Set Difficulty: 5/10
Approximate time to Master: 5-6 hours
Minimum Number of Playthroughs Needed: 1
Number of Missable Achievements: 13 (7 no-damage bosses, 6 bomb creation-related achievements)
Does Difficulty Affect Achievements?: n/a
Bomberman Quest is an action-adventure game. The player takes the role of Bomberman, who has to defeat monsters and collect items to defeat the four bosses of each area. Unlike most Bomberman games, this one is an action-adventure game in which Bomberman can freely roam across the map.
This set has a total of 40 achievements worth 350 points, and was created by Kayesay. A pretty solid set overall, not really a big fan of the no-damage bosses but that's mostly because it can take ages to reach the boss again after a failed attempt, which may happen frequently due to their very offensive moveset. Especially the final boss who tanks the Gameboy Colour's framerate, what a b*tch.
Step 1: Story/Bosses Achievements
All of these achievements are either unlocked through the story, or can be obtained at any given time. Some bosses are optional, but I've listed them in this section as well.
Step 2: No-damage Bosses (7 missable)
The achievements for defeating all the bosses without taking damage. All aside from the very final boss are missable, as the bosses do not return once you defeat them. note: Due to me umm, not being that good at no-damage bosses, I was unable to defeat 5 of the 8 bosses without taking damage. Therefore, I can only give hints and tricks, but there are probably other people who can help better. Apologies in advance.
Step 3: Miscellaneous Achievements (6 missable)
All sorts of miscellaneous achievements, ranging from bomb creation to completion of the map. There are 6 missable achievements, and it is important that you read this because you could potentially end up being unable to complete the game:
- Hot Potato [m] (2) - Bomb Component + Clock
- Where's the Boom? [m] (2) - Bomb Component + Clock
- Dextrality [m] (2) Bomb Component + Boomerang
- Sinistrality [m] (2) Bomb Component + Boomerang
- Bombardier [m] (25) Reward for getting all weapons, including all 4 above
- Full Fire [m] (5) Limited amount of fire power-ups, so be careful with spending them on too many different bombs
Whenever you try to combine a bomb component with a boomerang or a clock, there are two possible bombs to get. Due to it being completely random and items being limited, it is possible that you constantly get one but not the other. Save your game before you make the bombs and reset the game if you get the wrong one, as the chance will reset every time.
For this guide, I will be using acronyms to lead you to your destination. Please refer to this map when necessary.
Monster Hunter (2)
Defeat and capture your first monster!
Leave town and defeat the first monster. Pretty straightforward achievement.
Still Single (10)
Defeat Water Commander!
Defeat the Water Commander in her lair in the field area.
Spoilsport (10)
Defeat Electrocommander!
Defeat the Electrocommander in his lair in the forest area.
Die Like a Dog (10)
Defeat Hurricommander!
Defeat the Hurricommander in his lair in the beach area.
Strongest in the World (10)
Defeat Pyro Commander!
Defeat the Pyrocommander in his lair in the desert area.
Ay, Mami (10)
Defeat Mami!
Defeat Mami, who appears in Water Commander's lair after defeating her. She is an optional boss.
Go Home, Princess (10)
Defeat Lewsia!
Defeat Lewsia, who appears in Electrocommander's lair after defeating him. She is an optional boss. If you're going for the no-damage achievement, I recommend waiting with this boss until you have obtained the Remote Control item.
False Protagonist (10)
Defeat Deral!
Defear Deral, who appears in Hurricommander's lair after defeating him. She is an optional boss. If you're going for the no-damage achievement, I recommend waiting with this boss until you have obtained the Remote Control item.
All's Well That Ends Well (25)
Defeat Chaos Bomber!
Defeat Chaos Bomber, an unlockable boss after having captured every single monster and commander. He appears after entering the space shuttle.
Damageless I: Water Commander [m] (10)
Defeat Water Commander without taking any damage!
Water Commander's fight isn't too bad, as she throws her bombs around and very occasionally hurts herself with it. I would recommend against using bombs yourself to give yourself a bit more space to avoid the bombs, and then wait until she kills herself.
