Create .env
file and fill in all the env vars:
cp .env.example .env
Then run the app:
We have published this image on docker-hub.
docker pull unleashorg/unleash-server:3.1
docker run -d -e DATABASE_URL=postgres://user:pass@ unleashorg/unleash-server
Specifying secrets as environment variables are considered a bad security practice. Therefore, you can instead specify a file where unleash can read the database secret. This is done via the DATABASE_URL_FILE
environment variable.
Start by cloning this repository.
We have set up docker-compose
to start postgres and the unleash server together. This makes it really fast to start up
unleash locally without setting up a database or node.
$ docker-compose build
$ docker-compose up
We are using docker-compose version 3.3 and it requires:
- Docker engine 17.06.0+
- Docker compose 1.14.0+
For more info, check out the compatibility matrix on Docker's website: compatibility-matrix
When we upgrade the unleash-version
this project should be tagged with the same version number.
git tag -a 3.1.1 -m "upgrade to unleash-server 3.1.1"
git push origin master --follow-tags
You might also want to update the minor tag:
git tag -d 3.1
git push origin :3.1
git tag -a 3.1 -m "Update 3.1 tag"
git push origin master --follow-tags
This will automatically trigger docker-hub to build the new tag.