+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+ELM abstract class for API calls
+from abc import ABC
+import numpy as np
+import asyncio
+import aiohttp
+import openai
+import requests
+import tiktoken
+import time
+import logging
+logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class ApiBase(ABC):
"""Class to parse text from a PDF document."""
DEFAULT_MODEL = 'gpt-3.5-turbo'
"""Default model to do pdf text cleaning."""
EMBEDDING_MODEL = 'text-embedding-ada-002'
"""Default model to do text embeddings."""
EMBEDDING_URL = 'https://api.openai.com/v1/embeddings'
"""OpenAI embedding API URL"""
URL = 'https://api.openai.com/v1/chat/completions'
"""OpenAI API API URL"""
HEADERS = {"Content-Type": "application/json",
"Authorization": f"Bearer {openai.api_key}",
"api-key": f"{openai.api_key}",
"""OpenAI API Headers"""
MODEL_ROLE = "You are a research assistant that answers questions."
"""High level model role"""
def __init__(self, model=None):
model : None | str
Optional specification of OpenAI model to use. Default is
self.model = model or self.DEFAULT_MODEL
self.api_queue = None
self.messages = []
def all_messages_txt(self):
"""Get a string printout of the full conversation with the LLM
messages = [f"{msg['role'].upper()}: {msg['content']}"
for msg in self.messages]
messages = '\n\n'.join(messages)
return messages
def clear(self):
"""Clear chat history and reduce messages to just the initial model
role message."""
self.messages = [{"role": "system", "content": self.MODEL_ROLE}]
async def call_api(url, headers, request_json):
"""Make an asyncronous OpenAI API call.
url : str
OpenAI API url, typically either:
headers : dict
OpenAI API headers, typically:
{"Content-Type": "application/json",
"Authorization": f"Bearer {openai.api_key}"}
request_json : dict
API data input, typically looks like this for chat completion:
{"model": "gpt-3.5-turbo",
"messages": [{"role": "system", "content": "You do this..."},
{"role": "user", "content": "Do this: {}"}],
"temperature": 0.0}
out : dict
API response in json format
out = None
kwargs = dict(url=url, headers=headers, json=request_json)
async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session:
async with session.post(**kwargs) as response:
out = await response.json()
except Exception as e:
logger.debug(f'Error in OpenAI API call from '
f'`aiohttp.ClientSession().post(**kwargs)` with '
f'kwargs: {kwargs}')
logger.exception('Error in OpenAI API call! Turn on debug logging '
'to see full query that caused error.')
out = {'error': str(e)}
return out
async def call_api_async(self, url, headers, all_request_jsons,
ignore_error=None, rate_limit=40e3):
"""Use GPT to clean raw pdf text in parallel calls to the OpenAI API.
NOTE: you need to call this using the await command in ipython or
jupyter, e.g.: `out = await PDFtoTXT.clean_txt_async()`
url : str
OpenAI API url, typically either:
headers : dict
OpenAI API headers, typically:
{"Content-Type": "application/json",
"Authorization": f"Bearer {openai.api_key}"}
all_request_jsons : list
List of API data input, one entry typically looks like this for
chat completion:
{"model": "gpt-3.5-turbo",
"messages": [{"role": "system", "content": "You do this..."},
{"role": "user", "content": "Do this: {}"}],
"temperature": 0.0}
ignore_error : None | callable
Optional callable to parse API error string. If the callable
returns True, the error will be ignored, the API call will not be
tried again, and the output will be an empty string.
rate_limit : float
OpenAI API rate limit (tokens / minute). Note that the
gpt-3.5-turbo limit is 90k as of 4/2023, but we're using a large
factor of safety (~1/2) because we can only count the tokens on the
input side and assume the output is about the same count.
out : list
List of API outputs where each list entry is a GPT answer from the
corresponding message in the all_request_jsons input.
self.api_queue = ApiQueue(url, headers, all_request_jsons,
out = await self.api_queue.run()
return out
def chat(self, query, temperature=0):
"""Have a continuous chat with the LLM including context from previous
chat() calls stored as attributes in this class.
query : str
Question to ask ChatGPT
temperature : float
GPT model temperature, a measure of response entropy from 0 to 1. 0
is more reliable and nearly deterministic; 1 will give the model
more creative freedom and may not return as factual of results.
response : str
Model response
self.messages.append({"role": "user", "content": query})
kwargs = dict(model=self.model,
if 'azure' in str(openai.api_type).lower():
kwargs['engine'] = self.model
response = openai.ChatCompletion.create(**kwargs)
response = response["choices"][0]["message"]["content"]
self.messages.append({'role': 'assistant', 'content': response})
return response
def generic_query(self, query, model_role=None, temperature=0):
"""Ask a generic single query without conversation
query : str
Question to ask ChatGPT
model_role : str | None
Role for the model to take, e.g.: "You are a research assistant".
