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new file mode 100644
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+++ b/docs/ros.md
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+# ROS2 Nodes
+The [`ros2_nanollm`](https://github.com/NVIDIA-AI-IOT/ros2_nanollm) package provides ROS2 nodes for running optimized LLM's and VLM's locally inside a container.  These are built on [NanoLLM](tutorial_nano-llm.md) and ROS2 Humble for deploying generative AI models onboard your robot with Jetson.
+!!! abstract "What you need"
+    1. One of the following Jetson devices:
+        <span class="blobDarkGreen4">Jetson AGX Orin (64GB)</span>
+        <span class="blobDarkGreen5">Jetson AGX Orin (32GB)</span>
+        <span class="blobLightGreen3">Jetson Orin NX (16GB)</span>
+        <span class="blobLightGreen4">Jetson Orin Nano (8GB)</span><span title="Orin Nano 8GB can run Llava-7b, VILA-7b, and Obsidian-3B">⚠️</span>
+    2. Running one of the following versions of [JetPack](https://developer.nvidia.com/embedded/jetpack):
+        <span class="blobPink2">JetPack 5 (L4T r35.x)</span>
+        <span class="blobPink2">JetPack 6 (L4T r36.x)</span>
+    3. Sufficient storage space (preferably with NVMe SSD).
+        - `22GB` for `nano_llm:humble` container image
+        - Space for models (`>10GB`)
+    4. Clone and setup [`jetson-containers`](https://github.com/dusty-nv/jetson-containers/blob/master/docs/setup.md){:target="_blank"}:
+		```bash
+		git clone https://github.com/dusty-nv/jetson-containers
+		bash jetson-containers/install.sh
+		``` 
+## Running the Live Demo
+!!! abstract "Recommended"
+    Before you start, please review [NanoVLM](https://www.jetson-ai-lab.com/tutorial_nano-vlm.html) and [Live LLaVa](https://www.jetson-ai-lab.com/tutorial_live-llava.html) demos.  For primary documentation, view [ROS2 NanoLLM](https://github.com/NVIDIA-AI-IOT/ros2_nanollm).
+1. Ensure you have a camera device connected
+    ```
+    ls /dev/video*
+    ```
+2. Use the `jetson-containers run` and `autotag` commands to automatically pull or build a compatible container image. 
+	```
+	jetson-containers run $(autotag nano_llm:humble) \
+		ros2 launch ros2_nanollm camera_input_example.launch.py
+	```
+	This command will start the launch file of the container. 
+By default this will load the [`Efficient-Large-Model/Llama-3-VILA1.5-8B`](https://huggingface.co/Efficient-Large-Model/Llama-3-VILA1.5-8b) VLM and publish the image captions and overlay to topics that can be subscribed to by your other nodes, or visualized with RViz or Foxglove.  Refer to the [`ros2_nanollm`](https://github.com/NVIDIA-AI-IOT/ros2_nanollm) repo for documentation on the input/output topics that are exposed.
+## Build your own ROS Nodes
+To build your own ROS2 node using LLM or VLM, first create a ROS 2 workspace and package in a directory mounted to the container (following the [ROS 2 Humble Documentation](https://docs.ros.org/en/humble/Tutorials/Beginner-Client-Libraries/Creating-A-Workspace/Creating-A-Workspace.html)).  Your src folder should then look like this: 
+		└── src    
+			└── your-package-name
+				├── launch     
+						└── camera_input.launch.py
+				├── resource
+						└── your-package-name
+				├── your-package-name
+						└── __init__.py 
+						└── your-node-name_py.py
+				├── test
+						└── test_copyright.py
+						└── test_flake8.py
+						└── test_pep257.py
+				├── package.xml
+				├── setup.cfg
+				├── setup.py
+				└── README.md
+We will create the launch folder, as well as the camera_input.launch.py and your-node-name_py.py files in later steps. 
+###**Editing the setup.py file**
+Let’s begin by editing the setup.py file. 
+At the top of the file, add 
+from glob import glob 
+In the setup method, find the data_files=[] line, and make sure it looks like this: 
+       ('share/ament_index/resource_index/packages',
+           ['resource/' + package_name]),
+       ('share/' + package_name, ['package.xml']),
+   ('share/' + package_name, glob('launch/*.launch.py')),
+   ],
+Edit the maintainer line with your name. Edit the maintainer email to your email. Edit the description line to describe your package. 
