations for v1.0 (@jeremysklarsky)
- eb338ef add "blank" validation to mm-input (@jeremysklarsky)
- 76e3141 cachetest (@dlasky)
- 9cd8792 match popover deps (@dlasky)
- 45f6acf minor cleanup (@dlasky)
- 904bd3b csrf in sync (@dlasky)
- 731cfa6 better null support (@dlasky)
- 6c00b89 better obj handling for Storage (@dlasky)
- e90170e tests for storage + default key check (@dlasky)
- e1f6917 serialization behavior that allows booleans for string 'false' or 'true' (@dlasky)
- 1b86fd9 header cleanup (@dlasky)
- fe40ffd move lib js into html (except colors.js for now) (@dlasky)
- 9838f49 move behaviors into html and remove JS (@dlasky)
- 249fd17 fixed cname copy (@dlasky)
- 46cd204 mostly working syncable (@dlasky)
- ce5d7e0 syncable wip (@dlasky)
- 8140a03 Release v1.1.3 (@dlasky)
- 47e2d4e Restore comment accuracy (@jcmoore)
- e54204b Update to mm-grid recycle false (@anthonykoerber)
- cb1cfc5 cname (@dlasky)
- 1535a17 Permit mm-grid without recycling
- 76d64b3 syncable wip (@dlasky)
- a321053 add notify flag for mm-checkbox.checked
- 86dd1f9 now with working subtree support (@dlasky)
- e9a4201 mm-sync work in progress (dom stuff is busted) (@dlasky)
- 19eb957 Rename properties and behaviorize scroll support
- 4191d7b bro science (@dlasky)
- 0fffcc5 Abstract scrollbar visuals and behavior
- a3986f7 fix behavior name so mm-textarea isn't busted (@anthonykoerber)
- 48d9a2e ajax component (@dlasky)
- 6587754 ajax wip (@dlasky)
- 5db315e update to 1.0.7 (@dlasky)
- 99c6c35 ajax tests (@dlasky)
- ec5dc2a change live task to auto-inject livereload
- 6dd7db1 Docs template changes for 1.0 (@anthonykoerber)
- 9e58a8f preflight tests, beginning of queue tests (@dlasky)
- abe9126 add reminder for building entire library
- ab5ef9d renamed request headers, added test (@dlasky)
- a6dc886 add connect:docs task to automatically open built docs for verification
- 7006383 remove trailing commas from docs.json (fix invalid json errors)
- 326191e remove extra npm packages
- 9dfe9bf Make "close" link text and "save" button text on mm-datepicker user definable (@jeremysklarsky)
- b6cced9 Makes mm-datepicker duration estimate display optional (@jeremysklarsky)
- f032d2e working towards supporting string body as well (@dlasky)
- d11d691 Release v1.1.2 (@dlasky)
- 09a84af abstracting data setup for requests (@dlasky)
- 8e4371d remove grunt-contrib-uglify and grunt-mocha-phantomjs packages
- 15a768f cname support for docs build (@dlasky)
- 1f48bee fix vulcanize task and add htmlmin task with test strand 1.0 elements
- 2f589fa fix for Number values in .data array not being selectable (@dlasky)
- d7b749c remove sassShadowFix commented tasks
- af8d5c6 change live task to run build before starting server (instead of having to run "grunt" and then "grunt live")
- ce753a3 removed some unneeded logic (@dlasky)
- d06a372 cleanup per cr (@dlasky)
- 1fa73e4 Changed mm-datepicker default date rangeDescription from "Selected a Predefined Date Range" to "Select a Predefined Date Range" (@jeremysklarsky)
- dc92d40 cleanup (@dlasky)
- 9a2fe4d tests
- 71042cb range setting fixes on dp
- fa4a703 wip (@dlasky)
- 744b693 ajax wip (@dlasky)
- fe3f4fd tick polymer to 106 (@dlasky)
- 0271253 abort support for request queue (@dlasky)
- 2d88ef5 process hook support for q (@dlasky)
- 40c752b cleaned up failure states in reqQ (@dlasky)
- c764c9e request (@dlasky)
- 97643b8 req Q wip (@dlasky)
- 1595039 request (@dlasky)
- 2026370 moving back to official vulcanize now that its ported (@dlasky)
- 3c33673 Calculate on focus (@anthonykoerber)
- 4c7e61a Fixed bug in Shadow DOM (@shuwen)
- 4bdba33 Added mm-dialog (@shuwen)
- 5c35cc2 WIP mm-scroll-panel port (@anthonykoerber)
- c3f88e5 Ported mm-spinner and mm-loader to 1.0 (@shuwen)
- fec4602 Update mm-checkbox (@anthonykoerber)
- af39305 ajax to object wip -- (@dlasky)
- e0bec42 WIP mm-input port (@anthonykoerber)
- 4291ec6 better target support on resizable (@dlasky)