Damageless II: Electrocommander [m] (10)
Defeat Electrocommander without taking any damage!
(Note: I haven't beaten Electrocommander without taking any damage. All I can do at this point is give you advice.)
The most annoying thing about Electrocommander is that he has homing electricity attacks, and he can kick bombs. I can recommend two strategies, with both having one item slot reserved for the jump boots. The first is having sneakers in the other slot so you can easier avoid his bombs, though he is a little bit smarter that Water Commander and most likely won't kill himself that easily, so it will be a long fight. The other is to just bring bombs and try to make him run into them. The jump boots allow you to jump over the homing electricity attacks, and it's advised to jump over them near the edge of the screen as they won't come back once they're off-screen.
Damageless III: Hurricommander [m] (10)
Defeat Hurricommander without taking any damage!
(Note: I haven't beaten Hurricommander without taking any damage. All I can do at this point is give you advice.)
The Hurricommander is always flying and won't allow you to throw bombs at him, so the Flak Bombs are your only option (which have a small radius so good luck). The Jump Boots are absolutely required as the second item as he keeps throwing bombs at you, and you can avoid taking damage from them by timing your jump right. I would recommend the Sneakers as an equipable accessory just for that extra speed.
Damageless IV: Pyro Commander [m] (10)
Defeat Pyro Commander without taking any damage!
(Note: I haven't beaten Pyro Commander without taking any damage. All I can do at this point is give you advice.)
The Pyro Commander isn't too bad, but he's big and has hands that float around that also fire at you. The easiest way to take care of him is with the Power Glove and Homing Bombs, with the Sneakers (Level 2) as an equipable accessory for the extra speed. His attacks are mostly predictable and his bombs always form a line, so jumping isn't necessary here.
Damageless V: Mami [m] (10)
Defeat Mami without taking any damage!
Mami can't hurt you unless you are directly next to her. This is by far the easiest fight and shouldn't give you any trouble.
Damageless VI: Lewysia [m] (10)
Defeat Lewysia without taking any damage!
I recommend waiting with this fight until you have the Remote Control, because it makes this fight a joke. Normally she would jump over bombs when they are almost exploding, but she can't predict the instant blast from a remote-controlled bomb. Just place a bomb somewhere, get in a safe space and wait for her to walk into the bomb's range.
Damageless VII: Deral [m] (10)
Defeat Deral without taking any damage!
(Note: I haven't beaten Deral without taking any damage. All I can do at this point is give you advice.)
Deral can be annoying as she can throw bombs at you to stun you and pretty much guarantee a hit. What you can do is bringing the Remote Control and whatever bombs you prefer (I just used the regular ones) and then fire whenever she is in range, or use the Jump Shoes to jump over the blasts. Sneakers (level 2) is, as usual, the recommended equipable accessory.
Damageless VIII: Chaos Bomber (25)
Defeat Chaos Bomber without taking any damage!
(Note: I haven't beaten Chaos Bomber without taking any damage. All I can do at this point is give you advice.)
Easily the hardest boss in the game due to the amount of different attacks he has that cover most of the screen, but the most annoying part are the Gameboy Colour limitations that make the framerate go kaboom and sometimes even make bombs invisible. I have no idea how to even approach this guy, but Flak Bombs are definitely required. I guess you can switch between the Jump Shoes and Remote Control to make it easier for yourself, as he occasionally does an attack that demands you to use Jump Shoes. Oh, and he has two phases with the second phase having a similar homing attack to that of Electrocommander. Good luck!
Field Zone Clear! (10)
Catch all monsters and the commander in the Field Zone!
Enemy locations:
1-A: Inside the ruins, Grein is waiting for you. The Ice Bomb is required to hurt it.
1-C: Borey.
1-D: Pengy.
2-A: Archer. Jump shoes are required to pick up his item, and also makes the fight easier.
2-B: Blobby.
2-D: Trent. A bomb with a circular explosion is needed to hurt it.
3-A: Burol.
3-C: Kurin.
