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1) Synopsis

Achievement Info

Total Achievements: 179

Difficulty Info

Set Difficulty: Medium
Approximate time to Master: This can be fast playthrough if you play story alone. But sidequests can add some time. But on the shorter side compared to other JRPG's
Minimum Number of Playthroughs Needed: 1 or 2
Number of Missable Achievements: 73

Special Note

A lot of of the missable achievements are specific to battle objectives or limitations. I've omitted most of these from the list due to the fact that this will be heavily dependent on the player. Leveling can really help in most of these type of achievements (Max level is 60).

2) Introduction

Game Badge

Arc The Lad is a series of tactical role-playing games created by Toshiro Tsuchida and published by Sony Interactive Entertainment. Each Arc the Lad game often features recurring characters and locations, as well as a consistent timeline. Most of the stories in the series involves a cast of characters battling against the forces of an evil organization or empire, with monsters attacking the world alongside them

Arc the Lad was developed by G-Craft and published by Sony Computer Entertainment in Japan on June 30, 1995. Notable for being the first game to feature an orchestral soundtrack. The series expands out to several different games the first 3 were developed by G-Craft is considered it's own series or one whole story. Where as the PS2 series ushered in all new characters but set in the same world. Originally released in Japan it was later bundled with all three games for PSX including an Arena game (Monster Tournament) by Working Designs. Released on April 18th 2002 in North America the games were handled differently than most localization games at the time. Instead of a direct translation Working Designs added some of their own element to it.

This set was created by Alena and on a personal note I think she has done a fantastic job with this set. This set feels like it's a full experienced set. This game holds a lot of secrets & different triggers for different items/accessories this set explores, even more than what most of the strategy guides out there have. Therefore I hope this missable guide can help others fully experience this set without the fear of missing some cheevos.

3) Gameplay

Tactical Battles

This game doesn't have that much "exploration" if any at all. The gameplay is heavily focused on the battles that take place between each story block. Similar to other tactical rpg's like Fire Emblem or Final Fantasy Tactics, Arc The Lad can be a very good introduction to Tactical RPG's mostly because of it's unique set of characters all take on a specific role. Meaning that each character plays a role on the battlefield, Arc being an all around hero character, meanwhile Poco is good for buffs, Kukuru is a good healer, Gogen is the wizard of the group, Tosh is all damage dealing, Chongara is a summoner and Iga is a strong warrior type which makes the characters well balanced team.

4) Missable Achievements

Badge Find and collect the Magic Card before starting your quest

At the very beginning of the game when you first have control of Arc, go to the mirror and face it. Hit 'X' repeatedly. (Note: there will be no indication or message that appears until you actually receive the card). Eventually you will receive a magic card.

Point of no return - Leave your house.

Badge Receive a Kaiser Glove, Revival Tonic, Energy Fruit and some Sacred Waters from Polta.

At the beginning of the game when you have control of Arc. After putting on Yoshua's (Arc's Father) armor speak to your mother.

Point of no return - Leave your house.

Badge Receive a Whirlwind Bandanna, Revival Tonic and Sacred Water from Polta.

This cheevo may have to be done on a separate file since you will need the Kaiser Glove for the Accessory cheevo. But to get this one after taking first control of Arc, after grabbing all your father's gear just leave without speaking to Polta. Although the game will repeatedly tell you not to do it just keep doing it. Eventually Arc will leave without saying goodbye. After the battle in the mountain & you gain control again, return back home for Polta to give you these items. (Thanks to thenintendodude on help with this one)

Point of no return - Get the starter items from Polta at the beginning. Or if you earn this cheevo:Mother's Concerns

Badge Win your first Guardian Peak battle without using any consumables

This is self explanatory - but note that stones do count as consumables here.

Badge Read every page of the letter your father left with your mother.

After going to Palencia Castle for the first time, return back home in Touvil and speak to Polta (Arc's Mother). When prompted, read the letter from Yoshua (Arc's Father). Read all the tutorials in the letter.

Point of no return - Returning back from Millmana.

Badge Receive a Power Nut, Palo Nut and Life Nut from Polta.

