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Maintenance instructions

Andrew Guibert edited this page Nov 11, 2019 · 5 revisions

Releasing a new version

In this example, suppose the latest release is 0.4.1 and the project is currently at version 0.4.2-SNAPSHOT. We will be performing a release of version 0.4.2 and then updating the project to version 0.4.3-SNAPSHOT.

  1. Run the task: ./gradlew updateVersion -PnextVersion=0.4.2
  2. Run the task: ./gradlew publish to publish release artifacts to maven central staging
  3. Log in to your Sonatype account at
  4. Go to the Staging Repositories tab and refresh. You will see a staging repo ID such as orgmicroshed-1011
  5. To test the new release in staging, add the following repository config:
  6. If the new release test out OK, press the Close button to close the staging repository.
  7. Press the Release button to release the artifacts to Maven Central.
  8. Draft a new release on Github:
  9. Update to the next development snapshot version: ./gradlew updateVersion -PnextVersion=0.4.3-SNAPSHOT and make a PR with these changes

Checking for dependency updates

Dependency updates to source modules should happen automatically via Dependabot PRs. If you want to perform additional checking, you can run the ./gradlew dependencyUpdates -Drevision=release task.

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