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Known Issues and Workarounds

Christopher Watford edited this page Jan 13, 2021 · 18 revisions

Running under Java 9+

(Only applies to releases before 0.45.2)

Java 9 includes a new way to split libraries ("JAR" files) into modules. This means that some Java classes, which were until Java 8 part of the normal Java installation, aren't automatically found. Adding the following to the command line or the *.l4j.ini files (Windows package) or the value for DEFAULT_JVM_OPTS in the startup scripts (generic package) fixes it for now.


Weird artifacts/Screen Distortions

You can try one of these solutions. Adding the following flags in the Megamek.l4j.ini and Mekhq.l4j.ini file

-Xmx1200m -Dsun.java2d.d3d=false


-Xmx1200m -Dsun.java2d.opengl=true

If you've edited your ini files previously to increase memory to the programs you can keep the value in the Xmx comment. i.e it could be

-Xmx2048m -Dsun.java2d.d3d=false


-Xmx2048m -Dsun.java2d.opengl=true

Exporting PDFs in MegaMekLab

Modern fonts contain characters that MML's PDF exporting system cannot handle (up to 0.47.16). You will notice this problem as being able to select the font in MML but exporting the record sheet as a PDF results in a font like Times New Roman or Arial being used in the PDF. Updating the PDF exporting system to support modern fonts is expected in the 0.49 development line.

Clearing the Font Cache

If you run into an issue with fonts when exporting PDFs, you can delete the font cache folder used by Apache FOP:

  • Windows: %USERHOME%.fop
  • Linux: ~/.fop
  • MacOS: ~/.fop
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