Before going to the castle in Palencia for the first time or when you first have access to the map. Head to Touvil to get a herb from your mother. Keep going over and over again until she gives you the items. Even when she says "I have nothing left to give you"

Point of no return - Going back to Palencia Castle after the battle at Colbo Plains

Badge Watch the interaction between the drunk and the guards in Palencia Castle before heading to Millmana for the first time

Upon gaining access to the ship shortly after the start of the game, enter the Seirya Skyport and choose no when asked if you want to board the ship to Millmana. Re-enter the port and do this over and over again until new dialogue eventually shows, then go to Palencia Castle. (Special thanks to Lolicon for this one)

Point of no return - Fly to Millmana for the first time

Badge Receive a gift from a child in Capital HQ.

This can be obtained when arriving in Millmana for the first time, once all the areas become available (Or when General Yagun gives you the mission to clear out all the monsters), head back to the Capital HQ and speak to the child. Have to walk up and speak to them on the side the child is on. In front won't trigger it.

Point of no return - Completing General Yagun's request of clearing out the monsters (Not entirely sure if this is the point of no return but better safe than sorry)

Badge Hear what Forest Spirit has to say about your future and receive a Cure-All.

Right after you meet the Forest Spirit and she gives you the Hero Crest. Revisit her right after to hear her wisdom and receive a Cure-All

Point of no return - Unsure on the exact time but best to do it before the battle to rescue Tosh.

Badge Acquire Senior Bandanna in battle at Palencia Castle Warehouse.

During the battle when rescuing Tosh, you have to beat each one of the ninja enemies. If they use a bomb as a sacrifice on you, you will not collect any items. The item can be on any of them too. (This is needed for the accessory cheevo since this is the only spot you can collect this item)

Point of no return - After the battle

Badge Acquire the Romancing Stone 1.

Before going to the Ancient Monolith for the first time, head back to Touvil. Within the upper right hand corner of the house, search to find this item

Point of no return - Not entirely sure the cutoff on this since you'll return hear a handful of times.

Badge Read the first letter left in your mailbox by Yoshua.

You can read this anytime between before the Ancient Monolith or before going to Amaidar Temple

Point of no return - I think it's after meeting the Water Guardian

Badge Open all treasure chests in Azenda Highland Cave. Badge Defeat all enemies in Azenda Highland Cave without KOs.

These two I believe can be obtained in the same run. If not, it's not a bad idea to have two saves for this. But Mofly can create a platform for you to walk on even over cliffs. Normally he won't have enough MP to do a full bridge to all the chests. Although when you summon him again his MP will return but the only way to do that is if he is defeated during battle which would cancel out the other Cheevo. So - using stone throws and magic (Which can open up chests) I believe achieving both of these are possible in one run. Just plan carefully (will try to upload a image of the best layout for this)

Point of no return - After the battle

Badge Witness the pathetic discussion between Tosh, Kukuru and Chongara after he finds a "great item" and wants it just for him. Hahaha ~.

Before going to Amaidar Temple for the first time, revisit the Ancient Monolith to earn this cheevo

Point of no return - Battle Iga at the Amaidar Temple

Badge Hear what Forest Spirit has to say about the Water Guardian and receive a Cure-All.

After meeting the Light Guardian, return back to the Forest Spirit in Toyoke Forest.

Point of no return - Visiting the Earth Guardian

Badge Complete the first trivia game in Amaidar Temple and receive your reward.

Answers to the First Quiz: Seven - Kukuru - Ouka raibaku zen - Andel - None - Silver Noah - Autoharp - Gale Flash - Gate to Palencia Castle

Point of no return - Visiting the Fire Guardian

Badge Hear what the Forest Spirit has to say about humankind and receive a Cure-All and a Throw Scroll.

Before going to Niedel, head back to Toyoke Forest to visit the Forest Spirit.

Point of no return - Obtaining the Wind Orb

Badge Acquire the Romancing Stone 2.

Before going to Niedel, head back to Touvil and read the letter from Yoshua.

Point of no return - Obtaining the Wind Orb

Badge Acquire the Toy Ring after winning the Tournament of Champions for fighting so spectacularly.

