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Hamtaro HHU

1) Synopsis

Set Difficulty: 1/10
Approximate time to Master: 4-6 hours
Minimum Number of Playthroughs Needed: 1
Number of Missable Achievements: 0
Does Difficulty Affect Achievements?: n/a

2) Introduction

Hamtaro: Ham-Hams Unite! is a very casual, comfy adventure game. Your goal? Bring the Ham-Hams back to the clubhouse for boss! But they won't listen to you just begging them to go back (well, aside from one), no, you have to help them with their troubles or speak in ham-chat to them before they move an inch. Learning all of the ham-chat is therefore also the end-goal of the game.

This set has a total of 44 achievements worth 231 points, and was created by Rewsifer. A solid set for a solid game, without any missables or tough achievements since you can't really make any tough achievements for an overall easy game like this. It's basically free points :D!

3) Walkthrough

Step 1: Story Achievements

All of these achievements are either mandatory for beating the game.

Step 2: Ham-Chat Achievements

While most of these are naturally earned by beating the game normally, some are completely optional.

Step 3: Miscellaneous Achievements

Aside from the ham-chat, there's also some music to collect and rocks to find. Recommended is to keep those for the post-game, because Stars tend to spawn in the same locations as rocks. And every time you re-enter Sky Garden, you have to do the sequence of tugging the plug out for the water to gain access to the middle, and that would be a waste of time.

4) Ham-Chat alphabetically by location

Acorn Shrine

Ham-Chat Required Ham-Chats Method
Bizzaroo Nopibloo Bring home Maxwell (See Maxwell! achievement)
Delichu - Hifhif on the rustling grass where the Acorn trader is
Dingbang - Digdig on the hole with a hamster in it, south of the shrine
Hamsolo - Hamha the door in the south-east
Koochie-Q - Hifhif the tall grass with a flower in it
Mega-Q - Hamha the girl standing near the tree two screens left of the beginning
Nopibloo - Where the hamster is jumping between bars, Tack-Q the south-left part to discover a rope. Jump on the bars to the left
Oopsie - Tack-Q the hamster out of the tree on the screen with two digging holes
Sparklie - Tack-Q the tree with a hamster reaching out to a nut
Teenie - Hamha the sad hamster sitting in a patch of grass
Thank-Q Oopsie Bring home Bijou (See Bijou! achievement)
Zuzuzu - Tack-Q the sleeping ham underneath the shrine

Sunflower Park

Ham-Chat Required Ham-Chats Method
Bestest Gasp-P Bring home Pashmina (See Pashmina! achievement)
Blanko - Hifhif the counting hamster south of the digging minigame
Blash-T - Tack-Q the second pole, then Tack-Q the hamster who fell down
Chukchuk - Digdig on the hole with the hamster in it east of the slide
Gasp-P Chukchuk Bring home Oxnard (See Oxnard! achievement)
Hammo Koochie-Q Hamha, Hifhif and then Koochie-Q the hamster south of the slide with the cucumber
Hushgo - Hifhif the sunbathing ham in the screen north of the beginning
Hushie Blanko Tack-Q the sign with a hamster behind it after learning Blanko, south of the counting hamster
Meep-P Blanko Digdig the cave in the beginning after learning Blanko


Ham-Chat Required Ham-Chats Method
Blahh Bestest, Hammo and Pooie to gain access to Tack-Q Bowling Hamha the hamster running on a threadmill
Blissie Bestest, Hammo, Pooie to gain access to Tack-Q Bowling, Ta-Dah Bring home Cappy (see Cappy! achievement)
Blushie - Move the police car north of the clock with Stickie and talk to the hamster or dig. Leave and return the screen each time until he Tack-Qs you
Bye-Q Hammo Bring home Penelope (see Penelope! achievement)
Grit-T - Tack-Q the area where you fall down after plugging the pool to go to a secret area, then return to the hamster standing at the ladder
Herk-Q - Hamha the lift operating hamster
Losta - Hamha the sick hamster at the beginning
Nopookie - Tack-Q the scared hamster standing on top of the pole after the elevator part
Panic-Q - Hamha the hamster standing in front of the Tack-Q Bowling entrance
Pooie - Tack-Q the defective TV four time until you hear a yell, then go up a screen and talk to the hamster
Shashaa - Move the police car north of the clock with Stickie and talk to the hamster
Soak-Q Bestest, Hammo, Pooie Use Hifhif and the Pooie near the picknicking hamsters on top of the roof after obtaining the Frog-Badge (see Weather Ham achievement)
Ta-Dah Koochie-Q Tack-Q the clock two times, then Koochie-Q the hamster

