diff --git a/src/CoreBundle/Resources/translations/metamodels_list.fr.xlf b/src/CoreBundle/Resources/translations/metamodels_list.fr.xlf
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..bf539ef7d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/CoreBundle/Resources/translations/metamodels_list.fr.xlf
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+ Sorting
+ Random
+ Id
+ %field_label%:
+ There are no items matching your search.
+ Aucun article ne correspond à votre recherche.
+ Details
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/CoreBundle/Resources/translations/tl_metamodel_attribute.fr.xlf b/src/CoreBundle/Resources/translations/tl_metamodel_attribute.fr.xlf
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b4c0f9984
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/CoreBundle/Resources/translations/tl_metamodel_attribute.fr.xlf
@@ -0,0 +1,192 @@
+ All attributes
+ Id
+ Pid
+ Sorting
+ Revision date
+ New attribute
+ Create a new attribute
+ Edit multiple
+ Edit multiple elements at once
+ Create a new element at the top
+ Create a new element after element ID %id%
+ Paste at the top
+ Paste after element ID %id%
+ Go back
+ Back to the previous page
+ Attribute type
+ Select the type of this attribute. WARNING: if you change this, all existing data within this attribute
+ will be deleted.
+ Name
+ Human readable name
+ Description
+ Human readable description
+ Column name
+ Internal reference name for this attribute
+ Enable variant override
+ Check this, if you want variants within the MetaModel to override the parent item's value
+ Cochez cette case si vous voulez que les variantes du MetaModel remplacent le parent.
+ Unique values
+ Check this, if you want to ensure that each value only occurs once
+ Language
+ Description
+ Type, naming and base attribute configuration
+ Advanced settings
+ Edit attribute
+ Cancel
+ Cancel multiple processing.
+ Edit attribute ID %id%
+ Cut attribute definition
+ Cut definition of attribute ID %id%
+ Copy attribute definition
+ Copy definition of attribute ID %id%
+ Delete attribute
+ Delete attribute ID %id%
+ Do you really want to delete element ID %id%?
+ Attribute details
+ Show details of attribute ID %id%
+ Edit attribute
+ Edit the attribute
+ Unknown attribute!
+ Extension missing? The attribute type "%id%" is not installed.
+ Do you really want to delete attribute ID %id%?
+ After creating an attribute, the database must be migrated (console, Contao Manager) - even if the
+ column name is changed. When changing the column name, the user data itself must be transferred.
+ Create a new item
+ Créer un nouvel élément
+ Edit record %id%
+ Show the details of record %id%
+ Save
+ Save and close
+ Save and new
+ Save and go back
+ Column "%col_name%" already exists on table "%table_name%".
+ The column name "%col_name%" is invalid.
+ The column name "%col_name%" is reserved for system use.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/CoreBundle/Resources/translations/tl_metamodel_dca.fr.xlf b/src/CoreBundle/Resources/translations/tl_metamodel_dca.fr.xlf
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..8440dbae5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/CoreBundle/Resources/translations/tl_metamodel_dca.fr.xlf
@@ -0,0 +1,288 @@
+ All input screens
+ Id
+ Pid
+ Sorting
+ New input screen
+ Create a new input screen
+ Edit multiple
+ Edit multiple elements at once
+ Create a new element at the top
+ Create a new element after element ID %id%
+ Paste at the top
+ Paste after element ID %id%
+ Save
+ Save and close
+ Save and new
+ Save and go back
+ Go back
+ Back to the previous page
+ Show the details of record %id%
+ Edit record %id%
+ Edit MetaModel
+ Edit the MetaModel ID %id%
+ Name
+ Name of the input screen.
+ Revision date
+ Date and time of the latest revision.
+ Integration
+ Select the desired type of integration.
+ Render mode
+ Select the desired render mode.
+ Parent table name
+ Name of the database table that shall be referred to as parent table.
+ Use column based layout
+ If selected a table header will be generated with column names.
+ Backend section
+ Select the desired backend section where you want the MetaModel appear. For models that shall be edited
+ by end users, the "content" section most likely will be appropriate.
+ Backend icon
+ Select the desired backend icon.This icon will get used to draw an image in the parent list if you have
+ a integration as child table.
+ Backend caption
+ The text you specify in here, will get used as the label and description text in the backend menu.
+ Language
+ Select the languages you want to provide.
+ Label text
+ The text you specify in here, will get used as the menu label in the backend menu.
+ Description text
+ The text you specify in here, will get used as the description (hover title) in the backend menu.
+ Panel layout
+ Separate panel options with comma (= space) and semicolon (= new line) like
+ "filter;search;sort,limit".
+ Panelpicker
+ View limitation
+ Activate the view limitation.