When doing the Tournament in Niedel, when selecting who will compete for the Wind Orb, choose Poco.

Point of no return - Obtaining the Wind Orb/Winning the Tournament (Not with Poco)

Badge Hear what Forest Spirit has to say about the Wind Guardian and receive a Cure-All.

After freeing the Wind Guardian, return back to Toyoke Forest to visit the Forest Spirit again.

Point of no return - Meet the Water Guardian

Badge Read the third letter left in your mailbox by Yoshua.

After freeing the Wind Guardian, return back to Touvil and check your mailbox.

Point of no return - Meet the Water Guardian

Badge Hear what Forest Spirit has to say about the world and receive a Cure-All.

After freeing the Water Guardian, return back to Toyoke Forest to visit the Forest Spirit again.

Point of no return - Meet the Fire Guardian

Badge Read the fourth letter left in your mailbox by Yoshua.

After freeing the Water Guardian, return back to Touvil and check your mailbox.

Point of no return - Meet the Fire Guardian

Badge Hear what Forest Spirit has to say about the energy flow and receive a Cure-All.

After freeing the Fire Guardian, return back to Toyoke Forest to visit the Forest Spirit again.

Point of no return - Light the Flame Cion for the 2nd time.

Badge Acquire the Silk Belt.

You MUST have visited the Forest spirit all 6 times before to obtain this item. If you missed any of them before she will NOT give you the Silk Belt. Luckily, you earn a cheevo each time you visit so if you have all of them unlocked you should be good to receive this item. But like many times before, visit the Forest Spirit in Toyoke Forest after lighting the Flam Cion for the 2nd time.

Point of no return - Light the Flame Cion for the 2nd time.

Badge Level up by eating a strange-looking fruit.

Eat a Power Apple. You can obtain these at a variety of locations but it's possible you can go the whole game without getting one. Just have any character eat it.

Point of no return - Unknown

Badge Acquire the Romancing Stone 4.

At the 50th floor of the Forbidden Ruins before beating Choko, there is a chest right next to the starting position of the party. Open that chest as soon as you can. If you beat the 50th floor before getting the chest it's gone for good.

Point of no return - Beat the 50th floor of Forbidden Ruins

Badge Get your HP boosted when you gain a level by equipping an ancient artifact.

On the 46th Floor of the Forbidden Ruins, you'll obtain an accessory called 'Necklace'. Equip this on any of your party members to gain a HP boost when they level up.

Point of no return - All characters are max (level 60 is max)

Badge Equip the combo that makes all abilities cost 0 MP.

If you have been collecting all the Romance Stones, equip all 4 of them onto one character.

Point of no return - Miss any of the Romance Stones.

Badge Have at least 1 of each accessory in your inventory.

A lot of Accessories can be collected in the Forbidden Ruins - but some notable misses are the Kaiser Glove, Throw Scroll, Prayer Beads, Senior Bandana, Toy Ring, All the Romance Stones, Monolith Crest & the Silk Belt. But if you have been following this guide or another one you should be okay. Remember, some of the Accessories can only be obtained by certain enemies and some of those enemies will 'explode'. If they do you will not get the item. (Maybe at some point I will come here and list out all of them, but for the time being I'm leaving the majority of this up to the player).

Point of no return - Miss any of the Accessories.

Badge Complete 100% of Choronga's Monster Book.

I omitted the 75% cheevo because it would be the same thing here. Chongara has a 'Search' ability where he will gather information on a monster. You can view the entries of this book during a battle screen if you press 'select'. When the option screen pops, at the bottom will be Chongara's Monster Book. Most of the ones that are truly 'missable' or from stopping you from getting the 100% is also linked to other cheevos! (Which is why I didn't list them all). But the group of missable achievements that involve Chongara "saying..." anything, like this one for reference: ... BURN ME DOWN ... it's a hint to use that 'Search' function on that boss because it's the only way you can get 100%. Also don't forget you can also 'Search' your party members for the first 8 entries.

Point of no return - If you don't 'Search' any of the unique bosses.

5) Credits