+description='YOUR DESCRIPTION',  
+Find the ```console_scripts``` line in the entry_points method. Edit the inside to be: 
+'your-node-name_py = your-package-name.your-node-name_py:main'
+For example: 
+       'console_scripts': [
+       'nano_llm_py = ros2_nanollm.nano_llm_py:main'
+       ],
+   },
+*All done for this file!*
+###**Creating and writing in the your-node-name_py.py file**
+Inside your package, under the folder that shares your package's name and contains the ```__init__.py``` file, create a file named after your node. For NanoLLM, this file would be called ```nano_llm_py.py```. 
+Paste the following code into the empty file: 
+import rclpy 
+from std_msgs.msg import String
+from sensor_msgs.msg import Image
+from cv_bridge import CvBridge
+from PIL import Image as im
+class Your_Model_Subscriber(Node):
+    def __init__(self):
+        super().__init__('your_model_subscriber')
+        self.declare_parameter('param1', "param1_value") 
+        self.declare_parameter('param2', "param2_value")
+        # Subscriber for input query
+        self.query_subscription = self.create_subscription(
+            String,
+            'input_query',
+            self.query_listener_callback,
+            10)
+        self.query_subscription  # prevent unused variable warning
+        # Subscriber for input image
+        self.image_subscription = self.create_subscription(
+            Image,
+            'input_image',
+            self.image_listener_callback,
+            10)
+        self.image_subscription  # prevent unused variable warning
+        # To convert ROS image message to OpenCV image
+        self.cv_br = CvBridge() 
+        #LOAD THE MODEL
+        self.model = INSERT_MODEL.from_pretrained("PATH-TO-MODEL")
+        #chatHistory var 
+        self.chat_history = ChatHistory(self.model)
+        ##  PUBLISHER
+        self.output_publisher = self.create_publisher(String, 'output', 10)
+        self.query = "Describe the image."
+    def query_listener_callback(self, msg):
+        self.query = msg.data
+    def image_listener_callback(self, data): 
+        input_query = self.query
+        # call model with input_query and input_image 
+        cv_img = self.cv_br.imgmsg_to_cv2(data, 'rgb8')
+        PIL_img = im.fromarray(cv_img)
+        # Parsing input text prompt
+        prompt = input_query.strip("][()")
+        text = prompt.split(',')
+        self.get_logger().info('Your query: %s' % text) #prints the query
+        #chat history 
+        self.chat_history.append('user', image=PIL_img)
+        self.chat_history.append('user', prompt, use_cache=True)
+        embedding, _ = self.chat_history.embed_chat()
+        output = self.model.generate(
+            inputs=embedding,
+            kv_cache=self.chat_history.kv_cache,
+            min_new_tokens = 10,
+            streaming = False, 
+            do_sample = True,
+        )
+        output_msg = String()
+        output_msg.data = output
+        self.output_publisher.publish(output_msg)
+        self.get_logger().info(f"Published output: {output}")
+def main(args=None):
+    rclpy.init(args=args)
+    your_model_subscriber = Your_Model_Subscriber()
+    rclpy.spin(your_model_subscriber)
+    # Destroy the node explicitly
+    # (optional - otherwise it will be done automatically
+    # when the garbage collector destroys the node object)
+    nano_llm_subscriber.destroy_node()
+    rclpy.shutdown()
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    main()
+Edit the import statement at the top of the file to import the necessary modules from the model. 
+Next, edit the class name and name inside the ```__init__()``` function to reflect the model that will be used. 
+Find the comment that reads ```#EDIT PARAMETERS HERE```. Declare all parameters except for the model name following the format in the file. Under the ```#LOAD THE MODEL``` comment, include the path to the model. 
+Lastly, edit the generate method under the ```GENERATE OUTPUT``` comment to include any additional parameters. 
+*All done for this file!*
+###**Creating and writing in the camera_input.launch.py file** 
+Inside your package, create the launch folder. Create your launch file inside of it. 
+mkdir launch
+cd launch 
+touch camera_input.launch.py
+You can edit this file externally, and it will update within the container. Paste the following code into the empty file. 