+ Limit the render setting
+ Choose between front end or backend.
+ Allow editing of items
+ Autoriser la modification des éléments
+ If checked, this input screen allows the editing of items.
+ Si cette case est cochée, cet écran de saisie permet d'éditer des éléments.
+ Allow creating of items
+ Autoriser la création d'éléments
+ If checked, this input screen allows the creating of items.
+ Si cette case est cochée, cet écran de saisie permet de créer des éléments.
+ Allow deleting of items
+ Permettre la suppression d'éléments
+ If checked, this input screen allows the deleting of items.
+ Si cette case est cochée, cet écran de saisie permet de supprimer des éléments.
+ Name
+ View settings
+ Backend integration
+ Data display settings
+ Data manipulation permissions
+ Edit input screen
+ Edit the input screen ID %id%
+ Copy input screen definition
+ Copy definition of input screen ID %id%
+ Delete input screen
+ Delete input screen ID %id%
+ Do you really want to delete element ID %id%?
+ Input screen details
+ Show details of input screen ID %id%
+ Input screen settings
+ Edit the settings of input screen ID %id%
+ Grouping and sorting
+ Edit the grouping and sorting settings of input screen ID %id%
+ Additions to the mask-heading
+ The field can be used to adapt the heading of the mask at edit and replaces the output of the ID.You can
+ use simple tokens e.g. ##model_name##, ##model_firstname## [##model_id##]
+ Standalone
+ As child table
+ Flat
+ Parented
+ Hierarchical
+ When using the "Hierarchical" render mode, the current sort must be enable to "Manual sorting" as
+ default.
+ Do you really want to delete input screen ID %id%?
+ Cancel
+ Cancel multiple processing.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/CoreBundle/Resources/translations/tl_metamodel_dca_sortgroup.fr.xlf b/src/CoreBundle/Resources/translations/tl_metamodel_dca_sortgroup.fr.xlf
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..3afdeb7d0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/CoreBundle/Resources/translations/tl_metamodel_dca_sortgroup.fr.xlf
@@ -0,0 +1,231 @@
+ All grouping and sorting settings
+ Id
+ Pid
+ Revision date
+ Sorting
+ Published
+ New Sorting and grouping
+ Create a new Sorting and grouping
+ Edit multiple
+ Edit multiple elements at once
+ Create a new element at the top
+ Create a new element after element ID %id%
+ Paste at the top
+ Paste after element ID %id%
+ Go back
+ Back to the previous page
+ Save
+ Save and close
+ Save and new
+ Save and go back
+ Edit record %id%
+ Name
+ Name of the sorting group.
+ Is default
+ Determines that this grouping and sorting shall be used as default for the MetaModel.
+ Render mode
+ Select the desired render mode.
+ Language
+ Select the languages you want to provide.
+ Label text
+ The text you specify in here, will get used as the menu label in the backend menu.
+ Description text
+ The text you specify in here, will get used as the description (hover title) in the backend menu.
+ Grouping type
+ The grouping type to use in the item view.
+ Le type de regroupement à utiliser dans la vue de l'élément.
+ Grouping attribute
+ The attribute to use for grouping in the item view.
+ L'attribut à utiliser pour le regroupement dans la vue de l'élément.
+ Grouping length
+ The amount of characters to use for grouping.
+ Sorting attribute
+ The attribute to sort by.
+ Sorting direction
+ The sorting direction.
+ Enable manual sorting
+ If this is enabled, the user will be able to perform manual sorting.
+ Name
+ Data display settings
+ Edit definition
+ Edit the definition ID %id%
+ Copy definition
+ Copy the definition ID %id%
+ Delete definition
+ Delete the definition ID %id%
+ Do you really want to delete element ID %id%?
+ Definition details
+ Show details of definition ID %id%
+ Toggle
+ Toggle the state of definition ID %id%
+ Definition settings
+ Edit the settings of definition ID %id%
+ Do not group
+ Group by initial letter(s)
+ Group by numeric order
+ Group by day of date
+ Group by weekday of date
+ Group by week of year
+ Group by month of date
+ Group by year of date
+ Ascending
+ Descending
+ Do you really want to delete definition ID %id%?
+ Show the details of record %id%
+ Cancel
+ Cancel multiple processing.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/CoreBundle/Resources/translations/tl_metamodel_filtersetting.fr.xlf b/src/CoreBundle/Resources/translations/tl_metamodel_filtersetting.fr.xlf
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..05538ec1c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/CoreBundle/Resources/translations/tl_metamodel_filtersetting.fr.xlf
@@ -0,0 +1,341 @@
+ All filter settings
+ Id
+ Pid
+ Sorting
+ Revision date
+ New filter setting
+ Create a new filter setting
+ Edit multiple
+ Edit multiple elements at once
+ Create a new element at the top
+ Create a new element after element ID %id%
+ Paste at the top
+ Paste after element ID %id%
+ Create new setting at the top
+ Create new into setting ID %id%
+ Go back
+ Back to the previous page
+ Filter settings
+ Parent collection
+ The collection of filter settings, this setting belongs to.
