Releases: Mutagen-Modding/Synthesis
Releases · Mutagen-Modding/Synthesis
- AddImplicitMasters functionality
- Improved handling of disabled mods on exported patch
- Startup fix that would allow a patcher run to start before things were ready
- Dotnet SDK installation check
- ExtraDataPath ensured to be an absolute file path
- Some exceptions weren't printing to logs
- Crashes now print final exception to logs
- Fix for target checkout not working as intended
- Fix for load order being empty
- Small display fix
- Small class name conflict adjustment. Mutagen.Bethesda.Synthesis.Constants -> Version
- Git patchers can now upgrade a the used Mutagen/Synthesis versions artificially
- Fixes for git patcher building project incorrectly
- Fix for driver repository failing to pull master if user had no global git configuration
- Initial extra patcher data/settings systems implemented
- Solution/Git patchers use simpler run command to avoid extra build work. Overall startup should be faster
- Mostly implemented Synthesis.Bethesda.CLI executable, allowing users to run a pipeline from the command line without the GUI. (Still broken for git patchers, waiting on a small issue)
- Improved git patcher systems to handle corrupted git repositories
- Refactored and improved logging
- Adjusted CLI systems to be less upset about unknown parameters
- Split settings file into two (should be backwards compatible)
- Added version number on top bar
- Git patchers now support "Extra Data" in the form of a folder/file that will be placed alongside the executable
- Readded missing "Add" buttons to initialization stage
- Removed stars/forks from scraper DTOs