ZC-GPA-Calculator is a desktop-based application written in .NET (C# WinForms) designed to provide users with a comprehensive tool for analyzing pre-downloaded academic transcripts in the form of HTML files. This application utilizes web scraping techniques to extract academic data from the HTML transcript file and presents it in a user-friendly interface. Users can easily manipulate the academic data to simulate the effect on their semester GPA and cumulative GPA (cGPA) by introducing changes to course grades.
- Web Scraping: Automatically extracts your academic data from HTML transcript files.
- User-Friendly Interface: Provides an intuitive and easy-to-use interface for viewing and editing academic data.
- Grade Manipulation: Allows users to modify course grades or add new courses to simulate the impact on semester GPA and cGPA.
- Detailed Analysis: Provides detailed breakdowns of GPA calculations, including semester and cumulative GPA.
Before using ZC GPA Calculator, ensure that you have the following prerequisites installed on your system:
- Operating System: Windows 7 or later.
- .NET: .NET 7.0.
Or simply accept the automatic download when launching the software, in case .NET 7.0 runtme is not already installed on your machine.
Please note that: the application is specifically designed for Windows operating systems starting from Windows 7 and requires the specified version of the .NET Framework to run successfully.
Clone this GitHub repository to your local machine:
git clone https://github.com/MoEssamKhattab/ZC-GPA-Calculator.git
Navigate to the project directory:
cd ZC-GPA-Calculator
Build and run the application using Visual Studio.
Note that: this option reuires both Visual Studio IDE and .NET desktop development package to be installed on your machine.
Go to the Releases section of this GitHub repository.
Download the latest release executable file.
Run the downloaded executable file to launch
ZC-GPA Calculator.exe
By using Option 2, you can quickly get started with the application without the need to build it from the source code.
Download Your Transcript as an HTML File:
Open your transcript on the SelfService platform.
Right-click on the page → save as.
In the "Save As" dialog box, choose the third option, which is "Webpage, Complete" from the "Save as type" dropdown menu.
Launch ZC GPA Calculator excutable file
ZC-GPA Calculator.exe
Open your HTML transcript file by clicking on the Open Transcript button.
- The application will automatically scrape and display the academic data.
- Use the interface:
to make changes to course grades as needed using the corresponding dropdown list.
to add new courses:
- Click on the Add New Semester button.
- Then click on Add New Course button.
to delete a newly-added course:
- Right click on the course row on the table → delete course
- The application will update semester GPA and cGPA in real-time.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.