diff --git a/apps/playground/src/pages/apis/data/value/accessor.tsx b/apps/playground/src/pages/apis/data/value/accessor.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..dfebc7447
--- /dev/null
+++ b/apps/playground/src/pages/apis/data/value/accessor.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
+import { MeshValue } from "@meshsdk/common";
+import LiveCodeDemo from "~/components/sections/live-code-demo";
+import TwoColumnsScroll from "~/components/sections/two-columns-scroll";
+import { mockUnit } from "./";
+export default function ValueAccessor() {
+ return (
+ );
+function Left() {
+ return (
+ <>
+ >
+ );
+function Section1() {
+ return (
+ <>
+ get
get the quantity of asset object per unit, with
+ parameters
+ -
+ unit - the unit of the assets e.g. lovelace
+ >
+ );
+function Section2() {
+ return (
+ <>
+ units
get all asset units with no parameters (e.g. unit)
+ needed
+ >
+ );
+function Right() {
+ return (
+ <>
+ >
+ );
+function getCode() {
+ return `
+ import { MeshValue } from "@meshsdk/common";
+ const value = new MeshValue({ lovelace: 20n });
+ return value.get("lovelace");
+ `;
+async function runGetDemo() {
+ const value = new MeshValue({ lovelace: 20n });
+ value.get("lovelace");
+ return value;
+function getCode2() {
+ return `
+ import { MeshValue } from "@meshsdk/common";
+ const value = new MeshValue({
+ lovelace: 20n,
+ [mockUnit]: 10n,
+ });
+ return value.units();
+ `;
+async function runUnitsDemo() {
+ const value = new MeshValue({
+ lovelace: 20n,
+ [mockUnit]: 10n,
+ });
+ return value.units();
diff --git a/apps/playground/src/pages/apis/data/value/comparator.tsx b/apps/playground/src/pages/apis/data/value/comparator.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..cfbf70fba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/apps/playground/src/pages/apis/data/value/comparator.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,283 @@
+import { MeshValue } from "@meshsdk/common";
+import LiveCodeDemo from "~/components/sections/live-code-demo";
+import TwoColumnsScroll from "~/components/sections/two-columns-scroll";
+export default function ValueComparator() {
+ return (
+ );
+function Left() {
+ return (
+ <>
+ >
+ );
+function Section1() {
+ return (
+ <>
+ geq
Check if the value is greater than or equal to another
+ value with parameters:
+ -
+ other - The MeshValue to compare against
+ >
+ );
+function Section2() {
+ return (
+ <>
+ geqUnit
Check if the value is greater than or equal to
+ another value with parameters:
+ -
+ unit - The unit to compare
+ -
+ other - The MeshValue to compare against
+ >
+ );
+function Section3() {
+ return (
+ <>
+ leq
Check if the value is less than or equal to another
+ value with parameters:
+ -
+ other - The MeshValue to compare against
+ >
+ );
+function Section4() {
+ return (
+ <>
+ leqUnit
Check if the specific unit of value is less than or
+ equal to that unit of another value with parameters:
+ -
+ unit - The unit to compare
+ -
+ other - The MeshValue to compare against
+ >
+ );
+function Section5() {
+ return (
+ <>
+ isEmpty
Check if the value is empty
+ >
+ );
+function Right() {
+ return (
+ <>
+ >
+ );
+function getCode() {
+ return `
+ import { MeshValue } from "@meshsdk/common";
+ const value = new MeshValue({
+ lovelace: 20n,
+ c21d710605bb00e69f3c175150552fc498316d80e7efdb1b186db38c000643b04d65736820676f6f64: 10n });
