The MDC Menu component is a spec-aligned menu component adhering to the Material Design menu specification. Menus require JavaScript to properly position themselves when opening.
npm install @material/menu
A menu is initially hidden, appearing when opened via the JS API. It is appropriate for any display size.
<div class="mdc-menu" tabindex="-1">
<ul class="mdc-menu__items mdc-list" role="menu" aria-hidden="true">
<li class="mdc-list-item" role="menuitem" tabindex="0">
A Menu Item
<li class="mdc-list-item" role="menuitem" tabindex="0">
Another Menu Item
The menu can be positioned to automatically anchor to a parent element when opened.
<div id="toolbar" class="toolbar mdc-menu-anchor">
<div class="mdc-menu">
The menu can be positioned to automatically anchor to another element, by wrapping the other element with the anchor class.
<div id="demo-menu" class="mdc-menu-anchor">
<button id="menu-button">Open Menu</button>
<div class="mdc-menu">
When used in components such as MDC Menu, list items can be disabled.
To disable a list item, set aria-disabled
property to "true"
, and set tabindex
to "-1"
<div class="mdc-menu" tabindex="-1">
<ul class="mdc-menu__items mdc-list" role="menu" aria-hidden="true">
<li class="mdc-list-item" role="menuitem" tabindex="0">
A Menu Item
<li class="mdc-list-item" role="menuitem" tabindex="-1" aria-disabled="true">
Disabled Menu Item
CSS Class | Description |
mdc-menu |
Mandatory |
mdc-menu--animating-open |
Indicates the menu is currently animating open. This class is removed once the animation completes. |
mdc-menu--open |
Indicates the menu is currently open, or is currently animating open. |
mdc-menu--animating-closed |
Indicates the menu is currently animating closed. This class is removed once the animation completes. |
// Instantiation
var menuEl = document.querySelector('#toolbar');
var menu = new;
var menuButtonEl = document.querySelector('#menu-button');
// Toggle menu open
menuButtonEl.addEventListener('click', function() { = !;
// Listen for selected item
menuEl.addEventListener('MDCMenu:selected', function(evt) {
var detail = evt.detail;
// Set Anchor Corner to Bottom End
// Turn off menu open animations
menu.quickOpen = true;
See Importing the JS component for more information on how to import JavaScript.
Property | Value Type | Description |
open |
Boolean | Proxies to the foundation's isOpen /(open , close ) methods. |
items |
Array | Proxies to the foundation's container to query for all .mdc-list-item[role] elements. |
itemsContainer |
Element | Queries the foundation's root element for the mdc-menu__items container element. |
quickOpen |
Boolean | Proxies to the foundation's setQuickOpen() method. |
Method Signature | Description |
show({focusIndex: ?number}) => void |
Proxies to the foundation's open() method. An optional config parameter allows the caller to specify which item should receive focus after the menu opens. |
hide() => void |
Proxies to the foundation's close() method. |
setAnchorCorner(Corner) => void |
Proxies to the foundation's setAnchorCorner(Corner) method. |
setAnchorMargin(AnchorMargin) => void |
Proxies to the foundation's setAnchorMargin(AnchorMargin) method. |
getDefaultFoundation() => MDCMenuFoundation |
Returns the foundation. |
Method Signature | Description |
addClass(className: string) => void |
Adds a class to the root element. |
removeClass(className: string) => void |
Removes a class from the root element. |
hasClass(className: string) => boolean |
Returns a boolean indicating whether the root element has a given class. |
hasNecessaryDom() => boolean |
Returns boolean indicating whether the necessary DOM is present (namely, the mdc-menu__items container). |
getAttributeForEventTarget(target: EventTarget, attributeName: string) => string |
Returns the value of a given attribute on an event target. |
getInnerDimensions() => {width: number, height: number} |
Returns an object with the items container width and height. |
hasAnchor: () => boolean |
Returns whether the menu has an anchor for positioning. |
getAnchorDimensions() => {width: number, height: number, top: number, right: number, bottom: number, left: number} |
Returns an object with the dimensions and position of the anchor (same semantics as DOMRect ). |
getWindowDimensions() => {width: number, height: number} |
Returns an object with width and height of the page, in pixels. |
getNumberOfItems() => number |
Returns the number of item elements inside the items container. In our vanilla component, we determine this by counting the number of list items whose role attribute corresponds to the correct child role of the role present on the menu list element. For example, if the list element has a role of menu this queries for all elements that have a role of menuitem . |
registerInteractionHandler(type: string, handler: EventListener) => void |
Adds an event listener handler for event type type . |
deregisterInteractionHandler(type: string, handler: EventListener) => void |
Removes an event listener handler for event type type . |
registerBodyClickHandler(handler: EventListener) => void |
Adds an event listener handler for event type click . |
deregisterBodyClickHandler(handler: EventListener) => void |
Removes an event listener handler for event type click . |
getIndexForEventTarget(target: EventTarget) => number |
Checks to see if the target of an event pertains to one of the menu items, and if so returns the index of that item. Returns -1 if the target is not one of the menu items. |
notifySelected(evtData: {index: number}) => void |
Dispatches an event notifying listeners that a menu item has been selected. The function should accept an evtData parameter containing an object with an index property representing the index of the selected item. Implementations may choose to supplement this data with additional data, such as the item itself. |
notifyCancel() => void |
Dispatches an event notifying listeners that the menu has been closed with no selection made. |
saveFocus() => void |
Stores the currently focused element on the document, for restoring with restoreFocus . |
restoreFocus() => void |
Restores the previously saved focus state, by making the previously focused element the active focus again. |
isFocused() => boolean |
Returns a boolean value indicating whether the root element of the menu is focused. |
focus() => void |
Focuses the root element of the menu. |
getFocusedItemIndex() => number |
Returns the index of the currently focused menu item (-1 if none). |
focusItemAtIndex(index: number) => void |
Focuses the menu item with the provided index. |
isRtl() => boolean |
Returns boolean indicating whether the current environment is RTL. |
setTransformOrigin(value: string) => void |
Sets the transform origin for the menu element. |
setPosition(position: {top: string, right: string, bottom: string, left: string}) => void |
Sets the position of the menu element. |
setMaxHeight(value: string) => void |
Sets max-height style for the menu element. |
Method Signature | Description |
setAnchorCorner(corder: Corner) => void |
Sets the corner that the menu will be anchored to. See constants.js |
setAnchorMargin(margin: AnchorMargin) => void |
Sets the distance from the anchor point that the menu should be shown. |
open({focusIndex: ?number}) => void |
Opens the menu. Optionally accepts an object with a focusIndex parameter to indicate which list item should receive focus when the menu is opened. |
close(evt: ?Event) |
Closes the menu. Optionally accepts the event to check if the target is disabled before closing the menu. |
isOpen() => boolean |
Returns a boolean indicating whether the menu is open. |
setQuickOpen(quickOpen: boolean) => void |
Sets whether the menu should open and close without animation when the open /close methods are called. |
Event Name | Data | Description |
MDCMenu:selected |
{detail: {item: HTMLElement, index: number}} |
Used to indicate when an element has been selected. This event also includes the item selected and the list index of that item. |
MDCMenu:cancel |
none | Event emitted when the menu is closed with no selection made (e.g. if the user hits Esc while it's open, or clicks somewhere else on the page). |