3-D: Water Commander and Ghostey are waiting for you. For the latter, the Flak Bomb, Hammer or Power Glove are required.
4-A: Inside the ruins, Onil and Parse are waiting for you. Parse can only be reached after obtaining the Steel Shoes.
4-B: Ballom.
Forest Zone Clear! (10)
Catch all monsters and the commander in the Forest Zone!
Enemy locations:
1-E: The stairs lead to Curansee. The Steel Shoes are required to reach him.
1-G: Inside the ruins, Balballoon is waiting for you. To defeat him, the Flak Bomb, Hammer or Power Glove are required.
1-H: Torton.
2-E: Digadug. The Hammer or Power Glove are required to beat him.
2-F: Fruity. To defeat him, the Flak Bomb, Hammer or Power Glove are required.
2-G: Devil Ant.
2-H: Shelterine. The Scuba Gear and Aqua Bombs are required to beat him.
3-E: Mad Flower.
3-H: Baddo. To defeat him, the Flak Bomb and Power Glove are required.
4-F: Inside the cave, Mechabomb, Sandey and the Electrocommander are waiting.
4-G: Killer Moth. To defeat him, the Flak Bomb, Hammer or Power Glove are required.
Beach Zone Clear! (10)
Catch all monsters and the commander in the Beach Zone!
Enemy locations:
5-F: Gargoyle.
5-G: Gell.
6-E: Dragon Pup.
6-F: Krabbler. Inside the cave, Skullhead, Pinokion and Hurricommander* are waiting.
6-H: Despider. Inside the cave, Radiobomb Jr. and Matango are waiting. For the former, only the Tackle Belt is needed. For the latter, the Remote Control.
8-E: Puuyan. The Scuba Gear and Aqua Bombs are recommended, but not required.
8-F: Iceal.
8-G: Seeballon.
Desert Zone Clear! (10)
Catch all monsters and the commander in the Desert Zone!
Enemy locations:
5-B: Yeti.
5-C: Hippity-hop, Sparky, Tinklebear, Shadow Knight and Pyro Commander are waiting inside the cave.
6-A: Snaky.
6-D: Jackenboxx. Inside the cave, Crystal Demon is waiting.
7-A: Walking Hat is waiting up the stairs.
7-B: Flyball.
8-A: Pygmin.
8-D: Hoopster
Freezer Burn (2)
Craft an Ice Bomb!
Created by combining an Explosive Core with an Ice Shard. The Ice Shard is obtained from defeating Iceal (8-F) or from digging it up with the shovel in 6-B.
Anesthesia (2)
Craft a Poison Bomb!
Created by combining an Explosive Core with a Poison Ivy. The Poison Ivy is obtained from defeating Snaky (6-A) or from digging it up with the shovel in 6-G.
Hot Potato [m] (2)
Craft a Short-fused Bomb!
Created by combining an Explosive core with a Clock. Do note that this can result in either the Short-fused Bomb, or the Long-fused Bomb, so be sure to safe and reset before attempting to create this bomb. The Clock can be found in 1-A (Glasses and Teleport Armor required), 1-G and 5-A (requires dancing) and from defeating Seeballon (cave in 8-G).
Where's the Boom? [m] (2)
Craft a Long-fused Bomb!
Created by combining an Explosive Core with a Clock. Do note that this can result in either the Short-fused Bomb, or the Long-fused Bomb, so be sure to safe and reset before attempting to create this bomb. The Clock can be found in 1-A (Glasses and Teleport Armor required), 1-G and 5-A (requires dancing) and from defeating Seeballon (cave in 8-G).
Boyoyon (2)
Craft a Rubber Bomb!
Created by combining an Explosive Core with a Rubber. The Rubber can be found by defeating Blobby (2-B) or from digging it up with the shovel inside the cave in 1-G.
Toxicity (2)
Craft a Skull Bomb!
Created by combining an Explosive Core with a Skull. The Skull can be found by defeating Killer Moth (4-G) or from digging it up with the shovel inside the cave in 6-B.
Dextrality [m] (2)
Craft a Right Bomb!