+ const target = new MeshValue({
+ lovelace: 10n,
+ c21d710605bb00e69f3c175150552fc498316d80e7efdb1b186db38c000643b04d65736820676f6f64: 5n });
+ return value.geq(target);
+ `;
+async function rungeqDemo() {
+ const value = new MeshValue({
+ lovelace: 20n,
+ c21d710605bb00e69f3c175150552fc498316d80e7efdb1b186db38c000643b04d65736820676f6f64:
+ 10n,
+ });
+ const target = new MeshValue({
+ lovelace: 10n,
+ c21d710605bb00e69f3c175150552fc498316d80e7efdb1b186db38c000643b04d65736820676f6f64:
+ 5n,
+ });
+ return value.geq(target);
+function getCode2() {
+ return `
+ import { MeshValue } from "@meshsdk/common";
+ const value = new MeshValue({
+ lovelace: 20n,
+ c21d710605bb00e69f3c175150552fc498316d80e7efdb1b186db38c000643b04d65736820676f6f64:
+ 10n,
+ });
+ const target = new MeshValue({
+ lovelace: 10n,
+ c21d710605bb00e69f3c175150552fc498316d80e7efdb1b186db38c000643b04d65736820676f6f64:
+ 5n,
+ });
+ const resultLovelace = value.geqUnit("lovelace", target);
+ const resultmockvalue = value.geqUnit(
+ "c21d710605bb00e69f3c175150552fc498316d80e7efdb1b186db38c000643b04d65736820676f6f64",
+ target,
+ );
+ return { resultLovelace, resultmockvalue };
+ `;
+async function runmgeqUnitDemo() {
+ const value = new MeshValue({
+ lovelace: 20n,
+ c21d710605bb00e69f3c175150552fc498316d80e7efdb1b186db38c000643b04d65736820676f6f64:
+ 10n,
+ });
+ const target = new MeshValue({
+ lovelace: 10n,
+ c21d710605bb00e69f3c175150552fc498316d80e7efdb1b186db38c000643b04d65736820676f6f64:
+ 5n,
+ });
+ const resultLovelace = value.geqUnit("lovelace", target);
+ const resultmockvalue = value.geqUnit(
+ "c21d710605bb00e69f3c175150552fc498316d80e7efdb1b186db38c000643b04d65736820676f6f64",
+ target,
+ );
+ return { resultLovelace, resultmockvalue };
+function getCode3() {
+ return `
+ import { MeshValue } from "@meshsdk/common";
+ const value = new MeshValue({ lovelace: 20n, "c21d710605bb00e69f3c175150552fc498316d80e7efdb1b186db38c000643b04d65736820676f6f64": 10n });
+ const target = new MeshValue({ lovelace: 30n, "c21d710605bb00e69f3c175150552fc498316d80e7efdb1b186db38c000643b04d65736820676f6f64": 15n });
+ return value.leq(target);
+ `;
+async function runleqDemo() {
+ const value = new MeshValue({
+ lovelace: 20n,
+ c21d710605bb00e69f3c175150552fc498316d80e7efdb1b186db38c000643b04d65736820676f6f64:
+ 10n,
+ });
+ const target = new MeshValue({
+ lovelace: 30n,
+ c21d710605bb00e69f3c175150552fc498316d80e7efdb1b186db38c000643b04d65736820676f6f64:
+ 15n,
+ });
+ return value.leq(target);
+function getCode4() {
+ return `
+ import { MeshValue } from "@meshsdk/common";
+ const value = new MeshValue();
+ value.value = { lovelace: 20n, [mockUnit]: 10n };
+ value.negateAssets([
+ { unit: "lovelace", quantity: "5" },
+ { unit: mockUnit, quantity: "3" },
+ ]);
+ return value.value;
+ `;
+async function runleqUnitDemo() {
+ const value = new MeshValue({
+ lovelace: 20n,
+ c21d710605bb00e69f3c175150552fc498316d80e7efdb1b186db38c000643b04d65736820676f6f64:
+ 10n,
+ });
+ const target = new MeshValue({
+ lovelace: 30n,
+ c21d710605bb00e69f3c175150552fc498316d80e7efdb1b186db38c000643b04d65736820676f6f64:
+ 15n,
+ });
+ const resultLovelace = value.leqUnit("lovelace", target);
+ const resultmockvalue = value.leqUnit(
+ "c21d710605bb00e69f3c175150552fc498316d80e7efdb1b186db38c000643b04d65736820676f6f64",
+ target,
