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Script error at GUIMinimap #29

GhoulofGSG9 opened this issue May 20, 2016 · 0 comments

Script error at GUIMinimap #29

GhoulofGSG9 opened this issue May 20, 2016 · 0 comments


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GhoulofGSG9 commented May 20, 2016

[Client] Script Error #1: lua/GUIMinimap.lua:383: Attempt to access an object that no longer exists (was type GUIItem)
Call stack:
#1: __index [C]:-1
#2: lua/GUIMinimap.lua:383
r = "255"
g = "255"
b = "255"
a = "165.75"
(for generator) = function
(for state) = {10= {origin=cdata, text=userdata }, 11= {origin=cdata, text=userdata }, 12= {origin=cdata, text=userdata }, 13= {origin=cdata, text=userdata }, 1= {origin=cdata, text=userdata }, 2= {origin=cdata, text=userdata }, 3= {origin=cdata, text=userdata }, 4= {origin=cdata, text=userdata }, 5= {origin=cdata, text=userdata }, 6= {origin=cdata, text=userdata }, 7= {origin=cdata, text=userdata }, 8= {origin=cdata, text=userdata }, 9= {origin=cdata, text=userdata } }
(for control) = 1
_ = 1
locationItem = {origin=cdata, text=userdata }
#3: ConsoleCommand [C]:-1
#4: applyFunction lua/NS2Plus/Client/CHUD_Options.lua:903
#5: CHUDSetOption lua/NS2Plus/Client/CHUD_Settings.lua:142
key = "locationalpha"
value = 65
setValue = 0.65
#6: CHUDSliderCallback lua/NS2Plus/Client/CHUD_MainMenu.lua:16
elemId = "CHUD_LocationAlpha"
key = "locationalpha"
multiplier = 100
minValue = 0
maxValue = 1
elem = SlideBar { }
value = 65
#7: OnSlide lua/NS2Plus/Client/CHUD_MainMenu.lua:549
value = {OnSlide=function }
interest = 0.65
#8: UpdateSlidePercentage lua/menu/SlideBar.lua:289
self = SlideBar { }
slideFractionX = 0.65
slideFractionY = -0.75
parent = Form { }
(for generator) = function
(for state) = {1= {Interest=2, Object= {OnSlide=function } } }
(for control) = 1
index = 1
listener = {Interest=2, Object= {OnSlide=function } }
interest = 2
value = 0.65
#9: Scroll lua/menu/SlideBar.lua:95
self = SlideBar { }
newPos = cdata
buttonMaxSize = cdata
buttonMinSize = cdata
buttonSize = cdata
slideBarSize = cdata
horizontal = true
maxPos = cdata
pos = cdata
slideFractionX = 0.65
slideFractionY = -0.75
#10: SetValue lua/menu/SlideBar.lua:262
self = SlideBar { }
value = 0.64999997615814
minButtonSize = cdata
maxButtonSize = cdata
buttonSize = cdata
slideBarSize = cdata
backgroundSize = 265
#11: InitOptionWindow lua/NS2Plus/Client/CHUD_MainMenu.lua:270
(for generator) = function
(for state) = {assistscolor= {applyFunction=function, category="hud", currentValue=12566297, defaultValue=12566297, inputClass="colorpicker_input", label="Assists popup color", name="CHUD_AssistsPopupColor", resetSettingInBuild=264, sort="A12", tooltip="Changes the color of the assists popup.", valueType="color" }, av_desaturation= {applyFunction=function, category="ui", currentValue=0, defaultValue=0, helpImage="ui/helpImages/", helpImageSize=cdata, label="Alien Vision Desaturation", name="CHUD_AVDesaturation", resetSettingInBuild=237, sort="C16", tooltip="Switches between different types of desaturation.", type="select", valueType="int", values= {1="None", 2="Full Scene", 3="Desaturate Distance" } }, av_desaturationintensity= {applyFunction=function, category="ui", currentValue=0.25, defaultValue=0.25, inputClass="option_input_chud", label="Desaturation Intensity", maxValue=1, minValue=0, name="CHUD_AVDesaturationIntensity", sort="C17", tooltip="Sets the desaturation amount.", type="slider", valueType="float" }, av_distantcolor= {applyFunction=function, category="ui", currentValue=65280, defaultValue=65280, inputClass="colorpicker_input", label="Alien Vision distant color", name="CHUD_AVDistantColor", sort="C10", tooltip="Sets