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$\color{magenta}{\textsf{What is this Guide?}}$

This guide is designed to get you all the achievements for this game. Anything beyond that such as boss strategies, detailed walkthroughs, or any information not focused around obtaining achievements will not be here. I recommend looking up a guide over at GameFAQs.


  • Estimated achievement difficulty: 3/10
  • Completion Time: 20 hours
  • Minimum number of playthroughs needed: 2 (1 Normal and 1 NG+)
  • Missable achievements: XX
  • Skill based achievements: None
  • Unobtainable/glitched achievements: None


$\color{goldenrod}{\textsf{The Empire of Baron}}$

$\color{goldenrod}{\textsf{Town of Baron}}$

$\color{goldenrod}{\textsf{Mist Cave 1F}}$

I'm the Map (1)
Listen to Mappingway's explanation on the maps

Misty (5)
Defeat the Mist Dragon [New Game] [Active Battle] [Speed 1]


  • 🎎 Auto-Potion Augment
  • 🐰 Talk to Livingway

Record Keeper (1)
Speak with Livingway and obtain the Bestiary

$\color{goldenrod}{\textsf{Underground Waterway South B1}}$

$\color{goldenrod}{\textsf{Underground Waterway South B2}}$

$\color{goldenrod}{\textsf{Underground Waterway South B3}}$

$\color{goldenrod}{\textsf{Underground Waterway North B2}}$

$\color{goldenrod}{\textsf{Underground Waterway North B1}}$

$\color{goldenrod}{\textsf{Underground Waterway Underground Lake B2}}$

$\color{goldenrod}{\textsf{Underground Waterway Underground Lake B1}}$

Cartographer I (5)
Obtain 100% map completion [Waterway maps]

Deep Fried (5)
Defeat Octomammoth [New Game] [Active Battle] [Speed 1]

$\color{goldenrod}{\textsf{Damcyan Castle}}$

$\color{goldenrod}{\textsf{Antlion's Den B1}}$

$\color{goldenrod}{\textsf{Antlion's Den B2}}$

$\color{goldenrod}{\textsf{Antlion's Den B1 Again}}$

Cartographer II (1)
Obtain 100% map completion [Mist Cave] [Antlion's Den]

Treasure Hunter II (10)
Obtain all Treasures [Underground Waterways] [Damcyan Castle] [Antlion Cave]

$\color{goldenrod}{\textsf{Antlion's Den B3}}$

Ants on a Log (5)
Defeat Antlion [New Game] [Active Battle] [Speed 1]

$\color{goldenrod}{\textsf{Return to Kaipo}}$

  • 🎎 Item Lore Augment (North of Inn sparkling on ground)

Amplification (1)
Obtain [Item Lore] Augment

$\color{goldenrod}{\textsf{Mount Hobs - West Slope}}$

$\color{goldenrod}{\textsf{Mount Hobs - Vista}}$

$\color{goldenrod}{\textsf{Mount Hobs - Summit}}$

Not the Mama (5)
Defeat Mom Bomb [New Game] [Active Battle] [Speed 1]

$\color{goldenrod}{\textsf{Mount Hobs - East Slope}}$

$\color{goldenrod}{\textsf{Fabul Castle}}$

Music to my Ears (1)
Speak with Recordingway and obtain the Event Theatre

$\color{goldenrod}{\textsf{Battle of Fabul Castle}}$

Right Back at Ya! (1)
Obtain [Counter] Augment


  • 🪄 Equip Cecil with Counter Augment (Just a good fit for him)
  • 🪄 Equip Porom with Auto-Potion Augment (Gives Cry for later)
  • 🪄 Equip Palom with Item Lore Augment (Gives Bluff later)

$\color{goldenrod}{\textsf{On The Way to Mount Ordeals}}$

  • 🐰 Talk to Campingway (SW of Mount Ordeals)

Outdoor Man (1)
Speak with Campingway the outdoorsman

$\color{goldenrod}{\textsf{Mount Ordeals - Entrance}}$

$\color{goldenrod}{\textsf{Mount Ordeals - Trail}}$

$\color{goldenrod}{\textsf{Mount Ordeals - Crossing}}$

$\color{goldenrod}{\textsf{Mount Ordeals - Summit}}$

Blighted Despot (5)
Defeat Scarmiglione [New Game] [Active Battle] [Speed 1]