+ );
+ return { resultLovelace, resultmockvalue };
+function getCode5() {
+ return `
+ import { MeshValue } from "@meshsdk/common";
+ const value = new MeshValue();
+ return value.isEmpty();
+ `;
+async function runisEmptyDemo() {
+ const value = new MeshValue();
+ return value.isEmpty();
diff --git a/apps/playground/src/pages/apis/data/value/convertor.tsx b/apps/playground/src/pages/apis/data/value/convertor.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e62b2e2b2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/apps/playground/src/pages/apis/data/value/convertor.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,388 @@
+import {
+ Asset,
+ byteString,
+ dict,
+ Dict,
+ Integer,
+ integer,
+ MeshValue,
+ MValue,
+ mValue,
+ Value,
+ value,
+} from "@meshsdk/common";
+import { assocMap, currencySymbol, tokenName } from "@meshsdk/core";
+import LiveCodeDemo from "~/components/sections/live-code-demo";
+import TwoColumnsScroll from "~/components/sections/two-columns-scroll";
+export default function ValueConvertor() {
+ return (
+ );
+function Left() {
+ return (
+ <>
+ >
+ );
+function Section1() {
+ return (
+ <>
+ value
converts assets into Cardano data Value in JSON with
+ parameters:
+ -
+ val - Asset[] to convert
+ >
+ );
+function Section2() {
+ return (
+ <>
+ mValue
converts assets into Cardano data value in Mesh Data
+ type with parameters:
+ -
+ val - Asset[] to convert
+ >
+ );
+function Section3() {
+ return (
+ <>
+ fromAssets
converts assets into MeshValue with parameters:
+ -
+ assets - the assets to convert
+ >
+ );
+function Section4() {
+ return (
+ <>
+ fromValue
get all asset units with no parameters (e.g.
+ unit) needed
+ -
+ plutusValue - Convert Value (the JSON representation of Cardano
+ data Value) into MeshValue
+ >
+ );
+function Section5() {
+ return (
+ <>
+ toAssets
converts the MeshValue object into an array of
+ Asset
+ >
+ );
+function Section6() {
+ return (
+ <>
+ toData
Convert the MashValue object into Cardano data Value
+ in Mesh Data type
+ >
+ );
+function Section7() {
+ return (
+ <>
+ toJSON
converts the MeshValue object into a JSON
+ representation of Cardano data Value
+ >
+ );
+function Right() {
+ return (
+ <>
+ >
+ );
+function getCode() {
+ return `
+ const val: Asset[] = [{ unit: "lovelace", quantity: "1000000" }];
+ const datum: Value = value(val);
+ const nameMap = dict([[byteString(""), integer(1000000)]]);
+ const valMap = dict>([[byteString(""), nameMap]]);
+ if (JSON.stringify(datum) === JSON.stringify(valMap)) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ `;
+async function runvalueDemo() {
+ const val: Asset[] = [{ unit: "lovelace", quantity: "1000000" }];
+ const datum: Value = value(val);
+ const nameMap = dict([[byteString(""), integer(1000000)]]);
+ const valMap = dict>([[byteString(""), nameMap]]);
+ if (JSON.stringify(datum) === JSON.stringify(valMap)) {
+ return true;
+ }
+function getCode2() {
+ return `
+ const val: Asset[] = [{ unit: "lovelace", quantity: "1000000" }];
+ const datum: MValue = mValue(val);
+ const nameMap = new Map().set("", 1000000);
+ const valMap = new Map().set("", nameMap);
+ if (JSON.stringify(datum) === JSON.stringify(valMap)) {
+ return true;
+ `;
+async function runmValueDemo() {
+ const val: Asset[] = [{ unit: "lovelace", quantity: "1000000" }];
+ const datum: MValue = mValue(val);