Created by combining an Explosive Core with a Boomerang. Do note that this can result in either the Right Bomb, or the Left Bomb, so be sure to safe and reset before attempting to create this bomb. The Boomerang can be found by defeating Gell (5-G), digging it up with the shovel and Teleport Armour in 7-E, or found in a chest in 8-B.
Sinistrality [m] (2)
Craft a Left Bomb!
Created by combining an Explosive Core with a Boomerang. Do note that this can result in either the Right Bomb, or the Left Bomb, so be sure to safe and reset before attempting to create this bomb. The Boomerang can be found by defeating Gell (5-G), digging it up with the shovel and Teleport Armour in 7-E, or found in a chest in 8-B.
Bomberman TCG (5)
Show off your trading cards and receive a Robot Bomb as thanks!
Bring three trading cards to the man in the village standing in front of his house. The cards are obtained by defeating Archer (2-A), Matango (Inside the cave in 6-H) and Shadow Knight (Inside the cave in 5-C).
Full Fire [m] (5)
Upgrade any one bomb to max level!
Upgrade a bomb with the Fire power-up to level 5. There are a total of 9 of this item, so be careful with them.
Lift the Fog (2)
Visit every location on the world map!
Obtained after visiting every location on the world map. You can open the map by pressing Select to see what spots you could possibly have missed.
Dancing Bomber (5)
Obtain all items found via dancing!
There are four items that can be found by dancing. The ability to dance is obtained from defeating the Devil Ant (2-G). With this ability, go to every Golden Bomberman statue and dance in front of them. The locations for these statues are: 3-B, 1-G, 5-H (requires wings) and 5-A.
Chest Completionist (10)
Find and open all 13 chests!
There are four chests that require the Glasses (Crystal Demon, cave 6-D) to be found. The locations for the chests are: 1-A (requires Teleport Armour), 3-G, 8-H and 5-C. Other chests on the overworld are placed in 1-B, 1-E, 3-F, 7-F and 8-B, with the remainder being in dungeons (2-C, 3-D, 5-F, 8-G).
Shovel Scavenger (25)
Find all 8 buried items!
After obtaining the shovel (Digadug, 2-E), there are a total of eight places where you can dig up hidden stuff:
- 1-G [Rubber] (inside the dark cave)
- 4-A [Fire Up]
- 4-C [Explosive Core]
- 4-D [Fire Up]
- 6-C [Ice]
- 6-B [Skull]
- 7-E [Boomerang] (inside the water area, get there with the Teleport Armour)
- 6-G [Poison Ivy]
Bombardier [m] (25)
Obtain every weapon!
Requires you to have all bombs and other usable weapons. All items are found from defeating enemies, with the exception of the Remote Control found at the end of the cave in 6-F (requires Wings).
Bomber Jacket (10)
Obtain all equipment!
None of the equipment is missable and most are found by defeating monsters. The exceptions to this rule are:
- Silver Armour (1-E)
- Gold Armour (8-H, requires Glasses)
- Teleport Armour (5-H, requires Wings)
- Steel Shoes (3-D cave)
- Rocket Shoes (3-G, requires Glasses)
- Combat Boots (1-B, requires Jump Shoes)
- Power Bracelets (2-C well, requires Scuba Gear/Aqua Bomb)
- Lamp (5-F, requires Speed Bomb and Power Glove)
RC Jockey (5)
Without yourself ever stepping into the darkness, send a Robot Bomb to the other door in the dark cave in the Forest Zone.
Go to the cave in 1-G and stay in the visible zone. From there, use the Robot Bomb (obtained from giving 3 trading cards to the man in the village) and lead it to the end of the cave. Can be an annoying achievement to get, but just keep trying and you'll get there eventually.
Finders Keepers (5)
Speak to the girl in the library while wearing the Teleport Armor
Obtain the Teleport Armour (5-H, requires wings) and talk to the girl in the library with the armour equipped.
Dancing with Death (5)
Share a dance with Pump!
After beating Chaos Bomber, there will be a dancing devil on your space shuttle. Dance in front of the shuttle to get the achievement.