+from launch import LaunchDescription
+from launch_ros.actions import Node
+from launch.substitutions import LaunchConfiguration
+from launch.actions import DeclareLaunchArgument
+def generate_launch_description():
+    launch_args = [
+        DeclareLaunchArgument( 
+            'param1',
+            default_value='param1_default',
+            description='Description of param1'),
+        DeclareLaunchArgument(
+            'param2',
+            default_value='param2_default',
+            description='Description of param2'),
+    ]
+    #Your model parameters 
+    param1 = LaunchConfiguration('param1')
+    param2 = LaunchConfiguration('param2')
+    #camera node for camera input
+    cam2image_node = Node(
+            package='image_tools',
+            executable='cam2image',
+            remappings=[('image', 'input_image')],
+    )
+    #model node
+    model_node = Node(
+            package='your-package-name', #make sure your package is named this
+            executable='your-node-name_py', 
+            parameters=[{
+            	'param1': param1, 
+            	'param2': param2,
+            }]
+    )
+    final_launch_description = launch_args + [cam2image_node] + [model_node]
+    return LaunchDescription(final_launch_description)
+Find the required parameters for your model. You can view this by looking at the [Model API](https://dusty-nv.github.io/NanoLLM/models.html#model-api) for your specific model and taking note to how the model is called. For example, NanoLLM retrieves models through the following: 
+model = NanoLLM.from_pretrained(
+   "meta-llama/Llama-3-8b-hf",  # HuggingFace repo/model name, or path to HF model checkpoint
+   api='mlc',                   # supported APIs are: mlc, awq, hf
+   quantization='q4f16_ft'      # q4f16_ft, q4f16_1, q8f16_0 for MLC, or path to AWQ weights
+The parameters for NanoLLM would be the model name, api, and quantization. 
+In the ```generate_launch_description``` function, edit the ```DeclareLaunchArgument``` to accomodate for all parameters except the model name. For NanoLLM, this would look like: 
+def generate_launch_description():
+    launch_args = [
+        DeclareLaunchArgument( 
+            'api',
+            default_value='mlc',
+            description='The model backend to use'),
+        DeclareLaunchArgument(
+            'quantization',
+            default_value='q4f16_ft',
+            description='The quantization method to use'),
+    ]
+Then edit the lines under ```#Your model Parameters``` to match the parameters of your model, again excluding the model name. Lastly, fill in the code under the ```#model node``` comment with your package name, the name of your node file, and all of your parameters, this time including the model. 
+*All done for this file!*
diff --git a/docs/tutorial-intro.md b/docs/tutorial-intro.md
index eb7f09fe..631c98b5 100644
--- a/docs/tutorial-intro.md
+++ b/docs/tutorial-intro.md
@@ -26,14 +26,7 @@ Give your locally running LLM an access to vision!
 | **[Live LLaVA](./tutorial_live-llava.md)** | Run multimodal models interactively on live video streams over a repeating set of prompts. |
 | **[NanoVLM](./tutorial_nano-vlm.md)** | Use mini vision/language models and the optimized multimodal pipeline for live streaming. |
-### Image Generation
-|      |                     |
-| :---------- | :----------------------------------- |
-| **[Stable Diffusion](./tutorial_stable-diffusion.md)** | Run AUTOMATIC1111's [`stable-diffusion-webui`](https://github.com/AUTOMATIC1111/stable-diffusion-webui) to generate images from prompts |
-| **[Stable Diffusion XL](./tutorial_stable-diffusion-xl.md)** | A newer ensemble pipeline consisting of a base model and refiner that results in significantly enhanced and detailed image generation capabilities.|
-### Vision Transformers & CV
+### Vision Transformers
 |      |                     |
 | :---------- | :----------------------------------- |
@@ -42,7 +35,6 @@ Give your locally running LLM an access to vision!
 | **[NanoSAM](./vit/tutorial_nanosam.md)** | [NanoSAM](https://github.com/NVIDIA-AI-IOT/nanosam), SAM model variant capable of running in real-time on Jetson |
 | **[SAM](./vit/tutorial_sam.md)** | Meta's [SAM](https://github.com/facebookresearch/segment-anything), Segment Anything model |
 | **[TAM](./vit/tutorial_tam.md)** | [TAM](https://github.com/gaomingqi/Track-Anything), Track-Anything model, is an interactive tool for video object tracking and segmentation |
-| **[Ultralytics YOLOv8](./tutorial_ultralytics.md)** | Run [Ultralytics](https://www.ultralytics.com) YOLOv8 on Jetson with NVIDIA TensorRT. |
 ### RAG & Vector Database
@@ -52,6 +44,16 @@ Give your locally running LLM an access to vision!