+ const nameMap = new Map().set("", 1000000);
+ const valMap = new Map().set("", nameMap);
+ if (JSON.stringify(datum) === JSON.stringify(valMap)) {
+ return true;
+ }
+function getCode3() {
+ return `
+ import { MeshValue } from "@meshsdk/common";
+ const assets: Asset[] = [
+ { unit: "c21d710605bb00e69f3c175150552fc498316d80e7efdb1b186db38c000643b04d65736820676f6f64", quantity: "100" },
+ { unit: "lovelace", quantity: "10" },
+ ];
+ const value = MeshValue.fromAssets(assets);
+ return value;
+ `;
+async function runfromAssetsDemo() {
+ const assets: Asset[] = [
+ {
+ unit: "c21d710605bb00e69f3c175150552fc498316d80e7efdb1b186db38c000643b04d65736820676f6f64",
+ quantity: "100",
+ },
+ { unit: "lovelace", quantity: "10" },
+ ];
+ const value = MeshValue.fromAssets(assets);
+ return value;
+function getCode4() {
+ return `
+ import { MeshValue } from "@meshsdk/common";
+ const val: Asset[] = [{ unit: "lovelace", quantity: "1000000" }];
+ const plutusValue: Value = value(val);
+ const assets: Asset[] = MeshValue.fromValue(plutusValue).toAssets();
+ return assets;
+ `;
+async function runtoAssetsDemo() {
+ const val: Asset[] = [{ unit: "lovelace", quantity: "1000000" }];
+ const plutusValue: Value = value(val);
+ const assets: Asset[] = MeshValue.fromValue(plutusValue).toAssets();
+ return assets;
+function getCode5() {
+ return `
+ import { MeshValue } from "@meshsdk/common";
+ const val: Asset[] = [{ unit: "lovelace", quantity: "1000000" }];
+ const plutusValue: Value = value(val);
+ const assets: Asset[] = MeshValue.fromValue(plutusValue).toAssets();
+ return assets;
+ `;
+async function runfromValueDemo() {
+ const val: Asset[] = [{ unit: "lovelace", quantity: "1000000" }];
+ const plutusValue: Value = value(val);
+ const assets: Asset[] = MeshValue.fromValue(plutusValue).toAssets();
+ return assets;
+function getCode6() {
+ return `
+ import { MeshValue } from "@meshsdk/common";
+ const val: Asset[] = [
+ {
+ unit: "baefdc6c5b191be372a794cd8d40d839ec0dbdd3c28957267dc817001234",
+ quantity: "100",
+ },
+ {
+ unit: "baefdc6c5b191be372a794cd8d40d839ec0dbdd3c28957267dc817001234",
+ quantity: "200",
+ },
+ ];
+ const plutusValue: Value = value(val);
+ const data = MeshValue.fromValue(plutusValue).toData();
+ const expected: MValue = mValue(val);
+ if (JSON.stringify(expected) === JSON.stringify(data)) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ `;
+async function runtoDataDemo() {
+ const val: Asset[] = [
+ {
+ unit: "baefdc6c5b191be372a794cd8d40d839ec0dbdd3c28957267dc817001234",
+ quantity: "100",
+ },
+ {
+ unit: "baefdc6c5b191be372a794cd8d40d839ec0dbdd3c28957267dc817001234",
+ quantity: "200",
+ },
+ ];
+ const plutusValue: Value = value(val);
+ const data = MeshValue.fromValue(plutusValue).toData();
+ const expected: MValue = mValue(val);
+ if (JSON.stringify(expected) === JSON.stringify(data)) {
+ return true;
+ }
+function getCode7() {
+ return `
+ const assets: Asset[] = [
+ { unit: "lovelace", quantity: "1000000" },
+ {
+ unit: "c21d710605bb00e69f3c175150552fc498316d80e7efdb1b186db38c000643b04d65736820676f6f64",
+ quantity: "500",
+ },
+ ];
+ const expectedValue = assocMap([
+ [currencySymbol(""), assocMap([[tokenName(""), integer(1000000)]])],
+ [
+ currencySymbol(
+ "c21d710605bb00e69f3c175150552fc498316d80e7efdb1b186db38c",
+ ),
+ assocMap([[tokenName("000643b04d65736820676f6f64"), integer(500)]]),
