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Justin Swanson edited this page May 2, 2022 · 10 revisions

Synthesis is a flexible patcher pipeline system. Its intention is to be able to support any patcher program, regardless of what language it is written in, as long as it conforms to some standards.

In addition to the pipeline "specifications", Synthesis also offers an accompanying GUI.

What does Synthesis do?

It allows modders to develop mods via code rather than by hand. These are often referred to as "patchers".

As a user creating a modded load order, Synthesis lets you add as many of these patcher "mods" as you like, and bundle them together into one single mod file: Synthesis.esp. Should rerun Synthesis any time you add/remove mods, so the dynamic patchers can change and adapt to the new content.

For Users:

Easily add patchers and run patcher pipelines on your game.


Typical Usage

For Developers:

Utilize development tools to help you create Mutagen patchers from scratch easily

Create a Patcher

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