Sunflower Elementary

Ham-Chat Required Ham-Chats Method
Clapclap Huffpuff and Wishie for the bottle, Pooie Bring home Jingle (see Jingle! achievement)
Cramcram Blash-T Tack-Q the skeleton in the room on the second floor on the right, then say Blash-T
Hamchu - Tack-Q the dog in the beginning
Hotchu Huffpuff and Wishie for the bottle Gotten after obtaining Flower Tea in the room on the second floor on the left
Huffpuff Bestest Bestest the hamster sitting next to the bananas in the room on the first floor on the right
Noworrie - Hifhif the drinking ham in the room on the second floor on the left
Perksie Huffpuff and Wishie for the bottle Obtained after giving the tea to the hamster in the room on the first floor on the right and talking to him again
Smoochie - From the PC in the room on the second floor on the right (see HTTP achievement)
Whawha Wishie Learned after Panda fixes the bottle (see Back To The Workshop achievement)
Wishie - Hamha to the blue hamster in the room on the second floor on the right

Sky Garden

Ham-Chat Required Ham-Chats Method
Hamtast - Trade THIS for THAT to the two hamsters in the south-east vicinity (refer to Unlock The Rock achievement for more info)
Hamteam Spiffie Slip on the banana near the sunbathing male hamster, then say Spiffie
Hulahula Hamtast, Wishie Tuggie and Lookie when reaching Sandy (see Stan and Sandy! achievement)
Nogo Hamtast, Hamteam, Wishie Bring home Stan and Sandy (see Stan and Sandy! achievement)
Shockie - Hifhif the sunbathing female hamster
Spiffie Bizaroo Hamha and then Bizaroo the hamster in the golf hole
Twintoo Spiffie Use all basic ham-chats on the hamster you see first when entering the golf area, then Spiffie

Sunflower Market

Ham-Chat Required Ham-Chats Method
Dundeal - Hamha the sick hamster at the beginning
Frost-T - Hamha the door with the postbox in the freezer
Giftee - Tuggie out the stuck hamster near the beginning
Hamspar Hammo Say Hammo to Dexter in the freezer
Krmpkrmp - Tuggie the box with the rolling ham in the room with cookies
Minglie - Digdig at Howdy near the cash register
Nokrmp-P - Give 20 sunflower seeds to the hungry hamster in the south-east
See-tru Bizaroo Say Bizaroo to the hamster behind the glass, then walk right and say hamha when he is next to the glass
Wondachu - Return the bag to the reporter ham after using Tack-Q on the bicycle in the beginning


Ham-Chat Required Ham-Chats/events Method
Bluhoo Zuzuzu/brought back all Ham-Hams Say hamha to Snoozer (the sleeping hamster in a sock), then Zuzuzu
Digdig - Default
Givehoo Bye-Q/brought back Jingle Say Bye-Q to Jingle
Goodgo Hamsolo/brought back Bijou Say Hamha, then Hamsolo to Bijou
Gorush Minglie/brought back Stan and Sandy Say Minglie to Stan in Pashmina's room
Go-P - Default
Grab-B Blast-T/brought back Cappy Blash-T to Cappy after he asks for another wig
Greatchu Everything Final reward from Boss after learning all Ham-Chats
Hamha - Default
Hampact Goodgo/brought back Stan and Sandy When Stan leaves Sandy's room after a short dialogue, say Goodgo
Hifhif - Default
Lookie - Default
No-P - Default
Ouchichi Bluhoo/brought back Oxnard When Oxnard is trying to get something but his picture falls on his head, say Bluhoo
Pakapaka - Default
Pookie Nopibloo/brought back Dexter and Howdy Say Nopibloo to Howdy
Scroochie - Default
Scrit-t - Default
Smidgie Bestest/brought back Panda Say Bestest to Panda
Stickie - Default
Tack-Q - Default
Tootru Gasp-P/brought back Dexter and Howdy Say Gasp-P to Dexter
Wait-Q brought back Pashmina and Penelope Unlocks after returning both hamsters
Wit-T Bizaroo/brought back Maxwell, Dexter and Howdy Say Bizaroo to Maxwell after both Dexter and Howdy have seen him at least once
Yep-P - Default