the distant color in Alien Vision.", valueType="color" }, av_distantintensity= {applyFunction=function, category="ui", currentValue=1, defaultValue=1, inputClass="option_input_chud", label="Distant Color Intensity", maxValue=2, minValue=-0.1, name="CHUD_AVDistantIntensity", sort="C11", tooltip="Sets the 'brightness' value of the Distant Color.", type="slider", valueType="float" }, av_edgesize= {applyFunction=function, category="ui", currentValue=0.4, defaultValue=0.4, inputClass="option_input_chud", label="Alien Vision Edge thickness", maxValue=2, minValue=0, name="CHUD_AVEdgeSize", sort="C15", tooltip="Sets the thickness of edges in alien vision.", type="slider", valueType="float" }, av_offstyle= {applyFunction=function, category="ui", currentValue=0, defaultValue=0, helpImage="ui/helpImages/", helpImageSize=cdata, label="Alien Vision Disabled Style", name="CHUD_AVOffStyle", sort="C07", tooltip="Switches between different options for when Alien Vision is disabled.", type="select", valueType="int", values= {1="Nothing", 2="Minimal world edges", 3="Coloured edges" } }, crosshairscale= {applyFunction=function, category="ui", currentValue=1, defaultValue=1, inputClass="option_input_chud", label="Crosshair scale", maxValue=2, minValue=0.01, multiplier=100, name="CHUD_CrosshairScale", sort="A05", tooltip="Lets you increase or decrease the size of your crosshair.", type="slider", valueType="float" }, damagenumbertime= {category="damage", currentValue=1, defaultValue=1, inputClass="option_input_chud", label="Damage number fade time", maxValue=3, minValue=0, name="CHUD_DamageNumberTime", sort="A05", tooltip="Controls how long damage numbers are on screen.", type="slider", valueType="float" }, fov_m= {applyFunction=function, category="misc", currentValue=0, defaultValue=0, ignoreCasterMode=true, inputClass="option_input_chud", label="Marine FOV", maxValue=1, minValue=0, multiplier=20, name="CHUD_FOV_M", sort="A08", tooltip="FOV for marines.", type="slider", valueType="float" }, hitsounds= {category="sound", children= {1="hitsounds_pitch" }, currentValue=0, defaultValue=0, hideValues= {1=0 }, inputClass="option_input_chud", label="Hitsounds", name="CHUD_Hitsounds", sort="A01", tooltip="Chooses between different server confirmed hitsounds.", type="select", valueTable= {1="null", 2="sound/hitsounds.fev/hitsounds/q3", 3="sound/hitsounds.fev/hitsounds/q4", 4="sound/hitsounds.fev/hitsounds/dys" }, valueType="int", values= {1="Vanilla", 2="Quake 3", 3="Quake 4", 4="Dystopia" } }, killfeediconscale= {applyFunction=function, category="hud", currentValue=1, defaultValue=1, inputClass="option_input_chud", label="Killfeed icon scale", maxValue=2, minValue=1, multiplier=100, name="CHUD_KillFeedIconScale", sort="A05", tooltip="Lets you scale the size of the icons in the killfeed.", type="slider", valueType="float" }, locationalpha= {applyFunction=function, category="minimap", currentValue=0.65, defaultValue=0.65, inputClass="option_input_chud", label="Location text opacity", maxValue=1, minValue=0, multiplier=100, name="CHUD_LocationAlpha", sort="A02", tooltip="Sets the trasparency of the location text on the minimap.", type="slider", valueType="float" }, mingui= {applyFunction=function, category="ui", currentValue=false, defaultValue=false, label="Minimal GUI", name="CHUD_MinGUI", sort="A01", tooltip="Removes backgrounds/scanlines from all UI elements.", type="select", valueType="bool", values= {1="Off", 2="On" } }, minimapalpha= {applyFunction=function, category="minimap", currentValue=0.85, defaultValue=0.85, inputClass="option_input_chud", label="Overview