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Angemon's Gift Receive a gift for saving Angemon from Disk Domain.
After you rescue him from Disk Domain, go talk to him to receive 2000 Bits. You will miss this if you progress too far into the story.
MetalGreymon Have MetalGreymon in your main party when defeating Centarumon in BIOS Domain.)
The game should have hinted at you to recruit the MetalGreymon when you first enter BIOS Domain. You should do so, and have him in your team when battling the boss at this domain.
Jurassic Park Defeat M-Tyrannomon with a full team of dinosaur digimon. (No duplicates)
When you first reach File Island, your first domain will be Power Domain. You need to defeat the boss with only "Dinosaur Digimon" in your team.
Proven Your Worth Defeat Guardian using a full team of type disadvantage Digimon. (Megas only)
Guardian is the boss for Core Tower, its type is the same as the team you chose at the beginning of the game, so you have to battle him with 3 Mega Digimons that has type-disadvantage against him.
So Many Different Agumon Trade ToyAgumon for SnowAgumon.
ALL the trading related ones are missable. Here I will be only listing the first one, as it can be the easiest to miss. Be sure to check the Digimon Center every time you progress thru a story point, and do the trade as soon as possible to avoid missing any trading achievement.
Pegasus Engine Fully upgrade the Pegasus Engine.
This is the only Digi-Beetle part that is missable, because you cannot install it back once your Digi-Beetle is upgraded to the Admantium Body. Be sure to fully upgrade it before you install the AdmantCore.
The achievements can be grouped into a few types.
Story Achievements (these cannot be missed).
Tournament related (you will need to complete them anyway to progress the story).
Trading related (ALL of these are missable).
Digi-Beetle parts (Buy/find the Digi-Beetle parts, and fully upgrade them).
Digivolutions (Recruit or Digivolve into specific Digimons).
General Tips / Walkthrough Notes for Missable Achievements
The game only have 3 save slots. It is recommended to make multiple backup of your save files, in case you missed some missable achievements or messed up your DNA Digivolve.
Check the Digivolution chart before DNA Digivolving. Some Digimon trees cannot go further than Ultimate or even Champion.
SandYanmamon is an example Champion Digimon that cannot digivolve. If you accidentally DNA into it, you will lose all your Ultimate skills.
Be sure to check the Digimon Center every time you progress thru the story, and try to trade them as soon as possible.
When you reach Disk Domain, be prepared for the "Angemon's Gift" missable achievement.
When you reach BIOS Domain, be prepared for the "MetalGreymon" missable achivement.
The BIOS Domain is also your final chance at trading the ToyAgumon for the "So Many Different Agumon" missable achievement.
When you reach Device Dome, you will gain access to buy the PegasusEG1. Keep this engine and fully upgrade it before you reach File Island, for the "Pegasus Engine" missable achievement.
When you reach File Island, the first domain there is Power Domain. Be prepared for the "Jurassic Park" achievement.
When you reach Core Tower, make sure you are prepared for the missable "Proven Your Worth" achievement.
Continue until you beat the game, watch the credits, and you will be back to the world. Complete the rest of your achievements via the final Tera Domain grind.
The final grind will be recruiting every Digimons listed in the achievements set.
Most can be found in the Tera Domain.
Some of them are very hard or impossible to recruit, so manually digivolving them might be easier. Check the Digivolution section of the guide for tips.
Story Achievements
These are story related, you will get them naturally by playing the game (with the exceptions listed first).
Special Story Achievements
Angemon's Gift Receive a gift for saving Angemon from Disk Domain.
⚠️⚠️ MISSABLE ⚠️⚠️ After you rescue him from Disk Domain, go talk to him to receive 2000 Bits. You will miss this if you progress too far into the story.
MetalGreymon Have MetalGreymon in your main party when defeating Centarumon in BIOS Domain.)
⚠️⚠️ MISSABLE ⚠️⚠️ The game should have hinted at you to recruit the MetalGreymon when you first enter BIOS Domain. You should do so, and have him in your team when battling the boss at this domain.
Jurassic Park Defeat M-Tyrannomon with a full team of dinosaur digimon. (No duplicates)
⚠️⚠️ MISSABLE ⚠️⚠️ When you first reach File Island, your first domain will be Power Domain. You need to defeat the boss with only "Dinosaur Digimon" in your team. If you do not already have a team, you can simply recruit some from the first floor of this domain.
- The full list includes: Agumon, SnowAgumon, Greymon, MetalGreymon, SkullGreymon, Tyrannomon, DarkTyrannomon, MasterTyrannomon, MetalTyrannomon, Monochromon, Triceramon, Tuskmon, Vermilimon, Deltamon.
Proven Your Worth Defeat Guardian using a full team of type disadvantage Digimon. (Megas only)
⚠️⚠️ MISSABLE ⚠️⚠️ Guardian is the boss for Core Tower, its type is the same as the team you chose at the beginning of the game, so you have to battle him with 3 Mega Digimons that has type-disadvantage against him.