Step 1: Story Achievements | Total points: 108

Fast Learner (1)
Complete the Tutorial.

The tutorial of the game right from the get-go. Pretty straightforward achievement.

Bijou! (10)
Bring home the Ham-Ham by finding her Shiny Rock.

Bijou is found in Acorn Shrine. She'll tease you right from the next screen of the entrance, and will keep walking away from you until she reaches the screen with the big tree in the top left. Tack-Q the tree to get her away from there, then say Oopsie to make her happy again. The Shiny Rock is found in the hole right next to the tree by using Digdig.

Maxwell! (10)
Bring home the Ham-Ham by cheering him up.

Maxwell is found in Acorn Shrine. He is in the area under the shrine with the cracked wall, which you have to use Tack-Q on twice to make a spot of light appear. Say Hamha at this light spot and Maxwell will fall down. Cheer him up by using Nopibloo.

Oxnard! (10)
Bring home the Ham-Ham by finding his Special Seed.

Oxnard is found in Sunflower Park. He is very close to the beginning, being all sad that his seed is gone. Say Hamha and check the holes with Digdig to confirm he has already checked every hole, then say Chukchuk.

Pashmina! (10)
Bring home the Ham-Ham by finding her Scarf.

Pashmina is found in Sunflower Park. On the far right of the area there are multiple bars to climb up on. Climb up the second pole with Scroochie to find Pashmina, whose scarf will blow away. Go down and climb the first pole, then use Gasp-P on the crow. Go back up on the second pole and deliver Pashmina her scarf.

Penelope! (10)
Bring home the Ham-Ham by making her laugh.

Penelope is found in the Ruins. When you come across the cuckoo clock, Scroochie your way up and make your way towards the water pool. Use Tuggie on the plug to empty the pool. Go back up and use Hammo on the frog with Penelope on top.

Weather Ham (3)
Get the Frog-Badge.

This item is found in the Ruins. After having brought Penelope back, the frog will be in front of the defective TV. Use Bestest first, then Hifhif to obtain the Frog-Badge.

Cappy! (10)
Bring home the Ham-Ham by winning the wig.

Cappy is found in the Ruins. After having obtained the Frog-Badge, go all the way to the top of the roof in the far right until you see picknicking hamsters. Use Hifhif and then answer with Pooie to have them begone, and then enter the hole with Digdig. Cappy is down here, but you need to win a wig for him first in Tack-Q Bowling by scoring at least 130 points. Pretty easily done by solely aiming for the blue balloons, as the balloon pattern never changes. After having obtained the wig, use Ta-Dah to bring him home.

Panda! (10)
Bring home the Ham-Ham by finding him in the school.

Panda is found in Sunflower Elementary. He is on the first floor in the room on the left. Just climb up to him and say Hamha to bring him back.

Back To The Workshop (3)
Get Panda to fix the Bottle.

This item is found in Sunflower Elementary. In the school entrance, go up the lockers on the left to find a Ham-Swap shop where you can buy it (you can haggle too by using Blast-T). Bring this bottle back to Panda in the Clubhouse and say Wishie to him.

HTTP (1)

Go to the PC in Sunflower Elementary on the right room on the second floor. Use Stickie on the PC tower to turn it on, then walk to the mouse mat. Move the mouse around and click on Hamtaro's face, then click on Hamtaro again to learn Smoochie.

Jingle! (10)
Bring home the Ham-Ham by sharing advice.

