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Garage Door Opener IoT Device - CSharp

Raspberry Pi and two relay garage door controller running on Dotnet 3.1. Has three states Up, Down and Off.

State are triggered upon receiving messages from the Azure IoT Hub. The IoT Hub sends state change messages to the Raspberry Pi when it receives messages from the Opener web app. The IoT Hub is acting as a message broker in this situation i.e. receiving messages from one source and forwarding them on to a target.

The progame makes use of Visual Studio Codes tasks.json and launch.json configurations to run the code in remote debug mode on the Raspberry Pi while developing on a Linux PC. There is also a useful Deploy Release task.

The Pi's Opener program is designed to run as a Linux Daemon under systemd. However it can still be launched from the command line if required e.g. ./Opener on the Pi. Details for setting up systemd unit files is presented towards the end of this document.


There are 3 tasks

  • build
  • publish
  • deploy

The deploy task is the more interesting. It takes the publish task output and deploys it on the Pi. Resync is used to deploy only those files which change. This is more efficient than using SCP to copy the entire contents of the Publish task output.

Note: SSH keys are used for authentication. This requires that the host public key has been added to the Pi's ~/.ssh/authorized_keys file. See below on how this is setup.


Configures remote debug mode and triggers the deploy task (and its publish and `build dependencies) and launches the progame in remote debug mode on the Pi.

See: OmniSharp remote debugging and OmniSharp remote debugging on Linux Arm devices.

Azure IoT Hub

This requires both the Azure CLI and Azure IoT Sdk to be install on the development machine.

$ curl -sL | sudo bash
$ az extension add --name azure-iot

Create the infrastructure using the shell script. You will need to be logged into the Azure CLI. In addition to building the infrastructure the script will print out the the Device and Service connection strings. These need to be configured as secrets.

The code

Secrets including Device Connection info is stored using the new Dotnet Secret Manager.

SSH requirements

The Pi must be running an SSH server (i.e. openSSh). This is not installed on Rasberrian Lite for example.

$ sudo apt update
$ sudo apt install openssh-server

Check that it's running: sudo systemctl status ssh

You will also need to add the hosts public SSH key (e.g. to the Pi's authorized keys.

$ cd ~/.ssh
$ cat | ssh [email protected] 'cat >> .ssh/authorized_keys'

In addition you will need to give your pi user permissions to write to the /opt/garage-door-opener folder.

$ sudo chown -R pi: /opt/garage-door-opener
$ chmod -R u=rw,go=r /opt/garage-door-opener
$ find /opt/garage-door-opener -type d | xargs chmod u+x