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Developer Guide

The purpose of this file is to capture the steps required to participate in development of this mod as well as document any particular standards, decisions, etc. relevant to this repository.

Version Control (git)

As this repository is hosted on github, the fact that you should expect to use git is perhaps a forgone conclusion. Never-the-less, there are a few suggested settings for interested participants:

$ git config -l Alias Here use an email address that you consider dev-facing, or don't mind being spammed. It will be spammed.

In particular, setting name and email will generate useful commit logs, in the format Author: ALIAS <email>. The push default will set behavior to only attempt to push your current branch to its configured upstream, which is likely the most intuitive if you are unfamiliar with version control software in general.

You can have github auto-generate an email for you, see the github user account docs about how to get your noreply email set up and include it in your git config on the repo. This will ensure that your commits are counted towards your activity, and that you don't expose your email to a wider audience than you expect.

Compiler, Build Tooling

A functional jdk is required to compile the source and perform any meaningful build tasks. You can find openjdk builds at Adoptium's Website. You should expect to require java17 for 18.1 or higher.

You can verify your java install as follows:

$ java -version
openjdk version "17.0.1" 2021-10-19
OpenJDK Runtime Environment (build 17.0.1+12-Ubuntu-120.04)
OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (build 17.0.1+12-Ubuntu-120.04, mixed mode, sharing)

You will also need a functional gradle installation, and while you can usually rpm/apt/etc. your way into a functional gradle install, we recommend either relying on your IDE or following the instructions at gradle's website to create a functional gradle install. You should expect to require gradle 7.3.3 or later for any version that targets Java 17, eg the 18.x branches. Please note that if you use the gradle wrapper, that will manage the version of gradle for you - the inclusion of gradle setup in this document is provided as reference for bootstrapping dev from zero.

You can verify your gradle version as follows:

$ gradle wrapper -version

Gradle 7.4

Build time:   2022-02-08 09:58:38 UTC
Revision:     f0d9291c04b90b59445041eaa75b2ee744162586

Kotlin:       1.5.31
Groovy:       3.0.9
Ant:          Apache Ant(TM) version 1.10.11 compiled on July 10 2021
JVM:          17.0.1 (Private Build 17.0.1+12-Ubuntu-120.04)
OS:           Linux amd64

Builds should be performed through the gradle wrapper, eg ./gradlew compileJava. You may need to chmod u+x the gradle wrapper script in your fork. This approach will allow the wrapper to manage your gradle version, among other benefits.

Codebase Notes

gradlehax submodule

This mod project makes use of a git submodule, which is fairly simple to initialize but none the less must be initialized before you can build the project for the first time. You can find the submodule repo here.

$ git submodule init
$ git submodule update

This should look a bit like this:

$ git submodule init
Submodule 'gradle' ( registered for path 'gradle'
$ git submodule update
Cloning into '/home/coffee/devel/personal/MysticalWorld/gradle'...
Submodule path 'gradle': checked out '8b5b4f65de958167e313b1ca94072a287c44fe17'

Warning! Please be aware that (as of the time of writing), Github Desktop's submodule support has some usability challenges. You can see their tracking issue here. GitKraken's client and the straight git cli seem more straightforward, although this is purely opinion.


This project has a dependency, NoobUtil that is pulled in by dependency management. This project shades and minimizes this dependency via the shadow plugin, which means that this is ultimately invisible to people trying to run the mod.

Common Tasks


If you add new items, blocks, etc. - anything with a texture, for example, you will need to run the data generator job to ensure that the proper json files are created so that, in turn, they can be loaded with the rest of the mod.

The command to do this is simply to run the MysticalWorldData build goal for gradle, like so:

$ ./gradlew MysticalWorldData
. . .
[10:56:33] [main/INFO] [minecraft/DataGenerator]: Registrate Provider for mysticalworld [Recipes, Advancements, Loot tables, Tags (blocks), Tags (items), Tags (fluids), Tags (entity_types), Blockstates, Item models, Lang (en_us/en_ud)] finished after 3090 ms
[10:56:33] [main/INFO] [minecraft/DataGenerator]: Starting provider: LootTables
[10:56:33] [main/INFO] [minecraft/DataGenerator]: LootTables finished after 11 ms
[10:56:33] [main/INFO] [minecraft/DataGenerator]: Starting provider: Potion Tag Provider
[10:56:33] [main/INFO] [minecraft/DataGenerator]: Potion Tag Provider finished after 0 ms
[10:56:33] [main/INFO] [minecraft/DataGenerator]: Starting provider: LootTables
[10:56:33] [main/INFO] [minecraft/DataGenerator]: LootTables finished after 8 ms
[10:56:33] [main/INFO] [minecraft/DataGenerator]: Starting provider: Potion Tag Provider
[10:56:33] [main/INFO] [minecraft/DataGenerator]: Potion Tag Provider finished after 0 ms
[10:56:33] [main/INFO] [minecraft/DataGenerator]: All providers took: 3119 ms

If you run into problems such as:

Caused by: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Texture mysticalworld:block/stonepetal does not exist in any known resource pack

There are one of two things going on: Firstly, you may have a typo in your texture name, or the texture name doesn't match the name you supplied the block constructor inside the java source. Ensure the names are all lined up, the texture is in the right folder, etc.

Secondly, your build environment may be misparsing the datagen arguments in gradle/forge.gradle. If you run a debugger and notice the resource pack's file path includes "" where it should just be ", consider changing this line:

 args '--mod', modId, '--all', '--output', '"' + rootProject.file('src/generated/resources/') + '"', '--existing', '"' + rootProject.file('src/main/resources') + '"'

to this:

args '--mod', modId, '--all', '--output', rootProject.file('src/generated/resources/'), '--existing',  rootProject.file('src/main/resources') 

This will allow you to run the datagen scripts as expected.