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Getting Started with NVFlare (TensorFlow)

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We provide several examples to help you quickly get started with NVFlare. All examples in this folder are based on using TensorFlow as the model training framework.

Simulated Federated Learning with CIFAR10 Using Tensorflow

This example demonstrates TensorFlow-based federated learning algorithms, FedAvg and FedOpt, on the CIFAR-10 dataset.

In this example, the latest Client APIs were used to implement client-side training logics (details in file, and the new FedJob APIs were used to programmatically set up an NVFlare job to be exported or ran by simulator (details in file, alleviating the need of writing job config files, simplifying development process.

1. Install requirements

Install required packages

pip install --upgrade pip
pip install -r ./requirements.txt

NOTE: We recommend either using a containerized deployment or virtual environment, please refer to getting started.

2. Run experiments

This example uses simulator to run all experiments. The script is the main script to be used to launch different experiments with different arguments (see sections below for details). A script is also provided to run all experiments described below at once:

bash ./

The CIFAR10 dataset will be downloaded when running any experiment for the first time. Tensorboard summary logs will be generated during any experiment, and you can use Tensorboard to visualize the training and validation process as the experiment runs. Data split files, summary logs and results will be saved in a workspace directory, which defaults to /tmp and can be configured by setting --workspace argument of the script.


If you are using GPU, make sure to set the following environment variables before running a training job, to prevent TensorFlow from allocating full GPU memory all at once: export TF_FORCE_GPU_ALLOW_GROWTH=true && export TF_GPU_ALLOCATOR=cuda_malloc_asyncp

We apply Dirichlet sampling (as implemented in FedMA: to CIFAR10 data labels to simulate data heterogeneity among client sites, controlled by an alpha value between 0 (exclusive) and 1. A high alpha value indicates less data heterogeneity, i.e., an alpha value equal to 1.0 would result in homogeneous data distribution among different splits.

2.1 Centralized training

To simulate a centralized training baseline, we run FedAvg algorithm with 1 client for 25 rounds, where each round consists of one single epoch.

python ./ \
       --algo centralized \
       --n_clients 1 \
       --num_rounds 25 \
       --batch_size 64 \
       --epochs 1 \
       --alpha 0.0

Note, here --alpha 0.0 is a placeholder value used to disable data splits for centralized training.

2.2 FedAvg with different data heterogeneity (alpha values)

Here we run FedAvg for 50 rounds, each round with 4 local epochs. This corresponds roughly to the same number of iterations across clients as in the centralized baseline above (50*4 divided by 8 clients is 25):

for alpha in 1.0 0.5 0.3 0.1; do

    python ./ \
       --algo fedavg \
       --n_clients 8 \
       --num_rounds 50 \
       --batch_size 64 \
       --epochs 4 \
       --alpha $alpha


3. Results

Now let's compare experimental results.

3.1 Centralized training vs. FedAvg for homogeneous split

Let's first compare FedAvg with homogeneous data split (i.e. alpha=1.0) and centralized training. As can be seen from the figure and table below, FedAvg can achieve similar performance to centralized training under homogeneous data split, i.e., when there is no difference in data distributions among different clients.

Config Alpha Val score
cifar10_central n.a. 0.8758
cifar10_fedavg 1.0 0.8839

Central vs. FedAvg

3.2 Impact of client data heterogeneity

Here we compare the impact of data heterogeneity by varying the alpha value, where lower values cause higher heterogeneity. As can be observed in the table below, performance of the FedAvg decreases as data heterogeneity becomes higher.

Config Alpha Val score
cifar10_fedavg 1.0 0.8838
cifar10_fedavg 0.5 0.8685
cifar10_fedavg 0.3 0.8323
cifar10_fedavg 0.1 0.7903

Impact of client data heterogeneity


More examples can be found at