Jingle is found in Sunflower Elementary. He is on the first floor in the room on the right. To reach him, you first have to do a lengthy side-quest involving the bottle. Bring this bottle to the room on the left on the second floor and Huffpuff the hamster selling tea. Bring this bottle back to the room on the right on the first floor where a hamster is blocking some stairs, and give it to him. Climb up those stairs to find Jingle, then use Pooie first and Smoochie second.

Stan and Sandy! (10)
Bring home the Ham-Hams by teaming up.

Stan and Sandy are found in Sky Garden. To get up to the pool, you first need to give the monkey bananas obtained for the room on the right on the first floor of Sunflower Elementary, then go to the right and Scroochie up the tree. From here, you see Stan interacting with every hamster and then moving a screen. Talk with every hamster as well to learn a ham-chat relevant for the next hamster, and keep following Stan until you reach the sunbathing female hamster. For her, use Hamha and then Hamtast to get a request to bring her strawberry juice, which is gotten from the screen to the right from the bar by using Wishie. Go behind the bar and use Tuggie on the plug. Go to where the log is in the water and cross it to find Sandy on a bench. Use Tuggie and Lookie to get her to move south. Say Hamteam to her and then chase Stan around clockwise again until he reaches Sandy.

Howdy and Dexter! (10)
Bring home the Ham-Hams by settling the score.

Howdy and Dexter are found in Sunflower Market. After seeing them the first time, go right into the freezer and climb up where you see Dexter and say Hammo. Then go to the south-west and climb up the cash register, then Digdig near Howdy. Go down and learn than Dexter is in trouble, then go back up and say Gasp-P to Howdy. Go with him to the freezer, use Pakapaka and learn that you need a heat patch.

This Heat Patch is sold by the Ham-Swap hamster in the market, but first only for 9999 seeds. Say No-P twice, then head back to Howdy. Head out of the freezer, help the reporter by getting her bag back by using Tack-Q on the Bicycle at the beginning. You get a newsflash that you need to bring to Howdy, then follow him deeper into the store back to the Ham-Swap hamster. Now you can buy the Heat Patch and bring them both home.

If you decided to go to Howdy first instead of Dexter, you basically have to do the exact same but in reverse, and get a Striped Sticker instead of a Heat Patch.

Step 2: Ham-Chat Achievements | Total points: 72

Various Vocab (2)
Learn [Mega-Q] and [Teenie]

Required Ham-Chats: None
Location: Acorn Shrine

Go Relax Somewhere Else! (2)
Learn [Nopibloo] and [Dingbang]

Required Ham-Chats: None
Location: Acorn Shrine

Pretty and Lonely (2)
Learn [Koochi-Q] and [Hamsolo]

Required Ham-Chats: None
Location: Acorn Shrine

Tree Shaker (2)
Learn [Oopsie] and [Sparklie]

Required Ham-Chats: None
Location: Acorn Shrine

Delicious Sleep (2)
Learn [Zuzuzu] and [Delichu]

Required Ham-Chats: None
Location: Acorn Shrine

Never Forget your Friends (3)
Learn [Hammo], [Blanko], and [ChuckChuck]

Required Ham-Chats: Koochie-Q
Location: Sunflower Park

Dumpster Lingo (2)
Learn [Ta-Dah] and [Panic-Q]

Required Ham-Chats: Koochie-Q
Location: Ruins

The Strong And The Weak (2)
Learn [Herk-Q] and [Nopookie]

Required Ham-Chats: None
Location: Ruins

Forecast (2)
Learn [Pooie] and [Soak-Q]

Required Ham-Chats: Bestest
Location: Ruins

Romantic (2)
Learn [Shashaa] and [Blushie]

Required Ham-Chats: None
Location: Ruins

Carrying Kindess (2)
Learn [HuffPuff] and [Hamchu]

Required Ham-Chats: Hamtast
Location: Sunflower Elementary

Angry Wishes (2)
Learn [Blash-T] and [Wishie]

Required Ham-Chats: None
Location: Sunflower Park/Sunflower Elementary

Study Buddies (2)
Learn [HuffPuff] and [Hamchu]

Required Ham-Chats: Blash-T
Location: Sunflower Elementary

Tea Healing (2)
Learn [Hotchu] and [Perksie]

