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List of MO2 Shortcuts

VishVadeva50 edited this page May 17, 2022 · 14 revisions

Here is a list of shortcuts and their function inside MO2. Due to the fragmented nature of it's development very few people know all of them, so this is a collaborative effort to figure out the most possible.


  • <key combination> (<focus location, eg. modlist>): <effect/function>


  • F5 (Main Window): Refresh all the mod files from disk, potentially updating conflict information or other things that might be out of date.

  • F2 (While a mod is highlighted): rename.

  • CTRL + Double LMB (While a mod is highlighted): Open mod in explorer.

  • Shift + Double LMB (While a mod is highlighted): Visit on nexus. If meta info doesn't contain a nexus link, custom URL will be used.

  • CTRL + Double LMB (While a plugin is highlighted): Reveal plugin in Explorer.

  • Shift + Double LMB (While a plugin is highlighted): Open Information window of parent mod.

  • CTRL + E (Main Window): Open executables window.

  • CTRL + P (Main Window): Open profiles window.

  • CTRL + S (Main Window): Open settings window.

  • CTRL + A (Modlist or Plugins Tab): Select all mods/plugins.

  • ESC (While any window is open): Close window.

  • CTRL + M (Main Window): Manually install archive. (This directly opens the file explorer window)

  • Shift + Enter (While a mod or separator is highlighted): Collapse separator.

  • Left Alt (While selecting a separator): Select all mods contained in separator.

  • DELETE (While a mod or separator is highlighted): Delete mod/separator. (This opens the confirmation prompt)