Cartographer III (1)
Obtain 100% map completion [Mt.Hobs] [Mt.Ordeals]

$\color{goldenrod}{\textsf{Mount Ordeals - Crossing - Back Down}}$

  • 🎎 Curse Augment (shiny of floor)
  • 🪄 Equip Palom with Curse Augment (Gives Dualcast later)

Treasure Hunter III (5)
Obtain all Treasures [Mt.Hobs] [Fabul] [Mt.Ordeals]

$\color{goldenrod}{\textsf{Town of Mist - Go Past Baron, Through Cave}}$

$\color{goldenrod}{\textsf{Town of Baron}}$

Carry On (1)
Speak with Jammingway the Bard

Treasure Hunter I (10)
Obtain all Treasures [Baron Castle] [Baron Village] [Mist Cave] [Mist Village]


Highlights information that users should take into account, even when skimming.


Optional information to help a user be more successful.


Crucial information necessary for users to succeed.


Critical content demanding immediate user attention due to potential risks.


Negative potential consequences of an action.

You've Met With a Terrible Curse (1)
Obtain [Curse] Augment

Gotcha! (2)
Obtain [Bluff] Augment

Boohoo! (2)
Obtain [Cry] Augment

Star Gazing (1)

Only One (25)
Help Puddingway the naive

Make it Double (1)
Obtain [Twincast] Augment

Magnetic (5)
Defeat Dark Elf [New Game] [Active Battle] [Speed 1]

Pumpkin Eater (1)
Help Cheatingway the two-timer

Double Trouble (3)
Obtain [Dualcast] Augment

Tidal Wave (1)
Obtain [Tsunami] Augment

Last Stand (2)
Obtain [Last Stand] Augment

Spill It! (3)
Obtain [Fast Talker] Augment

Randomizer (1)
Obtain [Recall] Augment

Hidden (3)
Obtain [Hide] Augment

Song of the People (1)
Obtain [Bardsong] Augment

Filthy Imposter (5)
Defeat Cagnazzo [New Game] [Active Battle] [Speed 1]

Sneaky Boi (10)
Defeat Baigan [New Game] [Active Battle] [Speed 1]

Mysidia's Finest (1)
Get [Poisoned]

Ultimate Eidolon (5)
Upgrade all Whyt's stats to 99

Triple Threat (5)
Defeat Magus Sisters [New Game] [Active Battle] [Speed 1]

Underestimated (5)
Defeat Barbariccia [New Game] [Active Battle] [Speed 1]

Two as One (5)
Defeat Calcabrina [New Game] [Active Battle] [Speed 1]

Maximum Output (5)
Obtain [Reach] Augment

The Doctor's In (5)
Defeat Barnabas-Z followed by Dr.Lugae [New Game] [Active Battle] [Speed 1]

Manhood (5)
Defeat Rubicante [New Game] [Active Battle] [Speed 1]

Queenly (10)
Obtain Asura Eidolon [New Game] [Active Battle] [Speed 1]

Kingly (10)
Obtain Leviathan Eidolon [New Game] [Active Battle] [Speed 1]

Narnia (10)
Defeat  Demon Wall [New Game] [Active Battle] [Speed 1]

Scrambled Eggs (1)
Obtain [Focus] Augment

Dinner Time! (3)
Obtain the Spo...on?

Your Majesty (25)
Defeat Odin [New Game] [Active Battle] [Speed 1]

In the Dark (5)
Obtain [Darkness] Augment

Blazing (2)
Obtain [Inferno] Augment

Maximum Efficiency (2)
Obtained [+50% MP] Augment

Members Only (5)
Obtain [Gil Farmer] Augment

Sword of One (5)
Obtain [Excalibur]

Speed Leveler (2)
Obtain [Level Lust] Augment

Hallowed Father (25)
Defeat Bahamut [New Game] [Active Battle] [Speed 1]

Fantastic Four (10)
Defeat the 4 Archfiends [New Game] [Active Battle] [Speed 1]

Overheating (10)
Defeat CPU [New Game] [Active Battle] [Speed 1]

Break the Walls Down (2)
Obtain [Piercing] Augment

Beef Cake (2)
Obtain [+50% HP] Augment

Maelstrom (10)
Defeat White Dragon [New Game] [Active Battle] [Speed 1]

