Deploy Elasticsearch Docker cluster.
#DEPRECATED: This role is no longer maintained.
Configure the role.
Setup a single node.
elasticsearch_hostname: elastic01
elasticsearch_description: Search index for nextcloud01 # default: Elasticsearch
elasticsearch_data_dir: /usr/share/elastic # default: "{{ elasticsearch_hostname }}"
elasticsearch_volume_name: elastic_data01 # default: "{{ elasticsearch_hostname }}"
elasticsearch_password: "{{ vault_elasticsearch_password }}"
- name: nextcloud
password: "{{ vault_elasticsearch_nextcloud_password }}"
Setup a cluster.
elasticsearch_cluster_name: elastic-cluster01
elasticsearch_masternodes: "elastic01,elastic02"
- hostname: elastic01
data_dir: /usr/share/elastic01
volume_name: elastic_data01
seed_hosts: "elastic02"
primary: true
- hostname: elastic02
data_dir: /usr/share/elastic02
volume_name: elastic_data02
seed_hosts: "elastic01"
primary: false
elasticsearch_password: "{{ vault_elasticsearch_password }}"
- name: kibana
password: "{{ vault_elasticsearch_kibana_password }}"
- name: beats_system
password: "{{ vault_elasticsearch_beats_system_password }}"
- name: logstash_system
password: "{{ vault_elasticsearch_logstash_password }}"
And include it in your playbook.
- hosts: elasticsearch
- role: elasticsearch
Generate key material for node communication.
# Log into elastic container
docker exec -it elastic01 /bin/bash
# Create ca certificate without password
elasticsearch-certutil ca
# Create node certificate wihtout password
elasticsearch-certutil cert --ca elastic-stack-ca.p12
# Copy these files into the files folder of the elasticsearch role
# Encrypt files with Ansible vault
ansible-vault encrypt roles/elasticsearch/files/elastic-certificates.p12
ansible-vault encrypt roles/elasticsearch/files/elastic-stack-ca.p12
Source: Elastic - Encrypting communications in Elasticsearch