opacity", maxValue=1, minValue=0, multiplier=100, name="CHUD_MinimapAlpha", sort="A01", tooltip="Sets the trasparency of the map overview.", type="slider", valueType="float" }, minimaptoggle= {category="minimap", currentValue=0, defaultValue=0, label="Minimap key behavior", name="CHUD_MinimapToggle", sort="A05", tooltip="Lets you make the minimap key a toggle instead of holding.", type="select", valueType="int", values= {1="Hold", 2="Toggle" } }, minwps= {category="hud", currentValue=false, defaultValue=false, helpImage="ui/helpImages/", helpImageSize=cdata, label="Minimal waypoints", name="CHUD_MinWaypoints", sort="A14", tooltip="Toggles all text/backgrounds and only leaves the waypoint icon.", type="select", valueType="bool", values= {1="Off", 2="On" } }, nsllights= {applyFunction=function, category="graphics", currentValue=false, defaultValue=false, label="High performance lights", name="lowLights", sort="A04", tooltip="Replaces the low quality option lights with the lights from the NSL maps which have the lowest light count. Requires low quality lights in the vanilla graphics option.", type="select", valueType="bool", values= {1="Off", 2="On" } }, overheadsmoothing= {category="minimap", currentValue=true, defaultValue=true, label="Spectator overhead smoothing", name="CHUD_OverheadSmoothing", sort="A06", tooltip="Toggles between smoothed and instant camera movement when clicking on the minimap as an overhead spectator.", type="select", valueType="bool", values= {1="Instant", 2="Smoothed" } }, pglines= {category="minimap", currentValue=3, defaultValue=3, label="Phase Gate Lines", name="CHUD_MapConnectorLines", sort="A04", tooltip="Cutomizes the look of the PG lines in the minimap.", type="select", valueType="int", values= {1="Solid line", 2="Static arrows", 3="Animated lines", 4="Animated arrows" } }, pickupexpire= {applyFunction=function, category="hud", currentValue=2, defaultValue=2, label="Pickup expiration bar", name="CHUD_PickupExpire", resetSettingInBuild=191, sort="A16", tooltip="Adds a bar indicating the time left for the pickupable to disappear.", type="select", valueType="int", values= {1="Disabled", 2="Equipment Only", 3="All pickupables" } }, sbcenter= {category="stats", currentValue=true, defaultValue=true, label="Auto-center scoreboard", name="CHUD_SBCenter", sort="A01", tooltip="Enable or disable the scoreboard scrolling to your entry in the scoreboard automatically after opening it.", type="select", valueType="bool", values= {1="Off", 2="On" } }, score= {category="hud", children= {1="scorecolor" }, currentValue=true, defaultValue=true, hideValues= {1=false }, label="Score popup", name="CHUD_ScorePopup", sort="A09", tooltip="Disables or enables score popup (+5).", type="select", valueType="bool", values= {1="Off", 2="On" } }, sensitivity_m= {applyFunction=function, category="misc", currentValue=2, defaultValue=2, ignoreCasterMode=true, inputClass="option_input_chud", label="Marine sensitivity", maxValue=20, minValue=0.01, multiplier=1, name="CHUD_Sensitivity_M", sort="A05", tooltip="Sensitivity for marines.", type="slider", valueType="float" }, showcomm= {applyFunction=function, category="ui", currentValue=true, defaultValue=true, label="Comm name/Team res", name="CHUD_CommName", sort="A03", tooltip="Enables or disables showing the commander name and team resources.", type="select", valueType="bool", values= {1="Off", 2="On" } }, tracers= {category="graphics", currentValue=true, defaultValue=true, label="Weapon tracers", name="CHUD_Tracers", sort="A08", tooltip="Enables or disables weapon tracers.", type="select", valueType="bool", values= {1="Off", 2="On" } }, unlocks= {category="ui", currentValue=true, defaultValue=true, label="Research notifications", name="CHUD_Unlocks", sort="A07", tooltip="Enables or disables the research completed notifications on the right side of the screen.", type="select", valueType="bool", values= {1="Off", 2="On" } } }
