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Bill of Materials

John edited this page Mar 11, 2019 · 35 revisions

This page lists everything you need to build JetBot along with purchasing links from popular vendors.

Jetson Nano Essentials

First, you'll need these components to use Jetson Nano Developer Kit. If you're already working with Nano you probably have them on hand.

Part Specifications Quantity Cost Purchase URL
Jetson Nano 1 $99.00
Micro SD card 64GB 1 $13.99 Amazon
Power Supplly with Micro USB cable 5V 2.5A 1 $7.50 Adafruit

JetBot Components

In addition to the components above, you'll need these components for each JetBot that you want to build.

Some items may not ship internationally or be available from all vendors. Here are some tips;

  • You can check the spec of each item and search if there are any compatible substitutes
  • Try different vendors to see if they ship internationally or have items in stock
  • For battery, please check the battery selection tips
Part Specifications Quantity Cost Purchase URL
Camera IMX219 1 $23.90 Amazon, Adafruit
Camera lens attachment 160-degree FoV lens 1 $18.99 Amazon1, 2, eBay
Wi-Fi card Intel Wireless-AC 8265 1 $18.95 Amazon, NewEgg
Wi-Fi antenna U.FL connectors 2 $5.06 Arrow
Motor "TT motor" with 200RPM gearbox 2 $5.90 Adafruit, Amazon1, 2
Motor driver TB6612, PCA9685 1 $19.95 Adafruit, Amazon
Wheel 60mm wheel for "TT motor" 2 $5.00 Adafruit
Caster Ball 1-inch POM ball 1 $6.30 Amazon
Battery 2x 3A output, 10000mAh 1 $15.99 Amazon
USB cables Right Angle 2-pack 1 $6.99 Amazon
PiOLED display 128x32 OLED 1 $14.95 Adafruit, Amazon
Righe-angle header (3 row) 2x36 right angle header 1 $5.95 Adafruit, Amazon

Assembly hardware

To assemble JetBot you'll also need these items below. They come in packs so you won't need to order them for each robot.

Part Specifications Qty per JetBot Qty per pack Cost per JetBot Purchase URL
Adhesive pads 2 48 $0.14 Amazon
M2 screw M2x8, Slef tapping 20 100 $1.29 Amazon
M2 washer 20 200 $0.65 Amazon
M3 screw M3x25mm 4 60 $0.47 Amazon
M3 nut M3 4 100 $0.24 Amazon
Jumper wires Female-female, 20cm/8-inch 1 4 $1.25 Amazon

3D Printed Components

Finally, you'll need to 3D print the chassis and accessories that are included in the JetBot git repository. If you have a 3D printer on hand, the material cost is very low. Otherwise, you could use an external printing service.

We include all of the information needed to print JetBot on the 3D printing page.

Next step

Follow the hardware setup.


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