From ff3bfaa3f6fb67a5aeb3f296e4d7b17ad3f0ecc5 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Roman Danilov <>
Date: Tue, 24 Sep 2024 16:10:59 +0500
Subject: [PATCH] Update

--- | 77 +++----------------------------------------------------
 1 file changed, 4 insertions(+), 73 deletions(-)

diff --git a/ b/
index dd26109..069d4a8 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -2,77 +2,8 @@
 <div align="center">
 	<img src="" alt="meteor-plus" width="200px"/>
-	<br>
-		An addon for <a href="">Meteor client</a> that adds many blatant features.
-	<br>
-	<br>
-	<a href=""><img src="" alt="AntiChests" /></a>
-	<br>
-	<a href=""><img src="" alt="Verified Addon"></a>
-	<a href=""><img src=" -- 1.21.1-brightgreen" alt="Minecraft version"/></a>
-	<a href=""><img src="" alt="Downloads"/></a>
-	<a href=""><img src="" alt="GitHub stars"/></a>
-	<br>
-	<a href="><img src="" alt="Discord"/></a>
-	<a href=""><img src="" alt="Guilded"/></a>
-	<a href=""><img src=", ethereum, nano-brightgreen" alt="Donations" /></a>
-	<br>
-	<p>Thanks some russian paid clients and <a href="">LiquidBounce</a> 🤫</p>
-	<br>
-  ![Alt]( "Repobeats analytics image")
-## PvE Modules
-| Module                 | Description                                   | Bypasses                      |
-| **Flight+**            | **Flight for Anti-Cheats**                    | **Matrix, Spartan, Vulcan**   |
-| **Speed+**             | **Speed for Anti-Cheats**                     | **Matrix, ACC, Vulcan, NCP**  |
-| **Spider+**            | **Spider for Anti-Cheats**                    | **Matrix, Vulcan**            |
-| **Jesus+**             | **Jesus for Anti-Cheats**                     | **Matrix, Vulcan**            |
-| **No Slow+**           | **No Slow for Anti-Cheats**                   | **Matrix, Vulcan, Grim, NCP** |
-| **Fast Ladder** 	      | **Fast Ladder for Anti-Cheats**               | **Spartan**                   |
-| **Gui Move+**          | **Gui Move for Anti-Cheats**                  | **Matrix, NCP**               |
-| **Timer+**             | **Timer for Anti-Cheats**                     | **NCP, Intave, Vulcan**       |
-| **Safe mine**          | **Prevents player from lava**                 | **Matrix**                    |
-| **X-Ray bruteforce**   | **Xray protection bypass for servers 1.12.2** | **Ore Obfuscator**            |
-| **Trigger Bot**        | **AutoAttack on look at entity**              |                               |
-| **Auto Obsidian Farm** | **Automatically farm obsidian in AFK**        |                               |
-## PvP Modules
-| Module        | Description                                            | Bypasses |
-| **Velocity+** | **Velocity for Anti-Cheats**                           | **Grim** |
-| **Anti Bot**  | **Ignores bots for KillAura, ESP, Tracers**            |          |
-| **Teams**     | **Does not beat teammates on BedWars and other modes** |          |
-## Commands
-| Command   | Description       | Bypasses                                |
-| **eclip** | **Vertical clip** | **Matrix, Wraith, Spartan, Negativity** |
+	Recommended server for the game - analog of 2b2t -
-## Meteor Client improvements
-| Module                    | Enhancements                                                        |
-| **Freecam**               | **Added good baritone control via Freecam**                         |       
-| **Waypoints**             | **Added display of distances in label names, sorting, name search** |
-| **Hidden module**         | **Hiding original modules and third-party modules from the GUI**    |
-## Meteor Client fixes
-| Module        | Fix                                         |
-| **Auto Tool** | **No work in creative mode**                |
-| **KeyBinds**  | **Allow binding function to LMB, RMB, ESC** |
-# Installation Guide
-1. Install [minecraft](
-2. Install [fabric]( and [fabric api]( for your version of minecraft
-3. Download [meteor client]( for your version of minecraft
-4. Download [meteor plus]( for your version of minecraft
-5. Place the meteor client and meteor plus in your mods folder
-    A: Make Commit we welcome anyone who makes a useful contribution to our free open source product
-## For Contributors
-We use local builds of Meteor Client and Baritone from Meteor Client since Meteor Client a hosting can sometimes not be paid on time 
+ New repository