(for control) = nan
idx = "locationalpha"
option = {applyFunction=function, category="minimap", currentValue=0.65, defaultValue=0.65, inputClass="option_input_chud", label="Location text opacity", maxValue=1, minValue=0, multiplier=100, name="CHUD_LocationAlpha", sort="A02", tooltip="Sets the trasparency of the location text on the minimap.", type="slider", valueType="float" }
minValue = 0
maxValue = 1
#12: CreateCHUDOptionWindow lua/NS2Plus/Client/CHUD_MainMenu.lua:416
self = GUIMainMenu { }
InitOptionWindow = function
content = ContentBox { }
back = MenuButton { }
resetCallbacks = {OnClick=function, OnMouseOut=function, OnMouseOver=function }
resetButton = MenuButton { }
changelogButton = MenuButton { }
kChangeURL = ""
OptionsMenuTable = {minimap= {10= {applyFunction=function, category="minimap", currentValue=55551, defaultValue=55551, inputClass="colorpicker_input", label="Marine minimap player color", name="CHUD_PlayerColor_M", resetSettingInBuild=264, sort="A10", tooltip="Sets the color of marine players in the minimap different from the structures.", valueType="color" }, 11= {category="minimap", currentValue=16747008, defaultValue=16747008, inputClass="colorpicker_input", label="Alien minimap player color", name="CHUD_PlayerColor_A", resetSettingInBuild=264, sort="A11", tooltip="Sets the color of alien players in the minimap different from the structures.", valueType="color" }, 12= {category="minimap", children= {1="commhighlightcolor" }, currentValue=true, defaultValue=true, hideValues= {1=false }, label="(Comm) Building highlight", name="CHUD_CommHighlight", sort="A12", tooltip="Highlights the buildings of the same type that you're about to drop in the minimap in a different color.", type="select", valueType="bool", values= {1="Off", 2="On" } }, 13= {category="minimap", currentValue=16776960, defaultValue=16776960, inputClass="colorpicker_input", label="(Comm) Building highlight color", name="CHUD_CommHighlightColor", sort="A13", tooltip="Selects the color of the building highlight.", valueType="color" }, 1= {applyFunction=function, category="minimap", currentValue=0.85, defaultValue=0.85, inputClass="option_input_chud", label="Overview opacity", maxValue=1, minValue=0, multiplier=100, name="CHUD_MinimapAlpha", sort="A01", tooltip="Sets the trasparency of the map overview.", type="slider", valueType="float" }, 2= {applyFunction=function, category="minimap", currentValue=0.65, defaultValue=0.65, inputClass="option_input_chud", label="Location text opacity", maxValue=1, minValue=0, multiplier=100, name="CHUD_LocationAlpha", sort="A02", tooltip="Sets the trasparency of the location text on the minimap.", type="slider", valueType="float" }, 3= {applyFunction=function, category="minimap", currentValue=true, defaultValue=true, label="Friends highlighting"..., misc= {10= {applyFunction=function, category="misc", currentValue=true, defaultValue=true, label="Weapon autopickup", name="CHUD_AutoPickup", sort="A10", tooltip="Picks up weapons automatically as long as the slot they belong to is empty.", type="select", valueType="bool", values= {1="Off", 2="On" } }, 11= {applyFunction=function, category="misc", currentValue=false, defaultValue=false, label="Autopickup better weapon", name="CHUD_AutoPickupBetter", sort="A11", tooltip="Picks up better weapons in the primary slot automatically.", type="select", valueType="bool", values= {1="Off", 2="On" } }, 