+ Type
+ The type of this setting.
+ Enabled
+ Enable this filter setting.
+ Comment
+ A short comment for describing the purpose of this filter setting.
+ Attribute
+ Attribute this setting relates to.
+ Search all languages
+ Check if you want to perform the lookup language independant. If this is not checked, only the current
+ active language will be searched.
+ Allow empty value
+ Check if you want to allow this filter value to be emtpy, if checked and the parameter holds an empty
+ value, this filter rule will behave as if it was not defined.
+ Stop after first match
+ Check if you want this filter setting to stop executing its child rules after the first subset returned
+ matches.
+ URL parameter
+ The URL parameter that shall get mapped to the selected attribute. The special <em>"auto_item"</em>
+ parameter can also be used, this is especially useful for alias columns.
+ Le paramètre URL qui sera associé à l'attribut sélectionné. Le paramètre spécial <em>« auto_item »</em> peut également être utilisé, ce qui est particulièrement utile pour les colonnes d'alias.
+ Static parameter
+ Check if you want to be able to set the value of this parameter in the parenting list (modules, content
+ elements, etc.).
+ Provide Frontend widget
+ Check if you want to display a filter widget in the Frontend.
+ Custom SQL Query
+ The SQL query that shall be executed, insert tags are supported.
+ Label
+ Show label instead of attribute name.
+ Template
+ Sub template for this filter element. Standard: form widget.
+ Empty option
+ Show empty options in filter widget.
+ Assigned values only
+ Show only options, that are assigned somewhere in the MetaModel.
+ Remaining values only
+ Show only options, that are still assigned somewhere after the actual filter is set.
+ Ignore this filter for the remaining values
+ If activate the filter will return all options without itself in the filter rules.
+ Hide label in filter widget
+ If active, the label is not output.
+ Use label as blank option
+ If active, the label output as blank option.
+ Sorting
+ Please enter sorting of values in filter widget.
+ CSS ID/class
+ Here you can set an ID and one or more classes.
+ Placeholder
+ Show this text as long as the field is empty.
+ Natural sorting (ASC)
+ Natural sorting (DESC)
+ Default
+ Default value for selection.
+ Type
+ Configuration
+ Frontend filter
+ Edit setting
+ Edit the filter setting ID %id%
+ Copy filter setting definition
+ Copy the filter setting ID %id%
+ Cut filter setting definition
+ Cut the filter setting ID %id%
+ Delete filter setting
+ Delete the filter setting ID %id%
+ Do you really want to delete element ID %id%?
+ Filter setting details
+ Show details of filter setting ID %id%
+ Toggle
+ Toggle the state of setting ID %id%
+ Predefined set of items
+ Ensemble prédéfini d'éléments
+ Simple lookup
+ Custom SQL
+ OR condition
+ AND condition
+ <em>[%colName%, "%name%"]</em>
+ <em>(URL: %urlparam%)</em>
+ <br />%comment%
+ %1$s <strong>%2$s</strong> %3$s %5$s %4$s
+ %1$s <strong>%2$s</strong> %3$s %5$s %4$s
+ %1$s <strong>%2$s</strong> %3$s %4$s
+ %1$s <strong>%2$s</strong> %4$s
+ %1$s <strong>%2$s</strong> %4$s
+ Items
+ Eléments
+ Please enter the IDs of the items for filtering as comma-separated list.
+ Veuillez saisir les ID des éléments à filtrer sous la forme d'une liste séparée par des virgules.
+ Do you really want to delete filter setting ID %id%?
+ Cancel
+ Cancel multiple processing.
+ Edit record %id%
+ Save
+ Save and close
+ Save and new
+ Save and go back
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/CoreBundle/Resources/translations/tl_metamodel_item.fr.xlf b/src/CoreBundle/Resources/translations/tl_metamodel_item.fr.xlf
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e01ec751e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/CoreBundle/Resources/translations/tl_metamodel_item.fr.xlf
@@ -0,0 +1,176 @@
+ New item
+ Nouvel élément
+ Create new item
+ Créer un nouvel élément
+ Edit item
+ Modifier l'élément
+ Edit item ID %id%
+ Modifier l'ID de l'élément %id%
+ Edit multiple
+ Edit multiple
+ Edit "%child_name%"
+ Edit "%child_name%" for item %id%
+ Modifier « %child_name% » pour l'élément %id%
+ Copy item
+ Copier l'élément
+ Copy item ID %id%
+ Copier l'ID de l'élément %id%
+ New variant
+ Create a new variant of item ID %id%
+ Créer une nouvelle variante de l'élément ID %id%
+ Move item
+ Déplacer l'élément
+ Move item ID %id%
+ Déplacer l'élément ID %id%
+ Delete item
+ Supprimer l'élément
+ Delete item ID %id%
+ Supprimer l'élément ID %id%
+ Do you really want to delete element ID %id%?
