Releases: Mutagen-Modding/Synthesis
Releases · Mutagen-Modding/Synthesis
- Export profile functionality now copies data folder
- Setting autogeneration systems now load all assemblies of target patcher, not just FormKey libs. Will help with more complex library combinations to not fail.
- SynthesisPipeline.SetTypicalOpen now preferred API for providing RunDefaultPatcher preferences
- CLI help text wording improvements
- Some Linux build improvements to clean nuget packages (thanks Monyarm!)
- Setting autogeneration systems moved to
project for better reuse - HostSettings CLI verb for future features
- Profile export button, for exporting synthesis settings with no auto updating functionality enabled
- Settings now delay cleaning up assembly loading until closing
- Improved max heights of some autogenerated settings
- Swapped settings tab to not be initially selected tab (to make it more intentional to start loading assemblies)
- Fix for newly added patcher being disposed, and thus not responding/updating, or ever finishing compilation.
- Fix for git patcher store not updating to latest state
- IPatcherState.TryRetrieveConfigFile convenience method, for easier fallback to "default" settings.
- IPatcherState.DefaultDataFolderPath added
- Auto setting systems now read in List-based settings more appropriately. (Replace instead of add)
- Improved disposal of deleted patchers
- "Last successful run" tracking systems. Button to easily revert
- Autogenerated setting scoping/navigation concepts added
- [SynthesisObjectNameMember] attribute added to mark a member for display in the navigation summaries
- Settings use the library "Humanizer" to convert code member names to more readable naming
- SetAutogeneratedSettings ThrowIfMissing default swapped to false
- Fix for SynthesisStaticEnumDictionary not being enabled via absence
- Fix for dictionaries not saving to json properly
- Dotnet version detection improvements
- Fixes for some readonly fields being included in autogen settings
New Project Template Improvements:
- Fixed csproj overindentation
- Swapped to net5 + windows