12= {applyFunction=function, category="misc", children= {1="drawviewmodel_m", 2="drawviewmodel_a", 3="drawviewmodel_exo" }, currentValue=0, defaultValue=0, hideValues= {1=0, 2=1 }, label="Draw viewmodel", name="CHUD_DrawViewModel", resetSettingInBuild=290, sort="A12", tooltip="Enables or disables showing the viewmodel.", type="select", valueType="int", values= {1="Display all", 2="Hide all", 3="Custom" } }, 13= {applyFunction=function, category="misc", currentValue=true, defaultValue=true, label="Marine viewmodel", name="CHUD_DrawViewModel_M", sort="A13", tooltip="Enables or disables showing the marine viewmodel.", type="select", valueType="bool", values= {1="Hide", 2="Display" } }, 14= {applyFunction=function, category="misc", currentValue=true, defaultValue=true, label="Alien viewmodel", name="CHUD_DrawViewModel_A", sort="A14", tooltip="Enables or disables showing the alien viewmodel.", type="select", valueType="bool", values= {1="Hide", 2="Display" } }, 15= {applyFunction=function, category="misc", currentValue=true, defaultValue=true, label="Exo viewmodel", name="CHUD_DrawViewModel_Exo", sort="A15", tooltip="Enables or disables showing the exo viewmodel.", type="select", valueType="bool", values= {1="Hide", 2="Display" } }, 16= {category="misc", currentValue=true, defaultValue=true, label="(Comm) Marine Click Selection", name="CHUD_MarineCommSelect", sort="B01", tooltip="Lets you disable click selecting for Marines.", type="se..., sound= {1= {category="sound", children= {1="hitsounds_pitch" }, currentValue=0, defaultValue=0, hideValues= {1=0 }, inputClass="option_input_chud", label="Hitsounds", name="CHUD_Hitsounds", sort="A01", tooltip="Chooses between different server confirmed hitsounds.", type="select", valueTable= {1="null", 2="sound/hitsounds.fev/hitsounds/q3", 3="sound/hitsounds.fev/hitsounds/q4", 4="sound/hitsounds.fev/hitsounds/dys" }, valueType="int", values= {1="Vanilla", 2="Quake 3", 3="Quake 4", 4="Dystopia" } }, 2= {category="sound", currentValue=0, defaultValue=0, inputClass="option_input_chud", label="Hitsounds pitch modifier", name="CHUD_HitsoundsPitch", sort="A02", tooltip="Sets the pitch for high damage hits on variable damage weapons. This setting has no effect for vanilla hitsounds.", type="select", valueType="int", values= {1="Low pitch", 2="High pitch" } }, 3= {applyFunction=function, applyOnLoadComplete=true, category="sound", currentValue=true, defaultValue=true, label="Ambient sounds", name="CHUD_Ambient", sort="A03", tooltip="Enables or disables map ambient sounds.", type="select", valueType="bool", values= {1="Off", 2="On" } } }, stats= {1= {category="stats", currentValue=true, defaultValue=true, label="Auto-center scoreboard", name="CHUD_SBCenter", sort="A01", tooltip="Enable or disable the scoreboard scrolling to your entry in the scoreboard automatically after opening it.", type="select", valueType="bool", values= {1="Off", 2="On" } }, 2= {applyFunction=function, category="stats", currentValue=false, defaultValue=false, label="KDA/KAD", name="CHUD_KDA", sort="A02", tooltip="Switches the scoreboard columns between KAD and KDA.", type="select", valueType="bool", values= {1="KAD", 2="KDA" } }, 3= {category="stats", currentValue=2, defaultValue=2, disabledValue=0, label="Stats UI", name="CHUD_DeathStats", sort="A03", tooltip="Enables or disables the stats you get after you die and at the end of the round. Also visible on voiceover menu (default: X).", type="select", valueType="int", values= {1="Fully disabled", 2="Only voiceover menu", 3="Enabled" } }, 4= {category="stats", currentValue=0, defaultValue=0, label="End Game Stats UI Order", name="CHUD_EndStatsOrder", sort="A04", tooltip="Sets