+ ],
+ ]);
+ const meshValue = new MeshValue();
+ meshValue.toAssets = () => assets;
+ const jsonValue = meshValue.toJSON();
+ if (JSON.stringify(jsonValue) === JSON.stringify(expectedValue)) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ `;
+async function runtoJSONDemo() {
+ const assets: Asset[] = [
+ { unit: "lovelace", quantity: "1000000" },
+ {
+ unit: "c21d710605bb00e69f3c175150552fc498316d80e7efdb1b186db38c000643b04d65736820676f6f64",
+ quantity: "500",
+ },
+ ];
+ const expectedValue = assocMap([
+ [currencySymbol(""), assocMap([[tokenName(""), integer(1000000)]])],
+ [
+ currencySymbol(
+ "c21d710605bb00e69f3c175150552fc498316d80e7efdb1b186db38c",
+ ),
+ assocMap([[tokenName("000643b04d65736820676f6f64"), integer(500)]]),
+ ],
+ ]);
+ const meshValue = new MeshValue();
+ meshValue.toAssets = () => assets;
+ const jsonValue = meshValue.toJSON();
+ if (JSON.stringify(jsonValue) === JSON.stringify(expectedValue)) {
+ return true;
+ }
diff --git a/apps/playground/src/pages/apis/data/value/index.tsx b/apps/playground/src/pages/apis/data/value/index.tsx
index 89f1d1a6a..0e3e0105b 100644
--- a/apps/playground/src/pages/apis/data/value/index.tsx
+++ b/apps/playground/src/pages/apis/data/value/index.tsx
@@ -157,3 +157,8 @@ const ReactPage: NextPage = () => {
export default ReactPage;
+export const mockPolicyId =
+ "c21d710605bb00e69f3c175150552fc498316d80e7efdb1b186db38c";
+export const mockAssetName = "000643b04d65736820676f6f64";
+export const mockUnit = mockPolicyId + mockAssetName;
diff --git a/apps/playground/src/pages/apis/data/value/operators.tsx b/apps/playground/src/pages/apis/data/value/operators.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..24687ec09
--- /dev/null
+++ b/apps/playground/src/pages/apis/data/value/operators.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,247 @@
+import { Asset, MeshValue } from "@meshsdk/common";
+import LiveCodeDemo from "~/components/sections/live-code-demo";
+import TwoColumnsScroll from "~/components/sections/two-columns-scroll";
+import { mockUnit } from "./";
+export default function ValueOperator() {
+ return (
+ );
+function Left() {
+ return (
+ <>
+ >
+ );
+function Section1() {
+ return (
+ <>
+ addAsset
Add an asset to the Value class's value record
+ with parameters:
+ -
+ asset - Asset to add
+ >
+ );
+function Section2() {
+ return (
+ <>
+ addAssets
Add an array of assets to the Value class's value
+ record with parameters:
+ -
+ assets - Asset[] to add
+ >
+ );
+function Section3() {
+ return (
+ <>
+ negateAsset
Substract an asset from the Value class's value
+ record with parameters:
+ -
+ asset - Asset to substract
+ >
+ );
+function Section4() {
+ return (
+ <>
+ negateAssets
Substract an array of assets from the Value
+ class's value record with parameters:
+ -
+ assets - Asset[] to substract
+ >
+ );
+function Section5() {
+ return (
+ <>
+ merge
Merge the given values
+ -
+ values - MeshValue to merge
+ >
+ );
+function Right() {
+ return (
+ <>
+ >
+ );
+function getCode() {
+ return `
+ import { MeshValue } from "@meshsdk/common";
+ const value = new MeshValue();
+ const singleAsset: Asset = { unit: mockUnit, quantity: "100" };
+ value.addAsset(singleAsset);
+ return value.value;
+ `;
+async function runaddAssetDemo() {
+ const value = new MeshValue();
+ const singleAsset: Asset = { unit: mockUnit, quantity: "100" };