+ Item details
+ Détails de l'élément
+ Show details of item ID %id%
+ Afficher les détails de l'élément ID %id%
+ Edit item type
+ Modifier le type d'élément
+ Edit the item type
+ Modifier le type d'élément
+ Create new item
+ Créer un nouvel élément
+ Create a new item after item ID %id%
+ Créer un nouvel élément aprés l'élément ID %id%
+ Create new item
+ Créer un nouvel élément
+ Create a new item in item ID %id%
+ Créer un nouvel élément dans l'élément ID %id%
+ Add new at the top
+ Add new item after item ID %id%
+ Ajouter un nouvel élément après l'élément ID %id%
+ Is variant base
+ Check this if you want to make this the base for the current variant group
+ Edit item %id%
+ Modifier l'élément %id%
+ Create a new item
+ Créer un nouvel élément
+ Sorting
+ The manual sorting
+ ID of the item
+ ID de l'élément
+ The id of the item
+ ID de l'élément
+ Parent item id
+ ID de l'élément parent
+ The id of the parent item
+ ID de l'élément parent
+ Revision date
+ The date when the item revision was created
+ Date de création de la révision de l'élément
+ Details
+ Used in the frontend for the "Details" link caption.
+ Show the details of record %id%
+ Go back
+ Back to the previous page
+ Save
+ Save and close
+ Save and new
+ Save and go back
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/CoreBundle/Resources/translations/tl_metamodel_rendersettings.fr.xlf b/src/CoreBundle/Resources/translations/tl_metamodel_rendersettings.fr.xlf
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..dd10a098d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/CoreBundle/Resources/translations/tl_metamodel_rendersettings.fr.xlf
@@ -0,0 +1,243 @@
+ All render settings
+ Id
+ Pid
+ Revision date
+ New render setting
+ Create a new render setting
+ Edit multiple
+ Edit multiple elements at once
+ Create a new element at the top
+ Create a new element after element ID %id%
+ Paste at the top
+ Paste after element ID %id%
+ Go back
+ Back to the previous page
+ Edit MetaModel
+ Edit the MetaModel ID %id%
+ Name
+ General settings
+ Expert settings
+ Frontend jump-to settings
+ Additional files
+ Name
+ Setting name.
+ Template
+ The template to use to render the items.
+ Le modèle à utiliser pour le rendu des éléments.
+ Output format
+ Define the output format. Leave empty to use the format used by current page.
+ Text
+ JumpTo page
+ The page that shall be used as "show details" urls. Note that the detailed URL params will get generated
+ by the filter setting that is currently in use.
+ All languages
+ Language
+ The language for the jump to page.
+ URL type
+ The reference type to use when generating the URL.
+ Absolute URL, e.g. "https://example.com/dir/file".
+ Absolute path, e.g. "/dir/file".
+ Relative path based on the current request path, e.g. "../parent-file".
+ Network path, e.g. "//example.com/dir/file".
+ Jump to page
+ The page to use for detail links.
+ Filter settings
+ The filter settings that define how the target (the reader/lister on the detail page) will filter the
+ items.
+ Les paramètres du filtre qui définissent comment la cible (le lecteur/listeur sur la page détaillée) filtrera les éléments.
+ Hide empty values
+ Hide empty values in backend and frontend.
+ Hide labels
+ Hide all labels in backend and frontend.
+ Additional css files
+ Choose this, if you want to include additional css files.
+ Additional javascript files
+ Choose this, if you want to include additional javascript files.
+ File
+ Choose a file
+ Publish
+ Check to publish the file.
+ Edit setting
+ Edit the setting ID %id%
+ Copy setting definition
+ Copy the setting ID %id%
+ Delete setting
+ Delete the setting ID %id%
+ Do you really want to delete element ID %id%?
+ Filter details
+ Show details of setting ID %id%
+ Define attribute settings
+ Define attribute settings for setting ID %id%
+ Unknown ID: %id%
+ unknown attribute
+ Unknown column
+ Do you really want to render setting ID %id%?
+ Show the details of record %id%
+ Edit record %id%
+ Save
+ Save and close
+ Save and new
+ Save and go back
\ No newline at end of file