diff --git a/Monika After Story/game/script-topics.rpy b/Monika After Story/game/script-topics.rpy index c3d88777cb..ca6bde19cf 100644 --- a/Monika After Story/game/script-topics.rpy +++ b/Monika After Story/game/script-topics.rpy @@ -3260,6 +3260,56 @@ label monika_family: m 1hua "I'll help you no matter what happens in your life." return "love" +init 5 python: + addEvent( + Event( + persistent.event_database, + eventlabel="monika_parenting", + category=['society','life'], + prompt="Parenting", + random=True + ) + ) + +label monika_parenting: + + m 1esa "Hey [player], do you ever think about what its like to be a parent?" + m 7rsb "I mean,{w=0.3} I definitely think parenting can provide some really unqiue life experiences." + m 2esb "Many parents talk about how rewarding it is to raise children and watch them grow up." + m 2esa "Getting to show a child all the wonderful things about the world is said to be one of the most wholesome and heartwarming parts of life." + m 7wub "So I definitely think it has a lot of great things about it." + m 2ruc "But I also see how painful it can be for many parents when the time finally comes for their child to leave home." + m 4eud "Plus, taking care of a child is an incredible amount of work, not to mention expensive." + m 4euc "I did some research and according to the US Agriculture Department the average cost of raising a healthy child to the age of 18 comes out to be about $310,000 dollars." + m 2esd "That's $17,000 a year. Needless to say, having a child is a big investment." + m 3esb "But plenty of people believe the upsides outweigh the costs and have lots of children." + m 7euc "Parenting is a lot of resposibilty though. The child's entire life can be affected by the decisions made by his or her parents." + m 1duc "Unfortunately, sometimes this resposibilty goes ignored." + m 1eud "So many children suffer from parents who are neglectful or even abusive." + m "The lack of love and attention tends to lead some children down a dark path..." + m 1dkc "Children coming from abusive households are more likely to become abusive towards their own children." + m 1ekc "This tends to lead to a vicious cycle of abuse that can go on for generations." + m 1dkc "..." + m 7wkd "I just feel so bad for all the kids who have to be in that situation!" + m 2gfd "Honestly abusive parents are just the worst of the worst in my opinion." + m 4wfd "Like, {w=0.3}seriously, how could anybody bring themselves to harm {i}anyone's{/i} child, let alone their own?" + + if not persistent._mas_pm_cares_about_dokis: + m 1lksdlc "Poor Natsuki..." + m 2rksdlb "I guess the silver lining of her story is that what happened to her wasn't real." + m 3wusdld "That's not to say that what happened in her home life wasn't abuse!" + m 3wusdlc "That's not what I meant at all!" + m 2rksdlb "But, {w=0.3}well... {w=0.3}you know what I mean, [player]." + + m 2dsc "..." + m 1esc "But anyway, I think parenting is really subjective." + m 3esd "There's no perfect way to do it and there are plenty of cases where there is no right way to handle things with a child." + m 3esa "But I believe that parents who really try their best to give their child the best chance in life..." + m 3esb "Ones who really make that effort and go the extra mile..." + m 3esa "Those are the parents who get the reward of being truly proud of their children, no matter how succesful they become." + m 3rksdlb "Its just the ones who don't care who are the issue." + return + init 5 python: addEvent( Event(