Required Ham-Chats: Wishie, Huffpuff
Location: Sunflower Elementary

Perfect Surprise (2)
Learn [Shockie] and [Hamtast]

Required Ham-Chats: Everything needed to get the item "THIS" (refer to Unlock The Rock achievement)
Location: Sky Garden

Resort Lingo (2)
Learn [HulaHula] and [Spiffie]

Required Ham-Chats: Hamtast, Bizaroo
Location: Sky Garden

Shop Talk (2)
Learn [Dundeal] and [Giftee]

Required Ham-Chats: None
Location: Sunflower Market

Cold-Reading (2)
Learn [Lotsa] and [Frost-T]

Required Ham-Chats: None
Location: Sunflower Market

Secret Enemy (2)
Learn [Lotsa] and [Frost-T]

Required Ham-Chats: Hammo
Location: Sunflower Park/Sunflower Market

Obviously Hungry (2)
Learn [Nokrmp-P] and [Hushgo]

Required Ham-Chats: None
Location: Sunflower Park/Sunflower Market

Double Team (2)
Learn [Hamteam] and [See-Tru]

Required Ham-Chats: Spiffie, Bizaroo
Location: Sky Garden/Sunflower Market

Tired Eating (2)
Learn [Blahh] and [Krmp-Krmp]

Required Ham-Chats: Pooie, Bestest
Location: Ruins/Sunflower Market

Clubhouse Chat (2)
Learn [Goodgo] and [Hampact]

Required Ham-Chats: Hamsolo
Location: Clubhouse (after bringing back Bijou and Stan/Sandy)

Chat Master (25)
Filled up the entire Ham-Ham Notebook

Refer to Step 4 for all Ham-Chat locations.

Step 3: Miscellaneous Achievements | Total points: 51

Seed Spender (1)
Buy Somethin'!

Buy something at any of the shops, marked by a hole with a shirt or in some cases, more secretive. Can be done together with the Ham-Sized Gaming Device achievement or the Jamster achievement.

Ham-Sized Gaming Device (5)
Buy the [Gameboy #1] in the secret tree shop.

In Acorn Shrine at the tree where a hamster is trying to get a nut, Tack-Q him out of it and then Scroochie up the tree. You can buy it for 25 Sunflower Seeds.

The Thunder (5)
Get 6 out of 6 in Strawberry Soccer Practice.

In Sunflower Market in the sports room with all the strawberries, play the practice minigame by talking to the coach. He will throw a strawberry six times and you have to predict where it lands by following the shadow. Remember that you can run during this minigame which is often essential!

Down With The Sickness (5)
Get some Legitimate Flugo.

In Sunflower Market, buy the Flugo from the Ham-Swap dealer and give it to the sick hamster at the beginning. Leave the market and return to see him still being sick, then head to the doctor in Sky Garden. If you haven't done it yet, you can get the doctor back to the hospital by using Digdig in the pipe next to the golf hole.

Unlock The Rock (10)
Fill up the Rock Machine to 100g.

This achievement requires you to get every single rock in the game, and bring them to the hole in Sky Garden near the entrance. The locations are:


  1. Dig in the right-most hole where the tutorial took place.

Acorn Shrine

  1. Digdig on the first screen in the digging spot.
  2. In the screen with the sleeping hamster, Tack-Q the rock in the upper-right and Digdig at the spot.
  3. Hifhif in the middle of the screen where you find Maxwell.
  4. Hifhif near the hole in the wall in the screen where you find Maxwell.

Sunflower Park

  1. Hifhif next to the stairs of the slide
  2. Found in the secret garden. To gain access, the sunbathing hamster from the beach must be on top of the slide with olive oil, so make sure you talked to him with all available options.
  3. Scroochie up on the 4th pole.
  4. Dig shop minigame after Oxnard has gone home.


  1. Hifhif near the clock.
  2. Tack-Q the pool in the screen below where you would find Penelope to gain access to a secret area. Open the chest here. Keep in mind that if you are in post-game, you have to open this chest twice as it also contains a star.
  3. Fall down the hole where the hamsters were picknicking and use Hifhif on the rock nearby.
  4. Get between 40 and 80 points at Tack-Q Bowling.
  5. In the top-left corner of the Tack-Q Bowling front entrance.