This defaults to self.MODEL_ROLE
temperature : float
GPT model temperature, a measure of response entropy from 0 to 1. 0
is more reliable and nearly deterministic; 1 will give the model
more creative freedom and may not return as factual of results.
response : str
Model response
model_role = model_role or self.MODEL_ROLE
messages = [{"role": "system", "content": model_role},
{"role": "user", "content": query}]
kwargs = dict(model=self.model,
if 'azure' in str(openai.api_type).lower():
kwargs['engine'] = self.model
response = openai.ChatCompletion.create(**kwargs)
response = response["choices"][0]["message"]["content"]
return response
async def generic_async_query(self, queries, model_role=None,
temperature=0, ignore_error=None,
"""Run a number of generic single queries asynchronously
(not conversational)
NOTE: you need to call this using the await command in ipython or
jupyter, e.g.: `out = await Summary.run_async()`
query : list
Questions to ask ChatGPT (list of strings)
model_role : str | None
Role for the model to take, e.g.: "You are a research assistant".
This defaults to self.MODEL_ROLE
temperature : float
GPT model temperature, a measure of response entropy from 0 to 1. 0
is more reliable and nearly deterministic; 1 will give the model
more creative freedom and may not return as factual of results.
ignore_error : None | callable
Optional callable to parse API error string. If the callable
returns True, the error will be ignored, the API call will not be
tried again, and the output will be an empty string.
rate_limit : float
OpenAI API rate limit (tokens / minute). Note that the
gpt-3.5-turbo limit is 90k as of 4/2023, but we're using a large
factor of safety (~1/2) because we can only count the tokens on the
input side and assume the output is about the same count.
response : list
Model responses with same length as query input.
model_role = model_role or self.MODEL_ROLE
all_request_jsons = []
for msg in queries:
msg = [{'role': 'system', 'content': self.MODEL_ROLE},
{'role': 'user', 'content': msg}]
req = {"model": self.model, "messages": msg,
"temperature": temperature}
self.api_queue = ApiQueue(self.URL, self.HEADERS, all_request_jsons,
out = await self.api_queue.run()
for i, response in enumerate(out):
choice = response.get('choices', [{'message': {'content': ''}}])[0]
message = choice.get('message', {'content': ''})
content = message.get('content', '')
if not any(content):
logger.error(f'Received no output for query {i + 1}!')
out[i] = content
return out
def get_embedding(cls, text):
"""Get the 1D array (list) embedding of a text string.
text : str
Text to embed
embedding : list
List of float that represents the numerical embedding of the text
kwargs = dict(url=cls.EMBEDDING_URL,
json={'model': cls.EMBEDDING_MODEL,
'input': text})
out = requests.post(**kwargs)
embedding = out.json()
embedding = embedding["data"][0]["embedding"]
except Exception as exc:
msg = ('Embedding request failed: {} {}'
.format(out.reason, embedding))
raise RuntimeError(msg) from exc
return embedding
def count_tokens(text, model):
"""Return the number of tokens in a string.
text : str
Text string to get number of tokens for
model : str
specification of OpenAI model to use (e.g., "gpt-3.5-turbo")
n : int
Number of tokens in text
# Optional mappings for weird azure names to tiktoken/openai names
tokenizer_aliases = {'gpt-35-turbo': 'gpt-3.5-turbo',
'gpt-4-32k': 'gpt-4-32k-0314'
token_model = tokenizer_aliases.get(model, model)
encoding = tiktoken.encoding_for_model(token_model)
return len(encoding.encode(text))
class ApiQueue:
"""Class to manage the parallel API queue and submission"""
def __init__(self, url, headers, request_jsons, ignore_error=None,
rate_limit=40e3, max_retries=10):
url : str
OpenAI API url, typically either:
headers : dict
OpenAI API headers, typically:
{"Content-Type": "application/json",
"Authorization": f"Bearer {openai.api_key}"}
all_request_jsons : list
List of API data input, one entry typically looks like this for
chat completion:
{"model": "gpt-3.5-turbo",
"messages": [{"role": "system", "content": "You do this..."},
{"role": "user", "content": "Do this: {}"}],
"temperature": 0.0}
ignore_error : None | callable
Optional callable to parse API error string. If the callable
returns True, the error will be ignored, the API call will not be
tried again, and the output will be an empty string.