- If you joined Gold Hawk, battle him with 3 Virus type Mega Digimons. - If you joined Blue Falcon, battle him with 3 Vaccine type Mega Digimons. - If you joined Black Sword, battle him with 3 Data type Mega Digimons.
Spoils of Victory Obtain the 4 Digi-beetle parts as gifts for completing the game.
After you beat the game, watch the end credits, the game will drop you back to the world. You need to speak to some NPCs to obtain all of these. Consult a guide online on how to obtain them. They are: Whale BAT, Beetle RAM, Eagle BOX, and Maximus EG. Having all these parts will help you immensely for your final Tera Domain climb.
Tera Domain Conquered Reach the final floor in Tera Domain.
Tera Domain will open up after you beat the game and finished the end credits. This domain have 99 floors, and all of them are filled with Ultimate and Mega Digimons.
Some tips: - Go get the 4 endgame Digi-Beetle parts to make the climb easier. - If your Server Digimon slot is full, you will be immune to Return Bug. - Fill up your Digi-Beetle with Parts Fix and Wave Miss-5. - You can simply escape from all battles to save time.
Normal Story Achievements
You will get all these naturally by playing the game. They cannot be missed.
Training Complete Finish your last training mission and earn your Tamer's License.
Official Guard Tamer Join one of the three guard teams in Digital City.
Coggers! Defeat Hagurumon within SCSI Domain.
Feathers Plucked Defeat Kokatorimon within Video Domain.
Wash Your Hands Defeat Numemon's crew within Disk Domain.
Greenhorn Boss Defeat Centarumon's crew within BIOS Domain.
Weakling Boss Digimon Defeat Kuwagamon's crew in Web Domain.
Putting Out the Fire Defeat Birdramon's crew in Drive Domain.
Caught the Thief Defeat Kim in Modem Domain.
Nice Threat Defeat the Blood Knight within SCSI Domain.
Who Are You Calling Little? Defeat the Blood Knight within Video Domain.
Never Show Your Back to the Enemy Defeat Commander Damien within Disk Domain.
Errand Boy Recruit the 3 Digimon Prof. Piyotte requests and turn them in.
Digi COVID-01 Cure Obtain the Wild Code from the professor.
Down with the Blood Knights! Defeat the Blood Knight within BIOS Domain.
Eavesdropping Defeat the Blood Knight within Web Domain.
Keep on Dreaming Defeat the Blood Knight within Drive Domain.
Spare Parts Give Kim a Tankmon.
Trap Card Failure Defeat the Blood Knight within Modem Domain.
Get Off My Lawn! Defeat Ben Oldman within DVD Domain.
Another Tactical Retreat Defeat Commander Damien within Code Domain.
The Leader Himself Defeat Crimson within Laser Domain.
Legendary Island Get the ship running in Archive Port.
Taken Down a Notch Defeat M-Tyrannomon within Power Domain.
He Was Just Like the Other Ones Defeat the Blood Knight Commander within Scan Domain.
Spilled the Beans Defeat the Blood Knight Commander within Diode Domain.
I'm Famous! Defeat the Blood Knight Commander within Port Domain.
Power Radar Equipped Upgrade the radar into a power radar.
All My Homies Hate Dark Dungeons Defeat the Blood Knight Commander within Giga Domain.
Jijimon Rescued Rescue Jijimon from the Blood Knights.
ChaosWarGreymon Slayed Defeat ChaosWarGreymon within Patch Domain.
Wiped Out ChaosMetalSeadramon Defeat ChaosMetalSeadramon within Mega Domain.
Clowned ChaosPierrotmon Defeat ChaosPierrotmon within Data Domain.
The Dark Prince Defeat Chaos Lord within Soft Domain.
Same Old Com. Damien Defeat Commander Damien within Bug Domain.
Can't Run Away From All of These "Ls" Defeat Commander Damien within RAM Domain.
I Spy Corner the spy that infiltrated Digital City.
Power Hungry Defeat Crimson within ROM Domain.
Kernel Zone Successfully land in the Kernel Zone.
Eyes Up Defeat Guardian within Core Tower.
Ultimate Organism Complete the game.
Tournament Achievements
Completing the tournament is required by the story, so you will get these naturally as well.
Amateur Tamer Win the Rank 2 tournament and earn the title "Amateur".
Long Way to Go, Rookie Win the Rank 3 tournament and earn the title "Rookie".
Just a Normal Tamer Win the Rank 4 tournament and earn the title "Normal".
Pro Tamer Strats Win the Rank 5 tournament and earn the title "Pro".
Trust Me, I'm an Expert Win the Rank 6 tournament and earn the title "Expert".