God of Counters (10)
Defeat Dark Bahamut [New Game] [Active Battle] [Speed 1]

Doombringer (10)
Defeat Plague Horror [New Game] [Active Battle] [Speed 1]

Extinction (10)
Defeat Lunasaurus [New Game] [Active Battle] [Speed 1]

Oingo Boingo (10)
Defeat Ogopogo [New Game] [Active Battle] [Speed 1]

Master Cartographer (10)
Obtain [Treasure Hunter] Augment

Darkest of Matter (25)
Obtain Dark Matter [New Game] [Active Battle] [Speed 1]

Moon Man (25)
Defeat Zeromus [New Game] [Active Battle] [Speed 1]

Mysidia's Most Wanted (1)
Get turned into a [Frog]

Mysidia's Pervert (1)
Get turned into a [Pig]

Treasure Hunter IV (5)
Obtain all Treasures [Ancient Waterways] [Troia Castle] [Troia] [Troia Chocobo Forest]

Cartographer IV (5)
Obtain 100% map completion [Ancient Waterway] [Lodestone Cavern] [Tower of Zot] [Tower of Babil]

Treasure Hunter V (10)
Obtain all Treasures [Agart] [Mythril] [Eblan Castle]

Treaure Hunter VI (10)
Obtain all Treasures [Lodestone Cavern] [Tower of Zot] [Dwarven Castle]

Waster (2)
Obtain [Salve] Augment

Saddening (1)
Obtain [Eye Gouge] Augment from Mopingway the Apathetic

Whyt the Paladin (25)
Obtain Whyt's [Paladin] Outfit

Whyt the Dragoon (25)
Obtain Whyt's [Dragoon] Outfit

Whyt the White Mage (25)
Obtain Whyt's [White Mage] Outfit

Whyt the Summoner (25)
Obtain Whyt's [Summoner] Outfit

Whyt the Ninja (25)
Obtain Whyt's [Ninja] Outfit

Treasure Hunter VII (5)
Obtain all Treasures [Tower of Babil] [Eblan Cave]

Cartographer V (5)
Obtain 100% map completion [Cave of Eblan] [Sylph Cave] [Passage of the Eidolons] [Sealed Cavern]

Tune-Up (2)
Obtain [Upgrade] Augment

Two Fold (3)
Obtain [Adrenaline] Augment

Scouter (1)
Obtain [Analyze] Augment

Treasure Hunter VIII (5)
Obtain all Treasures [Tomra] [Kokkol's Forge] [Sylph Cave] [Passage of the Eidolons] [Feymarch]

Heart Eyes (1)
Suggest a Name to Lovingway the Romantic

Treasure Hunter IX (5)
Obtain all Treasures [Sealed Cavern] [Lunar Tunnel] [Lair of the Father] [Giant of Babil]

Hiya! (2)
Obtain [Kick] Augment

If This Is Tortue, Chain Me to the Wall (3)
Obtain [Brace] Augment

One and Only (1)
Obtain [????'s Love] Augment from Weddingway the groom-to-be

Moving to the Moon (1)
Meet Hummingway & his wife

Free Spirit (5)
Complete the Namingway Sidequest

Cartographer VI (5)
Obtain 100% map completion [Lunar Tunnel] [Lair of the Father] [Giant of Babil] [Lunar Subterrane]

Adamant Armor (25)
Exchange the [Pink Tail]

Onion Armor (25)
Exchange the [Black Tail]

Onion Helm (25)
Exchange the [Green Tail]

Onion Gloves (25)
Exchange the [Yellow Tail]

Onion Sword (25)
Exchange the [Red Tail]

Onion Shield (25)
Exchange the [Blue Tail]

Proto-Babil (50)
Defreat [Proto-Babil] [NG+++]_

Geryon (50)
Defeat [Geryon] [NG+++]_

Sacrifices (3)
Obtain [Phoenix] Augment

Regeneration (1)
Obtain [Bless] Augment

All for One (2)
Obtain [Omnicasting] Augment

Treasure Hunter X (25)
Obtain all Treasures [Lunar Subterrane]

Knowing the Enemy (10)
Scanned 100 enemy's data

Master Exterminator (50)
Obtain Whyt's [Zeromus] Outfit

Windstorm (2)
Obtain [Whirlwind] Augment