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1) Synopsis

Set Difficulty 5 / 10 [Insane 12/10]
Approximate time to master N/A
Minimum numbers of playthroughs needed 2 (There is a New Game + run neccessary)
Number of missable achievements 14
Does difficulty affect achievements? Yes
Hardest achievement of the set National-Dex

2) Introduction

Pokemon Unbound is a GBA Rom Hack by Skeli based on Pokemon Fire Red where it comes to the stories of the Borrius region Centuries ago, the Borrian people were enveloped in a great war with a foreign land. When all seemed lost, the Borrian king summoned a powerful force to help turn the tide of battle. Unfortunately, the war ended in defeat when the king of the foreign land unleashed a devastating weapon. Disgruntled, the Borrian army returned home. The people, now enraged against the Borrian king, attempted a coup by manipulating the dark force summoned during the war. The Borrian king was able to seal away its power, however, and the coup was thwarted. Many years later, an organization known simply as the “Shadows” seems bent on releasing the dark force once again. Are they after the destruction of the Borrius region, or is there something else at play? It's up to you to stand in their way!

3) Walkthrough

[Step 1: Game Settings]

Some achievements can only be unlocked if a certain level of difficulty is set at the start of the game. In order to make all achievements unlockable on the first playthrough, set the difficulty level to Expert and make sure to turn off the Sandboxmode when starting a new game

Battle Difficulty

Vanilla / Difficult | You can switch back and forth between these levels of difficulty as you wish

Expert | Once you lower the difficulty below Expert, you can't go back up

Insane | Once you reach New Game + you can choose this. From now you can increase or decrease the difficulty as you like. But there are achievements that require an active Insane difficulty

These 10 missable achievements require a specific battle difficulty

Puzzle Difficulty

Easy / Challanging | You can switch back and forth between these levels of difficulty as you wish but make sure to set the Puzzle Difficulty to Challanging befor reaching the Locations listed below.

There are 3 missable achievements that require a specific puzzle difficulty

  • Where Am I [m] - Requirse the Puzzle difficulty Challanging befor going into the Crater Town Gym. Can be resetet by re-entering the Gym.
  • Drained the Swamp [m] - Requirse the Puzzle difficulty Challanging befor going into the Crater Town Gym. Can be resetet by re-entering the Gym.
  • You Did Good,Kid [m] - Requirse the Puzzle difficulty Challanging befor entering the Ferrethorn Turf. Can be resetet by re-entering the Ferrethorn Turf unless you already picked up an Item or Blacked Out.

Sandbox Mode

The sandbox mode must remain switched off for the entire course of the game. This is only to be considered as soon as a New Game + is started. Once you start a New Game + the Game will ask you to activate the Sandbox Mode. Select No

New Game+

After completing the main story, you can start a new game + and increase the difficulty to Insane. Difficulty level can be changed at any time during replay.It doesn't matter whether you first complete all endgame achievements or start a new game + directly.The 6 Pokemon in your party will be transferred to the new game +. The IV's abilities and natures are also retained. Also you will take certain Items in your new Game. Like DexNav, Time Turner etc and collected Items like Z-Crystals and Megastones

In the new game +, care must be taken to set the combat difficulty, if changed, back to Insane before reaching the locations listed below.

There are 10 missable achievements that require a battle difficulty in New Game +

3.1) Story-related

Natural Born Pokemon Trainer [m]

Defeat your Rival in Frozen Heights


You have to win againts your Rival in Frozen Heights.Since its the start of the Game this shouldnt be hard. If u struggle use the potions u picked up in the Shadowbase if you drop below half HP.

A Foggy Matter

Obtain the Leaf Badge in Dresco Town


Smoked [m]

Defeat Gymleader Mirskle in your first playthrough [Difficulty - Expert]