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- Sharon Peled (Brigham and Women’s, USA)
- Andras Lasso (Queen’s University, Canada)
- Anyone else that is interested
Matlab Bridge is a very quick and convenient way to combine the display features of 3DSlicer with Matlab analysis code. A straightforward way of exporting Matlab modules to Python and incorporation of the code in 3DSlicer may allow Matlab programmers to make their modules available to the Slicer community.
- Create tutorial about the process of translating a Matlab Bridge module to a Slicer Python scripted module.
- Investigate freeware to convert Matlab code to Python.
- Document a complete pipeline for Matlab-proficient non-developers on the process of creating a Python module.
A couple of examples of Matlab Bridge modules with all their dependent functions were collected here:
It was concluded that conversion needs to be done manually - Matlab to Python converters would not work well for this purpose.
The tutorial “Programming in Slicer4” by Sonia Pujol and Steve Pieper ( was worked through and summarized in the following document for quick reference:
Next steps:
Add a summary of the tutorial “Developing and contributing extensions for 3D Slicer” by Andrey Fedorov, Jean-Christophe Fillion-Robin, and Steve Pieper ( to the document.
Summarize essential Python for Matlab users and add to the document.
- Convert the example Matlab Bridge modules to Python and add a two column comparison of the Python code versus the Matlab code to the document.