Is There an Elite Four in This Game? Win the Rank 7 tournament and earn the title "Elite".
Almost Near the Top! Win the Rank 8 tournament and earn the title "Commander".
This is It, Chief Win the Rank 9 tournament and earn the title "Chief".
Trading Achievements
ALL trading achievements are missable! Be sure to check the Digimon Center every time you progress thru the story, and try to trade one as soon as possible. You can check the locations of the Digimon you want to find in MetalKid's Digipedia (linked at the top of this guide).
So Many Different Agumon Trade ToyAgumon for SnowAgumon.
⚠️⚠️ MISSABLE ⚠️⚠️ When Disk Domain and Video Domain open up, you can do this trade. It will close after you beat the boss of BIOS Domain.
If you did not join Gold Hawk, you might have some problem recruiting ToyAgumon. You can grind some Toy Car by opening chests in the 2nd floor of BIOS Domain, or if you don't care about keeping SnowAgumon, just use that Toy Plane and then reload a save afterwards.
Master of Sorcery Trade Crabmon for Wizardmon.
⚠️⚠️ MISSABLE ⚠️⚠️ When you have access to Device Dome, this will be up for trade.
Cyborg Dark Dragon Trade Numemon for Megadramon.
⚠️⚠️ MISSABLE ⚠️⚠️ This trade will be available when the Blood Knights retake Disk, Video, and SCSI Domain.
Archangel Trade Garurumon for MagnaAngemon.
⚠️⚠️ MISSABLE ⚠️⚠️ This trade will be available when the Blood Knights retake BIOS, Web and Drive Domain.
90% Machine Trade N.Drimogemon for MetalMamemon.
⚠️⚠️ MISSABLE ⚠️⚠️ This trade will be available when Laser Domain opens up.
Undead King Trade DarkTyrannomon for Myotismon.
⚠️⚠️ MISSABLE ⚠️⚠️ This trade will be available after you meet Esteena for the first time. You can consider recruiting a Betamon and digivolving it instead of trying to recruit D-Tyrannomon directly.
Great Dragon Trade Angewomon for Magnadramon.
⚠️⚠️ MISSABLE ⚠️⚠️ This trade will be available when Bug Domain and RAM Domain opens up.
Cyborg Werewolf Trade Metalseadramon for Metalgarurumon.
⚠️⚠️ MISSABLE ⚠️⚠️ This trade will be available when the 3 leaders send you to the Kernel Zone.
The Third Dark Master Trade Skullgreymon for Machinedramon.
This trade will be available after you complete the game and starts your post-endgame.
Digi-Beetle Parts Achievements
All the parts are still purchasable and upgradable even after post-endgame, with one exception listed first.
Pegasus Engine Fully upgrade the Pegasus Engine.
⚠️⚠️ MISSABLE ⚠️⚠️ After you get the Titanium Core, you need to buy the PegasusEG1 to upgrade your Digi-Beetle. This is the only Digi-Beetle part that is missable, because you cannot install it back once your Digi-Beetle is upgraded to the Admantium Body. Be sure to fully upgrade it before you install the AdmantCore.
Titanium Core Upgrade the digibeetle body to titanium.
Adamantium Core Upgrade the digibeetle to adamantium.
Dragon Engine Fully upgrade the dragon engine.
Mammoth Engine Fully upgrade the mammooth engine.
Turtle Battery Fully upgrade the Turtle battery.
Shark Battery Fully upgrade the shark battery.
Orca Battery Fully upgrade the orca battery.
Spider RAM Install Spider RAM onto your digibeetle.
Mantis RAM Install Mantis RAM into your digibeetle.
Hornet RAM Install Hornet RAM into your digibeetle.
Crane Box Install the Crane Box into the Digi-Beetle.
Stork Box Install the Stork Box into the Digi-Beetle.
Hawk Box Install the Hawk Box into the Digi-Beetle.
No More Mines Install the Magnum Arm into the digibeetle.
Bomb Squad Install the Ultra HAND into the digibeetle.
Nice Treads Install the best tires on the digibeetle.
Maximum Ray Cannon Upgrade the R-Cannon to its maximum level.
Maximum Z-Cannon Upgrade the Z-Cannon to the maximum level.
Minesweeper Upgrade the minesweeper to the max level.
Bugsweeper Acquire BugSWEEP-3 through upgrading.
Digivolution Achievements
The Veemon -tree
The Fire of Courage Digivolve into Flamedramon. Must be stored in Digi-Beetle.
The Storm of Friendship Digivolve into Raidramon. Must be stored in Digi-Beetle.
Dragon Mode Digivolve into Imperialdramon. Must be stored in Digi-Beetle.
These do not appear in the wild, and can only be obtained via Digivolving them.
Easy steps for getting all 3 above:
Recruit the following: 1x WarGreymon, 1x Airdramon, 7x Greymon.
