Start your Sei smart-contract project easily!
This repository has already prepared benefits for your development:
- Hardhat configuration adapted for Sei network testnet and mainnet deployment.
- Full project structure with the Token sample contract.
- Configuration directory with prepared structure made to save your abis, addresses and configurations.
- Utils local module which enables easy management of your json files.
- Testing helpers module.
- CI performing lint, test and abi updating on each push on the main tree (develop, staging and master) and every PR.
- Yarn scripts for quick fork of the Sei network and more.
- Solcover, solhint and prettier configurations.
- Scripts for retrieval of transaction data and wallet information.
- Scripts for easy token distribution.
- Precommit hooks used to standardize commit messages.
$ nvm use
$ yarn install
- Fill in the environment values as described with .env.example template inside the .env file (comand below)
$ yarn compile
$ yarn test
$ yarn coverage
$ yarn lint
$ yarn format
$ yarn size
$ yarn node
$ yarn node-mainnet
$ yarn node-testnet
$ npx hardhat run --network testnet scripts/deployToken.js
$ node scripts/updateAbis.js