- 801b3ae added resize target to resizable (@dlasky)
- c55059f simplify "shared" live task
- 4437206 fix for dom normalization causing e to always exist (@dlasky)
- 3ce272e fix namespace on WindowNotifier behavior
- d8d5000 Adding mm-progress-bar (@shuwen)
- dde3df8 first pass at localstore (@dlasky)
- 66463e0 mm-list-item port (@dlasky)
- c946970 resizable behavior (polling) (@dlasky)
- 9e1de6f behaviors support for local dev (@dlasky)
- 1546bac update to .4 (@dlasky)
- e051b39 list item port (@dlasky)
- 5f59524 removed items list from mutable, fixed an error with length checking (@dlasky)
- 9868f9c mm-footer port to 1.0 (@anthonykoerber)
- 1540a9b less breaking when no items (@dlasky)
- cb6fd58 remove item notifier component (@dlasky)
- dc6912c add dom mutable behavior (@dlasky)
- dc1e7b7 port mm-radio to 1.0
- 621359e modal port (@dlasky)
- f2c8e2b mm-footer complete (@anthonykoerber)
- 3a06770 mm-checkbox docs update for 1.0 port (@anthonykoerber)
- bda1ca6 move dev pages to wclite (@dlasky)
- aeb2431 mm-checkbox port to 1.0 (@anthonykoerber)
- ed40be1 use webcomponents-lite in mm-button index (@anthonykoerber)
- f4306b0 remove strand stub and window notifier from lib (@dlasky)
- 696184e stackable fixes (@dlasky)
- 85f8b59 fix a naming conflict with native method (derp) (@dlasky)
- 9faf714 refactor mm-inline-box to polymer 1.0
- 110e8af porting stack manager to behavior (@dlasky)
- f983815 namespace library code to StrandLib.xyz (@dlasky)
- 10be620 moving window notifier to behavior (@dlasky)
- 554c9b6 add headers (oops) (@dlasky)
- aa8a033 switching to polymer gestures for 'down' since they aren't global anymore (@dlasky)
- fce1285 Remove sassShadowFix (@anthonykoerber)
- b33ab4a mm-button cleanup (@anthonykoerber)
- 1b5a61f Port mm-button to 1.0 (@anthonykoerber)
- c85955e removed commented code (@dlasky)
- 86d0b26 closable behavior (@dlasky)
- fd5ee5b Add correct IIF and scope (@anthonykoerber)
- 9526e84 split closing behavior from auto closing (for ddl, etc) (@dlasky)
- 07d9a7d fix typing (@dlasky)
- 183b543 remove close manager (replaced by closable behavior) (@dlasky)
- 06a16df cleanup (@dlasky)
- 5b288f5 added reflect to size (@dlasky)
- efd2cc4 now with more working (@dlasky)
- 9b97d0a export for icon (@dlasky)
- a1479ca mm-action port to 1.0 (@anthonykoerber)
- 3ae69ce slightly cleaner (@dlasky)
- a29a354 icon port wip (@dlasky)
- d89ec60 updated library format (@dlasky)
- 6deac0c first pass at styling template methods (@dlasky)
- 0b6e6bf header (@dlasky)
- 22b11e9 initial 1.0 (@dlasky)
- 340ad67 Release v1.1.1
- 32eff76 simplify release build script
- a44f3ed Update mm-group.scss (@anthonykoerber)
- ad5c7bb datepicker end date override fix (@dlasky)
- f566b77 fix docs webcomponents.js import
- 395c3c3 move moment.js to bower "dependencies"
- ab923f0 fix gh-pages repo
- d1bd7d1 Release v1.1.0
- b186c32 add change log generation and modify grunt release
- 0a6b50c remove all home rolled flex box mixins (@anthonykoerber)
- 9cffc1e Add Datepicker Component (@dlasky)
- 07e1e82 Dev/fwrk 291 from ui-framework (@anthonykoerber)
- cf5805d fix live build from stepping on docs
- a21d7da Edits to documentation (@anthonykoerber)
- 1aa5b86 add mm-drawer component
- 6e998c9 initial pass at merge (@anthonykoerber)
- 6c0bc1d fix tooltip template inflation
- 3c9b2d3 integrate mm-icon changes from ui-framework repo (@anthonykoerber)
- 2f659a7 fix grid layout bugs and columnOverrideMap issue
- 8fdb311 add conditional disabled to mm-input and mm-textarea
- eaafaf2 add reset method to dropdown
- 8191d5d refactor Measure.js to be utility library
- 96662e2 include src folder in bower
- c600537 fix build to replace bower paths before making docs and release
- 1a818d9 Edit grammar and capitalization (@Apophenia)
- 7e55737 Edit spelling and capitalization (@Apophenia)
- 35591c0 Add strand logo to README (@derekolson)
- f51bc37 exclude polymer.html from strand lib to utilize bower dependency