+ value.addAsset(singleAsset);
+ return value.value;
+function getCode2() {
+ return `
+ import { MeshValue } from "@meshsdk/common";
+ const value = new MeshValue();
+ const assets: Asset[] = [
+ { unit: mockUnit, quantity: "100" },
+ { unit: "lovelace", quantity: "10" },
+ { unit: mockUnit, quantity: "100" },
+ { unit: "lovelace", quantity: "10" },
+ ];
+ value.addAssets(assets);
+ return value.value;
+ `;
+async function runmaddAssetsDemo() {
+ const value = new MeshValue();
+ const assets: Asset[] = [
+ { unit: mockUnit, quantity: "100" },
+ { unit: "lovelace", quantity: "10" },
+ { unit: mockUnit, quantity: "100" },
+ { unit: "lovelace", quantity: "10" },
+ ];
+ value.addAssets(assets);
+ return value.value;
+function getCode3() {
+ return `
+ import { MeshValue } from "@meshsdk/common";
+ const value = new MeshValue();
+ value.value = { lovelace: 10n };
+ value.negateAsset({ unit: "lovelace", quantity: "5" });
+ return value.value;
+ `;
+async function runnegateAssetDemo() {
+ const value = new MeshValue();
+ value.value = { lovelace: 10n };
+ value.negateAsset({ unit: "lovelace", quantity: "5" });
+ return value.value;
+function getCode4() {
+ return `
+ import { MeshValue } from "@meshsdk/common";
+ const value = new MeshValue();
+ value.value = { lovelace: 20n, [mockUnit]: 10n };
+ value.negateAssets([
+ { unit: "lovelace", quantity: "5" },
+ { unit: mockUnit, quantity: "3" },
+ ]);
+ return value.value;
+ `;
+async function runtonegateAssetsDemo() {
+ const value = new MeshValue();
+ value.value = { lovelace: 20n, [mockUnit]: 10n };
+ value.negateAssets([
+ { unit: "lovelace", quantity: "5" },
+ { unit: mockUnit, quantity: "3" },
+ ]);
+ return value.value;
+function getCode5() {
+ return `
+ import { MeshValue } from "@meshsdk/common";
+ const value1 = new MeshValue();
+ value1.value = { lovelace: 20n, [mockUnit]: 10n };
+ const value2 = new MeshValue();
+ value2.value = { lovelace: 10n, [mockUnit]: 5n };
+ return value1.merge(value2).value;
+ `;
+async function runmergeDemo() {
+ const value1 = new MeshValue();
+ value1.value = { lovelace: 20n, [mockUnit]: 10n };
+ const value2 = new MeshValue();
+ value2.value = { lovelace: 10n, [mockUnit]: 5n };
+ return value1.merge(value2).value;
diff --git a/apps/playground/src/pages/smart-contracts/vesting/deposit-fund.tsx b/apps/playground/src/pages/smart-contracts/vesting/deposit-fund.tsx
index 6dad39bec..4a48f4379 100644
--- a/apps/playground/src/pages/smart-contracts/vesting/deposit-fund.tsx
+++ b/apps/playground/src/pages/smart-contracts/vesting/deposit-fund.tsx
@@ -72,6 +72,25 @@ function Right() {
let code = ``;
+ code += `const assets: Asset[] = [\n`;
+ code += ` {\n`;
+ code += ` unit: "lovelace",\n`;
+ code += ` quantity: '${userInput}',\n`;
+ code += ` },\n`;
+ code += `];\n`;
+ code += `\n`;
+ code += `const lockUntilTimeStamp = new Date();\n`;
+ code += `lockUntilTimeStamp.setMinutes(lockUntilTimeStamp.getMinutes() + 1);\n`;
+ code += `\n`;
+ code += `const beneficiary = '${userInput2}';\n`;
+ code += `\n`;
+ code += `const tx = await contract.depositFund(\n`;
+ code += ` assets,\n`;
+ code += ` lockUntilTimeStamp.getTime(),\n`;
+ code += ` beneficiary,\n`;
+ code += `);\n`;
+ code += `const signedTx = await wallet.signTx(tx);\n`;
+ code += `const txHash = await wallet.submitTx(signedTx);\n`;
return (