This ZenPack allows for monitoring of RabbitMQ. See the Usage section for details on what is monitored. You can watch the Monitoring RabbitMQ video for a quick introduction that covers most of the details below.
<gallery widths="250px" heights="127px"> rabbitmq_components.png rabbitmq_exchanges.png rabbitmq_nodes_channels.png rabbitmq_nodes_throughput.png rabbitmq_nodes.png rabbitmq_queues_metrics.png rabbitmq_queues.png rabbitmq_vhosts.png </gallery>
There already exist at least two community Zenpacks that provide monitoring for RabbitMQ.
- ZenPacks.dnalley.AMQPEventMonitor by David Nalley: Very different functionality than what's provided by this ZenPack. It allows you to pull messages from a defined queue and automatically turn them into Zenoss events.
- by Greg Guthe: More similar to this ZenPack in its functionality. Global metrics for queued messages and rates. It appears to require that the HTTP management API plugin be installed into your RabbitMQ instances, and that a Net-SNMP extension also written by Greg Guthe be installed.
In the future this pack might be extended to also support RabbitMQ's HTTP management API plugin in addition to the SSH method.
Installing the ZenPack will add the following objects to your Zenoss system.
- Modeling Plugins
- zenoss.ssh.RabbitMQ
- Monitoring Templates
- RabbitMQNode in /Devices
- RabbitMQQueue in /Devices
- Event Classes
- /Status/RabbitMQ
- /Perf/RabbitMQ
- Configuration Properties
- zRabbitMQAdminUser
- zRabbitMQAdminPassword
- Command Parsers
- ZenPacks.zenoss.RabbitMQ.parsers.RabbitMQCTL
- ZenPacks.zenoss.RabbitMQ.parsers.RabbitMQAdmin
To start monitoring your RabbitMQ server you will need to setup SSH access so that your Zenoss collector server will be able to SSH into your RabbitMQ server(s) as a user who has permission to run the rabbitmqctl command. This almost always means the root user. See the Using a Non-Root User section below for instructions on allowing non-root users to run rabbitmqctl. To do this you need to set the following zProperties for the RabbitMQ devices or their device class in Zenoss.
- zCommandUsername
- zCommandPassword
- zKeyPath
You should then add the zenoss.ssh.RabbitMQ modeler plugin to the device, or device class containing your RabbitMQ servers and remodel the device(s). This will automatically find the node, vhosts, exchanges and queues and begin monitoring them immediately for the following metrics.
- Node Values
- Status - Running or not? Generates event on failure.
- Open Connections & Channels
- Sent & Received Bytes Rate
- Sent & Received Packets Rate
- Depth of Send Queue
- Consumers
- Unacknowledged & Uncommitted Messages
- Queue Values
- Ready, Unacknowledged & Total Messages
- Memory Usage
- Consumers
- Incoming & Outgoing Message Rates
- RabbitMQAdmin Update
For detailed instructions on configuring and using rabbitmqadmin, please refer to the Using RabbitMQAdmin section, below.
This ZenPack requires the ability to run the rabbitmqctl command remotely on your RabbitMQ server(s) using SSH. By default, the rabbitmqctl command is only allowed to be run by the root and rabbitmq users. Furthermore, this ZenPack expects the rabbitmqctl command be in the user's path. Normally this is only true for the root user.
There's a very good reason for this restriction. Once a user is allowed to execute the ``rabbitmqctl`` command, they are able to perform the following actions.
- Stop, Start or Reset RabbitMQ
- Control a RabbitMQ Cluster
- Close Open Connections
- Manage Users and Security
- Manage VHosts
Assuming that you've created a user named zenmonitor on your RabbitMQ servers for monitoring purposes, you can follow these steps to allow the zenmonitor user to run rabbitmqctl.
- Install the sudo package on your server.
- Make sudo not require a TTY. This allows sudo to be run via ssh.
- Run visudo as root.