DNA Airdramon + Greymon = Veemon.
Level him up into Champion (Veedramon at first, and later Flamedramon).
DNA the Veedramon or Flamedramon + Greymon = back into Veemon, to increase its DP.
Repeat until you reach DP 7, then DNA the Flamedramon + WarGreymon = back into Veemon.
With a DP 8 Veemon, level him up into Mega. You will get Flamedramon, Raidramon, and I-dramon in one go.
The 3 High-DP Megas
Holy Knight Fusion Recruit Omnimon or digivolve into Omnimon. Must be stored in Digi-Beetle.
Sovereign of the West Recruit Baihumon or digivolve into Baihumon. Must be stored in Digi-Beetle.
Y2K Bug Recruit Diaboromon or digivolve into Diaboromon. Must be stored in Digi-Beetle.
Although they do appear in Tera Domain, they are very rare and very hard to recruit. Because they only appear on higher levels of the domain, and they usually spawn in a small room accompanied by Rookie Digimons that move 2 squares per turn. Digivolving them could be an easier option.
Steps for obtaining all 3 achievements above:
Recruit lots of Triceramon and DNA them into Tyrannomon over and over again, to build up its DP.
Triceramon + Triceramon = Tyrannomon.
Level Tyrannomon up, he will digivolve into Triceramon.
DNA the Triceramon with another Triceramon again, and repeat.
At DP 8 onwards, Tyrannomon will digivolve into MasterTyrannomon.
Continue DNA the MasterTyrannomon with Triceramon back into Tyrannomon.
Repeat until your Tyrannomon is DP 18, level him up into MasterTyrannomon.
At DP 18, DNA the MasterTyrannomon + WarGreymon back into Tyrannomon.
Now DP 19 Tyrannomon, level him up into Mega to get WarGreymon.
DNA the WarGreymon + Machinedramon = MetalGreymon.
At DP 20, MetalGreymon will digivolve into Omnimon (achievement pop!).
DNA the Omnimon + M-Garurumon = Meteormon.
Meteormon will digivolve into Baihumon (achievement pop!).
DNA the Baihumon + GranKuwagamon = Okuwamon.
Okuwamon will digivolve into Diaboromon (achievement pop!).
Rest of the Megas
They can all be found in the Tera Domain that opens up after endgame.
You can find where they are in MetalKid's Digipedia. Some are easier, and some requires a bit more luck.
Dramon Killers Wielder Recruit Wargreymon or digivolve into Wargreymon. Must be stored in Digi-Beetle.
Legendary Phoenix Recruit Phoenixmon or digivolve into Phoenixmon. Must be stored in Digi-Beetle.
Seraph Digimon Recruit Seraphimon or digivolve into Seraphimon. Must be stored in Digi-Beetle.
Reanimated Mammoth Recruit SkullMammothmon or digivolve into SkullMammothmon. Must be stored in Digi-Beetle.
Jijimon Joins the Fight! Recruit Jijimon or digivolve into Jijimon. Must be stored in Digi-Beetle.
Sea Angel Recruit MarineAngemon or digivolve into MarineAngemon. Must be stored in Digi-Beetle.
Hercules Beetle Recruit H-Kabuterimon or digivolve into H-Kabuterimon. Must be stored in Digi-Beetle.
Mythical Gryphon Recruit Gryphonmon or digivolve into Gryphonmon. Must be stored in Digi-Beetle.
Prince of All Mamemons Recruit PrinceMamemon or digivolve into PrinceMamemon. Must be stored in Digi-Beetle.
Ancient Beast Recruit SaberLeomon or digivolve into SaberLeomon. Must be stored in Digi-Beetle.
Plesiosaur Recruit Preciomon or digivolve into Preciomon. Must be stored in Digi-Beetle.
Tomahawk Chop Recruit Boltmon or digivolve into Boltmon. Must be stored in Digi-Beetle.
Queen of Flowers Recruit Rosemon or digivolve into Rosemon. Must be stored in Digi-Beetle.
The First Dark Master Recruit MetalSeadramon or digivolve into MetalSeadramon. Must be stored in Digi-Beetle.
The Second Dark Master Recruit Puppetmon or digivolve into Puppetmon. Must be stored in Digi-Beetle.
The Final Dark Master Recruit Pierrotmon or digivolve into Pierrotmon. Must be stored in Digi-Beetle.
The Hour of the Beast Recruit VenomMyotismon or digivolve into VenomMyotismon. Must be stored in Digi-Beetle.
Self Proclaimed King Recruit MetalEtemon or digivolve into MetalEtemon. Must be stored in Digi-Beetle.
British Punk Digimon Recruit Pukumon or digivolve into Pukumon. Must be stored in Digi-Beetle.
Demon of the Deep Forest Recruit GranKuwagamon or digivolve into GranKuwagamon. Must be stored in Digi-Beetle.