Sunflower Elementary

  1. Hifhif next to the dog.
  2. On the first floor, go all the way to the left and use Hifhif.
  3. On the second floor, go in the room on the left and use Hifhif near the broom.
  4. In Jingle's area, use Hifhif.

Sky Garden

  1. Near the entrance, use Hifhif.
  2. Lying on the ground where you fall after using Tack-Q on top of the pillar.
  3. Use Digdig underneath the bench where you find Sandy.

Sunflower Marker

  1. Near the entrance, use Hifhif next to the fire extinguisher.
  2. Inside the soda can in front of the hamster behind the glass. Do not run, otherwise you will fall off.
  3. On the left of Dexter's ice statue, use Hifhif near a rock.
  4. In the sports area, climb the ladder and find a rock up.

For the final big rock, you need to fulfill the trading sequence. This goes as follows:

-> Sunflower Park: Get Cucumber from the hamster in the screen south of the slide (use Hifhif, Koochi-Q, and Hammo).
-> Acorn Shrine: With the Cucumber, go to the screen with the girl hamster with a flower hiding in the grass, and Hifhif the Sunflower Seed.
-> Sunflower Park: Bring back Cricket to the hamster that gave you the cucumber to obtain THIS.
-> Sky Garden: Take THIS to the two hamsters in the south and trade it for THAT.
-> Acorn Shrine: Take THAT to the hamster in the tree who was trying to get a nut.
-> Sky Garden: Take the nut to the hamster who was blocking the tree earlier to the garden who was also in a tree trying to get a nut.

Jamster (25)
Get All Music Jams!

Most likely the final achievement, as you need both the 10 stars from the post-game as well as the Unlock The Rock achievement to open up the door.

  1. Chick-ah Jam - In the same boutique where you bought the Gameboy, buy the music. See Ham-Sized Gaming Device achievement.
  2. Sunflower - Buy this in the boutique in the secret garden in Sunflower Park. Remember, to gain access, the sunbathing ham needs to be on top of the slide.
  3. Hamtaro Time - Bought from the Ham-Swap store by climbing up the east locker at the Sunflower Elementary entrance. Costing 20 sunflower seeds initially, you can haggle it down to 5 by continuously using Blast-T.
  4. Bolero - Learn Clapclap, and go back to the hamster who comes out of the clock in the Ruins. Clapclap three times in a row.
  5. Postmans Rush - Go to the freezer in Sunflower Market and Tack-Q the post box.
  6. "g"Rock - Reward for opening the door from the Unlock The Rock achievement.
  7. Young and Wild - Reward for winning the Strawberry Soccer Practice from the The Thunder achievement.
  8. I'm Your Ham - Beat the game.
  9. Little Star - Get all Stars. Locations are as follows:

Acorn Shrine Star Locations
-> Tack-Q the rock in the screen with the sleeping hamster which will cause a bug to get out. He will roll into a specific place on the wall left of it, where you have to use Tack-Q.
-> In the screen with the door where you get dragged in, Hamha the ladybug on the tree. Digdig in the area where it circles.

Sunflower Park Star Locations
-> Reward from the digging minigame. Keep trying and trying until you get it.
-> In the secret garden, Digdig where you see a yellow triangle coming out of the ground.

Ruins Star Locations
-> In the same area where you get the 3 rocks from the chest, go there again and the chest is closed again. Open it this time for a star.
-> Tack-Q Bowling reward (200+ points).

Sunflower Elementary Star Locations
-> Go up the locker on the right at the entrance where another Ham-Swap seller is who sells "Ham-Chats". Keep buying from him until he gives a star.
-> In the left room on the first floor, use Tack-Q on the shelve in the top-right corner.

Sky Garden Star Locations
-> Where the golf hole is, Scroochie up the pole. Use the Ham-Chat that you used on the Crow from Sunflower Park to mark him as a friend, and he will bring you to his nest for a star.
-> Underneath the bench where you find Sandy.

Sunflower Marker Star Locations
-> Look in the Cash Register where Howdy used to be.
-> Keep giving Sunflower Seeds to the hungry hamster in the bottom-right screen.