- Find a line containing Defaults requiretty and comment it out by prefixing the line with a #.
- Type ESC then :wq to save the sudo configuration.
- Allow the *zenmonitor* user to run rabbitmqctl.
- Run visudo as root.
- Add the following line to the bottom of the file.
- zenmonitor ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: /usr/sbin/rabbitmqctl
- Type ESC then :wq to save the sudo configuration.
- Alias rabbitmqctl for the zenmonitor user.
- Add the following lines to /home/zenmonitor/.bashrc.
- shopt -s expand_aliases
- alias rabbitmqctl="sudo /usr/sbin/rabbitmqctl"
- Add the following lines to /home/zenmonitor/.bashrc.
Rabbitmqadmin is a script provided by RabbitMQ included with the rabbitmq_management plugin. Rabbitmqadmin can perform a variety of tasks and provide performance statistics for RabbitMQ. To install rabbitmqadmin, the following conditions must be met on each RabbitMQ server you want to monitor:
- Erlang R14B or greater must installed
- A RabbitMQ user with administrator tags must be used (will be stored in zProperties)
- The rabbitmq_management plugin must be enabled
- The rabbitmqadmin script must be saved to the RabbitMQ server filesystem
- 1. Erlang
If you are updating Erlang on a RHEL/CentOS server (with or without Zenoss):
* Download an updated Erlang version for your platform - we recommend version R15B03 (wget * Download an Erlang compat RPM (wget --no-check-certificate) * If zenoss is present: service zenoss stop * service rabbitmq-server stop * Remove your previous version of Erlang - if your version of Erlang is R12B, you can use the command: rpm -e erlang-R12B --nodeps * yum localinstall esl-erlang_15.b.3-1~centos~6_amd64.rpm * yum localinstall esl-erlang-compat-R14B-1.el6.noarch.rpm * service rabbitmq-server start * If zenoss is present: service zenoss start
- 2. Give a RabbitMQ user administrator tags (and configure needed zProperties)
* rabbitmqctl set_user_tags zenoss administrator * In the Zenoss UI, for your RabbitMQ device, change the Configuration Property '''zSshConcurrentSessions''' to 1 * In the Zenoss UI, for your RabbitMQ device, set your '''zRabbitMQAdminUser''' and '''zRabbitMQAdminPassword''' appropriately
- 3. Enable the RabbitMQ management plugin
* rabbitmq-plugins enable rabbitmq_management * service rabbitmq-server restart
- 4. Download the rabbitmqadmin script
* cd /usr/local/bin * RabbitMQ 2.x: wget http://{your-rabbitmq-server}:55672/cli/rabbitmqadmin --user {your-rabbitmq-user} --password {your-rabbitmq-user-password} * RabbitMQ 3.x: wget http://{your-rabbitmq-server}:15672/cli/rabbitmqadmin --user {your-rabbitmq-user} --password {your-rabbitmq-user-password}
2. Make the rabbitmqadmin file executable and update ownership:
* chmod +x /usr/local/bin/rabbitmqadmin * If you are running the SSH commands as a non-root user, chown (your user):(your group) /usr/local/bin/rabbitmqadmin
- 1.0.10
- (ZPS-6912) Fix Traceback generated when no queries are being returned for the vhost name
- (ZPS-6937) Fix RabbitMQ 3.8.x targets break parsing
- Tested with Zenoss Cloud, Zenoss 6.6.0, Zenoss 6.5.0 and Service Impact 5.5.3
- 1.0.9
- (ZPS-2772) Fix modeler omission of RabbitMQ nodes from rabbitmqctl status
- 1.0.8
- (ZEN-20898) Support for Federation Plugin
- Parser improvements and bug fixes
- 1.0.7
- (ZEN-11451) Zenoss should track and present event processing rates
- 1.0.6
- (ZEN-5533) /Status/RabbitMQ for queues don't auto-clear when resolved
- 1.0.5
- (ZEN-3526) RabbitMQ: No data returned for command