the order in which the stats after a round ends are displayed.", type="select", valueType="int", values= {1="Team stats first", 2="Personal stats first" } } }, ui= {10= {applyFunction=function, category="ui", currentValue=true, defaultValue=true, label="Marine comm actions", name="CHUD_CommActions", sort="B02", tooltip="Shows or hides the last commander actions.", type="select", valueType="bool", values= {1="Off", 2="On" } }, 11= {applyFunction=function, category="ui", currentValue=true, defaultValue=true, label="Marine health bars", name="CHUD_HPBar", sort="B03", tooltip="Enables or disables the health bars from the bottom left of the marine HUD and only leaves the numbers.", type="select", valueType="bool", values= {1="Off", 2="On" } }, 12= {applyFunction=function, category="ui", currentValue=1, defaultValue=1, helpImage="ui/helpImages/", helpImageSize=cdata, label="Upgrade level UI", name="CHUD_UpgradeLevel", sort="B04", tooltip="Changes between disabled, default or old icons for marine upgrades.", type="select", valueType="int", values= {1="Disabled", 2="Default", 3="NS2 Beta" } }, 13= {category="ui", currentValue=true, defaultValue=true, helpImage="ui/helpImages/", helpImageSize=cdata, label="Show welder as upgrade", name="CHUD_WelderUp", resetSettingInBuild=262, sort="B05", tooltip="When you have a welder it shows up under the armor and weapon level.", type="select", valueType="bool", values= {1="Disabled", 2="Enabled" } }, 14= {applyFunction=function, category="ui", currentValue=false, defaultValue=false, label="Classic ammo counter", name="CHUD_ClassicAmmo", sort="B06", tooltip="Enables or disables a classic ammo counter on the bottom right of the marine HUD, above the personal resources text.", type="select", valueType="bool", values= {1="Off", 2="On" } }, 15= {category="ui", currentValue=true, defaultValue=true, helpImage="ui/helpImages/", helpImageSize=cdata, label="Low ammo warning", name="CHUD_LowAmmoWarning", sort="B07", tooltip="Enables or disables the low ammo warning in the weapon displays.", type="select", valueType="bool", values= {1="Disabled", 2="Enabled" } }, 16= {applyFunction=function, category="ui", currentVal... }
categoryOrder = {damage=3, graphics=6, hud=2, minimap=4, misc=8, sound=5, stats=7, ui=1 }
CHUDOptionsSort = function
tabBackground = Image { }
tabAnimateTime = 0.1
#13: callback lua/NS2Plus/Client/CHUD_MainMenu.lua:178
self = Link { }
#14: OnClick lua/menu/MenuElement.lua:707
self = Link { }
(for generator) = function
(for state) = {1=function }
(for control) = 1
_ = 1
callback = function
#15: OnMouseUp lua/menu/WindowManager.lua:152
self = WindowManager { }
key = 120
element = Link { }
window = Window { }
windowLayer = {offset=20, windowOrder= {10=Window { }, 11=Window { }, 12=Window { }, 1=Window { }, 2=Window { }, 3=Window { }, 4=Window { }, 5=Window { }, 6=Window { }, 7=Window { }, 8=Window { }, 9=Window { } }, windows= {10=Window { }, 11=Window { }, 12=Window { }, 1=Window { }, 2=Window { }, 3=Window { }, 4=Window { }, 5=Window { }, 6=Window { }, 7=Window { }, 8=Window { }, 9=Window { } } }
#16: MouseTracker_SendKeyEvent lua/menu/MouseTracker.lua:197
key = 120
down = false
amount = 0
inputBlocked = false
doubleClick = false
stop = false
(for generator) = function
(for state) = {1=WindowManager { }, 2= {OnMouseDown=function, OnMouseMove=function, OnMouseUp=function }, 3= {OnMouseDown=function, OnMouseMove=function, OnMouseUp=function, OnMouseWheel=function } }
(for control) = 1
index = 1
listener = WindowManager { }
#17: lua/InputHandler.lua:226
key = 120
down = false
amount = 0
repeated = false

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1 participant