rate_limit : float
OpenAI API rate limit (tokens / minute). Note that the
gpt-3.5-turbo limit is 90k as of 4/2023, but we're using a large
factor of safety (~1/2) because we can only count the tokens on the
input side and assume the output is about the same count.
max_retries : int
Number of times to retry an API call with an error response before
raising an error.
self.url = url
self.headers = headers
self.request_jsons = request_jsons
self.ignore_error = ignore_error
self.rate_limit = rate_limit
self.max_retries = max_retries
self.api_jobs = None
self.todo = None
self.out = None
self.errors = None
self.tries = None
self._retry = False
self._tsub = 0
self.job_names = [f'job_{str(ijob).zfill(4)}'
for ijob in range(len(request_jsons))]
def _reset(self):
self.api_jobs = {}
self.todo = [True] * len(self)
self.out = [None] * len(self)
self.errors = [None] * len(self)
self.tries = np.zeros(len(self), dtype=int)
self._retry = False
self._tsub = 0
def __len__(self):
"""Number of API calls to submit"""
return len(self.request_jsons)
def waiting_on(self):
"""Get a list of async jobs that are being waited on."""
return [job for ijob, job in self.api_jobs.items() if self.todo[ijob]]
def submit_jobs(self):
"""Submit a subset jobs asynchronously and hold jobs in the `api_jobs`
attribute. Break when the `rate_limit` is exceeded."""
token_count = 0
t_elap = (time.time() - self._tsub) / 60
avail_tokens = self.rate_limit * t_elap
avail_tokens = min(self.rate_limit, avail_tokens)
for ijob, itodo in enumerate(self.todo):
if (ijob not in self.api_jobs
and itodo
and token_count < avail_tokens):
request = self.request_jsons[ijob]
model = request['model']
tokens = ApiBase.count_tokens(str(request), model)
if tokens > self.rate_limit:
msg = ('Job index #{} with has {} tokens which '
'is greater than the rate limit of {}!'
.format(ijob, tokens, self.rate_limit))
raise RuntimeError(msg)
elif tokens < avail_tokens:
token_count += tokens
task = asyncio.create_task(ApiBase.call_api(self.url,
self.api_jobs[ijob] = task
self.tries[ijob] += 1
self._tsub = time.time()
logger.debug('Submitted "{}" ({} out of {}). '
'Token count: {} '
'(rate limit is {}). '
'Attempts: {}'
ijob + 1, len(self), token_count,
elif token_count >= avail_tokens:
token_count = 0
async def collect_jobs(self):
"""Collect asyncronous API calls and API outputs. Store outputs in the
`out` attribute."""
if not any(self.waiting_on):
complete, _ = await asyncio.wait(self.waiting_on,
for job in complete:
job_name = job.get_name()
ijob = self.job_names.index(job_name)
task_out = job.result()
if 'error' in task_out:
msg = ('Received API error for task #{0} '
'(see `ApiQueue.errors[{1}]` and '
'`ApiQueue.request_jsons[{1}]` for more details). '
'Error message: {2}'.format(ijob + 1, ijob, task_out))
self.errors[ijob] = 'Error: {}'.format(task_out)
if (self.ignore_error is not None
and self.ignore_error(str(task_out))):
msg += ' Ignoring error and moving on.'
dummy = {'choices': [{'message': {'content': ''}}]}
self.out[ijob] = dummy
self.todo[ijob] = False
del self.api_jobs[ijob]
msg += ' Retrying query.'
self._retry = True
self.out[ijob] = task_out
self.todo[ijob] = False
n_complete = len(self) - sum(self.todo)
logger.debug('Finished {} API calls, {} left'
.format(n_complete, sum(self.todo)))
async def run(self):
"""Run all asyncronous API calls.
out : list
List of API call outputs with same ordering as `request_jsons`
logger.debug('Submitting async API calls...')
i = 0
while any(self.todo):
i += 1
self._retry = False
await self.collect_jobs()
if any(self.tries > self.max_retries):
msg = (f'Hit {self.max_retries} retries on API queries. '
'Stopping. See `ApiQueue.errors` for more '
'details on error response')
raise RuntimeError(msg)
elif self._retry:
elif i > 1e4:
raise RuntimeError('Hit 1e4 iterations. What are you doing?')
elif any(self.todo):
return self.out