 | **[LlamaIndex](./tutorial_llamaindex.md)** | Realize RAG (Retrieval Augmented Generation) so that an LLM can work with your documents |
 | **[LlamaIndex](./tutorial_jetson-copilot.md)** | Reference application for building your own local AI assistants using LLM, RAG, and VectorDB |
+### API Integrations
+|      |                     |
+| :---------- | :----------------------------------- |
+| **[ROS2 Nodes](./ros.md)** | Optimized LLM and VLM provided as [ROS2 nodes](./ros.md) for robotics |
+| **[Holoscan SDK](./tutorial_holoscan.md)** | Use the [Holoscan-SDK](https://github.com/nvidia-holoscan/holoscan-sdk) to run high-throughput, low-latency edge AI pipelines |
+| **[Gapi Workflows](./tutorial_gapi_workflows.md)** | Integrating generative AI into real world environments |
+| **[Gapi Micro Services](./tutorial_gapi_microservices.md)** | Wrapping models and code to participate in systems |
+| **[Ultralytics YOLOv8](./tutorial_ultralytics.md)** | Run [Ultralytics](https://www.ultralytics.com) YOLOv8 on Jetson with NVIDIA TensorRT. |
 ### Audio
 |      |                     |
@@ -60,16 +62,12 @@ Give your locally running LLM an access to vision!
 | **[AudioCraft](./tutorial_audiocraft.md)** | Meta's [AudioCraft](https://github.com/facebookresearch/audiocraft), to produce high-quality audio and music |
 | **[Voicecraft](./tutorial_voicecraft.md)** | Interactive speech editing and zero shot TTS |
-|      |                     |
-| :---------- | :----------------------------------- |
-| **[Holoscan SDK](./tutorial_holoscan.md)** | Use the [Holoscan-SDK](https://github.com/nvidia-holoscan/holoscan-sdk) to run high-throughput, low-latency edge AI pipelines |
+### Image Generation
-### Gapi / API Integrations
 |      |                     |
 | :---------- | :----------------------------------- |
-| **[Workflows](./tutorial_gapi_workflows.md)** | Integrating generative AI into real world environments |
-| **[Micro Services](./tutorial_gapi_microservices.md)** | Wrapping models and code to participate in systems |
+| **[Stable Diffusion](./tutorial_stable-diffusion.md)** | Run AUTOMATIC1111's [`stable-diffusion-webui`](https://github.com/AUTOMATIC1111/stable-diffusion-webui) to generate images from prompts |
+| **[Stable Diffusion XL](./tutorial_stable-diffusion-xl.md)** | A newer ensemble pipeline consisting of a base model and refiner that results in significantly enhanced and detailed image generation capabilities.|
 ## About NVIDIA Jetson
diff --git a/mkdocs.yml b/mkdocs.yml
index 9fab5a42..5d21190d 100644
--- a/mkdocs.yml
+++ b/mkdocs.yml
@@ -92,18 +92,23 @@ nav:
       - LLaVA: tutorial_llava.md
       - Live LLaVA: tutorial_live-llava.md
       - NanoVLM: tutorial_nano-vlm.md
-    - Vision Transformers & CV: 
+    - Vision Transformers (ViT): 
       - vit/index.md
       - EfficientViT: vit/tutorial_efficientvit.md
       - NanoOWL: vit/tutorial_nanoowl.md
       - NanoSAM: vit/tutorial_nanosam.md
       - SAM: vit/tutorial_sam.md
       - TAM: vit/tutorial_tam.md
-      - Ultralytics YOLOv8 🆕: tutorial_ultralytics.md
     - RAG & Vector Database:
       - NanoDB: tutorial_nanodb.md
       - LlamaIndex: tutorial_llamaindex.md
       - Jetson Copilot: tutorial_jetson-copilot.md
+    - API Integrations 🆕:
+      - ROS2 Nodes: ros.md
+      - Holoscan SDK: tutorial_holoscan.md
+      - Gapi Workflows: tutorial_gapi_workflows.md
+      - Gapi Micro Services: tutorial_gapi_microservices.md
+      - Ultralytics YOLOv8: tutorial_ultralytics.md
     - Audio:
       - Whisper: tutorial_whisper.md
       - AudioCraft: tutorial_audiocraft.md
@@ -111,11 +116,6 @@ nav:
     - Image Generation:
       - Stable Diffusion: tutorial_stable-diffusion.md
       - Stable Diffusion XL: tutorial_stable-diffusion-xl.md
-    - NVIDIA SDKs:
-      - Holoscan SDK 🆕: tutorial_holoscan.md
-    - Gapi / API Integrations:
-      - Workflows 🆕: tutorial_gapi_workflows.md
-      - Micro Services 🆕: tutorial_gapi_microservices.md
     #- Metropolis Microservices:
     #  - First Steps: tutorial_mmj.md
     # - Tools: