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Below is a guide to help setup a Google Kubernetes Cluster using the gcloud cli utility. This guide is meant to provide steps to setup the cluster. Please refer to the helm chart to install openstudio-server chart once the EKS cluster is up and running.


  • Google Cloud Account with Kubernetes privileges
  • Google gcloud CLI utility

Install gcloud client

Use gcloud to login to your account.

gcloud auth login

Create a project

*Note - if already have one existing project you can use that one (see below)

gcloud projects create openstudio-server

Set the project

gcloud config set project openstudio-server

Create the cluster.

Below is an example that will create an AWS EKS cluster that has 3 nodes of instance type `n1-standard-4`` with max nodes = 8. This cluster is set to autoscale up to this max node amount. You can change the instance type and min and max node setting to your use case. More info on Google instance types

    gcloud container clusters create openstudio-server \
      --zone us-west1-a \
      --disk-size=50 \
      --disk-type=pd-standard \
      --machine-type=n1-standard-4 \
      --num-nodes=3 \
      --enable-autoscaling \
      --max-nodes=8 \

Set credentials to use cluster

gcloud container clusters get-credentials openstudio-server --zone us-west1-a

The above cmd should return that cluster info.


openstudio-server  us-west1-a  1.14.10-gke.27  n1-standard-4  1.14.10-gke.27  3          RUNNING

Delete cluster

When you are finished and you can simply delete the entire cluster.

gcloud container clusters delete openstudio-server --zone us-west1-a

Idle cluster

Google allows you to keep the Kubernetes cluster up and running without having any node running. You can scale down the cluster size to 0 and then scale back up when you want to use the cluster again.

gcloud container clusters resize openstudio-server --num-nodes=0 --zone us-west1-a

Confirm cluster is now zero nodes

kubectl get nodes

Should show no nodes

kubectl get pods

Should show all pods in pending state

To scale back up the cluster simply resize the command back to the original min size.

gcloud container clusters resize openstudio-server --num-nodes=3 --zone us-west1-a
kubectl get nodes

Should show all nodes available

kubectl get pods

Should show all pods in running state.